Kamis, 24 September 2015

Disavowed - Stagnated Existence CD (Reissue) 2015

Disavowed - Stagnated Existence
DIsembowel Records CD 2015

01 Biased Existence 03:32      
02 Treason 03:09    
03 Collateral Causality 02:59      
04 Restricted Conceptions 03:08      
05 The Infinite Multiplicity 03:20    
06 The Eternal Validity 03:26    
07 Divided by Condemn 03:12      
08 Stagnated 02:35    
09 Dogmatic Conceit 03:07
10 The Veils of Misconception 03:59
11 Rhizome 03:58    
12 Rejected 05:14    
13 Generative Patterns 02:58

Robbe K - Vocals
Gerben van der Bij - Guitars
Daniel van der Broek - Guitars
Nils Berndsen - Bass
Romain Goulon - Drums

The New Wave Of The Dutch Brutal Death Aggression Started on 2000 Keep Actual songs from the pile of Blastbeat, Deep Guttural Cupping Grunts, General Technical Rifflessness, and Semi-Catchy Breakdowns !!! Ketika Membicarakan 1 Nama Potensial dari Netherlands BDM, tentu 1 Nama Kuat kharismatik tetap akan tercatat dalam ingatan, DISAVOWED !  selalu tersemat dalam Mindset kita bagaimana Band yang pernah menjadi Reinkarnasi dari Band sebelumnya, Nocturnal Silence, mengalami Evolusi Musikal Dramatis menjadi Makin mengagumkan ketika mereka mencoba lagi mengutak atik Sang Inspirator seperti Suffocation, Pyrexia, Vader hingga Dying Fetus menjadi warna yang Lebih Ter-struktur dan mematikan ! Memiliki Perjalanan Karir yang sama dengan Komplotan band setongkrongannya, Pyaemia. Sejak Resmi mengganti nama Nocturnal Silence yang diakui kurang membawa Karakter filosofis, Tahun 2000 Akhirnya resmi Menggunakan nama Disavowed, dan Demo Independen " Point of Few " Menjadi Taring tajam perdana mereka yang mendapat Respon diluar dugaan sebelumnya, it is a Truly Engaging song and if it doesn't make one bang one's Head Furiously, it'll certainly have one tapping one's Feet Furiously or doing something of Equal Intensity! It's Seriously that good. kemudian menjadi Ticket Mulus Disavowed menerima Kontrak kerjasama dengan Unique Leader Records yang puncak awal Populeritas Disavowed lebih Go Internasional ketika dilepaskannya Debut Full Pertama " Perceptive Deception " Tahun 2001 seketika menjadi Magnet yang luar biasa bagi DM Fans, yang mengejutkan lagi menjadi Sophomore Death Metal Album terbaik sepanjang masa untuk kemudian menjadi Pengaruh banyak band pada generasi selanjutnya. Album Death Metal keren yang disinyalir menjadi Kiblat baru perkembangan New Wave Death Metal semakin mengganas ! Yess, So one could say this is brutal death metal, which it certainly is, and it's very Good Brutal Death Metal. Pukulan Blastbeat Rapat Drummer Robbert Vrijenhoek (yang juga eksis di Pyaemia Saat itu .ed) menjadi Icon tersendiri diantara Gempuran Mega dasyat Disavowed yang begitu Mendunia itu. Sayang sejak mengalami Cedera Tangan serius tahun 2005, Drummer Robbert Vrijenhoek memutuskan untuk segera Pensiun Dini bagi Karir-nya bareng Disavowed juga Pyameia, dan hal ini rupanya sangat memukul sekali para Fans  atas Statemen yang beredar kala itu. Drastis memang Sejak itu Disavowed mengalami Masa Hiatus sampai akhirnya Disavowed Menemukan Pengganti dengan hadir-nya Drummer Dirk Janssen-nya Despondency (Germany Brutal Death Metal Militant .ed) rupanya telah membawa perubahan mendasar Musikal Disavowed menjadi lebih Technical lagi menurut Beberapa Fans. Sebuah Angin segar bagi Disavowed untuk segera mengerjakan Materi