Minggu, 11 Oktober 2015

Fallujah - Nomadic - EP 2013

Fallujah - Nomadic -
Unique Leader Records EP 2013

01 The Dead Sea 06:34
02 Silent 05:03    
03 Venom Upon the Blade 06:34

Alex Hofmann - Vocals
Andrew Baird - Drums
Scott Carstairs - Guitars
Rob Maramonte - Guitars
Rob Morey - Bass

Menjadi hal yang tidak pernah dilakukan sebelumnya untuk Label Brutal paling disegani sejagad metal, Unique Leader Records untuk merilis sebuah EP dengan materi 3 lagu, ya mungkin kalian bisa cek ricek sendiri saja kenyataan hal ini. namun kenyataannya berlaku untuk Band Progressive/Technical Death Metal/Deathcore asal San Francisco, California yang sebelumnya membooming lewat CD pertamanya " The Harvest Wombs " tahun 2011. dengan sentuhan gaya bermusik yang terasa gelap mencekam dengan taburan aransemen Death Metal yang ganas dan cepat menjadi Tradisi unik tersendiri bagi Fallujah ini. Yet another victim of the hype machine that surrounds too many mediocre bands these days is Fallujah, an "atmospheric technical death metal" was just black metal riffs and repetitive breakdowns with A different sound was promised and was certainly delivered but there is still something missing from this. gw amati sentuhan Blackened Deathcore mereka masih begitu tajam menghinggap setelah lama agak mereka tinggalkan dimateri barunya, Bagi Fallujah adalah perjalanan musikalitasnya. and I totally came into -Nomadic- expecting the same sort of bullshit I got out of The Harvest Wombs. The band have polished their sound quite a bit and the resulting product is actually pretty interesting to listen to. dimulai dengan " The Dead Sea " track Kompleks berdurasi 06:34 menitan ini terasa begitu eksperimental performance-nya, in my opinion - that the best way to achieve the atmosphere they've been seeking all this time is to cut out the sheer banality of undiluted noodlefuckage and replace it with jerky, chunky djenty chugs. yup sentuhan Riffing gaya Djent emang belum gw pahami sepenuhnya sangat gw rasakan tajam mengiris mengiringi beberapa ketukan Blastbeat Dasyatnya. while they still lack the clean singing that that band utilizes, they've introduced the djenting of that band, and a lot more groovy clean sections, where the guitars will diddle away on simple yet layered waves of riffs while warm ambient sounds hum in the background. duet Gitaris Scott Carstairs dan Rob Maramonte cukup menjadi senyawa perpaduan Mengerikan bagi warna Musik Fallujah sendiri dengan beberapa gaya Rumit Djent. melodies work in a clear sonic space !! so membutuhkan waktu tersendiri untuk mencerna gaya Progressive/Technical Death Metal dengan beberapa sentuhan kental Deathcore element-nya. which sounds like a more organic take on the riffs from Chaosphere (think of chuggy sections which aren't exactly complex in terms of time signatures, but cave in on themselves in a flurry of chugs and skip for a moment before collapsing into another groovy set of rhythms). The technical death metal riffs are still here, but the banal type of super-generic techy riffing has been toned down to some extent, what remains has been noticeably improved, and there are even a few instances of the type of tech-death riffs which would be right at home. " Silent " kemudian meluncur sebagai sebuah Intro panjang dengan Durasi 5.03 melalui sentuhan yang begitu Spacing, It's just stereotypical "cosmic" or "universal" atmosphere. dan kemudian EP ini diakhiri dengan Track Megah nan dasyat " Venom Upon the Blade ". music stands best as just a static monument which radiates a bunch of glowiness and light. I'd be totally fine with just hearing walls of pretty sound cascading down from the band's music, but when the band fire up the death metal riffs and blast beats it kind of takes me out of the moment. sentuhan sound yang modern dan megah Hasil Tangan dingin Enjiner Kawakan Zack Ohren di Castle Ultimate Studios yang menggarap materi ini sejak Pebruari 2013 menjadikan Mahakarya 3 lagu Fallujah ini semakin tampil mempesona, an awesome technical riff and containing a few solos and an atmospheric part that does actually fit into the song structure. The only thing that lets it down is a little core breakdown. gaya eksperimental musik yang mengerikannya harus bisa kalian rasakan sendiri disini. This Really Damnation Bastard !!! Despite that, the song is still a small example of what Fallujah could achieve if they really focused less on playing as fast as possible and slowing it down for ambient parts for no apparent reason and more on actually writing decent catchy riffs and solos. Meskipun gw kurang menikmati Gaya Djent style-nya, namun cukup gw merasakan bagaimana Ramuan Konsep Modern Metal yang mengerikan pada band ini. the core material is still surprisingly good, and while I wish that at this point Fallujah would just drop the death metal influences entirely and become an Uneven Structure clone, this is a passable release - not to mention absolutely stellar in terms of modern technical death metal, but that's a story for another day. Fallujah have again focused too much on being too technical and putting in WAY too many atmospheric sections and it just comes off sounding uninspired and bland. There is still a fair bit of potential that needs to be properly explored, but they couldn't even manage to nail a whole song of excellence this time around. One solo and a couple decent The drumming is fantastic also, easily some of the best drumming I've heard in a while; very accurate, bombastic, energetic. The bass is actually audible (at times) which is another interesting aspect of the album. Pengen menikmati Sajian Brutal Musik Kompleks berbeda yang membuat Unique Leader Records merilisnya dalam Format EP?? Gw rekomendasikan sekali untuk merasakan sendiri kegilaan Fallujah di 3 lagu EP ini. the album will be as interesting as it will be fantastic. I'm definitely keeping my eye out for it. Getting back on track, you'd be doing yourself a great disservice if you ignore this EP, buy it immediately!

