Minggu, 11 Oktober 2015

Blood Red Throne - Blood Red Throne CD 2013

Blood Red Throne - Blood Red Throne
Sevared Records CD 2013

01 Soulseller 03:59    
02 In Hell I Roam 04:20    
03 Hymn of the Asylum 03:05    
04 Primitive Killing Machine 04:03    
05 Deatholation 03:48    
06 Torturewhore 03:42    
07 Exoneration Manifesto 04:37    
08 Dødens makt 02:59    
09 March of the Undying 05:04

Daniel "Død" Olaisen - Guitars
Emil Wiksten - Drums
Ivan "Meathook" Gujic - Guitars
Ole "Bent" Madsen - Bass
Yngve "Bolt" Christiansen - Vocals

Sajian Death Metal yang Kompleks tetap menjadi Suguhan menjanjikan bagi salah satu Pioner Death Metal band asal Kristiansand, Norwegia yang eksis sejak 1998 lalu mengusung Warna Death Metal dengan Hentakan Brutal Beat yang cepat masih membawa Tradisi Kuat Gaya Old School yang tertanam kuat pada Sound Riffing-nya. Gaya bermusiknya sendiri adalah karakteristik lawas gaya Gorguts, Suffocation dengan Intense Sounding gaya lama Entombed, carnage serta Dismember Banget ! The chunky Swedish tone with those all familiar muted triplet crunches are staple throughout the album gives you no time to prepare, charging straight in before dropping a trademark Throne riff whilst switching between frenzied blast and grooving chug with ease. Album bertajuk sama dengan band ini sendiri ini menjadi album Full ke-7 dengan masih mempertahankan formasi album sebelumnya " Brutalitarian Regime " tahun 2011, album ke-2 yang masih dibawah payung label Idealis kecil dengan jaringan distribusi Besar, Sevared Records, yang menjadi Debutan label selanjutnya pasca Mereka berhenti dari label Besar seperti Earache Records era album " Souls of Damnation " tahun 2009 sekaligus melepas Keberadaan bassis berbakat mereka Erlend Caspersen yang terkenal dengan permainan dasyatnya sehingga jasanya banyak digunakan oleh beberapa Band top seperti Spawn of Possession, Hideous Deformity, Trioxin, Deeds of Flesh, Decrepit Birth serta Vile pada beberapa kesempatan Live panggung dan rekaman. untuk formasi terbaru ini, Blood Red Throne semakin mengagumkan memang dengan penampilan drummer mantap powerfully-nya, Emil Wiksten yang juga maen di Band brutal Aeon dan Fetus Stench telah banyak membantu penampilan enerjik Band hingga seperti sekarang ini. direkam materinya di Mayhem Music Studios, masih menggandeng Enjiner Audun Gronnestad ( yang juga Orchestrations, Programming band Angel, serta pernah bergabung di Imperia .ed ), Audun Gronnestad memiliki Produktifitas Sounding Rekaman yang ga bisa dianggap remeh bersama dengan seniman Muda berbakat Martin Berger Enerstvedt alias Martin Berger dari band Okular untuk pertama kalinya menggarap stuff cadas seperti Blood Red Throne. 9 komposisi Death Metal yang Intense dan cepat berdurasi total sekitar 35:37 dengan Heavy sound as fuck plus Swedish Sound yang kental. forces the band to evolve from the expected musical state into a new breed of technical playing. adding greatness with the otherworldly addition of finger-slapping madness. Mediocre death metal doesn’t stop from flying across his fret while tapping every damn string in the process. There’s something wrong with the world if this guy isn’t acknowledged as the best bassist in death metal; he puts everyone else to shame. " Soulseller " membuka jumpa pertama dengan hentakan Hyperblast Snare dan Twin Pedal Dasyat dari Drummer Emil memang langsung memamerkan Kadar Brutality dasyatnya dengan hentakan yang rapat abis ! raungan Berat Growl Vokalis Yngve "Bolt" Christiansen baru band ini masih tetap Powerfully