Minggu, 11 Oktober 2015

Hateful Disease - Tension Ninety Degrees ( Form Transmutation Sickness )

Hateful Disease - Tension Ninety Degrees ( Form Transmutation Sickness )
Self Released EP 2013

01 Earth Germs 03:51    
02 Propaganda Fanatisme 03:10    
03 Fuel for the Fire Hell 02:40    
04 Brain Washer 03:51    
05 Doktrin Jihad Manipulasi 03:59

Fikri - Bass
Dicka - Drums
Panji - Guitars
Kidjun - Vocals

Geliat Death Metal Movement Tanah air semakin hari memang selalu menunjukkan Kuantitasnya, buktinya eksistensi mereka terus berakhir dengan merilis sebuah Rilisan Dasyat ! sehingga kadang Gw merasa surprising juga kehadirannya sama sekali ga terdeteksi oleh pengamatan gw hehehe,  Hateful Disease, Band Brutal Death Metal asal Bekasi, Jabar ini bisa gw kenalkan kepada LIC Reader tentunya saat ini melalui EP pertama sebagai Bukti Eksistensi mereka harus mendapat perhatian tersendiri bagi Fans Genre Brutal Death Metal. sejak terbentuk tahun 2005, setiap band mengalami sebuah Evolusi yang berarti, mulai dari perubahan Konsep music hingga bongkar pasang Formasi menjadi syarat utama band mulai melakukan sebuah perkembangan signifikan. setelah mendengarkan EP " Tension Ninety Degrees ( Form Transmutation Sickness ) " yang mereka rilis secara Independen dan Didistribusikan lewat Proguttural Production, Hateful Disease mencoba mengusung Gaya bermain Dying Fetus, Suffocation, Malevolent Creation, Visceral Bleeding Hingga Malignancy, bahkan beberapa komposisinya kadang sangat mengingatkan gw dengan karakteristik Band Populer Bandung Scene, Disinfected era " Melted ".  track pertama " Earth Germs " terasa begitu Renyah sentuhan Sound Style-nya yang mencoba bergaya US Sound, meski agak terlalu tipis serta Triggering Drumming Sound sempat menyempurnakan Karakter Bermusik-nya, ini adalah ekspresi Awal yang menjanjikan untuk jadikan band ini berbahaya dikemudian hari. The riffs are pummeling as expected, super-fast grind riffs mixed in with chugga-chugga death metal riffing. They have a nice grit and rawness to them bringing an overall rich and deep sound to the table. The unfortunate thing is that most of the riffs aren't very memorable, which is something death metal in particular needs. It's not that they're clusterfucked and constantly changing like many contemporary death metal acts; it's that they just don't bring enough catchiness, groove, or shear technicality to be memorable. beberapa gempuran Hypersnare menjadi lebih Variatif dengan sentuhan Groovy yang simple cukup bikin Catchy en Headbanging adrenalin yeahh. Gaya Riffing Panji rupanya begitu banyak mencoba mendominasi setiap aransemen musik dan menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi Drummer Dicka untuk mengimbanginya. " Propaganda Fanatisme ", tempo permainan semakin ditambahkan ke level cepatnya tanpa menghilangkan beberapa sentuhan Slam Groovy Catchynya itu. And, notwithstanding, is the decent vocal performance, which mostly consists of septic gurgles usual for the genre, getting fairly boring after a while. However, the other, more high-pitched growls that are also used are much better, mainly because there's much more overall variety to them in that they change pitch and often carry some melody whereas the gurgles are fairly monotone. Memang Karakter Vokal sedot masih menjadi Faforite di Scene Tanah Air, sehingga penampilannya kadang Kedodoran dalam segi pernafasannya, karena Typical Vokal Sedot seperti ini sering bikin Ritme Pernafasan jadi Ngos-ngosan, seharusnya Penggunaan Vokal Growl yang " Depth " mungkin akan sedikit membantu kekuatan dan enerji Sebuah Band Death Metal dan meninggalkan gaya Vokal Sedot tersebut. kian bereksplorasi dengan " Fuel for the Fire Hell ", beberapa sentuhannya memang sedikit mengingatkan dengan Gaya Visceral Bleeding sekali. dan Intro Track Terakhir " Doktrin Jihad Manipulasi " menampilkan Intro awal yang Keren, Penggalan Narasi sebuah Orasi Sebuah Ormas Islam Garis keras pada penalaran Fikirannya di Era Modern ini, masih menjadi sebuah bentuk Ironi yang terjadi di Indonesia ini, dimana pertentangan Berbau SARA tetap dilakukan atas nama agama sudah menjadi Konflik Horisontal Kronis selalu menjadi Keresahan serius dalam sebuah Masyarakat. hal ini semakin menjadi sebuah kebencian bagi Hateful Disease untuk menulisnya dalam sebuah lagu " Doktrin Jihad Manipulasi ", ini. well cukup dengan sajian 6 lagu dengan durasi 17:31 Band ini bisa menjadi Referensi baru untuk tetap ditunggu rilisan berikutnya. is falling back in terms of aggressiveness, speed, and overall ferociousness. They will always have a hand in extreme metal but for now they are. Sure, you might headbang here and there, but there are WAY more talented and creative bands that will get you headbanging harder and faster!

