Kamis, 02 Juli 2015

Total Despair - While The Flesh Decays CD 2013

Total Despair - While The Flesh Decays
Rebirth the Metal Productions CD 2013

01 Breakfast By Human Flesh 04:11    
02 Mental Infection 03:41    
03 Sacrifice 03:25    
04 Inside The Abyss Of Human Souls 03:09    
05 New Religion 02:07    
06 Disgusting Embodiment 02:54    
07 Self-Disfigured 03:11    
08 Gorgeous Butcher 03:15

Alexander Schupletsov - Bass
Alexander Pavlovich - Guitars
Igor Kochetkov - Vocals

Sepertinya nama Total Despair ini bisa menjadi pertimbangan tersendiri untuk konsep Brutal Death Metal yang menarik saat ini Coy ! perpaduan antara Gaya bermain Cannibal Corpse era " Tomb Of The Mutilated ", Deicide, Suffocation, Dying Fetus Hingga Monstrosity era " Imperial Doom " yang dikombinasikan lagi dengan karakter Modern telah menciptakan komposisi Racikan Gaya Modern Death Metal brutal yang ciamik ditawarkan oleh Trio band asal Penza, Russia, meskipun baru terbentuk tahun 2010 lalu, skill member band ini patut diwaspadai untuk dapat menciptakan karakter musik Metal yang Fresh ! meski Tidak memiliki Drummer manusia, namun maksimalitas sounding Drum masih terasa sangat begitu manusiawi untuk menjadi Amunisi keren mereka ! apalagi lirik2 Nge-Gore sadis masih menjadi Imej Sadis untuk konsep musik yang mereka mainkan. Track " Breakfast By Human Flesh " mencabik perdana setelah dimulai dengan sebuah Intro, sebuah sentuhan progresi Musik awal yang menjadi Foreplay sebelum menyantap Hidangan utamanya. dan kemudian barulah kita rasakan hentakan Yang mengingatkan dengan sayatan Cannibal Corpse konsep kental, Raungan Style Grunted Growl yang kadang Terdengar Gaya Pig Snoring-nya dari Vocalis Igor Kochetkov rasanya cukup mantap menemani Riffing sadis Alexander Pavlovich yang cukup piawai mengaransemen Riffing dasyat ! dengan partisi Riffing yang sinkron banget pada setiap perpindahan Refrain dan Chorus, memang terdengar Variatif tapi pembawaannya simple dan Matching hampir disetiap sentuhannya. Good work making Riffing Concept ! They could do a whole concept album of songs about people dying inside due to boredom and ennui. Ironically, that would be way more interesting than every song being about a sadist describing his nightly activities. There's so much that can be done with the horror genre, and yet song-in, song-out, it's all about entrails and graves and bodily waste. Yeah, I get it, you shit down the throat of a dead teenager before copulating with said throat. It was darkly funny the first time, now it's just annoying. Actually, does all this even matter? Because you can't understand a damn Alexander Pavlovich is Conception here. kemudian " Mental Infection " menjadi sajian berikutnya semakin menampilkan komposisi musik yang cool as fuck banget ! beberapa kali sentuhan slam Groovy keren dimainkan dengan lancar diantara fast Part intense-nya. dan berangkat dari 2 lagu awal saja gw sudah berani menyimpulkan potensi bermain bagus Total Despair ! is talked about amongst metalheads and some non metalheads. There is a very good reason for this, it is amazing. Extremely heavy opening riff that sounds as if you are actually about to have your face smashed by a hammer. Very few songs can bring up a feeling of death but this is one of those songs. The chorus is surprisingly catchy and has some awesome thrashing going on here. atau mungkin saja lebih mudahnya gw mengatakan konsep musik yang dimainkan sangat mengingatkan dengan karakter bermainnya Soils Of Fate Banget ! Khususnya era " Crime Syndicate " itu. hmmmmm ...... dan " New Religion " lebih coba mengingatkan gw akan Dying Fetus era " Stop At Nothing " banget sentuhannya. dimana pada track ini gaya Vokal-nya lebih variatif memasukkan gaya emosional ala Jason Netherton-nya Misery Index. They are ridiculously guttural and mostly indecipherable. You get a few words out of there occasionally but hey, that’s what lyric sheets are for. The bass performance is flawless. Follows the insane riffs but manages to stand out at all times. " Disgusting Embodiment " lebih mencoba lagi gaya Teknikal in the Vein Death era " Sound of ... " wuihhh kian keren aja deh komposisi yang Total Despair tawarkan disini. terlebih lagi " Self-Disfigured ", dasyat dan luar biasa menghajar berikutnya. sepertinya 8 lagu berdurasi sekitar 25:53 ini siap membuat Imej Baru band2 berpotensial dimasa mendatang, so Gw rekomendasikan buat Kalian Fans Death Metal Variatif dengan gaya bermain keren jauh dari kesan membosankan ! sebuah karya perdana yang siap juga mengguncangkan Death Metal Movement ditahun 2013.  In a sense, “While The Flesh Decays” could be seen as an essential listen from both a historical and stylistic standpoint, but as an overall listen it really comes up short in comparison to a lot of other albums put out at the time in this style, and also compared to later works out of this band’s own creative well of decrepit corpse fodder. BUY OR KILLED !!!

