Kamis, 24 September 2015

George Kollias - Invictus CD 2015

George Kollias - Invictus
Season of Mist CD 2015

01 Echoes of Divinity 01:12      
02 Invictus 06:14    
03 The Passage 03:40      
04 Aeons of Burning Galaxies 05:18    
05 Shall Rise/Shall Be Dead 05:33    
06 Voices 06:39      
07 Treasures of Nemesis 05:34    
08 Apocalypse 03:57
09 Epitaph 04:31     
10 Through Empty Eyes of Light 06:05    
11 Buried Under the Flames 06:08    
12 Aeons of Burning Galaxies (R.Cooley shred version) 05:18    
13 Voices (E. Karadimas vox version) 06:40      
14 Epitaph (drum track) 04:13    
15 Apocalypse (A. Trapalis violin version) 03:54

George Kollias - All instruments, Vocals

Menjadi Intense Metal Drummer yang semakin melejit namanya sejak bergabung dalam Barisan Egyptian Death Metal Pioner NILE, nama George Kollias memang semakin mengharum kepiawaiannya dalam memperkosa Drum Kit-nya. Sejak usia 12 tahun George Kollias (GK) yang saat ini baru genap usia 38 Tahun telah mengenal Instrumen Gitar dan entah kenapa akhirnya Instrumen Pukul Drum menjadi Prioritas Karir musikal-nya. Bermain dibeberapa Genre sebelumnya mengantar dirinya Sebagai Seorang Drummer Profesional yang kerap mengisi berbagai Drum Klinik dan Workshop diseluruh dunia hingga namanya Menjadi salah satu Penghuni Sekolah Music terkenal di Athens/Greece, Modern Music School untuk Departemen Drum Extreme. Kemudian Tahun 2004 menjadi sejarah penting bagi dirinya ketika ditarik dalam Formasi NILE untuk ikut menggarap materi album Pertamanya di " Annihilation Of The Wicked " yang diselesaikan selama 2 bulan saja. Mungkin jika elo ingin mencatat Karir musikal-nya dibeberapa band, simak : Cerebrum " Cosmic Enigma " (2003), Nightfall " I Am Jesus (2003), Lyssa - Rural Gods and Astonishing Punishments (2004)", Sickening Horror " When Landscapes Bled Backwards " (2007), System Shock " Arctic Inside " (2004), Outloud " Let's Get Serious " (2014), Ade " Spartacus " (2013), Deus Infestus " Swansongs for This Stillborn Race " (2010), Nocta " Wicked Woman " (2005), Tyr " Valkyrja " (2013) dan masih banyak lagi, kemudian GK juga pernah Merilis 2 Video Drum lesson : Intense Metal Drumming (2008) dan Intense Metal Drumming II (2012) serta Merilis Buku The Odyssey of Double Bass Drumming (Part I: The Beginning) (2014). Sebagai sebagai Drummer Handal yang menjadi Titik kepuasan beberapa Band yang pernah menggunakan Jasanya, GK memang diketahui sebagai Multitalent, sehingga dari sini GK ingin mengembangkan lagi Kreatifitasnya dengan menggarap Album solo, dan akhirnya impiannya menjadi nyata ketika " Invictus " dilepas oleh Season of Mist. Debut perdana GK sebagai dirinya sendiri, ya, GK disini mengerjakan dan memainkan Instrumen sendiri, dan menambah Komplit Obsesi-nya, GK menampilkan banyak musisi untuk membantu Proyek solo-nya ini. Well, inilah album yang akan menambah semakin dekat Kita mengenal Sosok Dasyat GK, bagaimana kalian juga bisa menikmati secara keseluruhan Potensinya secara mendetail mungkin walau hanya lewat media audio, namun akan terasa banget bagaiamana kualitas seorang GK, yuk Kita dengerin langsung aja Intense Brutal Explore Drumming-nya. incredibly fast drumming and a strong sense of atmosphere to produce a maelstrom of brutality by fast double-bass pedaling.
