Kamis, 24 September 2015

Slayer - Repentless CD 2015

Slayer - Repentless
Nuclear Blast Records CD 2015

01 Delusions of Saviour 01:55    
02 Repentless 03:20    
03 Take Control 03:14    
04 Vices 03:32    
05 Cast the First Stone 03:43      
06 When the Stillness Comes 04:21    
07 Chasing Death 03:45    
08 Implode 03:49    
09 Piano Wire 02:49    
10 Atrocity Vendor 02:55      
11 You Against You 04:21    
12 Pride in Prejudice 04:14

Tom Araya - Vocals, Bass
Kerry King - Guitars
Gary Holt - Guitars
Paul Bostaph - Drums

Akhirnya terjawab Sudah penantian Panjang All Slayerized Diehard sejak Masa Hiatus bagi legendaris Thrash Metal berpengaruh asli California yang Eksis sejak 1981 dan banyak memberi Kontribusi untuk Perkembangan Extreme Metal Cadas dari Masa Ke Masa. Bagaimana tidak Fans Fanatik harus menunggu debut Album baru " Repentless " ini hampir 6 Tahun sejak materi terakhir " World Painted Blood " apalagi sejak ditambah Meninggalnya Gitaris Jeff Hanneman Tahun 2013 lalu, Slayer Sudah Hampir dibubarkan oleh Sang Frontman tersisa ketika Eksistensi Band ini tidak akan Survive tanpa Jeff Hanneman. Atas desakan Hebat Fans, dan Tekanan Sikap, Akhirnya Slayer mencoba memutuskan bertahan dengan semangat yang ada. Memang tidak bisa dipungkiri lagi jika keberadaan Jeff Hanneman sangat memegang Andil paling besar bagi karir Band. Meski awalnya sempat Pesimis harus berjalan kembali tanpa Jeff Hanneman, Slayer kemudian membuktikannya dengan Merilis Single Pertama sejak tanpa Kehadiran Jeff, " Implode " tahun 2014 adalah single pertama Slayer dengan Formasi Trio. Single yang membuat Penasaran dan Highlight pemberitaan dibanyak media sejak pertama kali dikenalkan ke publik. grateful beyond grateful that Araya Cs. are still making records and that the new Slayer record is going to be released upon the masses in the near future. memang musikal Slayer tetap diwaspadai sekali meski Band ini harus kehilangan Sayap Kuat kanan-nya, Meski tanpa kehadiran Drummer Orisinilnya, Dave Lombardo, Slayer masih bekerja sama dengan Paul Bostaph yang memutuskan bergabung lagi pasca Cabutnya Dave. dan Secara gw pribadi juga sangat Surprise banget dengan Perform Gitaris Kerry King yang ternyata mampu banget lepas dari Bayangan Jeff, terbukti dengan Kualitas single Guitar dari beberapa Video-nya, Gw merasakan Kerry masih Unggul sekali dikelas-nya, meski kehadiran Gitaris Gary Holt-nya Exodus hanya sebagai Pengisi Sayap Kanan Slayer. Usia Tidak menjadi penghalang berarti bagi Tom Araya dan Kerry King untuk Tampil Perkasa, apalagi saat ini Suntikan Power baru masih ternikmati Penuh dengan Kehadiran Drummer Paul dan Gitaris Gary, So Sama sekali tidak ada alasan sama sekali untuk Slayer harus mengendur-kan Urat Cadas-nya. Sejak Mempublikasikan Materi baru berupa single, " When the Stillness Comes ", Respon Hangat dan kuat semakin berdatangan dari Orang orang terdekat mereka termasuk Fans, Jika Musikal Slayer kali ini masih bakal tampil lebih Berat dan Cepat ! Meskipun aroma Lagu Single Tersebut, Suasana Berkabung masih menjadi Moody Track-nya. jelas gw ga akan membandingkan materinya kali ini dengan sebelumnya, apalagi yang Slayer tawarkan juga bentuk Dedikasi terbaik bagi Mendiang Jeff Hanneman, Bahwa Slayer masih mampu menjaga Konseptual Khas Slayer sejak band ini Eksis ! Barulah Single " Repentless " menampar keras sebuah Pembuktian nyata, Slayer ga akan Mengendur dan kehilangan Arah tanpa Jeff ! The song itself is absolutely crushing and brutal !!! Sementara pihak Label Terus Memancing Opini dan Penasaran Fans dengan Perlahan-lahan mempersiapkan Materi baru ini lebih siap diterima, Single ke-4 " You Against You " akhirnya dirilis terus menambah Penasaran Hebat ketika Pihak Nuclear Blast Records jika materi Full siap dilepas pada 11 September 2015. Dan Momen Hebat ini nyata terbukti ketika Masterpiece hebat ini kemudian pertama kali dirilis telah mendapat Respon yang luar biasa dengan sold Out-nya Jutaan kopi sejak pertama kali dirilis, Well Monster Legend has Resurrect from Hiatus.