It looks like the name of Total Despair can be a separate consideration to the concept of Brutal Death Metal Coy interesting today! blend between style play era Cannibal Corpse "Tomb Of The Mutilated", Deicide, Suffocation, Dying Fetus, Monstrosity Until the era of "Imperial Doom" combined again to create a composite character has Racikan Modern Style Modern Death Metal brutality of the good offered by Trio band from Penza , Russia, although newly formed in 2010, this skill should be wary of the band members to be able to create characters that Fresh Metal music! despite not having human drummer, but maksimalitas sounding drum so it still feels very human to be cool Ammunition them! Nge-Gore lirik2 especially sadistic Sadistic The image is still a concept for the music they play. Track "Breakfast By Human Flesh" premiere after tearing begins with an intro, a touch of early music progression into foreplay before eating the main course. and then allows us to feel the beat That reminds incision Cannibal Corpse thick concept, Roar Growl Style grunted sometimes sounds Snoring Pig his style of vocalist Igor Kochetkov feels solid enough to accompany Alexander Pavlovich sadistic riffing is pretty good at arranging riffing terrible! to partition the synchronous really riffing on every shift Refrain and Chorus, but it sounds Variatif simple demeanor and Matching almost every touch. Good work making riffing Concept! They could do a whole concept album of songs about people dying inside due to boredom and ennui. Ironically, that would be way more interesting than every song being about a sadist describing his nightly activities. There's so much that can be done with the horror genre, and yet-in song, song-out, it's all about the entrails and graves and bodily waste. Yeah, I get it, you shit down the throat of a dead teenager before copulating with said throat. It was Darkly funny the first time, now it's just annoying. Actually, does all this even matter? Because you can not understand a damn Conception Alexander Pavlovich is here. then "Mental Infection" into the next dish featuring musical compositions really cool as fuck! several times a touch of cool Groovy slam played smoothly between intense Part of his fast. and depart from the beginning only 2 songs i have the potential to play good dare to conclude Total Despair! is talked about amongst some metalheads and non-metalheads. There is a very good reason for this, it is amazing. Extremely heavy opening riff that sounds as if you are actually about to have your face smashed by a hammer. Very few songs can bring up a feeling of death but this is one of those songs. The chorus is surprisingly catchy and has some awesome thrashing going on here. or it may be more easily gw said the concept is very reminiscent of the music played by the character playing Soils Of Fate Banget! Especially the era of "Crime Syndicate" it. hmmmmm ...... and "New Religion" will be trying to remind gw era Dying Fetus "Stop At Nothing" really touch. where on the track of his vocal styles incorporate more varied emotional style ala Jason Netherton his Misery Index. They are ridiculously guttural and mostly indecipherable. You get a few words out of there occasionally but hey, that's what lyric sheets are for. The bass performance is flawless. Follows the insane riffs but manages to stand out at all times. "Disgusting Embodiment" style over another try in the Vein Technical Death era "Sound of ..." wuihhh increasingly cool aja deh composition Total Despair offer here. moreover, "Self-Disfigured", terrible and unbelievable next beat. 8 songs seem to be about 25:53 The image is ready to make New band2 potential future, so Gw guys recommend for Death Metal Fans Variatif cool play style far from boring! a pioneering work that is ready to shake also Death Metal Movement in 2013. In a sense, "While The Flesh decays" could be seen as an essential listen from both a historical and stylistic standpoint, but as an overall listen it really comes up short in comparison to a lot of other albums put out at the time in this style, and also Compared to later works out of this band's own creative well of decrepit corpse fodder. BUY OR KILLED!!!

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