barunya, namun sayang ditengah pengerjaan, Drummer Dirk Janssen Harus mengundurkan diri namun beruntung langsung tergantikan dengan Masuknya drummer Berbakat Romain Goulon yang telah Magang dibanyak Band Potensial termasuk Necrophagist, Arsebreed, Blasphemer, etc. Nah Ledakan hebat ke-2 Disavowed ditandai dengan dilepaskannya Masterpiece Dasyat " Stagnated Existence " via Neurotic Records tahun 2007. Menjadi Album yang menawarkan Konsep semakin Matang dan Dinamis, inilah Puncak Kejayaan Disavowed melanjutkan terus agresi maut-nya menjajah dalam beberapa Rangkaian Tour. dan tidak membutuhkan waktu yang panjang, " Stagnated Existence " pun telah Sold Out ! membuat Willowtip Records kemudian harus merilis ulang kembali ditahun yang sama, karena Request panjang album ini masih berlangsung disusul penampilan Mereka Ke Bogor, Jawa Barat, 2 label tanah air pun Ketiban Kesempatan dapat Merilis Ulang terbatas kembali menjelang Kehadiran Disavowed di Indonesia, Impaled Production (Surabaya) merilis ulang dalam Format Kaset dan Disusul oleh Disembowel Records dalam format CD dengan tambahan materi Demo " Point Of Few ". Kesibukan Band serta ditambah Rangkaian Tour Panjang membuat Disavowed harus menunggu waktu yang lama untuk dapat mempersiapkan Materi Album baru-nya yang nanti bakal dirilis ditahun 2016. ternyata Kharisma kekuatan Hebat materi " Stagnated Existence " masih tercium Sedap sekali bagi DM Freak hingga detik ini, terbukti dengan pesona serta Respon Antusias-nya, Era Kejayaan Disavowed seperti sedang Bersinar Kembali saat ini bagi Scene Tanah Air. Sebuah Masterpiece Dasyat yang sulit bagi kita untuk Move On. Belching out his Desire to end your Pathetic Existence amidst a Storm of Blast beats and Sharp matching the Intensity at every turn with Effortless, Whirlwind fills and Deceptively Dynamic beats as Bulldozing low-end Reverberations.

First Pulverizing, Materi " Stagnated Existence " Jelas lebih Berbeda jika kita coba membandingkan dengan Era " Perceptive Deception, Penyusunan Aransemen yang lebih Kompleks sangat terasa banget diantara Bombardir Kejam Blastbeat Rapat-nya. Jika " Perceptive Deception " kita Hanya dijejali Mati-matian dengan Intens Blastbeat, " Stagnated Existence " semakin lebih menarik lagi Komposisi Dinamis Biadabnya, the Emphasis on each Instrument is Amplified and Attenuated to Glorious Extra Bludgeoning delight !!! Track " Biased Existence " yang jauh sebelum album ini dirilis udah memancing Respon Heboh memang No Comment Banget Progres Musikal Disavowed memang asli dari sononya membahayakan ! Komposisi yang cepat dan Prima sudah langsung tercium menyegarkan ketika menikmati Skill permainan Drummer Romain Goulon yang bermain maksimal sekali menjadi Tim Brilian diantara Skill Enormous Range Technical Riffing Gerben van der Bij dan Daniel van der Broek, yang kerap Mempertontonkan Ide-ide Cemerlang-nya dalam Menyusun sebuah track yang mematikan sekali ! Damn, Romain is a Goddamn Machine !!! tidak seperti pada Materi sebelumnya, Kali ini Vocalis Plontos Robbe K lebih punya kesempatan besar menempatkan beberapa Vokal Pattern-nya ditempat tepat dan terlalu Tidak Rapat Pattern-nya seperti era " Perceptive Deception ", Pembawaan Mood yang Excellent, rupanya menjadi salah satu soul kuat aransemen Disavowed memang makin terdengar Brilian ! lalu " Treason " Kian memanjakan sekali dengan Hadir-nya Lick