Jujur banget ini adalah Tulisan pertama gw Untuk Slayer yang selama ini banyak menjawab pertanyaan Pembaca LIC, bukan apa apa seh tentang alasan mengapa Gw tidak pernah Menulis Materi se-abrek yang telah ditelorkan Sang legendaris, mungkin Karya Mereka terlalu Keramat untuk gw Tulis hehehe .... Tentang Musikal Album ini tentu udah kalian denger lewat 4 Single sebelumnya, dan menurut gw ini adalah materi yang tetap Seharus-nya Slayer harus menolak kenyataan harus Pensiun dari eksistensi, karena " Repentless ", masih membawa Kekuatan Asli Slayer Sejak awal, apalagi sekarang lebih terbentuk secara Powerfully lagi. Faktor usia sama sekali tidak menjadi Kendala berarti jika kenyataannya Slayer masih mampu Melahirkan Karya yang maksimal meski tanpa kehadiran Dave Lombardo dan Jeff Hanneman. That Slayer is still writing good material 34 years after their inception could be considered a victory of sorts, especially after the loss of two critical members, And this is the prospect over a completely King-penned album !!! " Delusions of Saviour " seperti biasa masih menjadi Pendekatan-pendekatan Masif yang menjadi Karakter " Khas " Slayer untuk Menghangatkan foreplay Pertemuan Awal seperti kita mendengar kembali " Hell Awaits ", cuman beda-nya " Delusions of Saviour " adalah Instrument Intro aja selama Hampir 2 menit buat kita Stay Prepare untuk hidangan Empuk Slayer yang siap meledak selanjutnya. dan " Repentless " langsung mengisi menghentak pada Setlist pertama, Yess, The song itself is absolutely crushing and brutal !!! Gw jamin Adrenalin kalian akan terbakar dengan suguhan ini, Slayer masih membawa Karakter khas-nya, seperti Vokal Istimewa Tom Araya, Punch Solo Gitar Kerry tetap In The Name Trademark of Slayer, tentu Pukulan Drum Paul Bostaph masih jadi harapan Power baru Slayer, sejak mengenal Karakter Powerfully Paul masih mendarat tepat dengan Skill kuatnya Era " Divine Intervention, Undisputed Attitude, Diabolus in Musica dan God Hates Us All ", apalagi masih ga bisa move ketika mendengar penampilan pertamanya di " Divine Intervention ", Mungkin Anggapan Gw, Dave Lombardo masih Menjadi Drummer Hebat dengan Teknik-teknik Roffle berbahaya-nya diawal Karir, Paul Bostaph Mungkin lebih memiliki Speed dan Power Lebih lagi. Sementara Gitaris Gary Holt masih menjadi pengganti sosok tepat Jeff Hanneman, terbukti Gary mampu menjadi Partner yang diinginkan Kerry King. Struktur Slayer masih tidak melepaskan dengan Karakter Konvensional yang asli masih menjadi Trademark-nya sejak 1981, In their place are keep melodically accomplished, yet aggressive, conventional soloing that is not too far removed notice that the latter has speed, intensity and heavy riffing ! Pride and Attitude Slayer masih patut dibanggakan pula dimateri kali ini, Masih Asli Slayer serta Makin Berat dan Cepat. Masih Agresif dengan tempo yang meledak cepat " Take Control " adalah Jawaban berikutnya. My main complaint about this installment is the fact that it's Great stuff. Agak Sedikit Melunak kemudian dengan " Vices ", Part awalnya akan lebih mengajak Audience untuk tetap terjaga merespon Beat Headbang-nya dengan Middle Tempo, rasakan juga Pukulan maut Paul lebih Eksploratif dengan Roffle ajaib-nya. Atmospheric clean Gitar tune pada " Cast the First Stone " menambah kesan gelap tersendiri pada Moody kita sebelum mencicipi kembali beat Dasyat berikutnya, " Cast the first stone / Stand in my way / It's vengeance you owe / With blood you will pay " rasanya siap jadi Sing A long Chorus Part track dan jadi Anthemic Baru. Sambutan Solo-solo Kerry & Gary makin melodius mampu memberi sentuhan Dramatis Aransemen track ini terdengar siap memanjakan dengan Part-part Breaking Groovy ciamik ! I think this style suits Slayer more, as more of a mechanical, cold type of Character which fits in with their music better in my opinion. Masih mengulang Part awal sebelumnya, Clean Gitar intro dengan petikan yang membuat Gelap seketika saat " When the Stillness Comes " menjadi Track yang begitu membawa Penjiwaan sekali pada penulisan Lirik, yapp 2 track yang lebih mengajak kita lebih Cooling Down. Memulai kembali Tempo yang Berat dan Menghajar " Chasing Death " masih terus memanjakan kita dengan beat Konvensional dan Headbanging ! lagi-lagi kita akan mendengarkan Gempuran Mantap Paul meski tidak pada Tempo yang cepat, Yess ... Bostaph is a really good drummer and if anyone shines on " Repentless ", it's definitely him, it is a fucking power demonstration !!! masih dengan Beatempo Ringan, " Implode " selanjutnya tetap menggoyang kepala kita mengikuti Alur yang termodifikasi selanjutnya dengan tempo yang cepat kembali. dengerin juga Pattern Vokal Powerfully Tom Araya masih tetep Liar dan Lincah dengan style Bernyanyi " Nyentrik " dan Paling berbeda yang Pernah Gw temuin. " Piano Wire " Masih Track yang lembut memprovokasi Adrenalin untuk tetap terjaga dalam Ritual Headbang. " Atrocity Vendor " memiliki Rythym Riffing awal yang Ke-warna Bay Area Thrasher sekali. Instead, there is an absurd reliance on simple chugging and chord changes. Begitupula dengan " You Against You " masih terus menghipnotis kita dengan Part-part Ajib sebelum fastempo menjadi part selanjutnya. Tidak terlalu melemah sih tempo yang disuguhkan di Album ini, seperti pada Track pamungkas " Pride in Prejudice ", Slayer masih menyajikan struktur musik yang lebih mudah dicerna, karena kita ga selamanya akan Memaksakan Tempo-tempo yang cepat akan dihadirkan. Cukup dengan Aransemen yang Lebih " Clicked " dengan segala suasana, Gw yakin " Repentless " ini masih menjadi Masterpiece terbaik ditahun 2015. It is one of the album's highlights, thanks to the dark atmosphere and some incredible Solid Composition.

