Kamis, 24 September 2015

Hate Eternal - Infernus CD 2015

Hate Eternal - Infernus
Season of Mist CD 2015

01 Locust Swarm 03:38    
02 The Stygian Deep 04:32    
03 Pathogenic Apathy 04:54      
04 La Tempestad 03:52   
05 Infernus 06:17    
06 The Chosen One 03:18      
07 Zealot, Crusader of War 04:39    
08 Order of the Arcane Scripture 04:17    
09 Chaos Theory 03:40    
10 O' Majestic Being, Hear My Call 05:55

Erik Rutan - Guitars, Vocals
J.J. Hrubovcak - Bass
Chason Westmoreland - Drums

Sejak Memproklamirkan Obsesi Baru dan Utamanya dengan HATE ETERNAL tahun 1997, Frontman Eric Rutan (ex-Alas, ex-Morbid Angel, ex-Ripping Corpse) memantapkan karir barunya dengan mengusung warna Musik yang lebih cepat dan gelap lagi dari Morbid Angel. Debut pertama " Conquering the Throne " menjadi Agresi pertama yang sukses diterima ketika pertama kali dirilis sekaligus menancapkan nama mereka dalam barisan terdepan Death Metal Potensial ! this is a sheer Paradise of Punishment make an Exception to the General Indifference towards Faceless Brutality for an album so finely chiseled to knock our blocks clean into the Next Century. Terkenal juga sebagai Band yang kerap bongkar pasang Posisi Drum, karena hampir disetiap album menampilkan drummer yang berbeda meski tidak merubah Kekuatan Karakter utama Hate Eternal Secara Musikal selain Penyuguhan tempo yang makin cepat dan cepat sering menjadi Perbandingannya. " Infernus " masih menjadi penantian Panjang diantara kesibukan masing-masing member, Akhirnya Menjadi Mimpi baru Eric Rutan kembali memproyeksikan Karya Gelap dan Cepatnya ketika menemukan Partner baru dengan hadirnya Drummer muda berbakat Chason Westmoreland (Burning the Masses, Fallujah, The Faceless, Evade the Swarm, ex-Enfold Darkness, dan ex-Oceano) untuk diajak kembali dalam Kegilaannya memainkan Beat-beat mega dasyat Trademark Hate Eternal ! Meskipun secara sekilas saja, gw mendengar Materi " Infernus " ini tetap menjadi sekuel lanjut dari " Phoenix Amongst the Ashes " atau " Fury & Flames ", Tapi Gw rasakan lagi jika " Infernus " lebih Sound yang Lebih Swedish Style, Gelap, teknikal dan Cepat lagi. Weave a somewhat Heated and Nightmarish Atmosphere that the Pristine drums only Enhance due to the Varying speeds, not to mention a decent Amount of Variety compared to previous outings. So kita dengarkan bersama sama saja Materi yang tetap solid dikerjakan sendiri oleh Frontman Eric Rutan di Mana Recording Studios St. Petersburg, Florida sejak September 2014 hingga Januari 2015. masih pembuktian nyata Jika Hate Eternal masih Menjadi kebencian Abadi Eric Rutan dengan Tempo yang Melambat hihihi. Siapkan Tekanan Jantung Kalian tetap Stabil, Telinga yang Kuat and lets Start the Blaster ! it's dominance over you even further until caving to the traditional Hate Eternal structure of blast beats off and on until the very end, Arrrrrghhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ledakan Awal yang Sangat Menggetarkan se-isi Ruangan Gw dengan " Locust Swarm ", Tanpa basa basi berlebihan (Baca : Intro), Hate Eternal seperti Serbuan angin Tornado Hebat tanpa sebuah prediksi dan analisis, OMG, it's a welcome Reprieve from the Blistering Blastorpedo Assault !!! Meledak seketika memang dari Hulu Perimeter yang sudah dipersiapkan Impulsif oleh Eric Rutan sejak Detik pertama. Permainan Powerfully Drummer Chason Westmoreland memang tetep jadi pilihan bagi Eric melahirkan Beat mega blaster seperti ini, cepat dan rapat secara emosional memang membuat Pummeling Riffing Eric menjadi nyata Hidup dan bernyanyi hebat dengan Tune-tune jahatnya. Seperti ledakan Serangan hebat Mesin tempur bertarung sengit dimedan perang, suguhan Hate Eternal memang tidak mengenal kata ampun. Sound Eric yang lebih mencoba tampil Swedish sound rasanya bukan pertama kali, namun lebih kental ternyata disini, sehingga terkadang pada Blastbeat-nya Gw seperti mendengar kekejamannya Rottensound atau Nasum. Pummeling Cruchy Riffing yang tetap melakukan Teknik Rolling tanpa banyak Bending, karena Eric Fokus mengocok Senar tetap lebih cepat  dengan Harmoni gelap. Pattern Vokal yang Otomatis menjadi sangat meliar meliat Konstruksi musik kian menggila dan beruntung untuk memberikan Suhu dingin, Eric Masih kerap memainkan Solo-solo Cantik melodius, meskipun kita seperti sedang mendengar deru Hebat Blastbeat, Kuping sontan terasa dingin ketika menemukan part ini. masih terperangkap terus dalam neraka Jahat penuh Kebencian, " The Stygian Deep " tetap meniupkan Kekuatan Mega Dasyat tempo yang Sangat Powerfully. Seperti juga dengan " La Tempestad ", Busyeeeettt, Kuping ini serasa ga berhenti Berdenging rasanya, jika Sajian gila seperti ini makin mendominasi Atmosfir Ruangan gw mendadak seperti ditengah Medan pertempuran layaknya. Advanced and Matured to untold levels of Hatred, Obscurity, Brutality, Maturity and Technicality !!! Kayaknya butuh suasana tersendiri untuk menikmati sesungguhnya sajian kejam ini, Mind-Boggling levels of Metal Insanity, as your Brain tries to Process exactly what you are hearing. " Infernus " meski tidak terlalu memainkan Dominasi Part super cepat, Aroma Kental Kegelapan dapat elo Rasakan sekali disini, sebuah Komposisi makin Matang sebagai perjalanan Karir Musikal Hate Eternal yang hampir mencapai Klimaks, Ya aransemennya lebih mempertontonkan Bagaimana suguhan Harmoni dan Skill menjadi Technical part yang menusuk dada banget selama 06:17 Menit. dan siksaan kembali Menyerang dengan " The Chosen One ", sajian Blastbeat kejam adalah WAJIB !!!! Droning riff Transforms into an Elephantine Blastbeat Infested riff-fest, Guaranteed to cave your skull in. BLASTBEAT dan BLASTBEAT yang terus gw ungkapkan dalam tulisan ini, Karena ini memang materi dengan Durasi Total 45 total yang meluluh lantakkan Arogansi setiap manusia Super serakah ! Kemarahan dan Kebencian sangat Tersirat sekali hampir disetiap Pride dan Mood Hate Eternal memang, menyatakan pemilihan nama ini sangat sesuai dengan Konsep Obsesional seorang Eric Rutan. " Order of the Arcane Scripture " dan " O' Majestic Being, Hear My Call " seperti tidak mengakhiri kejahatan Harmoni mega sadis hingga pada Menit terakhir-nya. so entwining it all together feels dangerously irritating as a dreadful command involving merciless woes pulsing at your face has been given.