tipicalnya jika kita bandingkan dengan Vokalis Mr. Hustler serta Vald. Gone is the vicious attitude of former Blood Red Throne growlers, and in comes the dull display of unoriginal one-toned growls and pseudo-screams that can be found anywhere else. Vald’s barks are just boring to put it bluntly, and he certainly lacks the torturing tone most growlers have; basically, it’s really generic for a vocalist in the genre. sayatan Harmonic dan Melodic Frontman Gitaris Daniel "Død" Olaisen yang merupakan Nyawa Asli satu satunya tertinggal di Blood Red Throne sejak band ini terbentuk. tetap menawarkan aransemen riffing dengan gaya Tajam Morbid Angel dengan beberapa sentuhan gaya Klasik Gorguts serta Suffocation ini ternyata lebih tepat kondisinya menyesuaikan dengan kehadiran member baru-nya. have grown tired with the over-produced and fully triggered drum kits that so many bands use today.” That is a pretty accurate description of what this album sounds like, and thank god. Typewriter / ballpoint-pen-clicking drums get a great big thumbs down. selain dentuman beat Drum yang cepat, part2 Catchy Headbang cukup terus ditampilkan disini. " In Hell I Roam " Drummer Emil semakin lebih merasakan Foreplay di Track awal tadi mengangkat stamina Powerfully untuk mempersembahkan gempuran Hyperblast Dasyat di Track ini. Amazing !!! dengan sounding Twin Bass yang mengingatkan dengan Vader Era " litany ", Hentakan Emil memang mendominasi Karakter Sound album ini. However, I think the deal with the riffs is due to the shoddy production. Again, the production lacks all the balls and violence that the previous albums had, and it’s not nearly as gripping or ear-catching. Not to mention, this album really doesn’t have any of those “Holy shit, did that really just happen?” moments. Komposisi musik yang terasa simple memang menjadi Faktor mudah kita untuk mencerna setiap ketukannya tanpa banyak menghilangkan gaya Old School-nya dengan beberapa sentuhan yang terbilang " Modern ". beberapa sayatan Solo Gitar Død masih memberikan angin segar dengan gaya yang ga terlalu njlimet tapi tetap menyuguhkan Karakteristik Old School Death Metal era lamanya Cannibal Corpse sekalipun. "  Hymn of the Asylum " masih terus menawarkan komposisi Blastbeat Drum yang cepat dan berat. bagaimana kita akan sedikit nostalgia banget dengan gaya klasik Suffocation era " Despise The Sun " banget serta beberapa sentuhan Gaya Gorguts era " Considered Dead " dengan Kombinasi permainan yang Rancak. I think the direction this band is going is terrible. Before it was some really catchy, heavy and brutal death metal, but now? It’s really Blood Red Throne shedding their skin and trying on something different, which is fine and all, but come on guys, I know you can all do better than this. Really, if you’re looking to get into Blood Red Throne, stay the hell away from this album. 9 lagu memang disini akan lebih menguras irama detak jantung kita menjadi dalam kondisi tidak stabil dlam berdetak. sepertinya Album Baru ini tetap menjadi Bagian lanjutan dari materi Sebelumnya " Brutalitarian Regime ", hentakan komposisi Brutal dan Catchy untuk kita nikmati dengan balutan Swedish Sound dan Melodius Riffing menciptakan karakter Gelap pada penulisan Lirik band sendiri. I would have to say that if you are a fan of technical death metal. Or if you are looking for something a little different then what the typical death metal band can offer, I strongly suggest that you check out the new offering from Norwegian death metal gods Blood Red Throne! BUY OR BLASTER !!!