Terbukti memang Slayer masih mampu menjaga Kharisma-nya sejak materi Terakhir " World Painted Blood " serta In the Vein " Christ Illusion " dan tentunya " Reign in Blood, South of Heaven dan Seasons in the Abyss ", cukup memberikan Deskripsi Musikal berarti ketika mendengarkan Keseluruhan materi " Repentless " kita seperti masih mendengar kehadiran Mendiang Jeff Hanneman di album ini. Peran Gitaris Gary Holt memang Maksimal karena sudah menjadi Opsi Pertama ketika Slayer Menggaet-nya, Meski Tidak menjadi Member tetap, Kontribusi Pertama Gary Untuk Slayer memang akan menjadi Perhitungan Tersendiri Bagi Kerry dan Tom. Materi Garapan Produser dan Enjiner Terry Date yang sudah dikenal banyak mengerjakan Materi Album band-band terkenal seperti Pantera, Soulfly, Prong, Soundgarden, Sanctuary, Overkill, Machine Head dan masih banyak lagi menjadi Poin Awal Slayer menggunakan jasanya kali ini di Henson Studios om Hollywood, Los Angeles, California. sementara Proses Masteringnya tetap dipercayakan kepada Howie Weinberg yang adalah Senior mastering Enjiner di Masterdisk, New York, memang menjadi Langganan setia Slayer sejak " Reign in Blood ". Artwork Kover kali ini dipercayakan kepada Marcelo Henrique Vasco, Musisi Metal asli Brazil. Oh ya Mungkin buat elo yang menginginkan Package spesial Album ini, kalian bisa Mendapatkan Deluxe Digipak Edition-nya, dengan didalamnya menyertakan juga DVD/Blue Ray penampilan Maksimal Slayer di Wacken Open Air 2014 yang sangat keren Editing Video (oleh VideoHammer) dan perform-nya termasuk Juga Proses Pembuatan Album " Repentless ", terekam secara jelas saat Slayer konsentrasi menjalani Proses Recording bareng Enjiner Terry Date serta banyak Cerita-cerita saat penggarapan materi ini dari Statemen All Slayer Member. Nuclear Blast Records Memang harus memanjakan All Slayerized ketika mendapatkan Masterpiece Kuat ditahun 2015. Menjadi Poin tersendiri ketika pada akhir catatan ini, gw masih mengagumi sosok Kerry king dan Tom Araya, sebagai Member Orisinil tersisa, meski Usia seharusnya Memberhentikan Karir Musik Cadas, namun Pride & Attitude Mereka Masih yang terbaik untuk mempertahankan Eksistensi Slayer hampir selama 34 tahun menginjeksi Movement metal menjadi semakin Berarti masih dengan karakter yang begitu Asli. Sebuah Dedikasi Album untuk Mendiang Jeff Hanneman, Slayer masih tetap menunjukkan Kharisma terbaik untuk " Repentless ". All in all, Repentless is clearly a step up from its predecessor. It's a complete album in the sense that there seems to be little filler, and everything just fits. YOU MUST HAVE !!!