serta Bar lebih menggoda, ya kita memang sangat dimanjakan sekali dengan teknik bermain yang Totally Amazing ! hampir disetiap Ketukan Metronome stabil, gw menikmati sekali Regulasi Permainan Dinamis Dasyat seperti Kobaran api yang menyala hebat. it feels like the Mechanical kinks between the Aforementioned releases are Vastly Improved, and pretty much every angle of the band's Assault is Sinisterly Excellent. Pukulan Blastbeat Renyah Romain Goulon dengan Skill Maut-nya, seakan paling menghipnotis sekali dimateri ini. Pukulan yang cepat, Padat dan Mantap seperti menjadi Kombinasi sempurna untuk sebuah BDM Masterpiece. " The Infinite Multiplicity " meski masih didominasi dengan part-part Cepat dan berat, Sedikitpun Otak gw masih Signifikan mampu mencerna setiap Progess musikal yang Disavowed tawarkan Step By Step, ya mungkin inilah salah satu Rumus Gw pribadi dalam menilai sebuah Karya itu Mampu terkonsumsi otak secara lebih baik. " The Infinite Multiplicity " adalah Track Faforite Gw disini dengan penyusunan Warna yang sangat dinamis ! Rasanya telah Menggumpal sejuta ide dalam meramu Partisi musik yang luar biasa tidak pernah mengering sedikitpun pada track " The Eternal Validity ", sehingga kejutan demi kejutan seperti menjadi bagian yang tak terpisahkan saja. is that the whole musical Package stays Addictive and Never loses its Initial Punch through All. " Divided by Condemn " rasanya makin tiada kata berhenti untuk aksi yang lebih menggila ! Kemudian " Stagnated " Menjadi Track Faforite gw selanjutnya sekaligus salah satu Anthemic Song Disavowed hampir disetiap Show, the Most Appropriate Decision and gives more Focus on the Technicality Talents music Art. Rasanya juga bakal Rugi banget kalo kalian harus melewatkan " Dogmatic Conceit " karena tanpa terasa sudah mengantar kita hampir ke menit 29, Suguhan yang terus mencincang dan Mencongkel Biji peler dengan Konsep Fantastis Hingga Masuk pada Track pamungkas " The Veils of Misconception ", Gw belum menemukan Titik lemah, karena " Stagnated Existence " memang Asli The Truely New Wave Death Metal Masterpiece !!! ... dan Membedakan pada Rilisan sebelumnya, Disembowel Records Berbaik hati banget menawarkan 3 Bonus track yang dicomot dari Demo Klasik Disavowed " Point Of Few " yang kini telah Menjadi Rare Stuff, dapat Elo Dengerin kembali pada Bagian akhir Disc. Elo Pengen dengerin Versi Awal Track paling Monumental Disavowed " Rhizome " ?, Inilah kesempatan yang bagus mendengarnya kembali lebih Enjoy setelah secara Keseluruhan Materi ini telah Mengalami Proses Mixing dan Mastering ulang oleh Vocalis Robbe Kok. " Rhizome " yang dikenal kedasyatannya memiliki Blastbeat Rapat Barbarik dan Full Power pada era Drummer Robbert Vrijenhoek memang menjadi Sihir hebat yang begitu Memorable. Sound-nya masih Terdengar Raw Memang, Namun Kita dapat mendengar Sebuah Masterpiece Track Awal Disavowed bagaimana. Seperti menawarkan Beat yang menggiling Jantung banget, Hampir setiap Part Musik kerap didominasi dengan permainan Drum yang Padat dan Rapat ! dan " Generative Patterns " Akhirnya dengan Sungguh sayang harus mengakhiri Siksaan Hebat dengan Total Durasi 45 Menit yang Mencekam ini. the Blasting Drum beats and Crushing guitar play well off of each other, Leaving the Blood Pumping bass to tie everything together into a Smoother Presentation, This is Excellency Disavowed Trademark !!!!