Death Metal Complex dish that remains a promising Treat one Pioner Death Metal band from Kristiansand, Norway which exists since 1998 and brings color to the beat of Brutal Death Metal Beat rapid Strong tradition still brings Old School Style is firmly entrenched in his riffing Sound . Characteristic musical style itself is old style Gorguts, Suffocation with Intense Sounding old style Entombed, Dismember and Banget carnage! The Swedish chunky tone with all those crunches are familiar muted triplet staple throughout the album gives you no time to prepare, charging straight in before dropping a trademark Throne whilst switching between frenzied riffs and grooving Chug blast with ease. Same titled album by the band itself is a full album to-7 with the previous album still maintaining formations "Brutalitarian Regime" in 2011, the 2nd album that is still under the umbrella label with a small Idealists Large distribution network, Sevared Records, which became debutant label They stopped next post of Major labels like Earache Records era album "Souls of Damnation" in 2009 at the same time removing their existence talented bassist Erlend Caspersen famous dasyatnya game so his services are widely used by some of the top band like Spawn of Possession, Hideous Deformity, Trioxin, Deeds of Flesh, Decrepit Birth and Vile Live stage on several occasions and recording. for this latest formation, Blood Red Throne more fascinating is the appearance of his powerfully steady drummer, Emil Wiksten who also play at the band Aeon and Fetus brutal stench has helped the appearance of energetic band until today. Music Mayhem material recorded in Studios, still holding Audun Gronnestad Engineer (who also orchestrations, Programming band Angel, and had joined in Imperia. ed), Audun Gronnestad has Sounding Recordings productivity that can not be underestimated with the talented young artist Martin Berger aka Enerstvedt Martin Berger of Ocular band for the first time to work on stuff like Blood Red Throne rock. 9 Death Metal composition of the total duration of Intense and fast around 35:37 with sound heavy as fuck plus a thick Swedish Sound. forces the band to evolve from the expected musical state into a new breed of technical playing. adding otherworldly greatness with the addition of finger-slapping madness. Mediocre death metal does not stop from flying across the frets while tapping his every damn string in the process. There's something wrong with the world if this guy is not acknowledged as the best bassist in the death metal; he puts everyone else to shame. "Soulseller" opened the first conference with the beat Hyperblast and Twin Pedals Snare Drummer Emil enormously from it immediately Brutality dasyatnya exhibiting levels with a tight beat abis! Weight roar Growl Vocalist Yngve "Bolt" Christiansen's new band still Powerfully tipicalnya if we compare it with Mr. Vocalist. Hustler and Vald. Gone is the vicious attitude of former Blood Red Throne growlers, and in comes the dull display of unoriginal one-toned pseudo-growls and screams that can be found anywhere else. Vald's barks are just boring to put it bluntly, and he certainly lacks the most growlers have torturing tone; basically, it's really a generic for a vocalist in the genre. incision Harmonic and Melodic Guitarist Frontman Daniel "DOD" Olaisen Original Viper which is the only one left in Blood Red Throne since the band was formed. still offers a sharp style riffing arrangement Morbid Angel with a touch of classic style and Suffocation Gorguts this condition is more precise to adjust to the presence of its new members. have grown tired with the over-produced and fully triggered drum kits that so many bands use today. "That is a pretty accurate description of what this album sounds like, and thank god. Typewriter / ballpoint-pen-clicking drums get a great big thumbs down. in addition to the rapid pounding drum beat, part2 Catchy enough Headbang continue to be displayed here. "In Hell I Roam" Drummer Emil is getting more Foreplay felt in the beginning was raised stamina Track Powerfully to dedicate Hyperblast terrible onslaught on the Track. Amazing!!! by sounding reminiscent of the Twin Bass Vader Era "Litany", the beat Emil Sound Character dominate this album. However, I think the deal with the riffs is due to the shoddy production. Again, the production lacks all the balls and violence that the previous albums had, and it's not nearly as gripping or ear-catching. Not to mention, this album really does not have any of those "Holy shit, did that really just happen?" Moments. Musical composition is a factor feels simple easy to digest every knock us without much eliminate the Old School style with some touches that spelled "Modern". Guitar Solo few incisions still DOD to provide fresh air to the style ga too unfocused but still presenting characteristics of Old School Death Metal Cannibal Corpse though his old age. "Hymn of the Asylum" Blastbeat compositions still continue to offer a fast and heavy drums. how we are going a little nostalgia with the very classic style era Suffocation "despise The Sun" really well as a few style touches era Gorguts "Considered Dead" with a combination of a smart game. I think the direction this band is going is terrible. Before it was some really catchy, heavy and brutal death metal, but now? It's really a Blood Red Throne shedding their skin and trying on something different, roomates is fine and all, but come on guys, I know you can all do better than this. Really, if you're looking to get into Blood Red Throne, stay the hell away from this album. 9 songs is here will be drained into the rhythm of our heartbeat in an unstable condition in the development of ticking. This new album seems to remain a part of the advanced materials Formerly "Brutalitarian Regime", Brutal and Catchy beat composition for us to enjoy with a bandage Sound Swedish melodic riffing and dark character creates his own band at writing lyrics. I would have to say that if you are a fan of technical death metal. Or if you are looking for something a little different then what the typical death metal band can offer, I strongly suggest that you check out the new offering from Norwegian death metal gods Blood Red Throne! BUY OR BLASTER!!!

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