Kamis, 24 September 2015

The Monolith Deathcult - Tetragrammaton CD 2013

The Monolith Deathcult - Tetragrammaton
Season of Mist CD 2013

01 Gods Amongst Insects 07:15    
02 H.W.A. (Human Wave Attack) 08:55    
03 Drugs, Thugs & Machetes 07:47    
04 Todesnacht von Stammheim 06:44    
05 S.A.D.M. (Svpreme Avantgarde Death Metal) 08:50      
06 Qasr Al-Nihaya 06:58    
07 Aslimu!!! - All Slain Those Who Bring Down Our Highly Respected Symbols to the Lower Status of the Barren Earth

Sjoerd Visch - Drums
Michiel Dekker - Guitars, Vocals
Carsten Altena - Keyboards, Samples
Robin Kok - Vocals, Bass
Ivo Hilgenkamp - Guitars

Karakteristik band ini sedikit mengingatkan dengan kedasyatan Fleshgod Apocalypse Banget ! walo permainan Keyboard Carsten Altena ga begitu Orchestral banget, tapi sentuhannya telah menambah atmosfir yang begitu kelam dan Hitam pada setiap komponen blastbeat cepat-nya, dan beberapa sentuhan Sample electronic-nya banyak mengubah konsep band ini menjadi Supreme Avant Garde Death Metal ! band Dasyat asal Kampen, Overijssel, Netherland yang eksis sejak 2002 silam sebagai Monolith saja menjadikan Album " Tetragrammaton " sebagai Full Materinya yang ke-5 ! yang pada beberapa album awal band ini lebih kental memainkan konsep Brutal Death Metal enerjik, dan akhirnya pada perkembangan berikutnya mulai menambahkan elemen Electronic dan sampling sebagai Terobosan konsep barunya. is basically about the idea that the human civilization was created by extraterrestrials and is much older than popular belief would have us all to accept, but all records that prove that hypothesis have been all but destroyed by recurring global cataclysms much like the one the Mayans warn us should happen in 2012. meskipun hentakan track pertama " Gods Amongst Insects " yang berdurasi 10 Menit ini banyak memancarkan serangan Rapat Hypersnare mantap drummer Sjoerd Visch berstamina Prima menerjang bak gempuran Angin Topan Menghancurkan begitu mengingatkan sekali Matching Drumming-nya dengan Francesco Paoli nya Fleshgod Apocalypse ! selain itu masih terasakan juga pengaruh typical bermainnya Nile, Hate Eternal hingga Karakteristik Behemoth begitu Kental beraroma.  Their brand of brutal yet intelligent, electronically enhanced death metal can create an atmosphere that is really like no other band in the genre, while still retaining all the tasty heaviness is viciously detuned and provides a nice grind to the overall package, not really a thick distorted sound that’s typical of most death metal releases, but a good hard, ballsy grind. komposisinya juga terdengar berubah ubah secara eksperimental. as it's one of the few songs where the symphonics are actually catchy and develop a melodic theme instead of just blaring away, and shows off the death metal intensity. wuihh merasakan durasi 10 menit track rancak ini memang membutuhkan kesabaran tersendiri untuk menikmatinya, apalagi komposisi yang disajikannya adalah bener2 dasyat !! " H.W.A. (Human Wave Attack) " agak berbeda style-nya dengan track awal, bahkan ini adalah semakin beraninya The Monolith Deathcult untuk bereksperimental dengan gaya Nu Metal ala Slipknot mungkin, dan balutan solo Gitar menjadi sesuatu yang cantik disini. " Drugs, Thugs & Machetes " makin sadis saja gempuran beat dan Unik aransemennya. First