Kamis, 02 Juli 2015

Heaven Shall Burn - Veto CD 2013

Heaven Shall Burn - Veto
Century Media Records CD 2013

01 Godiva 04:19      
02 Land of the Upright Ones 04:08    
03 Die Stürme Rufen Dich 03:59    
04 Fallen 04:29      
05 Hunters Will Be Hunted 05:59    
06 You Will Be Godless 03:10      
07 Valhalla (Blind Guardian cover) 05:29    
08 Antagonized 03:33      
09 Like Gods Among Mortals 04:20    
10 53 Nations 04:06      
11 Beyond Redemption (Killing Joke cover) 05:46

Eric Bischoff - Bass
Marcus Bischoff - Vocals
Alexander Dietz - Guitars
Maik Weichert - Guitars
Matthias Voigt - Drums

Heaven Shall Burn is a German melodic death metal band with metalcore tendencies !!! First things first, the vocals are, more or less, an excellent combination of a scream and a melodeath growl. The riffs are, no doubt, Gothenburg riffs with breakdowns here and there, although the execution of those breakdowns are certainly not messy. Don't expect guitar solos though, you won't hear any of them here. This album is a balanced combination between melodic death metal and metalcore, which, I think, is a mixed bag of sorts. The rhythm of the songs are usually mid-tempo, as what you will hear here. Album Full Ke-7 Melodic Death Metal dengan sentuhan Padat elemen Metal Hardcore Intens ini akhirnya  pada 19 April 2013 kemaren masih Via Century Media Records, masih berbeda dengan Band2 Genre Metalcore lainnya, Heaven Shall Burn (HSB) tetap konsis mengusung Tema tentang Kehancuran Kejayaan Romawi Kuno serta tentang Ikonoklasme, sebuah gerakan memusnahkan ikon atau gambar-gambar religius yang dihormati khususnya dalam Gereja Kristen Timur. seperti yang nyata mereka usung dalam album " Iconoclast " tahun 2008, sebagai wujud implementasi album sebelumnya " Deaf to Our Prayers " tahun 2006, padahal sebelumnya HSB lebih banyak menulis tentang Kemanusiaan, Kehidupan Sosial Masyarakat sekarang hingga Perlindungan Binatang. Konsepsional yang mereka tawarkan dialbum ini juga masih tetap bergaya Metalcore dengan sentuhan melodius yang agresif ! is carefully constructed and does not sound like sappy, second rate Gothenburg cloned riffs. The band’s music can be summed up with one word; uncompromising. The music is uncompromising in its heaviness and relentlessness, seeing Heaven Shall Burn reach an intensity level that is unmatched in the metalcore realm. I use the metalcore term loosely and for convenience when describing them to others, but Heaven Shall Burn are a lot more metal than core, and much heavier than the other bands that they’re generally associated with. " Godiva " track awal ini HSB mencoba menggambarkan kembali sosok Lady Godiva, adalah seorang bangsawati Anglo-Sakson. seperti Terdapat pada legenda yang mengatakan bahwa Lady Godiva berkuda sambil telanjang bulat melalui jalanan di Coventry, Inggris. Ia melakukan hal demikian agar suaminya Leofric dari Mercia menurunkan pajak terhadap kawulanya. dan hal inilah yang memutuskan HSB menggunakan Lukisan Naturalist karya John Maler Collier yang dibuat sekitar tahun 1897 sebagai Cover album baru ini, sebagai sebuah bentuk Protes atas segala bentuk ketidak adilan terhadap rakyat miskin yang tertindas oleh penguasa. " No Truth will ever reach them. No Word will ever touch him. A Life beyond all Sympathy... ", Raungan Harsh Vokalis Marcus Bischoff tetap menjadi Icon Penting HSB, Sayatan Tajam Melodic Riffing yang masih mengusung Swedish Sound Kental ! combined their burly sound with a refined sense of melody, resulting in songs that were aggressive and catchy at the same time. The implied catchiness does not mean softening their sound, but rather heavy, well-written parts that you can remember after hearing it one time. which was a little less melodic than its predecessor but heavier and more aggressive. Now comes Iconoclast, which sounds like a combination of the two, but sees the band evolving into a metal band with a noticeable decrease in the “core” sound. Yes, there are still plenty of breakdowns and Gothenburg-inspired riffage to go around, but