Senin, 05 Oktober 2015

Malevolent Creation - Dead Man's Path CD 2015

Malevolent Creation - Dead Man's Path
Century Media Records 2015

01 Dead Man's Path 04:51    
02 Soul Razer 04:01    
03 Imperium (Kill Force Rising) 06:09    
04 Corporate Weaponry 03:55    
05 Blood of the Fallen 04:52      
06 Resistance Is Victory 03:47    
07 12th Prophecy 04:14    
08 Extinction Personified 04:09    
09 Fragmental Sanity 04:07   
10 Face Your Fear 04:24

Brett Hoffmann - Vocals
Phil Fasciana - Guitars
Gio Geraca - Guitars
Jason Blachowicz - Bass
Justin DiPinto - Drums

Setelah Hampir 5 Tahun Bersemedi dalam pengasingan, Veteran Florida Death Metal Outfit, Malevolent Creation (MC) untuk pertama kalinya kembali Mempersembahkan Spesial Package Musikal Ke-12 sekaligus menjadi Debut pertama Sejak MC bergabung dalam Kubu roster Century Media Records. sebelumnya MC mewarnai Eksistensi barunya tanpa drummer Gus Rios yang dipecat dengan pemberitaan kurang sedap beredar sebelumnya tahun 2014, beruntung MC Segera meminang kembali Drummer muda Berbakat Justin DiPinto yang sebelumnya pernah terlibat dalam formasi album " The Will to Kill ". Kehadiran kembali Justin DiPinto masih diharap memberi Power musikal MC tetap meledak hebat ! straightforward and sadistic with surprise and venduring extremity !!! Formasi sendiri masih mempertahan 3 member orisinil band sejak terbentuk tahun 1987, Phil Fasciana, Jason Blachowicz dan Brett Hoffmann, dipercaya sebagai pemilik warna asli MC. Sayang jika gitaris Jeff Juszkiewicz atau Rob Barrett tidak pernah kembali untuk formasi utuh-nya. dan untuk memberi kesan Materi baru ini tetap Kult, MC menggandeng untuk kerjasama awalnya bareng sosok " One of the best-respected musicians in metal music " Dan Erland Swanö, Yaa.. siapa yang ga mengenal sosok Dan Swanö ? sebagai penulis lagu serta Produser handal, Dan Swanö bersedia menjadi Produser serta Mixing materi " Dead Man's Path ". menjadi Poin menarik memang ketika khabar ini tersiar sejak pertama kali MC melakukan Pressing Album ini. songwriting and general attitude and we are again here to enjoy the relentless march of this sincere band in death metal. Meski MC pelit sekali mengenalkan Sedikit materi-nya karena sebuah alasan, Nyatanya Album ke-12 ini memang menjadi salah satu Trik Marketing Band serta Label demi mengundang rasa penasaran Fans ketika secara resmi dilepas serentak Internasional pada 2 Oktober 2015 ini. is another machination of high paced warfare, conjuring ample tension and release through its barbaric notation.