of all, when they added in the symphonic element to their sound, they kind of removed some of the brutally fast, technical elements that are present in their earlier albums. " Todesnacht von Stammheim " pun menjadi semakin bikin gw terheran2 dengan karakteristik Gaya2 Hardcore Style banget, simple dan Headbang ! kemudian " S.A.D.M. (Svpreme Avantgarde Death Metal) " adalah bentuk keseriusan sendiri untuk menanamkan Imej sebagai Svpreme Avantgarde Death Metal ! perpaduan karakter Modern Thrash Beaten Riff dengan  Death Metal awesome menjadi pilihan tepat bagaimana band ini lebih meracik konsep unik tersendirinya. It’s audible with a good tone, and that extra low end adds that extra touch of needed heaviness. I’ll never understand why that instrument is so underutilized in death metal. For further research into the effective using. is a welcome and intelligently placed change of pace in the middle of the album, and it does a good job of setting you up for the final onslaught !! lalu apa yang mereka tulis di track lanjutan " Qasr Al-Nihaya ", gw masih belum dapat memahami filosofinya. yang pada Liriknya menulis nama " Uday Saddam Abu Sarhan " sebagai " Sicker than a psychopath/Torturing athletes/who failed to win/Behold the nation's greatest hate/Ready to kill and lacerate ", yang jelas gw kurang memahami Konsep Lirik seperti ini hehehe.... dan makin unik pula memasuki Track Pamungkas album gress ini adalah Titel " Aslimu!!! - All Slain Those Who Bring Down Our Highly Respected Symbols to the Lower Status of the Barren Earth ", panjang banget titel-nya hadehhh ... namun Gw ulik Liriknya,gw temukan " Khaybar Khaybar ya Yahud, Jaysh Mohammed saya’ud/ Remember Khaybar " seperti sebuah History di negara Mesir. hmmmm .... mungkin secara musikalitas album ini semakin lebih banyak menawarkan konsep eksperimental unik tanpa banyak menghilangkan komponen kuat pembentuk gaya bermusik Death Metal-nya, The Monolith Deathcult kali ini memang semakin Sinting dan Berbeda ! Truly a gem in the fetid waters of brutal death metal, this album is sure to please anybody who likes their music to have a sense of, well, musicalness to it - unlike typical brutal death metal. TMDC has made a truly unique and exceptionally Fucking heavy album with Tetragrammaton. It might not be for everybody and the traditional death metal fan might balk at the use of drum n bass, break beats and plenty of trance-y samples but if you like your death metal brutal as a baby in a blender and don’t mind the odd electronic touch then TMDC will tear you a new one. Bener2 Bikin Pusing kalau ga bisa mencerna begitu saja konsepnya hahahhaa .... the goal to broaden their extreme (death) metal with influences from techno/dance and industrial music, completed with Wagnerian classical pomposity. All this is topped with an image of irony, black humour and bad taste, in combination with a morbid fascination for everything that is ‘wrong’. The album closes with the epic which at just over More minutes is the longest song on the album and yet it’s credit to the genius of the band that it doesn’t seem anywhere close to being that long. The inclusion of a Low Growling awesome vocal line is a welcome addition and the song has that whole epic feel in spades. Truly awesome !!! YOU MUST TRY IT NOW !!!!

