Kamis, 02 Juli 2015

Hyonblud - Chaos From World Orgasm CD 2012

Hyonblud - Chaos From World Orgasm
AreaDeath Productions CD 2012

01 The Lusting Hours for Flesh     05:13    
02 Beast of a Day 1st Sep 03:59    
03 At His Mercy 04:42    
04 Evil Spawn 02:23    
05 Reborn in Chaos 02:33    
06 Followed Trail in Nightmare 03:02    
07 Before the Storm 02:11    
08 Reborn in Chaos 02:24    
09 Get This (Slipknot cover) 02:03    
10 Beast of a Day 1st Sep (Instrumental) 03:25    
11 The Lusting Hours for Flesh (Wang Mian Version) 05:13

Pei Lei - Bass, Backing Vocals
Zhuang Yu - Vocals
Zhang Mo - Guitars
Sun Ke - Drums

Mungkin terasa jauh dari Ekspose perkembangan scene Death Metal, Negeri Tirai Bambu ini tentunya kurang begitu terekploitasi eksistensinya, tapi dari China Death Metal Movement perkembangan Genre Death Metal sedang berjalan lambat, beberapa tahun yang lalu gw mencatat nama Regicide, Annihilation, Elysium, Naked Incise, Psycho Killer, The Dark Prison Massacre, Thornslaughter, Virus of Predacity, etc adalah beberapa diantara nama itu, scene China yang menjadi satu dengan Provinsi Negara Bagian Hongkong itu terlalu dipenuhi pertumbuhan Genre Black metal dan Jenis Music Metal lainnya. dari Beijing sendiri, Nama Hyonblud tentu sudah mendapat perhitungan matang sejak band ini terbentuk tahun 2003 setelah proses evolusi perubahan nama dari Cervical Erosion, Gorgasm hingga akhirnya menjadi Hyonblud sejak tahun 2004, lumayan menyita perhatian gw sejak Materi Promo 2006 dan Hyonblud 2012 EP Promo, band ini memainkan komposisi musik yang bagus seperti halnya band almamaternya, Regicide ! dengan gaya Sounding Tajam Menusuk, pengaruh Kuat Cannibal Corpse, Kataklysm, Suffocation serta Vader, komposisi musik yang ditawarkan di full album ini menjadi progresi Musikalitas yang matang ! It is of course a good thing. In the beginning these songs sound chaotic and completely unorganized, but the more I listened to it, the more I liked it and after a while I realised that this is maybe even the best death metal album of all times. At least it is surely amongst. menjadi Daya Tarik kuat Gw adalah kemasan Sounding Riff Guitar yang Setajam pisau Guilotin siap memenggal kepala ini disuguhkan dengan baik oleh Gitaris Zhang Mo. " The Lusting Hours for Flesh " kita sudah dipaksa mencicipi aroma Suffocation banget dengan hentakan drumming Sun Ke yang cukup apik mengkombinasikan permainan Dasyatnya membentuk karakter Brutality tajam membunuh. I like the crazy shit he does which just sounds like mumbling at times, and I like his harsh, pitch less yelling as well. I think they fit in perfectly with the music, and since it is so random and off beat, it almost sounds like random fits of prophesy being spewed forth. Gaya Vocal Growl Gurgling Zhuang Yu terkesan menggunakan teknik " Sedot " rupanya kurang begitu powerfully untuk melakukan Reflek Bebas, sehingga kalo gw rasakan diatas panggung, Zhuang bakalan sering kedodoran dengan teknik Bernyanyinya. sentuhan Kataklysm Era " Sorcery " masih begitu kental terasa dengan pukulan Blastbeat cepat mengingatkan sedikit dengan karakteristik Vader. somehow covered a wide range of approaches and styles of playing guitar. And it was not only the playing but also songwriting that made the guitars stand out among the other bands. You get riffs that make you jump to the rhythm, riffs that roll at furious speed and crush anything that's in the way, slow riffs that are backed up by ultra fast drums, melodic, even emotional riffs for this genre, and everything keeps changing all the time, sometimes faster than you can keep up. The album contains a high amount of variability, but doesn't end up feeling too complicated or disharmonic. The result is simply unforgettable. Komposisi musiknya bagi gw lebih mendapatkan banyak pengaruh dengan gaya Death Metal Era 90-an, simple tapi sangat menendang pantat ! sebuah kemajuan pesat jika banyak gw bandingkan dengan konsep bermusik mereka sebelumnya, album ini pantas memang bagi mereka mulai untuk lebih membuka cakrawala dengan kancah Death Metal Internasional, apalagi didukung dengan sound Recording yang Clean pula ditangani oleh banyak enjiner musik handal china sana. dan lebih keren lagi band ini mengcover kembali track " Get This " nya Slipknot, American attention-grabbing image, aggressive music style, and energetic and chaotic live shows, dalam versi yang lebih brutal, bisa bayangkan gimana itu? " I don't like a fuckin' thing! Music sucks dick / Suck the snot end off the tip of my prick / You fucking cunts, get up off of my back / I don't wanna do a show with your shitty / fuckin' band - You suck, they suck, guess what, get fucked / I can't think of any other words to say but fuck / Don't drag our opinions, our opinions are great / It's new school face muthafuckers I hate  " cukup rasanya membayar segala kebencian bermusik mereka. secara keseluruhan band ini sudah mengemas konsep musik yang menarik sebagai bentuk eksistensi dasar mereka memperlihatkan scene Death Metal China semakin berbahaya ! This release is a must for any fan of brutal unrelenting death metal, that exercises unrelenting technical skill, shockingly fast hammerblasted drumming, almost surreally ethereal vocals from Houde, and a complete disregard for any and all forms of weak cop-out fillers so many bands employ in their releases.

