Jumat, 09 Oktober 2015

Karnivora - Karnivora CD 2015

Karnivora - Karnivora
Waar Productions CD 2015

01 Celurit Tajam 03:15    
02 Potong Tenggorok 03:05    
03 Curse of the Wolf Instinct 04:29    
04 Bleeding Wounds 03:31    
05 T.H.C 03:23    
06 Further Atrocity 02:15    
07 Carrion Piercer 03:01    
08 Slave to the Grind (Skid Row Cover) 03:37    
09 Tutorial Massacre 04:24    
10 Nocturno; Descendo 04:00

Fikri - Vocals
Rendy - Guitars
Luqman - Bass
Fahmi - Drums

The Endless Result Being Possibly the Perfect balance of Sheer Intensity and Catchy Brutality ! yang Muda yang Berbahaya dari Jawa Timur Scene sepertinya memang tidak akan pernah berhenti Invasi berdarah-darahnya dalam mengeksplor extreme musik sejak dulu, sekarang dan Nanti Embrio-embrio Potensial ga bisa begitu saja Metalhead lupakan. 1 lagi yang dapat menjadi Playlist Siaga kalian, KARNIVORA, Jember Younger BDM Intestinal Distress siap Menebas Putus Leher Sadis dengan Debut yang Menjanjikan Aroma Death Metal dengan Intense Generic Blastbeat, Splatter and Disgust Heavy Downtune Range Riffing and Assortment of Grunts Swish Gutturals, dan bersiaplah menahan Degup jantung berdetak kencang dengan Ancamannya ! Meski Menjadi Newcomer Band di kancah Extreme Musick, nama Mereka belum sepopuler band disekitarnya lantas tidak serta merta kita akan memandang sebelah Mata Eksistensi mereka jika belum Menikmati sendiri cabikan Kejam musikal yang mereka ramu secara Intens. The Ferocious Assault of Blasting drums, Relentless Riffs, and Gutteral Vocals death metal, Fucking Heavy and Low Tuned, Especially for the Guitar sound. Debut full pertama yang menjadi Penantian mereka sejak Resmi terbentuk pada Akhir November 2009 menjadi kenyataan ketika Karnivora resmi bergabung dalam roster Waar Productions. menggandeng Avan dari Demented Heart untuk Proses Mixing hingga Mastering materi, dapat dipastikan sekali ini adalah Pukulan keras sangat menghantam kembali spesial for BDM Assault dengan Range yang mematikan! dan apakah Gw terlalu Berlebihan untuk pertama tama harus mengakui Rilisan DM Wajib ini? Ada baiknya, Tulisan Gw dapat menjadi Referensi tersendiri yang bisa menjadi Pertimbangan ketika Kalian Menginginkan Death Metal Stuff dengan Style serta Sound yang lebih menggigit. dan Kalian akan siap mendengarkan Materi ini memang " Keras ", Sekeras deskripsi Etnis Kultus Jawa Timur yang Khas. Penasaran banget ? Yuk kita Denger en Kupas bareng-bareng disini. is rather Memorable for its row of Battering Double-Bass Frenzy in the last half that’s Pummeling and over-the Massive Brutal Absolutely Devastating work here and makes for a Killing song Overall !!!