Characteristics of the band is a little reminiscent of the kedasyatan Banget Fleshgod Apocalypse! Carsten Altena game walo Keyboard Orchestral ga so really, but his touch has added to the atmosphere that is so dark and Black on every component blastbeat his fast, and some of his touches many electronic Sample changing concept band became Supreme Avant Garde Death Metal! terrible band origin Kampen, Overijssel, Netherland which existed since 2002 earlier as it makes the album Monolith "Tetragrammaton" as Full material is the 5th! which in some band's early albums thicker play Brutal Death Metal energetic concepts, and finally in the next stage began adding elements of Electronic and sampling as a breakthrough new concept. is basically about the idea that the human civilization was created by extraterrestrials and is much older than the popular belief would have us all to accept, but all records that PROVE that hypothesis have been all but destroyed by global cataclysms recurring much like the one the Mayans warn us should happen in 2012. although the first beat of the track "Gods Amongst Insects" which lasted 10 minutes this many attacks emit a steady drummer Sjoerd Hypersnare Meeting Visch stamina Prima crashing tub so the onslaught of Typhoon Destroy all Matching Drumming reminds her with her Francesco Paoli Fleshgod Apocalypse! but it is still be felt also influence his playing typical Nile, Hate Eternal to Behemoth so Condensed flavorful characteristics. Their brand of brutal yet intelligent, electronically enhanced death metal can create an atmosphere that is really like no other band in the genre, while still retaining all the tasty heaviness is viciously detuned and provides a nice grind to the overall package, not really a thick distorted sound that's typical of most death metal releases, but a good hard, ballsy grind. composition also change the sound changed experimentally. as it's one of the few songs where the symphonics are actually catchy and develop a melodic theme instead of just blaring away, and shows off the death metal intensity. wuihh feel smart track duration of 10 minutes this does require patience alone to enjoy it, especially the composition it presents is bener2 terrible!! "HWA (Human Wave Attack)" his style is somewhat different to the track early, this is even more courageous for The Monolith Deathcult bereksperimental Nu Metal style ala Slipknot possible, and bandage guitar solos into something beautiful here. "Drugs, Thugs & Machetes" increasingly violent onslaught just beat and unique arrangements. First of all, when they added in the symphonic elements to their sound, they kind of removed some of the brutally fast, technical elements that are present in their Earlier albums. "Todesnacht von Stammheim" became increasingly make gw terheran2 with characteristics very Gaya2 Hardcore Style, simple and Headbang! then "SADM (Svpreme Avantgarde Death Metal)" is itself a form of seriousness to embed The image as Svpreme Avantgarde Death Metal! Modern blend of character Riff Beaten to Death Thrash Metal is a good option how awesome this band is more concocting unique concept tersendirinya. It's audible with a good tone, and that extra low end adds that extra touch of heaviness needed. I'll never understand why that is so underutilized instrument in death metal. For further research into the effective using. is intelligently placed and a welcome change of pace in the middle of the album, and it does a good job of setting you up for the final onslaught!! then what they wrote in the advanced track "Qasr Al-Nihaya", I still can not understand his philosophy. which the lyrics were written the name "Uday Saddam Abu Sarhan" as "Sicker than a psychopath / torturing athletes / who failed to win / Behold the nation's greatest hate / Ready to kill and lacerate", which obviously i do not understand the concept of lyrics like this hehehe. ... and more unique album also entered Pamungkas Track Titel gress is "your real!!! - All slain Those Who Bring Down Our Highly Respected Symbols to the Lower Status of the Barren Earth", its very long title hadehhh ... however Gw ulik lyrics, I find "Khaybar Khaybar ya Yahud, Jaysh Mohammed saya'ud / Remember Khaybar" History in a country like Egypt. hmmmm .... Musically this album may be getting more offers unique experimental concepts without much eliminate the strong components forming the musical style of his Death Metal, The Monolith Deathcult this time was the Mad and Different! Truly a gem in the fetid waters of brutal death metal, this album is sure to please anybody who likes their music to have a sense of, well, musicalness to it - unlike typical brutal death metal. TMDC has made a truly unique and exceptionally heavy fucking album with Tetragrammaton. It might not be for everybody and the traditional death metal fan might balk at the use of drum n bass, break beats and plenty of trance-y samples but if you like your death metal brutality as a baby in a blender and do not mind the odd electronic touch TMDC then will tear you a new one. Make Dizziness bener2 that just can not digest the concept hahahhaa .... Broaden their goal to the extreme (death) metal with Influences from techno / dance and industrial music, completed with classical Wagnerian pomposity. All this is topped with an image of irony, black humor and bad taste, in combination with a morbid fascination for everything that is 'wrong'. The album closes with the epic roomates at just over More minutes is the longest song on the album and yet it's a credit to the genius of the band that it does not seem anywhere close to being that long. The inclusion of a Low Growling awesome vocal line is a welcome addition and the whole song has that epic feel in spades. Truly awesome!!! YOU MUST TRY IT NOW!!!!

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