Tiada kata lain lagi untuk Gw dapat menggambarkan secara Sempurna-nya Debut Brilian " Stagnated Existence ", Meski tidak menyuguhan warna yang Terlalu Orisinil, Kombinasi Karakter Style kuat yang dikenalkan Suffocation, Pyrexia, Vader serta Dying Fetus menjadi Elemen kental yang sering kita temuin, Secara Hebat Disavowed Mampu meramu-nya kembali dengan Sentuhan yang lebih Taktis dan Modern menjadi Sebuah Poin Klimaks penting Sebuah Sajian BDM yang bakal elo temuin disini. One of the best things about Disavowed Rule ! Namun sayang Seribu sayang Jika ini adalah Materi pertama dan terakhir bagi Drummer Romain Goulon Ketika dirinya terlalu disibukkan dengan Sejuta Proyek Band-nya, namun Beruntung banget saat Disavowed menemukan Pengganti yang lebih Powerfully dan Gila lagi dengan masuknya drummer Kevin Foley, yang dikenal Ketidak warasannya Ketika bermain Untuk Benighted, Mumakil dan Pernah Menjadi Drummer Live untuk Kronos, Decapitated, Nerve Cell, Sepultura dan masih banyak lagi. Well, Kayaknya makin menjadi ga sabaran menunggu Suntikan darah segar Era Drummer Kevin Foley ini akan memberikan kejutan dimateri Baru Disavowed nanti. Pengemasan Produksi Package keren yang Profesional dari Disembowel Records akan terus membentuk Fanatisme Kalian akan Debut Top Notch dari tahun 2007 yang masih memiliki Taring tajam sampai detik ini. Reissue ini diproduksi secara Limited 500 Copy with Numbered Copy spesial untuk Diehard Metalhead BDM Fans, So Mesti buruan sekali bila kalian tidak ingin menyesal seumur hidup untuk melewatkannya kali ini. The mixture of Technicality, Brutality, and Catchiness is done Excellently, Perfectly defined and the Musicianship, Shredding and talent is all Top Notch. BUY OR DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, use Google Translate)

The New Wave Of The Dutch Death Brutal Aggression Started on 2000 Keep Actual songs from the pile of Blastbeat, Deep Guttural Cupping Grunts, General Technical Rifflessness, and Semi-Catchy Breakdowns !!! When Talking 1 Name Potential of Netherlands BDM, of 1 Name Strong charismatic still be recorded in the memory, disavowed!is always embedded in the mindset us how the band, which had been a reincarnation of the band before, Nocturnal Silence, experiencing Evolution Musical Dramatic be Makin awesome when they try again to work especial the Inspirator like Suffocation, Pyrexia, Vader to Dying Fetus be color More Ter-structure andswitch off! Career having the same Gankmate band, pyaemia.Since Official rename Nocturnal Silence recognized less brought Character philosophical, 2000 Finally officially Using the name disavowed, and Demo Independent "Point of Few" Being fangs sharp their prime who got response beyond expectations before, it is a Truly Engaging song and if itdoes not make one bang one's head Furiously, it'll certainly have one tapping one's Feet Furiously or doing something of Equal Intensity!Seriously it's that good.then became Ticket Seamlessly disavowed receive a contract of cooperation with Unique Leader Records early peak Populeritas disavowed more Go International when the release of Debut Full First "Perceptive Deception" 2001 instantly became Magnet remarkable for DM Fans, surprising again become Sophomore Death Metal Album Bestall time to later become The effect of many bands in the next generation.Cool Death Metal album which is suppose to be new developments Qiblah New Wave Death Metal increasingly raged!Yess, So one could say this is brutal death metal, the which it certainly is, and it's very Good Brutal Death Metal.Drummer Meeting Blastbeat blow Robbert Vrijenhoek (which also exist in pyaemia It .ed) into its own among incursions Mega Icon terrible that so Global disavowed it. Dear since suffered a serious hand injury in 2005, drummer Robbert Vrijenhoek decided to immediately Early Retirement for his career together disavowed also Pyameia, and it seems very hit all the fans over the statement circulated at the time.Since then disavowed drastic indeed experienced a period of hiatus until finally disavowed Found Substitute with his present its Drummer Dirk