Mungkin Kalian Masih Mengenal Tradisi Carok ? Tradisi bertarung yang disebabkan oleh alasan tertentu yang berhubungan dengan masalah " harga diri " yang kemudian bisa diikuti oleh antar kelompok atau antar Klan dengan menggunakan senjata Tajam seperti Celurit. Meski Tidak ada peraturan resmi dalam pertarungan ini karena carok sendiri merupakan tindakan yang dianggap Negatif dan kriminal serta melanggar hukum. Namun Tradisi Ini merupakan cara suku Madura dalam mempertahankan sebuah harga diri dan "keluar" dari masalah yang pelik. Karena Biasanya, "Carok" merupakan jalan terakhir yang di tempuh oleh masyarakat suku Madura dalam menyelesaikan suatu masalah yang menyangkut masalah-masalah yang menyangkut kehormatan/harga diri bagi orang Madura, Istilahnya, " daripada putih mata lebih baik putih tulang ". Artinya, lebih baik mati berkalang tanah daripada Hidup menanggung malu. Nah Tema inilah yang Bakal lebih keras mengena dan melumuri Imej band menjadi lebih Berdarah lagi dengan Materi ini yang dimulai pada Spoken Intro awal track " Celurit Tajam " yang disuarakan oleh Choidar Rowhide dengan Logat Khas Madura-nya, menjadi Part Memorable banget ketika kita menyebut Karnivora ! Komposisi Death metal Menyiksa menjadi Part yang seketika mendominasi dengan Serangan Distorsi Berat dan Menggilas. dan Tidak melulu Aransemen yang rapat menghajar, Karnivora punya Resep spesial untuk tetap Menggoyang anggota tubuh Pendengarnya dengan Intensitas Headbang lewat Slam Groovy Ciamik-nya sebelum Leher kita bener-bener harus putus ditebas dengan Celurit tajam BDM-nya ! still Possesses Destructive quality of Seeming Sloppy yet overly tight at the same time, as if the sound of all the instruments was Geared towards Musicians much more even-handed than the ones Actually playing. Downtune Riff sound yang memiliki High Distorsi, sehingga kita akan merasa sulit mendeteksi Progres Bar serta Lick-nya kecuali jika kita mampu meraba Pola-nya dari permainan Intens Drumming-nya. Kemudian Guttural Gurgling ala Matti Ways (Ex. Disgorge) memberikan Kesan semakin Gahar pada Konsep Musik yang ditawarkan. Sekilas Memang Menurut Gw Pribadi, Gw seperti sedang mendengarkan kembali Era Karakter Sound " Purification Through Violence " nya Dying Fetus yang coba lebih Membantai dengan perpaduan Jahat Sound In The Vein Condemned, Gorgasm hingga Deeds Of Flesh. Masih belum puas dengan " Celurit Tajam " nya, Kemudian " Potong Tenggorok " siap memutus Leher sekali sajiannya dengan Ketukan Blastbeat Dominated serta Guttural Sickness Vokill-nya. Intense Distortion Riffing, Intense drum-work blasting Beneath everything and Enunciation Deep Guttural Spewed forth through Entire the Material ! Suguhannya juga tidak akan mencengkeram Mood kita terus dengan Sajian yang Cepat, Karena telah menjadi Konsep dasar, Karnivora memiliki Perpaduan yang lebih menyentuh dengan Style Dinamis-nya. " Curse of the Wolf Instinct ", Lebih akan membawa kita dengan Perpaduan DM era 90-an dengan karakteristik Modern pada ketukannya. The Amount of Blast Beating that goes on it just kind of sucks from what could be a really Torturing Ears. Track yang rasanya lebih Menguras Skill dan Power Karnivora untuk Mengkomposisi Hidangan masih berbau Anyir darah Segar ! seperti juga " Bleeding Wounds ", Karnivora seperti tidak menghentikan Siksaan keji-nya lewat Partisi Musik Barbar-nya. Lalu " T.H.C " tetep Membakar Supremasi Ilusi dengan Dimensi Distorsi dari senyawa Adiktif yang coba Mengeksekusi Fantasi, Cukup menggambarkan Lirik Keras dan Sarkatis yang mereka tulis untuk Track ini. OMG, Grinding Blastbeat " Further Atrocity " masih yang terkejam dalam Penyuguhannya begitu Mendominasi Detak jantung kita dibuat makin tidak stabil. while Avoiding the Indecipherable, Monotone Grunts and Gurgles Plaguing brutal death Still with Higher Pitched Variant, that Sounds Incredibly Maniacal. Persis juga yang diledakkan oleh track berikutnya " Carrion Piercer ". dan Menjadi Momen yang Menyegarkan plus menarik kemudian ketika Karnivora akan Seketika membuat Nyinyir Sebastian Bach-nya Skid Row saat Mendengarkan " Slave to the Grind " telah menjadi Komposisi yang menggilas persepsi " sebenar " -nya masih Khas dengan Karakter Band sendiri meski tidak banyak merubah plot asli-nya sehingga kita akan lebih mudah menangkap Esensi aransemen asli meski telah berubah Wujud menjadi begitu Barbarik ! Pembantaian Keji Musikal masih belum berakhir, coz selanjutnya Karnivora bakal kasih Tutorial Cara Membantai lewat Track " Tutorial Massacre " yang lalu diselesaikan dengan Penampilan Track Darah Penghabisan " Nocturno; Descendo " dimana komposisi Sarkatis yang masih penuh dengan Aroma Kultus Barbar semakin mendominasi Kekejaman Pada Total Durasi 35 Menitan. Drowned in Brutality and Heaviness until it Ends would be able to Sufficiently Complement and Improve music that was seemingly only Created to bore the listener to Death.