Jelas memang apa yang masih ditawarkan di " Infernus " ini adalah sesuatu yang Terus meledak dan Meledak dalam Penyajian Beat Musikal gila dengan Performa yang Powerfully. menyambung kegilaan sebelumnya, Hate Eternal tetap memainkan Skuel Jahat secara Sistematis. Aransemen dan penyajian Sound " Infernus " masih jadi andalan buat kalian yang telah mengenal Kerja maksimal Eric Rutan untuk proyek rekaman-nya beberapa band terkenal yang diserahkan sepenuhnya seperti Cannibal Corpse, Krisiun, Abysmal Dawn, Devourment, Internal Suffering, Goatwhore, Nile, Malevolent Creation, Vital Remains dan masih banyak lain. Sebuah Tantangan epik buat kalian Fans berat Irama Barbarik yang tidak mengenal kata lelah atau Ampun, Penyuguhan Performa luar biasa ini masih menjadi Konsumsi Wajib for true Blastbeat lover kayaknya. Sure it's Brutal, Chaotic, Technical, and Melodic For instance the musical and instrumental structure. Rutan Keep pushes his current bandmates to reach a level of Unrelenting Intensity. In the Process they all give 666% of What they have, Digging deep and coming up with the Strength to create music Extremely powerful and Unyielding.

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, use Google Translate)