Tidak langsung memulai dengan gempuran memanas saat pertama kali track " Dead Man's Path " ditaruh dalam urutan terdepan Tracklist, karena track ini seperti kembali sengaja memancing rasa Penasaran hebat ketika Fans harus menunggu selama hampir 5 tahun demi merasakan kembali Invasi Death Metal Asli Florida style. Sajian Clean Gitar yang dipersembahkan pada Track ini memang menebar aroma dan nuansa Epic Doomy yang cenderung Depresif meski ketika Ketukan Drum mulai memasuki part-nya. tentu kita tidak merasa sabaran untuk melakukan Next skip Track, Bagaimana ga penasaran jika durasi Track yang hampir 5 menitan ini masih belum sepenuh-nya menjadi Kekuatan MC " Sebenar "nya, tapi tenang aja, " Dead Man's Path " dapat menjadi Foreplay Track yang mencekam dengan Harmoni Gelap Depresif-nya. Well, Kangen dengan Serangan Ngebut MC Seperti sebelumnya, Prepare fisik dan Otak kalian dengan sambutan " Soul Razer " yang seketika memborbardir hebat sajiannya. Fast Tempo blastbeat Snare kental dengan komposisi Kental Death Metal Riff sound " Khas " MC seperti materi-materi sebelumnya tetap aman terjaga Komposisi-nya, a slight turn towards a more Brutal Death/Thrash Hybrid, with a Central Riffing Momentum that would have been a Solid match for any of the Bay Area 80s efforts Attacking ! Duet Dasyat Phil Fasciana dan Gio Geraca masih menjadi Tim Distortif solid saat elo masih merasakan sayatan Tajam era " Invidious Dominion ". Penampilan drummer Justin DiPinto masih setangguh Skill dan Power-nya untuk MC Perhitungkan kembali kegilaannya untuk mengisi materi baru ini. Raungan Keras Brett Hoffmann tentu masih menjadi Icon penting karakteristik MC. Meski rasanya usia tidak menghalangi Sebagian besar Attitude, Pembuktian nyata Idealisme mereka mampu bertahan. Pukulan rapat Twin pedal Justin kembali Menjadi Opening Dasyat di " Imperium (Kill Force Rising) ", seakan tiada henti menggempurkan Power Blastbeat menjadi Struktur yang mendominasi. tetap mempertahankan ciri khas asli, MC terus menghajarkan kembali Partisi Musik Barbarik di " Corporate Weaponry ", More Fast and fast as fuck, Yess, I Like this track Especially Musickal Conception ! begitu juga dengan " Blood of the Fallen ", seakan meledak tiada terkendali mood-nya. Seperti membawa Semangat baru " The Will to Kill ", Gempuran maha dasyat memang menjadi pemandangan Prioritas disaat sajian begitu Menggilas ! OMG, siksaan masih terus mendera hebat tanpa mengenal belas kasihan, " Resistance Is Victory ", Kontradiksi Harmoni yang gelap terus dibenturkan dengan Kultur Barbar beat-nya. sangat jelas Materi ini bukan untuk konsumsi seseorang yang berjiwa lemah ! its predecessor consistency of quality and approach does get in the way of identity and as a result while some songs are better than others there are no essential corkers in play that are significantly better than their counterparts. Rasanya " 12th Prophecy " pun juga tidak kenal kata lelah dengan tempo anti Melambat. tapi tenang aja, Jika MC masih punya " Extinction Personified " yang siap bikin kalian Headbang sejenak dengan Midtempo Spiteful sebelum " Fragmental Sanity " dan " Face Your Fear " memenggal kembali Leher kalian dengan Blastbeat Attack Jahanamnya.

Rasanya " Dead Man's Path " masih menjadi Masterpiece kebanggaan MC untuk dipersembahkan kepada The True Death metal Fans. Definitely fast tremolo picking occurs here, but not enough music to accompany the totality in riffing, What would've been classic is if the guitar riffs would've been catchier and songs that would stick into your brain because of their innovation. Bukti Krusial jika MC masih setangguh eksistensi-nya sebagai Jawara Veteran Florida Death Metal yang ngetop di era 90-an. penyajian materi yang semakin berat dan lebih " Orisinil " ketika kita mendengar kembali Kedasyatan " The Ten Commandments " dan " Stillborn ", meski Harapan Paling besar gw masih terpaku pada materi Fantastis seperti " Retribution " yang menjadi Playlist Album sepanjang masa Gw. " Dead Man's Path " tetap membawa Ekspetasi Kuat sebagai bentuk kuat MC ditengah eksistensi-nya. its very straightforward in its Punishing Intentions, but despite itself, the Rampant guitar Onslaught somehow Manifests this street-level Brutality which bristles with Spikes, Knives, Chains and bats that constantly apply themselves to the listener, like an attempt to set a Guinness World Record for the longest Death Metal Mugging in history.

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, use Google Translate)

After almost 5 years meditating in seclusion, Veteran Florida Death Metal Outfit, Malevolent Creation (MC) for the first time back Special Package Presents Musical as well as a 12-MC's debut Since joining the camp roster Century Media Records. previous MC coloring his new existence without drummer Gus Rios who was fired by the dreadful news circulated earlier in 2014, MC lucky to woo back soon Talented young drummer Justin dipinto who was previously involved in the formation of the album "The Will to Kill".The presence back Justin dipinto still expected to give Power a musical MC remains a great exploding! straightforward and sadistic with surprise and venduring extremity !!!Formation itself still retain three original band members since forming in 1987, Phil Fasciana, Jason Blachowicz and Brett Hoffmann, believed to be the owner of the original color of the MC.Unfortunately, if guitarist Jeff Juszkiewicz or Rob Barrett never returned to complete his formation.and to give an impression of this new material remain Kult, MC took for cooperation initially with the figure "One of the best-respected musicians in metal music" And Erland Swanö, Yaa .. who know the figure of Dan Swanö?as a songwriter as well as a reliable producer, Dan Swanö willing to be a producer as well as mixing the material "Dead Man's Path".become interesting point was when the News of this spread since the first MC did Pressing this album.songwriting and general attitude and we are again here to enjoy the Relentless march of this sincere in death metal band.Although MC stingy Few introduces his material for a reason, fact Album 12th is indeed the one trick Marketing Band and Label in order to invite the curiosity of fans when it is officially released simultaneously on October 2, 2015 International another machination of high paced warfare, conjuring ample tension and release through its barbaric notation.