Exposure may seem far from the Death Metal scene development, the Bamboo Curtain country is certainly less exploitative existence, but from the development of China Movement Genre Death Metal Death Metal is running slow, a few years ago i noted the name of Regicide, Annihilation, Elysium, Naked incision, Psycho Killer, The Dark Prison Massacre, Thornslaughter, Virus of Predacity, etc are some of the names, which became the scene of China with Hong Kong State Province was too full of growth Genre Black Metal and other Metal Music type. of Beijing itself, would have got the name Hyonblud calculations done since the band was formed in 2003 after the evolutionary process of the name change Cervical Erosion, Gorgasm until it became Hyonblud since 2004, middling attention gw since 2006 and Hyonblud Matter Promo 2012 Promo EP, the band This plays good music compositions as well as his alma mater band, Regicide! Sounding style Stabbing Sharp, Strong influence of Cannibal Corpse, Kataklysm, Suffocation and Vader, the composition of the music offered on a full album's progression mature musicality! It is of course a good thing. In the beginning these songs sound completely chaotic and unorganized, but the more I listened to it, the more I liked it and after a while I realized that this is maybe even the best death metal album of all times. At least it is surely amongst. be strong Fascination Gw is the packaging Sounding Guitar Riff As sharp as a guillotine blade is ready to behead well served by guitarist Zhang Mo. "The Hours lusting for Flesh" we are forced to really taste the flavor Suffocation Sun Ke drumming with the beat of the game quite nicely combine to form the character of Brutality sharp dasyatnya kill. I like the crazy shit he does roomates just sounds like mumbling at times, and I like his harsh, less yelling pitch as well. I think they fit in perfectly with the music, and since it is so random and off beat, it almost sounds like random fits of prophesy being spewed forth. Vocal Growl style gurgling Zhuang Yu impressed using the technique of "Suck" seems less so powerfully to perform reflex-free, so if i feel on stage, often oversized Zhuang going with singing techniques. Kataklysm touch Era "Sorcery" is still so thick felt with a little punch quickly reminded Blastbeat with Vader characteristics. somehow covered a wide range of approaches and styles of playing guitar. And it was not only the playing but also his songwriting that made the guitars stand out among the other bands. You get riffs that make you jump to the rhythm, riffs that roll at furious speed and crush anything that's in the way, slow riffs that are backed up by ultra fast drums, melodic, even emotional riffs for this genre, and everything keeps changing all the time, sometimes faster than you can keep up. The album contains a high amount of variability, but does not end up feeling too complicated or disharmonic. The result is simply unforgettable. Composition of music for more i get a lot of influence in the style of Death Metal Era 90's, simple but very kick ass! a more rapid progress if i compare with their previous musical concept, the album is worth it for them began to be more open horizon with International Death Metal scene, especially supported by the Clean Recording sound is also handled by many engineers is reliable china music there. and over again the band was cool back cover track "Get This" Her Slipknot, American attention-grabbing image, aggressive music style, and energetic and chaotic live shows, in a more brutal version, could imagine how it was? "I do not like a fuckin 'thing! Music sucks dick / Suck the snot end off the tip of my prick / You fucking cunts, get up off of my back / I do not wanna do a show with your shitty / fuckin 'band - You suck, they suck, guess what, get fucked / I can not think of any other words to say but fuck / Do not drag our opinions, our opinions are great / It's new school face muthafuckers I hate "quite it pay all their musical hatred. overall the band has packed interesting musical concepts as they form the basis of the existence of the Death Metal scene shows China is getting dangerous! This release is a must for any fan of unrelenting brutal death metal, technical skill that exercises unrelenting, shockingly fast hammerblasted drumming, ethereal vocals from almost surreally Houde, and a complete disregard for any and all forms of weak cop-out fillers so many bands employ in their releases.

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