Senin, 29 Juni 2015

Visions Of Atlantis - Ethera CD 2013

Visions Of Atlantis - Ethera
Napalm Records CD 2013

01 The Ark 04:29    
02 Machinage 03:33    
03 Avatara 04:50    
04 Vicious Circle 04:28    
05 Hypnotized 04:20    
06 Tlaluc's Grace 04:05    
07 Burden of Divinity 03:39    
08 Cave Behind the Waterfall 03:52    
09 A.E.O.N. 19th 04:10    
10 Bestiality vs. Integrity 04:36    
11 Clerics Emotion 05:08

Thomas Caser - Drums
Mario Plank - Vocals
Martin Harb - Keyboards
Maxi Nil - Vocals
Cris Tian - Guitars

Perjalanan Karir band Melodic/Symphonic Power Metal asal Bruck an der Mur, Styria, Austria yang eksis sejak tahun 2000 sudah Gw kenal baik Album2nya menjadi bagian dari playlist Relaxing gw hehehehe, ternyata memang seperti kebanyakan band lainnya, ga mulus seh, apalagi harus kehilangan Icon Penting di Garda terdepan band, saat Female Vokalis terbaiknya, Nicole Bogner yang menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya pada 5 Januari 2012 karena Penyakit Kronis-nya, dan posisinya digantikan sejak dirinya mulai sakit tahun 2009 oleh Maxi Nil yang pernah bermain untuk band On Thorns I Lay, ex-Elysion, dan ex-Moonspell (live) disela sela tour album ke-3 nya " Trinity ", dan " Ethera " adalah materi ke-3 nya, masih tetap menawarkan style vokal yang khas dan powerfully. dan masih membawa gitaris baru, Cris tian sejak Ep " Maria Magdalena " Tahun 2011, yang kini harus tanpa kehadiran Gitaris asli Band, Werner Fiedler. sejak mendengarkan track awal " The Ark ", sepertinya konsep VOA memang tetap terjaga kualitasnya dari materi2 sebelumnya. The music ranges from a fast paced melodic style of power metal, similar to Dark Moor, to a slower, more gothic inspired style. While the band is competent musically. perpaduan Male dan Female Vokal menjadi Konsep Kuat VOA sejak terbentuk, sehingga inilah masih style asli VOA. dengan komposisi musik yang Easy Listening perpaduan antara Gaya Power Metal dengan Gothic Metal plus sentuhan gaya Electro Keyboard Martin Harb. Kekuatan Karakter Vokal Khas Maxi masih bisa dibanggakan untuk duet dengan Mario. Sentuhan Solo Melodius Gitar cantik juga kerap ditorehkan oleh Cris Tian. kemudian " Machinage " pun lebih terasa Epic banget sentuhannya. The fast paced sections have chugging guitars riffs, double bass runs, soaring lead work and, as with everything else here, comes backed by a nonstop wall of string inspired orchestrations, The slower style has subtle melodic guitar lines twining alongside piano segments, once again backed by an onslaught of orchestrated keyboard music. meskipun gw kurang begitu paham betul konsep Power metal, namun bisa gw tuliskan kalo materi kali ini semakin mantap dan matang tertuang dalam komposisi musik yang asli ciamik, cocok banget dinikmati dengan secangkir susu coklat panas dan Menyalakan Rokok mild hehehehe hmmmmm ..... selain beberapa track yang Nge-beat, beberapa Track Balada tetap seperti biasa dapat kita nikmati disini seperti " Vicious Circle, Cave Behind the Waterfall, Bestiality vs. Integrity dan Tlaloc's Grace (Orchestra version) ( hanya tersedia pada versi Digipact aja.ed ) sementara yang lain tetap siap menggoyang Kepala kita terus dan terus hehehehe. As for the rest, including the final track, there's generally nothing loathsome about them, but they do little to perk the ears thanks to the bloated symphonics and rehashed rhythms. The prevalent sound of the band works well enough for a certain extent, but by not changing the dynamics at any point throughout the recording, it can hurt the accessibility of the later tracks which need all the help they can get since the most memorable tunes in terms of songcraft are firmly entrenched at the commencement. Without a doubt, though, this is currently the band's finest achievement, and if they can stick together as a team for once, focus on strong and varied compositions with an edgier vibe and regulate the amount of keyboard slush appropriated, they might just cross that barrier towards the upper tier of symphonic power-tinged female-fronted acts. tetap bisa menjadi Koleksi Nyantai yang asyik deh pokoknya. dan kalian wajib memilikinya hehehehe.

Career Journey band Melodic / Symphonic Power Metal origin of Bruck an der Mur, Styria, Austria which exists since 2000, is well known Gw Album2nya be part of the playlist Relaxing gw hehehehe, it was like most other bands, ga smooth seh, let alone to lose Icon important in leading Garda band, Female Vocalist at best, Nicole Bogner who breathed his last on January 5, 2012 because of his Chronic Diseases, and replace since he became ill in 2009 by Maxi Nil who played for the band On Thorns I Lay, ex -Elysion, and ex-Moonspell (live) tour interrupted during his third album "Trinity", and "Ethera" is the third of his material, still offers a distinctive vocal style and powerfully. and still bring new guitarist, Cris tian since Ep "Mary Magdalene" In 2011, which is now to be without the presence of the original band guitarist, Werner Fiedler. listen to the track since the beginning of "The Ark", like VOA concept of quality is maintained materi2 before. The music ranges from a fast paced style of melodic power metal, similar to Dark Moor, to a slower, more gothic inspired style. While the band is competent musically. Male and Female Vocal mix a Powerful Concept VOA since formed, so it is still the original style VOA. by Easy Listening music compositions blend with the style of Power Metal Gothic Metal Electro keyboard plus a touch of style Martin Harb. Typical Strength Character Vocal Maxi still be proud to duet with Mario. Solo Touch of gorgeous melodic guitar also often inscribed by Cris Tian. then "Machinage" even more pronounced Epic really touch. The fast paced riffs sections have chugging guitars, double bass runs, soaring lead work and, as with everything else here, comes backed by a nonstop wall of string inspired orchestrations, the slower style has subtle melodic guitar lines alongside Twining piano segments, once again backed by an onslaught of orchestrated music keyboard. although less so i understand well the concept of power metal, but can i write this time if the material more stable and mature musical compositions contained in the original ciamik, fits really enjoyed with a cup of hot chocolate and Lit Cigarette mild hmmmmm ..... hehehehe besides some Nge-beat track, some remain as usual Ballad Track can be enjoyed here like "Vicious Circle, Cave Behind the Waterfall, bestiality v. Tlaloc's Integrity and Grace (Orchestra version) (only available in version Digipact aja.ed) while others remain ready to shake our head over and over hehehehe. As for the rest, Including the final track, there's generally nothing loathsome about them, but they do little to perk the ears thanks to the bloated symphonics and rehashed rhythms. The prevalent sound of The band works well enough for a certain extent, but by not changing the dynamics at any point throughout the recording, it can hurt the accessibility of the later tracks roomates need all the help they can get since the most memorable tunes in terms of songcraft are firmly entrenched at the commencement. Without a doubt, though, this is currently the band's finest achievement, and if they can stick together as a team for once, focus on strong and varied Compositions with an edgier vibe and Regulate the amount of keyboard slush appropriated , they might just cross that barrier towards the upper tier of symphonic power-tinged female-fronted acts. still could be a fun collection nyantai deh anyway., and you shall have it hehehehe.

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