Senin, 29 Juni 2015

Hypocrisy - End of Disclosure CD 2013

Hypocrisy - End of Disclosure
Nuclear Blast Records CD 2013

01 End of Disclosure 04:46    
02 Tales of Thy Spineless 04:36    
03 The Eye 05:41    
04 United We Fall 04:50    
05 44 Double Zero 04:27    
06 Hell Is Where I Stay 04:34    
07 Soldier of Fortune 04:51    
08 When Death Calls 03:54    
09 The Return 06:06

Peter Tägtgren - Vocals, Guitars, Keyboards
Mikael Hedlund - Bass
Horgh - Drums

I do understand, however, that anyone who started his or her journey through this band’s musical realm with any of the two first releases might have felt it a bit strange as they evolved throughout the 1990s. The thing is, they did release an album or two that had their share of ballad-like tunes, maybe a bit over the desired balance between heavy and melodic which make the Hypocrisy sound so unique. Beyond all that, there is this album. sedikit mengungkapkan perjalanan panjang salah satu Veteran Death Metal Terbaik Swedia scene pernah memiliki salah satu Band Dasyat Era 90-an, Hypocrisy yang dimotori oleh Frontman Peter Tägtgren, peter sendiri pernah eksis berkelana di Scene Amrik dan pernah memperkuat Barisan Floridan Death Metal ternama Malevolent Creation sebelum akhirnya membentuk Hypocrisy sebagai Proyek Ambisi Bermusik Utamanya Seditious yang menjadi cikal bakal Nama Hypocrisy ini ditahun 1990. buat kita yang pernah hidup diera 90-an, nama Hypocrisy terbilang salah satu nama penting perkembangan Death Metal swedia lewat 3 rilisan pentingnya " Penetralia (1992), Pleasure of Molestation EP (1993) dan Osculum Obscenum (1993) " namun entah mengapa Band ini malah memutuskan mengubah Konsep Death Metal Kental-nya memasuki Full album ke-3 nya " The Fourth Dimension " tahun 1994 menjadi lebih Melodic Death Metal dengan Tema lirik tentang Aliens dan Science Fiction. sebuah keputusan yang sulit pada awalnya membuat karir band ini kian meredup namun akhirnya harus ditinggalkan banyak fans dan mendapat fans baru dengan konsep musik sekarang ini. Peter Tägtgren memang sosok Pribadi yang aktif dalam berkarya dan hidup dimusik metal, selain Bermain di Hypocrisy, Peter Tägtgren pernah memperkuat band Pain, ex-The Abyss, ex-Bloodbath, ex-Lock Up, ex-Malevolent Creation, ex-Marduk (live), ex-War, dan ex-Conquest. well sedikit basa basi dari Frontman band, kita lanjut ke materi baru ini aja deh hehehehe ... secara resmi rilisan ini beredar pada 22 maret 2013 lewat label setia yang membesarkan nama band sejak awal karir, karena memang Peter adalah salah satu pengelola Nuclear Blast Records kawasan Eropa, materi yang pertama kali dikenalkan lewat kemunculan Video Clip Perdana track " End of Disclosure " ini masih menawarkan konsep yang ga jauh dari sebelumnya di album " A Taste of Extreme Divinity "tahun 2009 lalu, a couple heavy songs, very well structured, with crunchy riffs and easily reminded choruses, complemented with slower songs that will allow you to hum along while recovering your breath, before some mild to serious had banger comes along. Yes, I confess that is what I was expecting. namun setelah gw nikmati keseluruhan materi ini, