Jumat, 09 Oktober 2015

Corporation Of Bleeding - Beautiful Death CD 2015


Corporation Of Bleeding - Beautiful Death
MoonRat Productions CD 2015

01 In the Eye of Hell 03:03    
02 Beautiful Death 02:29    
03 Every Droop of Your Blood Is Our Pleasure 02:43    
04 Built for Kill 03:11    
05 I'll Give You Three More Days to Live 03:14    
06 Suffer Architect 02:42    
07 Mouthsuture 03:40    
08 Save the Best for Last 03:29    
09 Reborn in the Mutilated Corpse 03:10    
10 Anal Abused 01:57

Pory - Vocals
Rheno - Guitars
Chimenz - Bass
Cici Vilano - Add. Guitars
Aditya Perkasa - Add. Drums

Amazed Banget ketika mendengar kembali Eksistensi Salah Satu Pioner Monster Death Metal Indonesia, CORPORATION OF BLEEDING (COB), sebuah Nama & formasi Gahar yang sampai saat ini begitu memorable dalam Ingatan Gw sejak pertama Kali Mengenal-nya. Sempat di juluki sebagai The Mighty Cannibal Corpse-nya Indonesia pada Era 90-an, nama COB memang sangat dikenal sekali telah Menjajah Ratusan panggung diseluruh Indonesia yang tidak luput dari Kehadirannya, Silahkan Flashback kembali aja jika Kalian Menyangsi-kan statement gw ini hehehe ... Terbentuk pada Tahun 1994, COB sudah mencoba tampil berdarah dengan kerap Mengusung Cover version Milik Cannibal Corpse, Malevolent Creation, Suffocation, Deicide Hingga Infernal Torment yang rupanya telah membawa Pengaruh yang begitu besar pada Musikal band. Tahun 1995, Untuk pertama kalinya COB mengenalkan Kerja keras-nya dengan Melepas Demo Independen Secara terbatas " Blood Feast " yang memuat 4 Track Sadis Death Metal Cepat dengan Skill & Sound yang mematikan banget pada Masa Itu, Masa dimana Performance COB dapat diacungi Jempol sebagai Band BDM Potensial, saat Band sejenis belum mampu menandingi Kedasyatannya. Meski Dengan Kualitas Rekaman yang Semi Track di At I & N 57 Studio, Hasilnya masih belum terasa maksimal, COB sudah menunjukkan Eksistensi Serius-nya dengan kemudian melepas Album Kaset Penuh pertama " Blood Feast " dengan Label Independen Sickness Records, Dengan Cover yang masih sama dengan Demo, Kaset ini diproduksi lebih Nasional lagi dan secepat Kilat langsung Sold Out ! 8 Track Jahanam menjadi Sajian yang makin Melambungkan Reputasi COB untuk kembali Menjajah lebih luas beberapa Panggung. this is a death metal essential, Yeahh It is a good effort that shaped what would become of a certain style of Death Metal !!! Sempat memutuskan untuk Vakum pada tahun 2000 awal sejak kepergian Drummer Alloy dan Bassis Ferry, COB drastis tidak terdengar lagi geliat Eksistensi-nya. Munculnya Desakan Hebat dari Teman sekitar dan Fans Untuk COB kembali lagi Akhirnya menjadi Kenyataan Ketika Frontman Vocalis Porry Mencoba Mengontak Gitaris Reno, meski tidak dengan Formasi Utuh, COB akhirnya Mengobati Kerinduannya dengan Reuni dan tentunya kembali Berkarya kembali. Sementara persaingan Pada Era Comeback-nya mereka menjadi tantangan yang berarti, COB masih tetap Mampu menunjukkan Kelas-nya sebagai Godfather Death Metal Buas yang masih berbahaya ! dan Puncaknya pada 20 April 2015 bareng MoonRat Productions, COB berhasil memuntahkan Ancaman barunya lewat Album penuh Ke-2 dalam format CD " Beautiful Death ". dengan Wajah serta Imej baru, Pressing Album ini sempat membuat Penasaran bagi Diehard Death Metal Fans ketika dirilis, Well apakah COB sebenarnya masih Tangguh untuk mengusung Era Barbarik-nya? Ada baiknya Kita dengarkan secara Intens 10 Track yang berdurasi Total 30 Menitan sudah menebar Aroma Anyir darah Segar dengan Lirik-lirik lagu yang siap Bikin perut merasa Mual dan Muntah. Yess ... WE'RE SICK AND DISGUSTING AND YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO US !