Janssen Despondency (Germany Brutal Death Metal Militant .ed) seems to have brought about fundamental changes to become more Technical Musical disavowed again according to some fans.A fresh breeze for disavowed to immediately work on new material, but unfortunately the middle of workmanship, Drummer Dirk Janssen Should resign but immediately replaced with the influx lucky Talented drummer Romain Goulon who has been in many bands Internship Potential including Necrophagist, Arsebreed, Blasphemer, etc.Well great explosion 2nd disavowed marked by the release of Masterpiece terrible "stagnated Existence" via Neurotic Records in 2007. Being a concept album that offers more Mature and dynamic, this is the highlight of Glory disavowed continuing its continued aggression death colonize in some Circuit Tour.and do not take a long time, "stagnated Existence" has also been Sold Out!make Willowtip Records must then re-released back in the same year, because the Request length album is still in progress followed by appearances They Ke Bogor, West Java, 2 label homeland was Get opportunities can Releasing Repeat limited back towards the presence disavowed in Indonesia, Impaled Productions (Surabaya) re-released in cassette format and followed by Disembowel Records in CD format with additional material Demo "Point Of Few".Band busyness and added length make disavowed Tour circuit had to wait a long time to prepare for his new album material which will be released in the year 2016 turned out Kharisma Great strength materials "stagnated Existence" still smells Sedap once for DM Freak until this moment, provedwith charm as well as its enthusiastic response, Era Glory Shines Back disavowed as being the moment for the country scene.A Masterpiece terrible that it is difficult for us to Move On.Belching out his Desire to end your Pathetic Existence amidst a storm of Blast beats and Sharp matching the Intensity at every turn with Effortless, Whirlwind Dynamic Deceptively fills and beats as Bulldozing low-end reverberations.

First pulverizing, Materials "stagnated Existence" Obviously contrast, if we try to compare with Era "Perceptive Deception, Preparation Arrangement more complex deeply felt really among bombardment Cruel Blastbeat meeting her. If " Perceptive Deception "we just crammed desperately with IntenseBlastbeat, "stagnated Existence" is getting more interesting Dynamic Composition ferocious, the Emphasis on each Instrument is amplified and attenuated to bludgeoning delight !!! Glorious Extra Track "Biased Existence" that long before the album was released already fishing Response Splashy it No Comment BangetProgress Musical disavowed is genuine from nature jeopardize! Composition fast and Prima was immediately smelled refreshing when enjoying Skill games drummer Romain Goulon who play a maximum of once being Tim Brilliant among Skill Enormous Range Technical riffing Gerben van der Bij and Daniel van der Broek, who oftenThe ideas demonstrate its Shining in Developing a deadly track once! Damn, Romain is a goddamn Machine !!! unlike in the material before, this time vocalist headed Robbe K over had a great chance to put some Vocal Pattern her place appropriate and too Not Meeting Pattern her as the era of "Perceptive Deception", Innate Mood Excellent, seems to be one soul robust arrangementsdisavowed is increasingly sounding Brilliant!and "Treason" Kian spoil all with his present Lick and Bar is more tempting, yes we are very spoiled all the playing techniques that Totally Amazing! almost every Beats Metronome stable, i enjoy a terrible Dynamic Skill Regulations as flames lit great.it feels like the mechanical kinks between the aforementioned releases are Vastly Improved, and pretty much every angle of the band's Assault is sinisterly Excellent.Crispy Romain Goulon Blastbeat blow with his Death Skill, though most hypnotizing once this dimateri.Fast punches, Solid and Steady as it becomes the perfect combination for a BDM Masterpiece."The Infinite Multiplicity" although still dominated by part-part fast and heavy, the slightest Brain I still Significant