Heaven Shall Burn have delivered their heaviest and most uncompromising disc yet, with a sonic effect akin to using a Panzer tank to crush an egg is a constant sledgehammer to your skull, persistently pounding and driving forward with no sign of letting up. dan menurut Gw konsep bermusik HSB ga banyak memang mengalami perubahan yang begitu mendasar, hanya mungkin komposisi-nya penuh dengan aransemen yang begitu Dewasa melalui Penghayatan musisi yang begitu maksimal ! pertemuan antara In Flames, At The Gates, Children Of Bodom dengan Arch Enemy jika gw gambarkan! sebenarnya saat ini gw lebih setuju jika band ini gw masukkan dalam Genre Melodic Death Metal saja, namun beberapa attitude member-nya lebih mencoba terus eksis di Hardcore Pride Style ! " Die Stürme Rufen Dich " terjangan dinamisnya akan lebih membuat kita untuk terus Headbang dan terhanyut dalam kekacauan Musikal. comes in with Middle blast beats and screams, the strings begin an ascending melody that provides a beautiful yet devastating start to a steamroller of a track. After the blasting stops, the band begins to crush all with their heavy, powerful grooves, incessant bass drums, and multilayered vocal attack. " Fallen " terasa lebih Cadas dengan segala sentuhannya. dan uniknya lagi track " Valhalla " milik Power Metal Blind Guardian HSB tampilkan aransemen barunya menjadi lebih Metalcore melodius banget !! dan Hansi Kürsch-nya Blind Guardian turut bernyanyi pula disini masih menggunakan karakter Vokal Epic Power-nya pada Refrain. bisa bayangkan kalo " Valhalla " nya Blind Guardian menjadi tambah semakin keras lagi ??? Buktikan saja disini hehehehe, apalagi balutan solo Gitar cantiknya akan semakin menghayutkan kita saja hahaha ... ga itu saja, diakhir Track, HSB juga meng cover " Beyond Redemption " Milik English post-punk, Killing Joke, walo masih mempertahankan Orisinilitas versi-nya, HSB seperti agak terjebak sulit keluar banyak dari sentuhan Trance Beat-nya, karena beberapa sentuhan elektronika-nya. tetap secara keseluruhan Komposisi dalam materi album baru ini, HSB tidak banyak mengalami penurunan konsep yang begitu berarti, karena tetap masih kita nikmati sentuhan kental Melodius Death Metal Hardcore mereka yang Intense digarap oleh Enjiner kondang Denmark, Tue Madsen dari band Grope dengan banyak masterpiece band2 terkenal hasil tangan dinginnya. Everything about “Veto” is perfect; the seamless intro, many tempo changes, fast, catchy melodies, vocals, and overall heaviness and intensity combine well and come across as a natural sound. This song offers nothing new sound or stlyewise, but Heaven Shall Burn are able to pull off these attributes common of modern metal bands better than most of their contemporaries. This track sets the tone of unrelenting heaviness for the rest of the album. more calm and melodic than the first half, easing up on the tempo and constant pounding but not on intensity. The guitar melodies are highlighted along with Marcus’ vocal attack. The fast double bass returns again towards the end of the track with a soft piano line appearing in the mix, giving the listener a brief rest before the metal assault continues on the following tracks !! sekedar informasi saja kalo album " Veto " ini hadir dalam 4 rilisan berbeda, dari CD, Double CD, limited deluxe boxset dan Vinyl. sementara gw mendapat yang versi limited deluxe boxset, dengan tambahan 15 lagu rekaman konser mereka di Saalfeld, Germany pada 21 Desember 2012 lalu serta CD ke-3 nya adalah alternative mix Album " Veto " ini menjadi "Blizzard over England mix" yang di Mixing oleh Colin Richardson. sehingga gw mendengar versi lain Mixing album ini versi Colin Richardson yang juga ga kalah Keren dari Garapan Tue Madsen ! songwriting is also excellent, with the songs sounding better and more inspired than on similar style albums that are half of Iconoclast’s length. This is their best album yet, being heavier than Antigone and more melodic than Deaf to Our Prayers. If you are one of the people who think the heavier the metal the better !!!