Be a thing had never been done before for the most respected Worldwide Label Brutal metal, Unique Leader Records to release a 3 song EP with material, so maybe you guys can check it yourself re-check this fact. but in fact applies to Band Progressive / Technical Death Metal / Deathcore from San Francisco, California who previously booming through his first CD "The Harvest Wombs" in 2011. with a touch of dark musical style that feels tense with a sprinkling arrangement ferocious Death Metal and quickly became its own unique tradition for Fallujah. Yet another victim of the hype machine that surrounds too many mediocre bands these days is Fallujah, an "atmospheric technical death metal" was just black metal riffs and repetitive breakdowns with a different sound certainly was promised and was delivered but there is still something missing from this. Blackened Deathcore touch gw observe them still so sharp after a long menghinggap rather they leave behind his new dimateri, For Fallujah was traveling musikalitasnya. and I totally came into-Nomadic-expecting the same sort of bullshit I got out of The Harvest Wombs. The band have polished their sound quite a bit and the resulting product is actually pretty interesting to listen to. begins with "The Dead Sea" Complex track duration is 6:34 menitan feels so experimental performance is, in my opinion - that the best way to Achieve the atmosphere they've been seeking all this time is to cut out the sheer banality of noodlefuckage undiluted and replace it with jerky, chunky djenty chugs. yup touch Djent riffing style weve yet fully understood gw so i feel sharp slicing beats accompany some Blastbeat dasyatnya. while they still lack the clean singing that that Utilizes band, they've Introduced the djenting of that band, and a lot more groovy clean sections, where the guitars will diddle away on simple yet layered waves of riffs while warm ambient hum sounds in the background. Guitarist duo Rob Scott Carstairs and Maramonte enough to mix compounds for color Terrible Music Fallujah itself with some complicated Djent style. melodies work in a clear sonic space!! so take time to digest its own style of Progressive / Technical Death Metal Deathcore thick with some touches of his element. roomates sounds like a more organic take on the riffs from Chaosphere (think of chuggy sections roomates are not exactly complex in terms of time signatures, but cave in on Themselves in a Flurry of chugs and skip for a moment before collapsing into another groovy set of rhythms). The technical death metal riffs are still here, but the banal type of super-techy generic riffing has been toned down to some extent, what remains has been noticeably improved, and there are even a few instances of the type of tech-death riffs roomates would be right at home. "Silent" then glide as a long intro with a duration of 5:03 through touch as Spacing, It's just stereotypical "cosmic" or "universal" atmosphere. and then it ends with Track EP Magnificent nan terrible "Venom Upon the Blade". music stands best as just a static monument radiates a bunch of roomates glowiness and light. I'd be totally fine with just hearing pretty walls of sound cascading down from the band's music, but when the band fire up the death metal riffs and blast beats it kind of takes me out of the moment. a touch of modern sound and magnificent Results Cold hands Engineer Veteran Zack Ohren at Castle Ultimate Studios who worked on this matter since February 2013 Masterpieces 3 makes this song more and look stunning Fallujah, an awesome technical riffs and containing a few solos and an atmospheric part that actually does fit into the song structure. The only thing that lets it down is a little core breakdown. experimental style of music that you feel terrible should be alone here. This Really Damnation Bastard!!! Despite that, the song is still a small example of what could Fallujah Achieve less if they really focused on playing as fast as possible and slowing it down for ambient parts for no apparent reason and more on actually writing decent catchy riffs and solos. Although less gw enjoy his style of Djent style, but quite how i feel Potion Concept Modern Metal terrible in this band. The core material is still surprisingly good, and while I wish that at this point Fallujah would just drop the death metal entirely and Influences Become an Uneven Structure clone, this is a passable release - not to mention absolutely stellar in terms of modern technical death metal , but that's a story for another day. Fallujah have again focused too much on being too technical and putting in WAY too many atmospheric sections and it just comes off sounding uninspired and bland. There is still a fair bit of potential that needs to be properly Explored, but they could not even manage to nail a whole song of excellence this time around. One solo and a couple decent The drumming is fantastic also, easily some of the best drumming I've heard in a while; very accurate, Bombastic, energetic. The bass is actually audible (at times) roomates is another interesting aspect of the album. Want to enjoy a different dish Brutal Music Complex that makes Unique Leader Records released the EP format?? I recommend all to experience themselves in craziness Fallujah this 3 song EP. the album will be as interesting as it will be fantastic. I'm definitely keeping my eye out for it. Getting back on track, you'd be doing yourself a great disservice if you ignore this EP, buy it immediately!

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