Langsung mendengar Ledakan Hebat Track pertama " In the Eye of Hell ", yang tanpa banyak Cing cong, COB menebaskan Siksaan mengerikan Masih Dengan BDM Style yang memukau ! ternyata COB Masih Menampilkan Konsep Musikal yang Sangat tidak Mengecewakan, kenapa? Mungkin Band yang lain pada Konsen serta Tergila dengan Pengaruh Band Kesohor dari A-B-C-D, namun tidak dengan COB ! Meski tidak memainkan sesuatu yang Orisinil, namun persembahannya sanggup Membuka mata kembali bagi True Fanatic Old School Lover ! Siksaan Hebat Ala Infernal Torment Era " Man's True Nature " adalah pemandangan Megah dalam materi " Beautiful Death ", dari Musik serta Sound-nya sekali. Ini pertemuan Hebat antara Old Cannibal Corpse dengan Old Suffocation dengan sound yang Masih kental Oldschool DM era 90-an banget menjadi momen yang sangat Istimewa buat yang pengen Nostalgia dengan Era Keemasan DM Memorable. Mungkin Materi " Blood Feast ", gw belum mampu menikmati sepenuhnya karena Kualitas Rekaman pada era tersebut, mungkin " Beautiful Death " seperti menjawab kembali secara jelas dengan sound yang lebih baik serta maksimal ! They are Still Ridiculously Guttural and Mostly Indecipherable Forsaking the Seemingly Endless Stream of Blast Beats with nearly Interchangeable riffs for some Pretty solid Breakdowns and some Occasional returns to the more riff happy style that Dominated. Bagaimana gw masih merasakan Bar & Lick Riff maut Reno tetap menjadi Nyawa Kuat bagi Musikal COB, yang setiap Progres-nya kerap diimbangi dengan Partitur yang menerkam meski Sound Drum Natural sadis yang dimainkan Oleh Additional Drummer dari Aditya Perkasa-nya Siksakubur lebih mengimplementasikan Kekejaman Sebenarnya Materi " Man's True Nature " Infernal Torment, One The best BDM Album lifetime ! Sementara Karakter Vokal Porry yang masih powerfully lebih memiliki Pendaratan tepat pattern Vokal-nya yang masih terbawa Style Bengis-nya Old Chris Barnes. Aransemen musik-nya jelas sangat penuh dengan perhitungan matang dan tidak Mengumbar dominasi Beat yang cepat saja, karena selalu ada kejutan yang terselip cantik dalam Komposisi-nya. Mengerahkan Power yang lebih Dasyat untuk " Beautiful Death ", COB seakan tidak berhenti membuat gw terpukau, Oh Mannn, compared to later works out of this band’s own creative well of decrepit corpse fodder, COB still create an atmosphere of terror !!! Permainan Drummer Aditya Perkasa memang masih seperkasa Power-nya menjadi partner hebat bersama Reno terus mengintimidasi dengan Struktur Distorsi yang serba Membunuh. All Combine together to form a Template of Cohesive yet Frenzied Violence ! Begitu pula dengan " Every Droop of Your Blood Is Our Pleasure ", COB seakan telah mempersiapkan sekali materi demi materi-nya menjadi sajian yang Bikin gw ga bisa berhenti Berdecak kagum meski Konseptual yang ga begitu Orisinil, Gw bangga jika masih ada Idealis Band untuk menawarkan sesuatu yang berbeda dengan Surprizing-nya. Sekali lagi, Infernal Torment Fans Era " Man's True Nature " bertahanlah merapatkan Indera Dengar kalian disini. Masih dengan Karakter sound yang terkesan Naek turun, seperti ketika Level Gitar harus tergilas begitu Dentuman Drum Menguasai Level-nya, adalah Persepsi Utuh yang terbawa dari Pengaruh-nya tersebut. " Built for Kill " kian membabi buta dengan Harmonisasi Barbarik yang siap Menghancurkan segala-nya. Pertemuan yang masih segar antara Cannibal Corpse Riff dengan Intense Blastbeat atraktif Old Suffocation era " Breeding The Spawn " atau " Human Waste ". Bener-bener Kerinduan Kita akan Old School Stuff akan terbayar lunas disini. its Superior Charm, the songwriting is pretty Formulaic and Unadventurous. Apart from differing intro material, a good number of these songs run together and Unintentionally come off as being filler, despite being fairly Strong individually. Porry Masih gw ingat sebagai Vocalis dan penulis Lirik cerdas yang siap membuat Mual Perut kita. dengan Definisi tema yang Lebih Destruktif serta Teatrikal, Mungkin bisa elo Rasakan hampir disetiap Bait-nya penuh dengan ungkapan yang tidak mudah kita pahami Meski ini merupakan bentuk Ilusi fantasi dan Obsesi paling mengerikan yang terfikirkan olehnya, " I'll Give You Three More Days to Live " masih membara Semangat menggilas-nya dengan Dominasi part cepat dan sound yang berat ! Bener-bener pada Menit ke 15 ini gw sangat menikmati sekali sajiannya. Distorsi Riffing Kejam " Suffer Architect " rasanya seperti parade pembantaian yang membabi buta hebat begitu juga dengan " Mouthsuture " (yang sound-nya rada berbeda dari Track lainnya .ed). Seperti tidak mengenal lelah apalagi Kegilaan mereka semakin memuncak klimaks. Nice First Track untuk " Save the Best for Last ", Kita akan menikmati Sayatan Solo Tajam Mengerikan In The Vein Old Cannibal Corpse. trying to get those riffs out of your head is Damn near Impossible and The Execution of it all is great, to say the least, Each song feels Different and Slaughter. Sama sekali tidak Mengendor sedikitpun Power yang COB muntahkan untuk Track " Reborn in the Mutilated Corpse ", seperti Psikopat yang Kalap untuk melakukan Pembantaian semakin Berdarah darah, Komposisi Memorable buat kalian yang masih Fanatik dengan Old School Stuff, Pembunuhan Musikal ini adalah Milik Kalian ! dan Menguras Power Terakhir COB, " Anal Abused " adalah Opsi yang tepat menyudahi Penyiksaan Biadab ini. Bener-bener Gw tidak pernah berhenti untuk mengagumi dasyat-nya album ini, bukan semata-mata gw Adalah Fans Diehard Old School Stuff, karena sejak Awal gw mencermati Karir musikal band memang selalu menawarkan warna Bengis nan Jahat dan Sayangnya belum ada banyak band sejenis discene kita yang melakukannya. the Sense of Paranoid Confusion one Might evoke upon the Discovery of some Hideout or Backroom full of Bodies Piled high, having been Massacred in all Manner of Brutal Means. It's a wall of Chugging force that Constantly Evolves into an even more Concrete Affirmation that your end is due in Short order.