Heaven Shall Burn is a German melodic death metal band with metalcore tendencies!!! First things first, the vocals are, more or less, an excellent combination of a scream and a growl melodeath. The riffs are, no doubt, Gothenburg riffs with breakdowns here and there, although the execution of those breakdowns are certainly not messy. Do not expect guitar solos though, you will not hear any of them here. This album is a balanced combination between melodic death metal and metalcore, roomates, I think, is a mixed bag of sorts. The rhythm of the songs are usually mid-tempo, as what you will hear here. Full album to-7 Melodic Death Metal with a touch of Hardcore Intense Solid Metal element is finally on 19 April 2013 yesterday still Via Century Media Records, was different from other metalcore genre band2, Heaven Shall Burn (HSB) remained consistent theme brings about destruction of the Roman Triumph Ancient and about Iconoclasm, a wiping motion icons or religious images revered especially in the Eastern Christian Church. real as they stretcher in the album "iconoclast" in 2008, as a form of implementation of the previous album "Deaf to Our Prayers" in 2006, whereas previously HSB write more about Humanity, Social Life Animal Protection Society is now up. Conceptional dialbum they offer is also still with a touch of melodic metalcore style is aggressive! is carefully constructed and does not sound like sappy, second rate cloned Gothenburg riffs. The band's music can be summed up with one word; uncompromising. The music is uncompromising in its heaviness and relentlessness, seeing Heaven Shall Burn reach an intensity level that is unmatched in the metalcore realm. I use the term loosely metalcore and for convenience when describing them to others, but Heaven Shall Burn are a lot more metal than core, and much heavier than the other bands that they're generally associated with. "Godiva" This early track HSB tried to describe the figure of Lady Godiva, was an Anglo-Saxon bangsawati. There is the legend as saying that Lady Godiva as she rode naked through the streets of Coventry, England. He did so in order that her husband Leofric of Mercia lowering taxes on kawulanya. and it is this which decides HSB uses Naturalist Paintings by John Maler Collier made around 1897 as a new album cover, as a form of protest on all forms of injustice to the poor people who are oppressed by the authorities. "No Truth will ever reach them. No. Word will ever touch him. A Life beyond all Sympathy ...", roar Harsh Vocalist Marcus Bischoff remains Icon Important HSB, Sharp Dissection Melodic riffing that still carries the Swedish Sound Lumpy! their combined burly sound with a refined sense of melody, resulting in songs that were aggressive and catchy at the same time. The implied catchiness does not mean softening their sound, but rather heavy, well-written parts that you can remember after hearing it one time. which was a little less melodic than its predecessor but heavier and more aggressive. Now comes the iconoclast, roomates sounds like a combination of the two, but sees the band evolving into a metal band with a noticeable Decrease in the "core" sound. Yes, there are still plenty of breakdowns and Gothenburg-inspired riffage to go around, but Heaven Shall Burn have delivered their heaviest and most uncompromising disc yet, with a sonic effect is akin to using a Panzer tanks to crush an egg is a constant sledgehammer to your skull, persistently pounding and driving forward with no sign of letting up. and according to musical concepts Gw ga HSB is experiencing many changes that are so fundamental, just maybe her compositions are full of such arrangements through the Adult Living the musicians who are so up! meeting between In Flames, At The Gates, Children Of Bodom with Arch Enemy if i draw! i actually now more in favor if this band i enter the Melodic Death Metal genre alone, but several members of his attitude over trying to continue to exist in Hardcore Pride Style! "Die Stürme Rufen Dich" dynamic lunge will be making us to continue Headbang and lost in the chaos Musical. comes in with Middle blast beats and screams, the strings begin an ascending melody that provides a beautiful yet Devastating start to a steamroller of a track. After the blasting stops, the band begins to crush all with their heavy, powerful grooves, incessant bass drums, and multilayered vocal attack. "Fallen" was more Cadas with every touch. and more unique track "Valhalla" Power Metal Blind Guardian belongs HSB show his new arrangement became more melodic metalcore really!! and his Kürsch Hansi Blind Guardian sang along anyway here still use the characters Epic Power Vocal Refrain her on. can imagine if "Valhalla" added his Blind Guardian became increasingly hard again??? Prove it here hehehehe, let alone a beautiful guitar solo bandage will be menghayutkan we only hahaha ... ga that's it, the end of the track, clicking HSB also cover "Beyond Redemption" Whose English post-punk, Killing Joke, walo still maintains its originality version, HSB difficult kind of stuck out like a lot of Trance Beat his touch, because some electronic touches her. fixed overall composition of the new album's material, HSB did not experience any significant decline in the concept that is so, because we still enjoy a touch of creamy melodic Death Metal Hardcore Intense those produced by the famous Danish Engineer, Tue Madsen from Grope band with many famous masterpiece band2 result of cold hands. Everything about "Veto" is perfect; the seamless intro, many tempo changes, fast, catchy melodies, vocals, and overall heaviness and intensity combine well and come across as a natural sound. This song offers nothing new sound or stlyewise, but Heaven Shall Burn are Able to pull off these common attributes of modern metal bands are better than most of their contemporaries. This track sets the tone of unrelenting heaviness for the rest of the album. more calm and melodic than the first half, easing up on the tempo and constant pounding but not on intensity. The guitar melodies are highlighted by along with Marcus' vocal attack. The fast double bass returns again towards the end of the track with a soft piano line Appearing in the mix, giving the listener a brief rest before the metal assault continues on the following tracks!! just information only if the album "Veto" comes in 4 different releases, from the CD, Double CD, limited deluxe boxset and Vinyl. while i got the deluxe limited edition boxset, with an additional 15 tracks recorded their concert in Saalfeld, Germany on December 21, 2012 and as well as his 3rd CD is an alternative mix album "Veto" is a "Blizzard over England mix" which in Mixing by Colin Richardson. so i heard another version of this album Mixing version ga Colin Richardson who also lost Keren of Garapan Tue Madsen! songwriting is also excellent, with the songs sounding better and more inspired than on Similar style albums that are half of iconoclast's length. This is their best album yet, being heavier than Antigone and more melodic than Deaf to Our Prayers. If you are one of the people who think the heavier the metal the better!!!

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