The inclusion of these instruments at specific places throughout the album adds a sense of sophistication that allows be more intriguing than the average death metal album. " Echoes of Divinity ", Memulainya sebuah Intro Epic dengan Orasi teatrikal Mike Breazeale, Vocalis disolo Proyek Karl Sander-nya Nile. barulah " Invictus " kemudian menyapa dengan Gebrakan yang Epic nan Megah dengan Dentuman Drumming yang Mantap GK, Aransemen Riffing simple tanpa banyak melakukan Partisi Menantang dan sepertinya hanya melakukan pengulangan Bar aja, rasanya udah cukup bagi GK melancarkan Invasi serangan Blastbeat Rapat mantap-nya. Dengan performa yang memang telah menjadi Style Kredibel-nya hampir dibeberapa band garapannya, GK masih konsis memainkan Pukulan merata melalui Pendekatan terstruktur, mungkin GK tidak terlalu memainkan Riff yang Dramatis, namun Pukulan Drum-nya sendiri mampu Merangkai sebuah Ritual Death Metal track Gelap dan Mencekam. Pada track ini, Gitaris Dallas Toler-Wade-nya Nile Menyumbangkan Fast Downstroke Solo-nya yang mengiris. tetap melancarkan Agresi Blastbeat Mantapnya, " The Passage " adalah Track Dimensional super cepat yang mampu menampilkan elemen etnis yang mempesona dengan perpaduan Extreme Musik. Giliran Gitaris Yiannis Papadopoulos, Progresive Metal Greece, Fragile Vastness, merasa tertantang untuk meletakkan Solo Gitar melodius-nya. Sementara GK dengan Simple juga dengan Typical Harsh Vocal tetap In The Vein Nile sendiri, karena mungkin GK masih terlalu fokus dengan Instrumen Drum. " Aeons of Burning Galaxies ", Gitaris Rusty Cooley, Heavy Metal/Shred asal Georgia ini mencoba Membubuhkan Finger Magic-nya. Sehingga apa yang Kita simpulkan, GK hanya Menentukan Struktur lagu lewat Pukulan Drum-nya, Riffing dasar hanya menjadi Bagian tempo saja, maka dari itu GK memilih mengerahkan sentuhan dari berbagai Musisi lintas genre tersebut. Serangan terror Blastbeat serta Twin pedal rapat menjadi pemandangan familiar sekali dalam Album ini, like a hypnotized, possessed chorus chimes ! " Shall Rise/Shall Be Dead ", sentuhan menawan George Emmanuel-nya Rotting Christ, terasa cukup menghanyutkan diantara deru kencang Blastbeat yang menjadi terror mematikan. Tidak mengenal kata kendor untuk melancarkan pukulan powerfull, " Voices ", Rekan Karl Sanders-nya Nile di daulat untuk mengisi Solo Gitar mautnya di sini. the song comes to another tremolo, slows down, and takes on a variation of the main riff. " Treasures of Nemesis ", Theodore Ziras-nya Neoclassical Metal/Shred Asal Greece coba unjuk kekuatan Speed solo-nya. Bob Katsionis multitalent Greece yang ngetop namanya bareng Firewind mengkontribusikan Permainan Keyboard Epic-nya di track Instrumen mencekam " Apocalypse ". Irama Blastbeating Padat dan mantap rupanya masih terus menjadi part yang sangat mendominasi Kekuatan Album, " Epitaph ", Track menantang yang Gw faforitkan ini secara Tajam Mengeksplor Permainan penuh GK secara Pribadi. masih dengan struktur Riffing sederhana, Namun Permainan Drum masih membentuk Skill Dinamis Ciamik untuk ternikmati lebih detail rasanya, Yess, These tracks are appropriately technical and brutal ! " Through Empty Eyes of Light  " kembali Gitaris Yiannis Papadopoulos didaulat mengisi Solo Gitar untuk Track ini. dan " Buried Under the Flames " menjadi bagian bagi gitaris Michalis Papadopoulos-nya Cerebrum. Nah mulai Masuk menit ke 55 mungkin akan menjadi Bagian yang lebih menarik, ketika GK mencoba mengulang beberapa Track pertama dengan Versi yang berbeda dan Menarik, Adalah " Aeons of Burning Galaxies " yang menampilkan Versi Shreed Solo dari Rusty Cooley, lalu " Voices " diisi oleh penampilan Vokal dari Efthimis Karadimas-nya Nightfall. track yang faforitkan dihadirkan kembali dalam Versi Recording-nya lengkap dengan Versi Metronome drum menjadi tempo teratur, Instrumen drum & Metronome jauh lebih terdengar jelas ketimbang lainnya, sehingga kita seperti mendengar langsung suasana dalam Studio saat proses rekaman Track, Nice Idea ! dan Menyudahi Setlist album, Instrumental track dihadirkan dalam Versi Violin yang menampilkan Andreas Trapalis sebagai Kontributor-nya. dan tanpa terasa kita telah terjebak dalam durasi 1 jam lebih menikmati detil permainan Drum Maut GK yang terkenal itu. Pretty indecipherable most of the time still with blast of brutality linger in the thoughts of the listener.