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, use Google Translate)

Long wait finally Missed It All Slayerized Diehard since the period of hiatus for the legendary thrash metal influential California native who Existed since 1981 and many gave Contributions to Development of Extreme Metal Rocks Into the Future.How not Fans fanatic should wait for the debut of new album "Repentless" is almost six years since the last material "World Painted Blood" especially since the added death of guitarist Jeff Hanneman in 2013 ago, Slayer's been almost dissolved by the Frontman remaining when the existence of the band will not Survivewithout Jeff Hanneman.At the urging of Great Fans and Pressure attitude, finally Slayer trying to decide survive with the spirit.It can not be denied if the presence of Jeff Hanneman very holds the greatest share of the band's career.Although initially had Pessimists have to walk back without Jeff Hanneman, Slayer then prove to Release First Single since without the presence of Jeff, "implode" 2014 is the first single Slayer with Formation Trio.Single Highlight what makes you curious and in many media reports since it was first introduced to the public.grateful beyond grateful that Araya Cs.are still making records and that the new Slayer record is going to be released upon the masses in the near future.Slayer musical indeed remain alert at all even though this band should lose its right wing Strong, Even without the presence of original drummer, Dave Lombardo, Slayer still working with Paul Bostaph who decided to join again after cabutnya Dave.and By me personally also very Surprise really with Perform guitarist Kerry King, who was able to really escape the shadow of Jeff, as evidenced by the quality of single Guitar from some video of his, Gw feel Kerry still Winning a class of his, despite the presence of guitarist Gary Holt itsExodus simply as filler Right Wing Slayer.Age not a barrier meant to Tom Araya and Kerry King to Appear Mighty, especially at this time injections of the new Power still ternikmati Full Presence Drummer Paul and guitarist Gary, So There is absolutely no reason at all to Slayer to be slack-kan Vein Cadas its,Since Publish new material in the form of a single, "When The Stillness Comes" Warm and stronger the response came from people closest to them, including Fans, If Love Slayer this time they will perform more weight and Fast!Although the song Single Such aroma, Atmosphere Moody Track Mourning still be his.gw ga obviously will compare this time with the previous material, especially the Slayer offer is also the best form of dedication to the late Jeff Hanneman, that Slayer are still able to keep Conceptual Typical Slayer since the band Exist!Then single "Repentless" hard slap a real proof, Slayer ga will Loosening and lose Direction without Jeff!The song itself is absolutely crushing and brutal !!!While the Label Continues Fishing Opinions and Curious Fans with slowly preparing new material is more readily accepted, Single 4th "You Against You" was finally released continually adding Curious Terrific when Party Nuclear Blast Records if material Full ready to be released on 11 September 2015. And this Great Moment real evident when this great masterpiece then first released has received overwhelming response with its sold Out Millions of copies since it was first released, Well Monster Legend has Resurrect from Hiatus.

