Minggu, 27 September 2015

Pussy Regurgitation - Glasgow Smile Blowjob CD 2013

Pussy Regurgitation - Glasgow Smile Blowjob
Self Released CD 2013

01 Inception of Derangement 03:45    
02 Dermal Gaping Hole 02:59    
03 My Seminal Filth Tangled in Her Perfume 02:20    
04 Glasgow Smile Blowjob 03:01    
05 Poo Pumped Pop Idol 02:02    
06 Erotic Urinary Odour 04:20    
07 Anal Devirgination 03:11    
08 Flayed Pussy 02:30    
09 Razorwire Bondage 02:49    
10 Wading Beata 01:49    
11 Boobsickle 03:56    
12 Salaisuudet 03:24

Jesse - Guitars, Drum programming
Antti - Vocals
Aksel - Bass

Tentunya Finlandia Scene ga selamanya didominasi dengan Genre Melodic/Power/Operatic/Folk Metal selama ini yang menjadi Perkembangan paling subur dinegeri tersebut, masih terus gw mengais Informasi tentang band dan album Genre Death Metal-nya saat ini sampai gw temukan lagi nama baru, PUSSY REGURGITATION ! mengusung Gaya Death Metal Yang Catchy dengan sentuhan Melodic Riffing sana sini. cover art " Gory " memang sangat menarik perhatian banget ! sentuhan perpaduan Gaya bermain Misery Index, Cannibal Corpse serta Suffocation menjadi cikal bakal dasar karakter bermain musik band ini yang selalu memaksa kita mendengarkan alunan beat yang catchy dan Headbang !!! meskipun kerap diisi dengan terjangan blastbeat, namun kesan brutalnya kerap tergilas oleh Gaya yang Simple Catchy, meskipun masih terhitung New Comer, gw yakin suatu saat nanti band ini bakalan menemukan karakternya yang lebih Awesome ! " Inception of Derangement " opening Track yang terasa Liar menghantam dengan middle Groovy part dan sambutan panas Hyperblaster in The vein Misery Index banget ! Deep Low Grunted Vokill yang parau vocalis Antii kurang terasa Basah mengguyur konsepsional extreme band ini, sehingga perlu diasah lagi. Simple Catchy Riffing dan Harmonization memang kerap menciptakan headbang elemen. setiap track-nya kerap juga dimulai dengan sebuah Intro dari Movie, tapi koq lama2 gw jadi Boring yah dengan persembahan memasuki track ke 4 dan seterusnya yah? apa band ini masih terlalu " kaku " menggunakan Drum Machine saat Proses rekaman, sehingga Nuansanya kerap bikin gw mengantuk saja.. zzzzzz ...hmmmmm .... tapi yang unik adalah pada track akhir " Salaisuudet ", band ini membawakan kembali Track Pop Singer asal Finlandia, Tuuli's dalam versi Metal tentunya, terkesan sangat dipaksakan banget karakternya karena mungkin mereka sangat menyukai esensi lagu ini kayaknya hehehe ... tersedia dalam Jumlah Terbatas 50 Kopi Jewel-case CD, ini menjadi sebuah perkenalan mereka mulai menjajaki panggung setelah menemukan drummer sebenarnya, Juska setelah proses Rekaman album ini selesai. lumayan deh buat nambah2 koleksi aja nih kayaknya.

Surely Finland Scene ga forever dominated by Genre Melodic / Power / Operatic / Folk Metal for this is the development of the most fertile in the land, still i scavenge information about the band and the album Genre Death Metal its current again until i find a new name, PUSSY regurgitation! Which brings Catchy Style Death Metal Melodic riffing with a touch here and there. cover art "Gory" is really very interesting! a touch of fusion style playing Misery Index, Cannibal Corpse and Suffocation became the forerunner of the basic character of this band playing music which always forces us to listen to the strains of a catchy beat and Headbang!!! although often filled with blastbeat hack, but the impression is often crushed by brutal force Simple Catchy, though still unaccounted New Comer, I'm sure one day the band is going to find a character that is more Awesome! "Inception of derangement" the opening track that feels Groovy Wild hit the middle part and the heat Hyperblaster welcome in The Vein Misery Index really! Low Deep grunted guttural vocalist Antii Vokill that feels less extreme conceptual Wet flushed this band, so it needs to be sharpened again. Simple Catchy riffing and Harmonization is often created headbang elements. every track his often also begins with a Movie Intro from, but koq lama2 gw yah so Boring with offerings entering the 4th track and so well? what this band is too "stiff" to use Drum Machine when the recording process, so that makes gw Nuance often sleepy .. zzzzzz ... hmmmmm .... but unique is the final track "Salaisuudet", the band is bringing back Pop Singer Track Finnish Tuuli's the Metal version of course, his character seems so forced because maybe they really really like the essence of this song I think hehehe ... available in a Limited Number 50 Coffee Jewel-case CD, it became an introduction they begin exploring the stage after finding the actual drummer, Juska after the album's recording process is complete. nambah2 sizable collection aja deh ya I guess.

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