Terlepas dari Sajian yang tidaklah asing bagi Fans Fanatik Infernal Torment Era " Man's True Nature ", Terus terang Gw masih menyimpan sejuta Kekaguman tersendiri ketika tiada henti untuk menikmatinya. Segala pendapat tentu masih akan kita kembalikan lagi kepada Audience, namun Persepsi hebat Musikal COB pasti akan tetap kalian perhitungkan sekali. Pembentukan Sound di Poseidon Studio oleh Didit " Oblo " Priandi tentu sudah menjadi harapan Band sendiri yang akan kontradiktif jika coba kita bandingkan dengan Konsep Sound Band DM hari ini. dari Segi Musik bagi Gw udah OK banget, sayang namun MoonRat Productions kurang menampilkan kemasan produksi yang sesadis Sajian didalamnya, bahkan terlalu sederhana sekali jika dibandingkan akan Jahatnya materi COB, mungkin Bagi Fans Artwork cuman akan lebih menikmati Artwork Front buatan Rhino-nya RGB. kepuasan Konsumen memang sendiri-sendiri, jadi kita serahkan sepenuhnya saja kepada mereka hehehe ... dan Buat yang Kangen sekali dengan Old School Stuff era 90-an Banget, Sepertinya " Beautiful Death " adalah Momen yang tepat bagi Kalian untuk segera mengoleksi-nya. Especially Fans for Old Infernal Torment, Cannibal Corpse dan Suffocation, Inilah Mimpi Buruk paling nyata yang akan terus menghantui Benak kalian secara lebih Memorable dengan Masterpiece dasyat ! Crawls Forward with Another of the band Sluggish, mad Scientist rhythms, you can simply Close your eyes to picture the Horrific Experimentation the band was Dreaming up with the Narrative of these Riffs, and the later Melody Builds a Brutal and Complex pace to the Guitars which later Morphs into even more Vulgar lab results. I Guarantee you'll be Satisfied, BUY OR DEATH !!!!!!!!

