Senin, 29 Juni 2015

Extremely Rotten Flesh - Last Breath CD 2013

Extremely Rotten Flesh - Last Breath
Brutalized Records CD 2013

01 H.D.M.        
02 Buried at Born        
03 Descent into Evil        
04 Dying        
05 Vida Enferma        
06 No Exit        
07 Terror Project        
08 Godfall        
09 Molested

Fabian - Bass
William - Drums
James - Guitars
Jorge - Vocals

Of What, no reviews for this one yet? Strange, I presumed this would be much more popular by now. Really great brutal death metal in the Colombian style, although a lot tighter and cleaner sounding than you'd expect from a South American band, not as dirty and sloppy sounding play a very modern style of brutal death metal with very tight, precise musicianship and perfect production. tentunya gw masih mengingat band Brutal Bentukan salah satu Frontman Brutal Death Metal sadis Colombia Scene, Goretrade, ada Gitaris James disini yang memulai band ini sejak 2002, dan Gw mulai mengenal band ini sejak mendengarkan album pertama mereka " The End " tahun 2007. tidak seperti kebanyakan band2 Brutal Death Metal Scene Colombia yang Blasting en ngebut abis, sangat berbeda untuk yang satu ini mencoba lebih bergaya US style in the Vein Dying Fetus, Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation, Cephalic Carnage, Malamor serta beberapa sentuhan Lama Kataklysm ! ... A new virus has been released... The countdown for extermination has begun !!! setelah cukup lama menghilang inilah debutan mereka ditahun 2013 dengan tetap mengusung konsep Brutal Death Metal-nya. dan cukup unik juga saat mendengarkan part awal Track pertama " H.D.M. ", dimana kita langsung disuguhi Permainan Pop Melodius sampai gw terheran2.. " Ga Salah Nih ", en ternyata Gw salah wkwkwkwk, setelah itu gempuran padat Blastbeat menyerang ! dengan masih menggunakan Pig Snore Guttural Gurgling, vokalis Jorge masih menebarkan Aroma Mengerikannya, dan jika Gw bandingkan dengan album pertama, jelas Konsep kali ini MENURUN !! loh?? iya memang walau banyak sekali Fastest Blaster Grinding bertebaran disini, namun jangan terlalu berharap mereka bakalan bermain seganas era album " The End " yang masih gw kagumi kedasyatannya. namun bukan berarti " Last Breath " ini sebagai " Nafas Terakhir " mereka untuk berkarya. permainan serba cepat dan menendang masih menjadi perhatian khusus mereka memuntahkan amunisi berdarahnya.  There are really fast parts that are rigid, technical and partly indecipherable (well, I guess they do fit in pretty well with the Colombian crowd), and there are slam riffs used sporadically (although cleverly disguised, they fit in well as regular riffs and this doesn't really feel like music that you'd slam dance to). " Descent into Evil " pukulan telaknya sedikit mengingatkan dengan dasyatnya Cryptopsy era " None So Vile ", dengan Sounding Riff yang jelas terbaca, membuat tantangan tersendiri buat Gitaris James lebih mengatur aransemennya sejelas mungkin tidak seperti dirinya sedang bermain bareng Goretrade. 9 Komposisi Track sadis cukuplah untuk meluluh lantakkan kegalauan Orang sekampung nih kayaknya hehehe ... these you'll find most regularly, they really are the driving force and when you couple them with the hard, hammering drums and brutal vocals (very low and gurgly, although not pich-shifted by the sounds of it, very powerful, typical brutal death vocals although particularly well pulled off) what we get is some really fantastic brutal death. fans yang rada ngebut, liar dan mencekam, kayaknya silahkan dicoba sajian dari Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia ini. pertarungan US death metal dengan Colombia Style ! Dying Fetus, Cryptopsy bertemu dengan Goretrade dan Internal Suffering ! The band are clearly well rehearsed and it really pays off with this album. Really well written songs, tight playing and a brutal delivery. I like this album a lot, and I recommend it to any fans of modern brutal death metal.

Of What, no reviews for this one yet? Strange, I Presumed this would be much more popular by now. Really great brutal death metal in the Colombian style, although a lot tighter and cleaner sounding than you'd expect from a South American band, not as dirty and sloppy play a very modern sounding style of brutal death metal with very tight, precise musicianship and perfect production. of course I still remember one of the band's formation Brutal Brutal Death Metal Frontman sadistic Colombia Scene, Goretrade, there Guitarist James here who started this band since 2002, and Gw getting to know this band since their first album to listen to "The End" in 2007. unlike most band2 Brutal Death Metal Scene Colombia who Blasting en speeding abis, very different to this one try U.S. style style in the vein Dying Fetus, Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation, Cephalic Carnage, and a few touches Lama Malamor Kataklysm! ... A new virus has been released ... The countdown has begun for extermination!!! after quite a long time to disappear this year 2013 with their debut still carry the concept of the Brutal Death Metal. and quite unique as well as listening to the early part first Track "HDM", where we immediately offered a melodic Pop game until i terheran2 .. "Ga Wrong Here", en turns Gw one wkwkwkwk, after it strikes a solid Blastbeat attack! by still using Pig SNORE Guttural gurgling, vocalist Jorge cast still smell terrible, and if Gw compared with the first album, this time clear concept DOWNHILL!! loh?? yes indeed despite myriad Blaster Fastest Grinding scattered here, but do not count on them going to play fierce era album "The End" that still i admire kedasyatannya. but that does not mean "Last Breath" as "Last Breath" them to work. fast-paced game and kicking still a special attention they spew bloody ammunition. There are parts that are really fast rigid, technical and partly indecipherable (well, I guess they do fit in pretty well with the Colombian crowd), and there are slam riffs used sporadically (although cleverly disguised, they fit in well as regular riffs and this does not really feel like music that you'd slam dance to). "Descent into Evil" blow dasyatnya telaknya little reminiscent of the era Cryptopsy "None So Vile", with a clearly legible Sounding Riffs, create challenge for Guitarists James better organize aransemennya may not be as clear as he was playing with Goretrade. 9 Composition Track sadistic enough to devastating turmoil devastated compatriot People think ya hehehe ... Regularly you'll find most these, they really are the driving force and when you couple them with the hard, hammering drums and brutal vocals (very low and gurgly, although not pich-shifted by the sounds of it, very powerful, brutal typical death vocals although particularly well pulled off) what we get is some really fantastic brutal death. rada fans speeding, wild and gripping, I guess just try a dish of Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia this. U.S. death metal fight with Colombia Style! Dying Fetus, Cryptopsy met Goretrade and Internal Suffering! The band are well rehearsed Cleary and it really pays off with this album. Really well written songs, tight playing and a brutal delivery. I like this album a lot, and I recommend it to any fans of modern brutal death metal.

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