Honestly this is really the first paper me To Slayer that has been widely answered questions Readers LIC, not anything about the reasons why I'm never Writing Ton materials that have ditelorkan the legendary, perhaps they too Sacred Work for I Write hehehe .... About Love album is certainly you've heard through 4 singles before, and in my opinion this is a matter that remains should its Slayer should reject the fact must Retirement of existence, because "Repentless", still carrying Original Strength Slayer From the beginning, especially now Powerfully be formed again.The age factor did not become a significant obstacle if the fact Slayer still able Maternity maximal work even without the presence of Jeff Hanneman and Dave Lombardo.That Slayer is still writing good material 34 years after inception Reviews their could be Considered a victory of sorts, especially after the loss of two critical members, And this is the prospect over a completely King-penned album !!!"Delusions of Saviour" as usual is still the approaches Masif the character "Typical" Slayer for Warms foreplay Meeting Early as we hear back "Hell Awaits", cuman different from its "Delusions of Saviour" is the Instrument Intro wrote for Almost 2Stay Prepare minutes for us to dish Padded Slayer ready to explode next.and "Repentless" immediately fill stomping on the first setlist, Yess, the song itself is absolutely crushing and brutal !!!I guarantee Adrenaline you will burn to treat this, Slayer still carry the typical character of his, such as vocals courtesy of Tom Araya, Punch Solo Guitar Kerry remains In The Name Trademark of Slayer, certainly blow Drum Paul Bostaph still so hope the new Power Slayer, since knowingCharacter Powerfully Paul still landed with Skill strong Era "Divine Intervention, Undisputed Attitude, Diabolus in Musica and God Hates Us All", let alone still can not move when he heard his first appearance in "Divine Intervention", Maybe assumption Gw, Dave Lombardo still BeingDrummer Great with techniques roffle beginning of his dangerous career, Paul Bostaph Perhaps it has Speed ​​and Power Over again.While guitarist Gary Holt still be a substitute for proper figure of Jeff Hanneman, Gary proved able to become a desired partner Kerry King.Slayer structure still does not release the original Conventional character is still a Trademark of his since 1981, in their place are the keep melodically accomplished, yet aggressive, conventional soloing that is not too far removed notice that the latter has the speed, intensity and heavy riffing!Pride and Attitude Slayer still proud anyway dimateri this time, Slayer and the Original Still Makin Heavy and Fast.Aggressive still explode fast tempo "Take Control" is the next answer.My main complaint about this installment is the fact that it's great stuff.Softened A little bit later with "Vices", Part initially will be invited to stay awake Audience responds Beat headbang her with Middle Tempo, also feel more Explorative Paul deadly blow with his magical roffle.Atmospheric clean guitar tune in "Cast the First Stone" adds the impression of dark separately in Moody us before tasting the back beat terrible the next, "Cast the first stone / Stand in my way / It's vengeance you owe / With blood you will pay" feels ready soPart Chorus Sing A long track and so anthemic New.Solo-solo welcome Kerry and Gary was able to give a touch more melodic Arrangement Dramatically This track sounds ready to pamper with Part-part Breaking ciamik Groovy!I think this style suits Slayer more, as more of a mechanical, cold type of Character roomates in with Reviews their music fits better in my opinion.Still repeat the previous initial Part, Clean guitar intro with whch makes Dark instantly as "When The Stillness Comes" to track the so bring inspiration once in writing lyrics, Yapp 2 track more we invite more Cooling Down.Tempo restarting the Weight and Beat "Chasing Death" still continue to indulge us with a beat Conventional and Headbanging!again we will listen strikes Steady Paul, though not at a fast tempo, Yess ... Bostaph is a really good drummer and if anyone shines on "Repentless", it's definitely him, it is a fucking power demonstration !!!still with Beatempo Light, "implode" further still shake our heads follow the channel is further modified with a fast tempo back.Vocal Pattern Powerfully also listen to Tom Araya still tetep Wild and Lively with style singing "eccentric" and the most distinct Ever Gw temuin."Piano Wire" Still soft provoke Track Adrenalin to stay awake in the Ritual headbang."Atrocity Vendor" has Rythym start riffing-color Into Bay Area Thrasher once.Instead, there is an absurd reliance on simple chugging and chord changes.Similarly with "You Against You" continues to hypnotize us with the Part-part Ajib before fastempo into the next part.Not too weakened anyway tempo presented in this album, as the final track "Pride in Prejudice", Slayer still presents a musical structure that is easier to digest, because we will forever ga Forcing a fast-tempo Tempo will be presented.Enough with the Arrangement More "clicked" with all the atmosphere, Gw sure "Repentless" Masterpiece is still the best in the year 2015. It is one of the album's highlights, thanks to the dark atmosphere and some incredible Solid Composition.