Indirect start with the onslaught of heat up as the first track "Dead Man's Path" is put in the forefront Tracklist, because this track like the back deliberately provoke a sense of Curious great when fans had to wait for almost 5 years in order to feel again Invasion Death Metal Original Florida style.Clean dish dedicated guitar on this track was to spread the scent and feel of Epic doomy which tend Depressive even when Beats Drum began to enter his part.we certainly do not feel impatient to do Next skip Track, How ga curious if the duration of the track which is almost 5 menitan is still not fully her become Power of MC "Right as" it, but just calm, "Dead Man's Path" can be Foreplay Track grippingwith its Depressive Dark Harmony.Well, Kangen Attacks Speeding MC As before, the physical and brain Prepare welcome you with "Soul Razer" were once great bombard grain.Fast Tempo blastbeat Snare thick with composition Condensed Death Metal riffs sound "Typical" MC as the materials previously kept safeguarded composition of his, a slight turn towards a more Brutal Death / Thrash Hybrid, with a Central riffing momentum that would have been aSolid match for any of the Bay Area Efforts Attacking 80s!Duet terrible Phil Fasciana and Gio Geraca still a solid team is distorted when elo still feel the sharp incision era "Invidious Dominion".Appearance drummer Justin dipinto still tough as his Skill and Power for MC Calculate the return madness to fill this new material.Loud roar Brett Hoffmann would still be an important characteristic Icon MC.Although it does not preclude the age Most Attitude, tangible proof of their idealism can survive.Twin pedal meeting Justin blow back Become a terrible Opening in "Imperium (Kill Force Rising)", as if the relentless menggempurkan Power Blastbeat into a structure that dominates.retaining the original features, MC continues menghajarkan back Partitioning Music barbaric in "Corporate Weaponry", More Fast and fast as fuck, Yess, I Like this track Musickal Especially Conception!as well as the "Blood of the Fallen", bursting no controlled his mood.Like bringing a new spirit of "The Will to Kill", strikes a terrible masterpiece has become a priority landscape while serving as Grind!OMG, torture still continue to plague without knowing a great pity, "Resistance Is Victory," a dark contradiction Harmony continues to be blasted by the Barbarians beat its culture.This material is not very obvious to a person consumption of weakness!its predecessor consistency of quality and approach does get in the way of identity and as a result while some songs are better than others there are no essential corkers in play that are Significantly better than Reviews their counterparts.It feels "12th Prophecy" also did not know the word tired with anti slows tempo.but just calm, if MC still had "Extinction Personified" are ready to make you headbang moment with midtempo Spiteful before "fragmentary Sanity" and "Face Your Fear" cut back your neck with Blastbeat Attack Jahanamnya.

It feels "Dead Man's Path" is still the pride Masterpiece MC to be presented to the True Death Metal Fans.Definitely Occurs fast tremolo picking here, but not enough music to accompany the totality in riffing, What would've been classic is if the guitar riffs would've been catchier and songs that would stick into your brain because of Reviews their innovation.Crucial evidence if the MC is still as tough as its existence as Champion Veteran Florida Death Metal is popular in the 90s.presentation of material heavier and more "Original" when we hear back Kedasyatan "The Ten Commandments" and "Stillborn", although I still hope Most large riveted on the material Fantastic as "Retribution" which became my Playlist album of all time."Dead Man's Path" still carries Expectations Strong as a powerful form of MC amid its existence.its very straightforward in its punishing Intentions, but despite itself, the Rampant guitar Onslaught somehow manifests this street-level Brutality roomates bristles with Spikes, Knives, Chains and bats that constantly apply Themselves to the listener, like an attempt to set a Guinness World Recordfor the longest Death Metal Mugging in history.


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