Minggu, 27 September 2015

Hate - Solarflesh CD 2013

Hate - Solarflesh
Napalm Records CD 2013

01 Watchful Eye ov Doom 03:20    
02 Eternal Might 06:08      
03 Alchemy ov Blood 04:58      
04 Timeless Kingdom 05:31    
05 Festival ov Slaves 04:34      
06 Sadness Will Last Forever 07:05      
07 Solarflesh 05:35      
08 Endless Purity 05:43      
09 Mesmerized 04:56

Mortifer - Bass
Destroyer - Guitars
Hexen - Drums
Adam the First Sinner - Guitars, Vocals, Samples

Fucking hell but reviews of this band have the name Behemoth in them as much as the name Hate. However, "Behemoth worship" does not do this justice quite so fully as the casual listener might think. Now Hate were playing death metal before Behemoth ever did, essentially beating them to the brutal death metal style the model-dating media darlings would use to dominate racks of metal magazines worldwide. That should be a known fact, but given the most recent records by Hate will usually be recommended as being "like Behemoth" they might come across as a copycat. The difficulty in treating these chaps fairly lies in those recent records - the Inferno-style drumming, blackened guitars and bellowing, layered vocals that even sound like Nergal are all a recent acquisition. Hate find themselves in the curious position of doing this shit both before and after Behemoth, if you comprehend me. Still sounds good though. Read up, listen and then cast your own aspersions. tetap menjadi alasan kuat bagi semua awak media metal mengganggap band ini adalah salah satu Kloning Kuat Nama BEHEMOTH !, memang seh bagi hampir keseluruhan konseptual band ini lebih cenderung ke arah style Behemoth. tapi band ini juga memiliki Aransemen musik menarik walau agak sulit meninggalkan kesan Behemoth-nya. meskipun demikian band asal Warsaw, Polandia yang eksis sejak tahun 1990 tetap memiliki Banyak Fans sebagai bentuk alternatif kekecewaan mereka untuk setiap perubahan signifikan behemoth, karena Hate sendiri masih berjibaku dengan Idealisme asli Behemoth sendiri. setelah mendengar dan mereview album mereka sebelumnya " Erebos " tahun 2010, Band Pimpinan Gitaris/Vocalis Adam the First Sinner melakukan sebuah penebusan dosa album " Erebos " tersebut yang dianggap oleh banyak kalangan sebagai album " Produk Gagal ", kini Hate menebusnya dengan perilisan " Solarflesh " sekaligus menjadi full album ke-8 nya. album gress yang juga menjadi album terakhir untuk bassis Slawomir Kusterka dengan Nickname sebagai " Mortifier " yang meninggal pada 6 april 2013 lalu karena kelainan Jantung yang dideritanya, meninggalkan kenangan dan Pukulan kesedihan atas kepergian selamanya sejak Mortifier bergabung tahun 2007 lalu, dedikasinya untuk Hate sangatlah berarti. bagi gw " Solarflesh " adalah sebuah album Terpanas dengan Komposisi Beat yang cepat paling mendominasi setiap aransemennya. track pertama " Eternal Might " setelah " Watchful Eye ov Doom " hadir sebagai Intro Instrumental, " Eternal Might " begitu megah membuka Penampilan Hate dengan hentakan yang Powerfully, enough riffs and blasts to inspire awe and fear in the Decibel-reading beginner and I'd venture plenty of meat for the less fussy veterans to get their much-weathered molars into as well. The tight drumming, slicing guitars and general cacophony of precision would be better served by a heavier, clearer mix. terasa irama mencekam selama menit ke 01:38, hentakan mematikan dengan Hyperfast Grinding snare mantap drummer Hexen memang mengingatkan sekali pada sosok Inferno Blastbeat-nya Behemoth ! Raungan Low Growl Vocalis/Gitaris Adam yang Nergal abis, masih membuktikan mereka sebagai Kloning Kuat Behemoth ! These are moments of character and excellence that I can listen to over and over. The menacing, slightly jangling intro to 'Eternal Might' kicks things off decently. An inspiring molten flow of jagged tremolo-picking and ferocious blasting follows. Slaves' is all tension and arrogant riffs - great stuff. 'Sadness Will Last Forever' truly summons a morose feeling amongst its martial stride, while the exotic instrumentation plucked in the title track is a welcome flash of authenticity. boasted most awesomely in the closer 'Mesmerized', a well-paced exercise in dire metallic ambiance aided by some cool female chants; here the band successfully do their own thing and no-one else's.... This Is HATE !! .... " Alchemy ov Blood " terus menghajar dengan Komposisi musik yang sadis dan cepat berikutnya menyerang secara Barbarik ! sentuhan Hitam pada Riffing-nya memang bukan isapan jempol belaka jika mereka ini adalah Satanic Death Metal !! In general the Poles have spared no effort in contextualising their wrath with washes of mysticism; credit where credit's due. Funnily enough, the three bonus tracks have some of the most inventive moments, some grinding industrial parts and warped, cinematic auras, and if you feel you want this then I urge you to get that version. 9 track berdurasi 47:50 digarap di Sound Division Studio, Warsaw yang kemudian Proses Mixing dan masteringnya di Hertz Studio, dan proses rekaman album ini banyak melibatkan Sound Enjiner sehingga nyata memang hasil Kualitas album ini begitu fantastis serta melibatkan banyak musisi tamu seperti Mateusz Szemraj,  Filip "Heinrich" Halucha -nya Masachist mengisi bass pada lagu " Endless Purity " dan Female Vokal Androniki Skoula -nya Chaostar pada lagu " Watchful Eye Ov Doom" dan "Mesmerized ", sementara untuk Urusan Artworknya dikerjakan oleh Daniel Rusilowicz. jika kalian adalah Fans Album2 Dasyat Behemoth sebelumnya, gw jamin pasti akan menyukai Gaya bermusik Hate dialbum ini. so there's no reason why these guys shouldn't be accorded the same recognition for doing a particular thing well, and splashing a bit of their own personality onto it too. What they sometimes lack in identity however they certainly make up for in capability and technical chops, and much like previous records this makes for a highly enjoyable listen. In terms of abilities they are undeniable.