Proved to be the Slayer still able to maintain the charisma of his since the matter last "World Painted Blood" and In the Vein "Christ Illusion" and of course "Reign in Blood, South of Heaven and Seasons in the Abyss", please give a description Musical mean when listening Overallmaterial "Repentless" we like still hear the late Jeff Hanneman presence on this album.The role of guitarist Gary Holt was Max because it is the first option when Slayer Bringing her, Though Not being a permanent Member, First Contributions Gary To Slayer will indeed be a calculation Admitted For Kerry and Tom.Material Garapan Producer and Engineer Terry Date who has known a lot of work on the material Album famous bands like Pantera, Soulfly, Prong, Soundgarden, Sanctuary, Overkill, Machine Head and many more become pts Early Slayer use his services this time at Henson Studios om Hollywood, Los Angeles, California.while Masteringnya process remains entrusted to Howie Weinberg, who is a Senior Mastering Engineer at Masterdisk, New York, has become a faithful Subscribe Slayer since "Reign in Blood".Artwork Kover this time entrusted to Henrique Marcelo Vasco, Metal Musicians native Brazil.Oh yeah Maybe for elo who wants Package special album, you can Getting Deluxe digipak Edition of his, with the therein included also a DVD / Blue Ray appearance Maximum Slayer at Wacken Open Air 2014 very cool Editing Video (by VideoHammer) and perform hisAlso includes Process Album "Repentless", recorded clearly currently undergoing concentration Slayer Recording Process Engineer with Terry Date as well as a lot of stories when the cultivation of this material on the Statement All Slayer Member.Nuclear Blast Records All Slayerized It should indulge when getting Masterpiece Strong year 2015. Being a solitary point when at the end of this note, I still admire the figure of Kerry King and Tom Araya, as the remaining Member Original, although age should dismiss the Career Music Rocks, but Pride \u0026Attitude They still best to maintain the existence of nearly 34 years Slayer Movement inject metal becomes increasingly Means still with a character that is so original.A Dedication Album for The late Jeff Hanneman, Slayer still shows the best Kharisma to "Repentless".All in all, Repentless Cleary is a step up from its predecessor.It's a complete album in the sense that there seems to be little filler, and everything just fits.YOU MUST HAVE !!!

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