Sebuah Proyek Solo yang Sederhana sebagai Bentuk pematangan Skill GK dengan berkolaborasi dengan Banyak Musisi tangguh disamping-nya. Melibatkan banyak Orang menuntut GK tetap menyuguhkan Hasil Maksimal yang mungkin tetap bagi dirinya tidak dapat menghandle selama proses-nya. 4 Enjiner dilibatkan disini, George Dovolos (Enjiner Vokal), Dimitris Retouniotis (Drums), Alex Keito (Drums) dan Marios Methenitis (Gitar, Bass) dan Gitaris Giorgos Bokos akhirnya didaulat untuk melakukan proses mastering akhirnya. Meski Kekuatan album solo ini lebih terletak pada Eksplor Permaina Drum yang Mega dasyat, GK tidak terlalu banyak menampilkan Harmonisasi Riff yang berarti selain hanya Mengerahkan Kontribusi Solo gitar dari beberapa Musisi, Penyajian Musikal " Invictus " lebih ternikmati dinamis dengan partisi Aransemen matang. seperti menikmati bentuk " Sederhana" dari Konsep Nile. sebuah Debut yang menjadi kerja keras total memajang karakter drumming GK secara Intens ! Provides a Performance that normal people could not Achieve without the use of Amphetamines.

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, use Google Translate)

Intense Metal Drummer become increasingly skyrocketed his name since joining the Barisan Egyptian Death Metal Pioneers NILE, the name George Kollias is increasingly fragrant skill in Drum Kit raping her.Since the age of 12 years George Kollias (GK), which is currently only turns the age of 38 years have known Instrument Guitar and somehow finally become a priority Instrument Drum At his musical career.Play some previous Genre take him As A Professional Drummer often fill various drum clinics and workshops around the world until his name Occupants Being one of the famous Music School at Athens / Greece, Modern Music School for Ministry of Extreme Drum.Then in 2004 became an important history for himself when pulled into formation to take work materials NILE His first album in "Annihilation Of The Wicked" which is completed during 2 months.Perhaps if elo want to note Career musical of his several bands, see: Cerebrum "Cosmic Enigma" (2003), Nightfall "I Am Jesus (2003), Lyssa - Rural Gods and Astonishing Punishments (2004)," Sickening Horror "When Landscapes BledBackwards "(2007), System Shock" Arctic Inside "(2004), Outloud" Let's Get Serious "(2014), Ade" Spartacus "(2013), Deus Infestus" Swansongs for This Stillborn Race "(2010), Nocta" WickedWoman "(2005), Tyr" Valkyrja "(2013) and many more, then GK also been Releasing 2 Video Drum Lesson: Intense Metal Drumming (2008) and Intense Metal Drumming II (2012) and Release Book The Odyssey of Double BassDrumming (Part I: The Beginning) (2014).As a drummer Reliable be some satisfaction Point Band who had used their services, GK is known as Multitalent, so from here GK want to develop further their creativity by working on a solo album, and finally his dream becomes real when "Invictus" was released by Season of Mist.GK debut as himself, yes, GK here working and playing their own instruments, and adds his obsession Complete, GK featuring many musicians to help her solo project of this.Well, this is the album that will increase the closer we get to know figure devastating GK, how you too can enjoy the overall potential is detailed as possible even if only through the media audio, but it will feel really bagaiamana quality of a GK, yuk We listened to immediately wrote Intense Brutal Explore Drumminghis.incredibly fast drumming and a strong sense of atmosphere to produce a Maelstrom of brutality by fast double-bass pedaling.

