Kamis, 02 Juli 2015

Sapanakith - Collapsing Of Immoral Traditions EP 2012

Sapanakith - Collapsing Of Immoral Traditions
Coyote Records EP 2012

01 Discipline of Impartiality 03:45    
02 Immoral Corrupted Tyrants 03:24    
03 Collapsing Humanity 04:05    
04 Demerit Sanction 03:20

Benoit Faroud - Bass on "Demerit Sanction"
Vilikone Sengvixay - Drums
Thounvilay Phichith - Guitars, Bass
Anouvong Phengkhay - Vocals

Yang pasti jangan Lupakan Juga Scene Negeri Laos, Republik Demokratik Rakyat Laos adalah negara yang terkurung daratan di Asia Tenggara, berbatasan dengan Myanmar dan Republik Rakyat Cina di sebelah barat laut, Vietnam di timur, Kamboja di selatan, dan Thailand di sebelah barat. Dari abad ke-14 hingga abad ke-18, negara ini disebut Lan Xang atau "Negeri Seribu Gajah". ga terbayangkan oleh gw kalau negara ini memiliki Band Brutal Death Metal yang keren seperti Sapanakith ini,  memang jarang sekali gw mendengar perkembangan musik keras dari negeri ini loh hehehe ... Sapanakith, terbentuk sejak 2010 di Vientiane, band ini kemudian merilis " Promo/Demo 2011 ", describe Sapanakith's sound I'll have to say they went for the all-in-one bargain which apparently contains pig squeels, saucepan snares, chuggy riffs, and blast beats. While this is mostly tantamount to boredom, the Laos trio have somehow managed to find just the right amount of each so that it doesn't become boring. Then again, with just two tracks and a cover song on the demo it doesn't leave much room for experimentation or...well, anything really. memainkan gaya Brutal yang terdeteksi sentuhan Grinding dan slam ala Brodequin, Devourment, Suffocation, Defeated Sanity, Disavowed serta Purulent. dan sepertinya Konsep brutal yang mereka mainkan lebih mengingatkan dengan band2 Brutal Hyperblasting dari scene Indonesia, khususnya bandung scene nih, Remember Jasad, Bleeding Corpse hingga XTAB. dengan komposisi Musik yang didominasi dengan Gempuran Hyperblast dan kadang kerap diselingi dengan slam part untuk headbang ria. konsep rekaman yang ga banyak mendapat Polesan Digitalized system, membuat gw seakan mendengar sendiri permainan band ini diatas panggung saja kayaknya, permainan drummer Vilikone Sengvixay memang mantap abis dengan twin pedal rapat-nya. gempuran track awalnya " Discipline of Impartiality " langsung mengingatkan gw akan kekejaman Brodequin serta Purulent dengan Intense Hammer Hyperblasting Awesome ! Downtune Sound yang membantai disambut dengan Deep Guttural Gurgling Anouvong Phengkhay semakin memanjakan fans Brutal death Metal. beberapa sentuhan Chugging Riffing in the vein Disgorge mulai terasa juga diaransemen musikal yang dikemas dengan cukup rapi ini, syalut banget deh !! Some differentiate themselves by having a certain style, and especially the South American scene has a certain sound to it that makes it fairly easy to recognize. walau cuman memuat 4 lagu, gw masih belum bisa menikmati permainan dasyat mereka secara intense, dan track ke-4 " Demerit Sanction " memang diambil dari Promo/Demo 2011, sehingga kualitas soundingnya begitu berbeda dengan 3 lagu sebelumnya, wah band ini patut banget gw tunggu materi full-nya nanti, coz mereka memang dapat meracik komposisi Brutal Death Metal bagus. As mentioned earlier, the band play straight up brutal death metal with a few slamming parts once in a while. They're nothing special, but they play the genre better than many other bands. One thing: their sound is great. Everything is perfectly balanced and completely audible, and that's a huge plus considering the amount of bands with a muddy, unintelligible sound. STAY BEWARE FROM LAOS TORTURED !!!!!

Also do not forget that definitely Interior Scene Laos, Lao People's Democratic Republic is a landlocked country in Southeast Asia, bordered by Burma and People's Republic of China to the northwest, Vietnam to the east, Cambodia to the south and Thailand to the west. From the 14th century until the 18th century, this state is called Lan Xang or "Foreign Thousand Elephants". gw ga imagined that this country has a Brutal Death Metal band just like this Sapanakith, it is rarely i hear loud music from the development of this country hehehe ... Sapanakith, established since 2010 in Vientiane, the band then released a "Promo / Demo 2011", describe Sapanakith's a sound I'll have to say they went for the all-in-one bargain roomates apparently contains pig squeels, snares saucepan, chuggy riffs, and blast beats. While this is mostly tantamount to boredom, the Laos trio have somehow managed to find just the right amount of each so that it does not Become boring. Then again, with just two tracks and a cover song on the demo it does not leave much room for experimentation or ... well, anything really. Brutal force is detected play touch Grinding and slam ala Brodequin, Devourment, Suffocation, Defeated Sanity, and Purulent disavowed. The concept seems brutal and they play more reminiscent of the scene band2 Brutal hyperblasting of Indonesia, especially the scene bandung ya, Remember The body, Bleeding Corpse to XTAB. Music composition is dominated with strikes and sometimes Hyperblast often punctuated with a slam to headbang fun part. concept got a lot of footage that ga Gloss digitalized system, make i hear themselves play as if the band is on stage alone I think, the game is solid drummer Vilikone Sengvixay abis meeting with his twin pedal. strikes first track "Discipline of impartiality" will instantly remind gw Brodequin cruelty and Purulent with Intense Hammer hyperblasting Awesome! Sound Downtune who massacred greeted with Deep Guttural gurgling Anouvong Phengkhay increasingly pamper Brutal Death Metal fans. Chugging a touch of riffing in the vein Disgorge starting to feel well-arranged musical is packed with neat enough, syalut deh!! Some differentiate-them-by having a certain style, and especially the South American scene has a certain sound to it that makes it fairly easy to recognize. although cuman contains 4 songs, I still have not been able to enjoy them enormously intense game, and 4th track "Demerit sanction" is taken from the Promo / Demo 2011, so the quality soundingnya so different from the previous 3 songs, well this band should really gw wait its full material later, coz they are able to mix good composition Brutal Death Metal. As mentioned Earlier, the band play straight up brutal death metal with a few slamming parts once in a while. They're nothing special, but they play the genre better than many other bands. One thing: their sound is great. Everything is perfectly balanced and completely audible, and that's a huge plus considering the amount of bands with a muddy, unintelligible sound. BEWARE STAY FROM LAOS TORTURED!!!!!

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