able to digest any progess musical disavowed offer Step By Step, so perhaps this is one formula I personal in judging a work that Able consumed brainbetter."The Infinite Multiplicity" Track Faforite Me is here with the preparation of a very dynamic color!It feels a million ideas had coagulated in the gathering Partition exceptional music never dry out a bit for the track "The Eternal Validity", so the surprise after surprise as it becomes an integral part of it.is that the whole musical Package stays Addictive and Never loses its Initial Punch through All."Divided by Condemn" increasingly feels no word stopped for more action craze!Then "stagnated" Being Track Faforite next gw and one anthemic Song disavowed almost every show, the Most Appropriate Decision and Gives more Focus on the Technicality Talents music Art.It's also going to Loss really if you have to skip the "dogmatic conceit" because without noticeably already brought us almost to the minute 29, Feature which continued chopping and Gouging Seeds peler Concept Fantastic Up Sign in Track ultimate "The Veils of misconception", Gw has not foundThe weak point, because "stagnated Existence" is indeed Truely Genuine The New Wave of Death Metal Masterpiece !!!... And Differentiating on the previous release, Disembowel Records Being kind really offers 3 bonus tracks plucked from Classical Demo disavowed "Point Of Few" which has now become Rare Stuff, can Elo Hear back at the end of the section Disc.Want to listen Elo Initial Version most Monumental Track disavowed "Rhizome"?, This is a great opportunity to hear back even after it Overall Enjoy This material has been experiencing Mixing and Mastering process is repeated by vocalist Robbe Kok."Rhizome" known Greatest have Blastbeat Meeting barbaric and Full Power-era drummer Robbert Vrijenhoek has become so great Magic Memorable.His sound still sounds Raw Indeed, but we can hear A Masterpiece Track Early disavowed how.As it offers the grind Heart Beat buildup Almost every Part Music is often dominated by the Solid Drum games and Meetings!and "Generative Patterns" Finally Sadly must end the Great Tribulation with total duration of 45 Minutes that this Smelled.the Blasting Crushing drum beats and guitar play well off of each other, Leaving the Blood Pumping bass to tie everything together into a Presentation Smoother, This is disavowed Trademark Excellency !!!!

No word yet another for I can describe Perfect her debut Brilliant "stagnated Existence", Although not feature colors Too Original, Combination Character Style Strong introduced Suffocation, Pyrexia, Vader and Dying Fetus becomes Elements thick that often we temuin, Ingreat disavowed able to draw on his back with a touch more and Modern Tactical become a critical climax point A BDM dish that will ell find here.One of the best things about disavowed Rule!But unfortunately Thousand affection If this is the first material and the latter for the drummer Romain Goulon When he was too preoccupied with the Million Project His band, but Lucky freely when disavowed find substitute more Powerfully and demented again with the inclusion of drummer Kevin Foley, known lack warasannya WhenTo play benighted, Mumakil and Never Be Drummer Live for Kronos, decapitated, Nerve Cell, Sepultura and many more.Well, I think ga increasingly become impatient waiting for fresh blood injections Era Drummer Kevin Foley will deliver a shock to New dimateri later disavowed.Production packaging coolest Professional Package from Disembowel Records will continue to shape Fanaticism You will Debut Top Notch from 2007 that still has sharp fangs until this moment.This reissue produced Limited Numbered Copy 500 Copy with specials for BDM Metalhead Diehard Fans, So It must be hunted at all if you do not want to regret a lifetime to miss it this time.The mixture of Technicality, Brutality, and catchiness is done Excellently, Perfectly defined and the Musicianship, Shredding and talent is all Top Notch. BUY OR DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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