The inclusion of Reviews These instruments at specific places throughout the album adds a sense of sophistication that Allows be more intriguing than the average death metal album."Echoes of Divinity", Started an Epic Intro by Mike Breazeale theatrical oration, disolo vocalist Karl Sander its Project Nile.then "Invictus" and then greeted with the Epic nan magnificent breakthrough with the Steady Bang Drumming GK, riffing Arrangement simple without much perform Partition Challenging and seemed only to repeat the Bar wrote, it is enough to launch an invasion GK Blastbeat attack his steady Meeting.With a performance that has become Style Credible its nearly several bands garapannya, GK still konsis play blow evenly through a structured approach, perhaps GK less play Riff Dramatic, but Punch Drum of its own capable of Assembling a Ritual Death Metal track Dark and Smelled,On this track, guitarist Dallas Toler-Wade his downstroke Solo Fast Nile Donating his slicing.Aggression launched Blastbeat remains solid, "The Passage" is a super fast Dimensional Track capable of displaying stunning ethnic elements with a blend of Extreme Music.Guitarist's turn Yiannis Papadopoulos, Progressive Metal Greece, Fragile Vastness, feel challenged to put his melodic Guitar Solo.While GK with Simple well with Vocal Harsh Typical fixed In The Vein Nile itself, because it may still be too focused GK Instrumental Drum."Aeons of Burning Galaxies", guitarist Rusty Cooley, Heavy Metal / Shred from Georgia is trying Affix his Magic Finger.So what we conclude, GK only Determine Structure of songs through its blow Drum, riffing only be part time basis only, therefore exerting touch GK choose from a variety of musicians across the genre.Blastbeat terror attacks as well as the Twin pedal once meeting a sight familiar in this album, like a hypnotized, Possessed chorus chimes!"Shall Rise / Shall Be Dead", George Emmanuel charming touch her Rotting Christ, feels quite washed away between Blastbeat toned roar of the deadly terror.Do not know the word slack to launch a powerful punch, "Voices", his colleague Karl Sanders of Nile in the good fortune to fill Solo Guitar killer here.The song comes to another tremolo, Slows down, and takes on a variation of the main riff."Treasures of Nemesis", Theodore Ziras its Neoclassical Metal / Shred Origin Greece tried to show the strength of his solo Speed.Bob Katsionis multitalent Greece a popular name with Firewind contribute its Epic Gaming Keyboard Instruments gripping on track "Apocalypse".Solid and steady rhythm Blastbeating apparently still continues to be part very dominating Strength album, "Epitaph", challenging Gw Track this Sharp faforitkan explore the full game GK in Person.still with simple riffing structure, but still forming Skill Games Dynamic Drum ciamik for more detail ternikmati taste, Yess, Reviews These tracks are appropriately technical and brutal!"Through Empty Eyes of Light" returned Guitarist Yiannis Papadopoulos was asked to fill Solo guitar for this Track.and "Buried Under the Flames" became part of the guitarist Michalis Papadopoulos of his cerebrum.Well start Login minutes to 55 may be part of the more interesting, when GK try to repeat some of the first track with a different version and Interesting, is "aeons of Burning Galaxies" featuring version Shreed Solo Rusty Cooley, and "Voices" is filled byVocal performances of his Karadimas Efthimis Nightfall.track faforitkan presented again in its version Recording Metronome Version complete with drum into a regular tempo, drum \u0026 Metronome The instrument is much more audible than others, so we like to hear directly the atmosphere in the studio during recording Track, Nice Idea!and finish setlist album, Instrumental tracks presented in Version Violin featuring Andreas Trapalis as Contributor her.and unnoticed we have been stuck in the duration of 1 hour enjoying the game details Drum of Death GK famous.Pretty indecipherable most of the time with a blast of brutality still linger in the thoughts of the listener.

A Solo Project Simple as maturation Skill Form GK in collaboration with Many musicians in addition to its formidable.Involving many people still presents a demanding GK Maximum Results that may remain for himself unable to handle during its process.4 Engineer involved here, George Dovolos (Vocal Engineer), Dimitris Retouniotis (Drums), Alex Keito (Drums) and Marios Methenitis (guitar, bass) and guitarist Giorgos Bokos eventually was asked to do the mastering process eventually.Although this is a solo album Strength lies in Eksplor GAMES Drum Mega terrible, GK is not too much to show Harmonization Riff meaning besides just Exerting Contributions Solo guitar of some musicians, musical presentation of "Invictus" is more dynamic ternikmati with mature Arrangement partition.like enjoying a form of "Simple" of the Concept Nile.a debut that became hard work drumming GK total displaying character is Intense!Provides a Performance that normal people could not Achieve without the use of Amphetamines.

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