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, use Google Translate)

More Amazed when heard back Existence One Pioner Monster Death Metal Indonesia, CORPORATION OF BLEEDING (COB), a Name and formation Gahar hitherto so memorable in Gw since the first time Memory Knowing her.Had nicknamed as The Mighty Cannibal Corpse its Indonesia in the Era of the 90s, the name is very well known COB once had Colonizing Hundreds stage throughout Indonesia that did not escape the presence, Please Flashback back aja if You Sanction My statement hehehe ... Formed in 1994, the COB has tried to appear bleed often Carrying Cover version Belongs to Cannibal Corpse, Malevolent Creation, Suffocation, Deicide Till Infernal Torment who apparently has brought so much influence on the musical band.In 1995, for the first time COB introduced the hard work of his to Removing Demo Independent In limited "Blood Feast" which contains 4 Track Sadistic Death Metal Fast with Skill & Sound deadly buildup on the Future That, period in which Performance COB may thumbs Thumb as BandPotential BDM, while similar Bands Kedasyatannya not able to counter.Despite With Quality Recordings Semi Track At I \u0026 N 57 Studio, results are yet to be felt up to, COB has demonstrated the existence of serious her by then removing the Album Cassette Full first "Blood Feast" with Independent label Sickness Records, With Cover are still the samewith a demo, produced more National Cassette again and as soon as the direct Lightning Sold Out!8 Track Hell become increasingly catapulted Serving Reputation COB for more extensive re-colonize some stage.this is a death metal essential, Yeahh It is a good effort that shaped what would Become of A Certain styles of Death Metal !!!Had decided to vacuum at the beginning of the year 2000 since the departure Alloy Drummer and Bassist Ferry, COB dramatically not heard from again twisted his existence.Great insistence emergence of friends around and Fans To COB back again finally became reality when frontman vocalist Porry Trying Guitarist Resolving Reno, though not with Whole Formation, COB finally Treating longing to Reunion and of course back Work back.While competition On his comeback Era them into a meaningful challenge, COB still able to show his class as the Godfather Death Metal Beast is still dangerous!and peak on 20 April 2015 with MoonRat Productions, COB managed to spew new threats through 2nd full album in CD format "Beautiful Death".with a new face and image, Pressing this album could make you curious for Diehard Death Metal fans when released, Well if COB actually still Tough to carry his barbaric era?It is better we listen very intense 10 Track duration Total 30 menitan already spread the scent of fresh blood Anyir with lyrics of songs ready Bikin stomach feeling Nausea and Vomiting.Yess ... WE'RE SICK AND DISGUSTING AND YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO US!