Finally, Package yang Sempurna untuk Rilisan memang telah dipersiapkan Begitu matang dengan menggambarkan secara Dramatis sesuai Alur Kronologi-nya yang Jawa Timur banget (dari sosok Shakerah, Celurit, Darah, Bahasa Madura, etc) mungkin Kalian dapat menyimak kembali ketika pertama kali Melihat Artwork kover Cool karya BYZ Artwork, Bukan Hanya sekedar Gimmick untuk memikat Pecinta Artwork semata, karena Waar Productions kemudian secara sistematis mengemas-nya lebih tepat dari Art dan Kualitas sound, sehingga Diehard DM Fans akan semakin Dimanjakan sekali serta Bangga ketika Memiliki Rilisan yang terkemas dengan Eksklusif ini (Apalagi ditambah dengan Poster Keren berukuran Jumbo spesial 50cm x 70cm). Sudah saatnya secara perlahan kita harus lebih berani merubah Stigma yang ada , jika Karya bagus tidak hanya menjadi jaminan pasti dari nama-nama yang kalian anggap Populer, karena Ternyata Embrio-embrio Jahat dengan Kualitas musikal yang semain Keren juga telah dimiliki Persepsi-nya oleh banyak band saat ini tanpa memandang faktor apapun. Fans Kultus Beat Barbarik dengan Pola yang lebih Dinamis yang menghajar Adrenalin, Kayaknya Rilisan Muda Berbahaya ini jangan pernah Sekali untuk Kalian Lewatkan Siksaan Berdarahnya. " Karnivora " is an Enjoyable Experience overall and is Definitely Recommended if you are seeking some new Death Metal to jam on an infrequent basis. Fans of Anything and everything Brutal, step right up, and prepare yourselves for a Hardened Stellar 2015 Musical Season Instead of Punchy Slams BDM. YOU MUST GET IT NOW !!!

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, use Google Translate)

The Endless Result Possibly Being the Perfect Balance of Shear Intensity and Catchy Brutality! the Young Dangerous from East Java Scene looks like it will never stop the bloody invasion-blood in extreme explore music from the past, present and potential Later embryos can not just Metalhead forget.1 more can be Playlist Standby you, KARNIVORA, Jember Younger BDM Intestinal Distress ready Slash End Neck Sadistic with Debut Promising Aroma Death Metal with Intense Generic Blastbeat, Splatter and Disgust Heavy Downtune Range riffing and Assortment of Grunts Swish Gutturals, and be prepared to withstandpounding heartbeat with the threat! Despite Being Newcomer Band in the arena Extreme Musick, They are not as popular as the band's name around then we would not necessarily look at one's eyes if not Enjoy Their existence itself shreds Cruel musical potion they are intense.The Ferocious Assault of Blasting drums, Relentless riffs, and Gutteral death metal vocals, Fucking Heavy and Low Tuned, Especially for the Guitar sound.The first full debut into the waiting since Officially formed at the end of November 2009 became a reality when Carnival officially joined the roster Waar Productions.Avan holding of Demented Heart for Process Mastering Mixing up the material, you can bet this is a very hard blow hit back specials for BDM Range Assault with a deadly!and whether Gw too Overuse to first of all have to admit this release DM Mandatory? It's good, Gw Writing can be a reference of its own that could be considerations when Death Metal Stuff You Want to Style and Sound more bite.and You will be ready to listen to this material was "Loud", how hard Ethnicity description Typical cult of East Java.Really curious? Let's Hear en Peel together here.is rather Memorable for its row of Battering Double-Bass Frenzy in the last half that's pummeling and over-the Massive Brutal Absolutely Devastating work here and makes for a song Killing Overall !!!