Fucking hell but reviews of this band have the name Behemoth in them as much as the name Hate. However, "Behemoth worship" does not do this justice quite so fully as the casual listener might think. Hate now were playing death metal Behemoth ever did before, Essentially beating them to the brutal death metal style-dating the model of media darlings would use to dominate metal racks of magazines worldwide. That should be a known fact, but given the most recent records by Hate will usually be recommended as being "like Behemoth" they might come across as a copycat. The difficulty in treating these chaps fairly recent lies in those records - the Inferno-style drumming, blackened guitars and bellowing, layered vocals that sound like Nergal events are all a recent acquisition. Hate Themselves find in the curious position of doing this shit both before and after Behemoth, if you comprehend me. Still sounds good though. Read up, listen and then cast your own aspersions. remains a strong reason for all the media crews metal band considers this is one of Cloning Strong Name Behemoth!, indeed for almost the entire conceptual seh this band is more inclined towards style Behemoth. but the band also has a music Arrangement interesting though somewhat difficult to leave his impression Behemoth. even so the band from Warsaw, Poland that existed since 1990 still has a lot of fans as an alternative form of their disappointment to any significant change behemoth, because Hate is still struggling with his own idealism original Behemoth. after hearing and reviewing their previous album "Erebos" In 2010, band leader guitarist / vocalist Adam the First Sinner perform a penance album "Erebos" is considered by many as the album "Products Fail", Hate redeem now with the release of "Solarflesh "as well as a full album of his 8th. gress album also became last album with bassist Slawomir Kusterka nickname as "Mortifier" who died on 6 April 2013 and due to abnormality of her heart, leaving memories and sadness over the departure blow Mortifier forever since joining in 2007, his dedication to Hate is mean . for gw "Solarflesh" is an album with compositions Beat the hottest most dominating any arrangements quickly. The first track "Eternal Might" after "Watchful Eye ov Doom" comes as Intro Instrumental, "Eternal Might" is so majestic appearance opens Hate to beat a Powerfully, riffs and blasts enough to inspire awe and fear in the decibel-reading beginner and I ' d venture plenty of meat for the less fussy veterans to get their much-weathered molars into as well. The tight drumming, slicing guitars and general Cacophony of precision would be better served by a heavier, clearer mix. rhythm feels tense during the minutes to 1:38, with a lethal snap hyperfast Grinding steady snare drummer Hexen was reminded once in his figure Blastbeat Inferno Behemoth! Roar Low Growl vocalist / guitarist Adam Nergal abis, still proving them as Strong Cloning Behemoth! These are moments of character and excellence that I can listen to over and over. The menacing, slightly jangling intro to 'Eternal Might' kicks things off decently. An inspiring molten flow of jagged tremolo-picking and ferocious blasting follows. Slaves' is all tension and arrogant riffs - great stuff. 'Sadness Will Last Forever' truly summons a morose feeling amongst its martial stride, while the exotic instrumentation plucked in the title track is a welcome flash of authenticity. boasted the most awesomely in the closer 'Mesmerized', a well-paced exercise in dire metallic ambiance aided by some cool female chants; here the band successfully do their own thing and no-one else's .... This Is HATE!! .... "Alchemy ov Blood" continues to beat with the music composition and the subsequent rapid sadistic barbaric attack! Black touches on his riffing is not a figment if they are Satanic Death Metal!! In general the Poles have spared no effort in contextualising their wrath with washes of mysticism; credit where credit's due. Funnily enough, the three bonus tracks have some of the most inventive moments, some industrial grinding parts and warped, cinematic auras, and if you feel you want this then I urge you to get that version. 47:50 9 track duration worked at Sound Division Studio, Warsaw which then processes and masteringnya Mixing at Hertz Studio, and the process of recording this album involves a Sound Engineer so many tangible results of quality of this album is so fantastic and involved a lot of guest musicians such as Mateusz Szemraj, Filip "Heinrich" Halucha Masachist fills his bass on the song "Endless Purity" and Female Vocal Androniki Chaostar Skoula her on the song "Watchful Eye Ov Doom" and "Mesmerized", while for the Affairs Artworknya done by Daniel Rusilowicz. if you guys are terrible Behemoth Fans Albums2 before, I guarantee you will definitely love this musical style dialbum Hate. so there's no reason why these guys should not be accorded the same recognition for doing a particular thing well, and splashing a bit of their own personality onto it too. What they sometimes lack in identity however they certainly make up for in capability and technical chops, and much like previous records this makes for a highly enjoyable listen. In terms of abilities they are undeniable.

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