Terrific blast directly hear the first track "In the Eye of Hell", which without much cing cong, COB cut with horrific torture Still BDM Style With Views!COB turns Still Displays Concept Musical Very Disappointing, why?Perhaps another band on the Effects of Concentration and Tergila famous Band of ABCD, but not with the COB!Although not play anything Original, yet capable of offering Open eyes back to True Fanatic Old School Lover!Torment Infernal Torment Ala Great Era "Man's True Nature" is a magnificent view of the matter "Beautiful Death", from his Music and Sound once.This meeting between the Great Old Old Suffocation Cannibal Corpse with the sound that is still thick oldschool DM 90s really be a very special moment for who want Nostalgia with DM Memorable Golden Era.Perhaps Materials "Blood Feast", i have not been able to enjoy it fully because the quality of the recording era, perhaps "Beautiful Death" as answer back clearly with better sound as well as maximum!They are Still Ridiculously Guttural and indecipherable Mostly forsaking the Seemingly Endless Stream of Blast Beats with nearly Interchangeable Pretty solid riffs for some Breakdowns and some Occasional returns to the more riff happy style that dominated.How can I still feel Bar \u0026 Lick Riff death Reno remains the Lives Strong for Musical COB, which each Progress her often offset by Scores tearing though Sound Drum Natural sadistic played by Additional Drummer of Aditya Perkasa its Siksakubur be implemented Cruelty Actually Matter"Man's True Nature" Infernal Torment, One The best BDM Album lifetime!While Character Vocal Porry more powerfully still have the right landing his vocal pattern that still carried his Vile Old Style Chris Barnes.His musical arrangement obviously very full of calculations done and not spit Beat rapid dominance, because there is always a beautiful surprise tucked in his compositions.Power exert a more terrible for "Beautiful Death", COB if not stop making gw fascinated, Oh Mannn, Compared to later works out of this band's own creative well of decrepit corpse fodder, COB still create an atmosphere of terror !!!Drummer game Aditya Perkasa Power is still as powerful as its become great partners together Reno continues to intimidate the structure distortion paced Kill.All Combine together to form a template of cohesive yet Frenzied Violence!Similarly, the "Every Droop of Your Blood Is Our Pleasure", COB seemed to have prepared all the materials for the sake of material it into a dish that Make gw can not stop amazed though Conceptual ga so Original, Gw proud if there Idealists Band to offerSurprizing something different with her.Again, Infernal Torment Fans Era "Man's True Nature" Sense of Hearing tighten hold on you here.Still with sound character that impressed Naek down, such as when Level Guitar Drum must be crushed so bang his Master Level, is borne Whole perception of its Influence them."Built for the Kill" increasingly blind to the barbaric ready Harmonization Destroy all her.The meeting is still fresh among Cannibal Corpse Intense Blastbeat Riff with attractive Old Suffocation era "Breeding The Spawn" or "Human Waste".Was really longing We'll Old School Stuff will be paid off here.its Superior Charm, the songwriting is pretty formulaic and unadventurous.Apart from the intro Differing material, a good number of Reviews These songs run together and Unintentionally come off as being filler, despite being fairly Strong individually.Still Porry i remember as a vocalist and writer of intelligent lyrics that are ready to make Nausea Stomach us.by definition theme More Destructive and theatrical, might be elo Feel her almost every temple filled with expressions that are not easy to understand Although this is a form of fantasy and illusion is the most terrible obsession terfikirkan him, "I'll Give You Three More Days toLive "still smoldering crush his spirit with part Domination fast and heavy sound!Was really the 15 Minutes to this i really enjoyed all grain.Distortion riffing Cruel "Suffer Architect" it was like a parade indiscriminate slaughter terrific as well as the "Mouthsuture" (the sound is somewhat different from other Track .ed).Like the tireless especially their madness heightened climax.Nice First Track for "Save the Best for Last", we will enjoy a sharp incision Terrible Solo In The Vein Old Cannibal Corpse.Reviews those riffs trying to get out of your head is Damn near Impossible and The Execution of it all is great, to say the least, Each song feels Different and Slaughter.Absolutely not loosened at all Power COB vomit to Track "Reborn in the Mutilated Corpse", as Psychopaths are crazy to do more Bloody Massacre blood, Composition Memorable for you who still Fanatic by Old School Stuff, Musical Murder is Owned You!Lastly COB and Power Drain, "Anal Abused" is the correct option to finish this Barbaric Torture.Was really Gw never ceased to admire enormously his album, not merely gw are a Fan Diehard Old School Stuff, because since the beginning i watch Career musical band was always offers color Vile nan Evil and unfortunately there are no many bands similar discenewe are doing it.The Sense of Paranoid Confusion Might evoke one upon the Discovery of some Hideout or Backroom full of Bodies Piled high, having been massacred in all Manner of Brutal Means.It's a wall of chugging force that Constantly Evolves into an even more Concrete Affirmation that your end is due in Short order.

Regardless of dish that is not foreign to Infernal Torment Era Fanatic Fans' Man's True Nature "Frankly I still save a million of its own when the relentless admiration to enjoy it.The opinions are certainly still would we return again to the audience, but the great musical perception COB will definitely keep you take into account all.Sound formation at the Poseidon Studio by Didier "Oblo" Priandi certainly has been the hope Band itself to be contradictory if we try to compare it with the concept of Sound Band DM today.of Segi Music for I already OK really, dear but less MoonRat Productions featuring packaging production sesadis dish inside, even too simple compared COB will Meanie material, possibly Only Artwork For Fans will enjoy the artificial Front Rhino Artwork its RGB.Consumer satisfaction is indeed their own, so we leave them entirely alone hehehe ... and Create missing once with Old School Stuff 90s, looks like "Beautiful Death" is the right moment for the guys to immediately collect her.Especially Fans for Old Infernal Torment, Cannibal Corpse and Suffocation, This is the most real nightmare that will haunt your mind is more Memorable by Masterpiece terrible!Crawls Forward with Another of the band Sluggish, mad Scientist rhythms, you can simply Close your eyes to picture the Horrific Experimentation the band was Dreaming up with the Narrative of Reviews These riffs, and the later Melody Builds a Brutal and Complex pace to the Guitars roomateslater morphs into even more Obscene lab results.I Guarantee you'll be Satisfied, BUY OR DEATH !!!!!!!!


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