Maybe You Still Know Tradition Carok?Tradition fighting caused by specific reasons related to the problem of "self-esteem" which could then be followed by inter-group or inter-clan using sharp weapons like sickles.Although There is no official regulations in this fight because carok itself is an act that is considered negative and the criminal and unlawful.But tradition is a way Madurese in maintaining a self-esteem and "out" of a thorny problem.Because usually, "Carok" is the last street in the travel by the Madurese community in solving a problem that involves issues concerning the honor / pride for the people of Madura, The term "white of the eye better than the white bone".That is, it is better to die than live drowned land in disgrace.Well The theme is what will harder hit and smear the image band became more Bloody again with This material beginning on Spoken Intro early track "celurit Sharp" voiced by Choidar Rowhide with Slang Typical Madura her, being Part Memorable really when we call Karnivora! Torture Death metal composition becomes Part instantaneous dominated by Heavy Distortion Attacks and Grind.and not merely Arrangement tight beat, Carnival has a special recipe for permanent shake limbs with intensity headbang listeners through his Slam Groovy ciamik before our neck should break was really cut down with his sickle sharp BDM! Destructive still possesses the quality of seeming overly tight Sloppy yet at the same time, as if the sound of all the instruments was Geared towards Musicians much more even-handed than the ones Actually playing.Downtune Riff sound that has high distortion, so that we would find it difficult to detect Progress Bar and Lick her unless we are able to grope her pattern of Intense Drumming his game.Then Guttural gurgling ala Matti Ways (Ex. Disgorge) gives the impression increasingly horrify on Music Concept offered.Indeed glimpse According Personal Me, I like listening back Era Character Sound "Purification Through Violence" Her Dying Fetus are trying to be slaughtered with a mix of Evil Sound In The Vein Condemned, Gorgasm to Deeds Of Flesh.Still not satisfied with the "sharp sickle" it, then "Cut Throat" ready to break the neck once grain with knock Blastbeat dominated and Guttural Sickness Vokill her.Intense Distortion riffing, Intense drum-work blasting everything and Enunciation Deep Beneath Guttural Entire spewed forth through the material!Proudly nor will we continue to grip Mood Serving Fast, Because it has become a basic concept, Karnivora have more touches blend with its Dynamic Style."Curse of the Wolf Instinct", more will take us to the combination of DM 90s with modern characteristics in his knock.The Amount of Blast Beating that goes on it just kind of sucks from what could be a really torturing Ears.Track which tastes more Drain Skill and Power Karnivora for composing dishes smell still smelled fresh blood!as well as "Bleeding Wounds", Karnivora like not stop its cruel torment through his Partition Music Barbarian.Then "THC" Burn tetep Supremacy illusion with Dimension Distortion of addictive substances that try to Execute Fantasy, Just describe Lyrics Hard and sarcastically that they wrote for this Track.OMG, Grinding Blastbeat "Further Atrocity" is still very worst in presently so Dominating heartbeat we made increasingly unstable. Avoiding the indecipherable while, Monotone Grunts and gurgles plaguing brutal death with Higher pitched Variant Still, that Sounds Incredibly Maniacal.Exactly also being blown up by the next track "Carrion Piercer".and Being Refreshing Moment plus attractive then when Karnivora will at once make her cynical Sebastian Bach Skid Row when Listening to "Slave to the Grind" has been a perception grind composition "really" still Typical with his own band character, though not much change the plotHis original so that we will more easily catch the essence of the original arrangement has changed despite Being become so barbaric!Slaughter Keji Musical is still not over, coz further Karnivora will love Tutorial How slaughter through Track "Tutorial Massacre" were then completed with Appearances Track Blood Penghabisan "Nocturno; Descendo" wherein the composition sarcastically still filled with Aroma cult Barbar increasingly dominate Atrocities In Total Length35 menitan.Drowned in Brutality and Heaviness until it Ends Sufficiently would be Able to Complement and Improve music that was seemingly only Created to bore the listener to Death.

Finally, Package Perfect for release was prepared soon mature to describe Dramatically according Chronology Chronology of his East Java buildup (of figure Shakerah, sickles, Blood, Language Madura, etc) might You can listen back when it first came Viewing Artwork coverCool work BYZ Artwork, Not Just a gimmick to lure lovers Artwork alone, because Waar Productions then systematically resemble its more precise than Art and sound quality, so Diehard DM Fans will be Pampered once and proud when Having Releases are packed with exclusive this (Moreover, coupled with cool posters measuring 50cm x 70cm Jumbo specials).It is time slowly we have more courage to change the stigma that is, if the work is good not only be a firm guarantee of the names that you think is popular, because Turns embryos Evil with quality musical semain Keren has also held perception of her by manyThe current band regardless of any factor. Fans Beat barbaric cult with a more dynamic pattern that beat Adrenalin, I think this release Dangerous Young never once for Miss You bloody torture." Karnivora " is an Enjoyable Experience overalls and is Definitely Recommended if you are seeking some new Death Metal to hours on an infrequent basis.Fans of Anything and everything Brutal, step right up, and prepare yourselves for a Hardened Stellar 2015 Musical Season Instead of Punchy Slams BDM. YOU MUST GET IT NOW !!!


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