Twisted Land of Death Metal Movement is getting the water it always shows The quantity, the proof of their continued existence ended with the release of a catastrophic release! so sometimes Gw feel his presence altogether surprising also detected by observation gw ga hehehe, Hateful Disease, Brutal Death Metal band from Bekasi, West Java can i introduce the Reader LIC current course through the first EP as evidence of their existence should get special attention for Fans Brutal Death Metal genre. since forming in 2005, each band had a significant evolution, ranging from music to change concept of assembling a key condition Formation band started doing a significant development. after listening to the EP "Tension Ninety Degrees (Form Transmutation Sickness)" which they release as an Independent and Distributed by Proguttural Production, Hateful Disease trying to carry the play style of Dying Fetus, Suffocation, Malevolent Creation, Visceral Bleeding Until Malignancy, even sometimes very reminiscent of some composition gw Popular with the band characteristics of Bandung Scene, Disinfected era "Melted". The first track "Earth Germs" feels so Crisp Sound Style touches her tried-style U.S. Sound, although a bit too thin and triggering Drumming Sound could enhance his musical character, this is a promising start for the expression make this dangerous band in the future. The riffs are pummeling as expected, super-fast grind riffs mixed in with death metal chugga-chugga riffing. They have a nice grit and rawness to them bringing an overall rich and deep sound to the table. The unfortunate thing is that most of the riffs are not very memorable, something roomates is death metal in particular needs. It's not that they're constantly changing clusterfucked and like many contemporary death metal acts; it's that they just do not bring enough catchiness, groove, or shear technicality to be memorable. some become more Variatif Hypersnare onslaught with a simple touch of Groovy enough to make Catchy en Headbanging adrenaline yeahh. Flag riffing style seems so much trying to dominate every musical arrangements and a challenge for Drummer Dicka to compensate. "Propaganda fanaticism", the tempo of the game was added to a rapidly without losing a touch of Groovy Slam Catchynya it. And, Notwithstanding, is the decent vocal performance, roomates mostly consists of septic gurgles usual for the genre, getting fairly boring after a while. However, the other, more high-pitched growls that are also used are much better, mainly Because there's much more variety to them overall in that they change pitch and Often carry some melody whereas the gurgles are fairly monotone. It's still a suction Character Vocal Scene Faforite in the country, so its appearance sometimes oversized in terms of breathing, because Typical Vocal Suck like this often so make Respiratory Rhythm struggling, Vocal Growl should use the "Depth" may be a little help power and energy A Death Metal Band Vocal style and leave the Suck. increasingly explore the "Fuel for the Fire Hell", a touch is a bit reminiscent of the style once Visceral Bleeding. and Intro Last Track "Doctrine of Jihad Manipulation" show intro start Keren, a narrative fragment Oration A hard line Islamic organizations in the reasoning mind for instance in the Modern Era, still be a form of irony that occurs in Indonesia, where the conflict is still being done on the SARA Smelling name of religion has become a chronic Horizontal Conflict has always been serious unrest in a society. it is increasingly becoming a hatred for Disease Hateful to write it in a song "The doctrine of Jihad Manipulation", this. well enough to dish 6 songs with duration 17:31 This band could be the new reference for the next release still awaited. is falling back in terms of aggressiveness, speed, and overall ferociousness. They will always have a hand in extreme metal but for now they are. Sure, you might headbang here and there, but there are WAY more talented and creative bands that will get you headbanging harder and faster!

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