Since Proclaiming New Obsession and the Underlying with HATE ETERNAL 1997, Frontman Eric Rutan (ex-Alas, ex-Morbid Angel, ex-Ripping Corpse) established new career with color carrying music faster and darker than Morbid Angel.Debut "Conquering The Throne" became the first successful Aggression received when it was first released at the same time plugging their name in the forefront of Death Metal Potential!this is a sheer Paradise of Punishment Make an Exception to the General Indifference towards Faceless Brutality for an album so finely chiseled to knock our blocks clean into the Next Century.Famous as well as frequent disassembly Band Drum position, because almost every album displays a different drummer while not changing the main character Hate Eternal Strength In addition to penyuguhan Musical tempo faster and faster often the comparison."Infernus" still the waiting length between the busyness of each member, Finally Be Dream new Eric Rutan back projecting the work of Dark and rapid when it finds Partner new with the presence Drummer talented young Chason Westmoreland (Burning the Masses, Fallujah, The Faceless, Evade the Swarm, ex-Enfold Darkness, and ex-Oceano) to be invited back to play Beat-beat Madness devastating mega Trademark Hate Eternal!Although at first glance it, i heard Materials "Infernus" This remains a sequel-up of "Phoenix Amongst the Ashes" or "Fury \u0026 Flames", but Gw feel if "Infernus" more Sound More Swedish Style, Dark, Technical and Fasteragain.Weave a somewhat Heated and Nightmarish Atmosphere that the Pristine drums Enhance only due to the Varying speeds, not to mention a decent Amount of Variety Compared to previous outings.So we listen together only material that remains solid work themselves Frontman Eric Rutan at Mana Recording Studios St.Petersburg, Florida from September 2014 to January 2015. If still a real demonstration of hatred Hate Eternal is the Eternal Being Eric Rutan with tempo slows lol.Prepare pressure remains Stable Heart You, Ear Strong and lets start the Blaster!it's dominance over you even further until caving to the traditional Hate Eternal structure of blast beats off and on until the very end, Arrrrrghhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Explosions Early very moving se-fill the room Gw with "Locust Swarm", without strings attached excessive (Read: Intro), Hate Eternal as Invasion wind Tornado Terrific without a prediction and analysis, OMG, it's a welcome Reprieve from Blistering Blastorpedo Assault!!!Instantaneous burst of Hulu Perimeter indeed already prepared Impulsive by Eric Rutan since the first instant.Powerfully game Drummer tetep Chason Westmoreland indeed be an option for Eric gave birth to Beat mega blaster like this, quick and emotional meeting did make pummeling riffing Eric becomes real life and great singing with Tune-tune evil.Attacks like the explosion of a great machine fierce combat battlefield fighting, treats Hate Eternal was no mercy.Sound Eric tries to appear more Swedish sound taste is not the first time, but more viscous turns here, so sometimes on his Blastbeat Gw like to hear cruelty Rottensound or Nasum.Cruchy pummeling riffing that still perform without much Bending Rolling Techniques, because Eric Focus shuffling strings still faster with dark harmony.Automatic vocal pattern becomes very clayey Construction wilder music craze and the more fortunate to give the cold temperatures, Eric is still often played solo Solo Beautiful melodic, although we hear the roar as being Superb Blastbeat, Ear sontan feel cold when it finds this part.still trapped in hell Evil continues full Hatred, "The Stygian Deep" still blowing Mega Power of devastating tempo of Highly Powerfully.As well as "La Tempestad", Busyeeeettt, it seemed ga stop Ear Ringing taste, if such a crazy dish is increasingly dominating the room atmosphere gw sudden withdrawal amid battlefield.Advanced and Matured to untold levels of Hatred, Obscurity, Brutality, Maturity and Technicality !!!I think it took its own ambience to enjoy this cruel real dish, Mind-boggling levels of Metal Insanity, as your Brain tries to Process exactly what you are hearing."Infernus" although not too plays Dominance Part super fast, Aroma Condensed Darkness can elo Feel once here, a composition more Matang as traveling Career Love Hate Eternal nearly Climax, Yes arrangements more show How to treat Harmony and Skill became Technical part piercingchest really for 06:17 minutes.and torment returned Attack with "The Chosen One", a dish Blastbeat cruel is MANDATORY !!!!Droning riff transforms into an Elephantine Blastbeat Infested riff-fest, Guaranteed to cave your skull in.BLASTBEAT and BLASTBEAT which continues gw expressed in this paper, because it does matter to the total duration of 45 total that devastated every human arrogance Super greedy!Anger and hatred are very Inferred once almost every Pride and Hate Eternal Mood indeed, declared the election this name is in accordance with a concept of obsessional Eric Rutan."Order of the Arcane Scripture" and "O 'Majestic Being, Hear My Call" does not put an end to such violent crimes mega harmony until the last minute of his.so entwining it all together feels dangerously irritating as a dreadful command Merciless woes involving pulsing at your face has been given.

Clearly, what is still offered in "Infernus" This is something that explodes and explodes Keep the Beat Musical Presentation crazy with Performance Powerfully.connect madness before, Hate Eternal still plays Systematic Evil sequel.Arrangement and presentation of Sound "Infernus" is still a mainstay for you who already know the maximum working Eric Rutan for recording project of its several famous bands are left entirely like Cannibal Corpse, Krisiun, Abysmal Dawn, Devourment, Internal Suffering, Goatwhore, Nile, Malevolent Creation, Vital Remains and many others.An epic challenge for you fans of heavy rhythm that does not know the word barbaric tired or Ampun, penyuguhan outstanding performance is still a Compulsory Consumption for true lover Blastbeat think.Sure it's brutal, Chaotic, Technical, and Melodic For instance the musical and instrumental structure.Keep Rutan pushes his current bandmates to reach a level of Unrelenting Intensity.In the Process they all give 666% of What they have, Digging deep and coming up with the Strength to create music Extremely powerful and Unyielding.

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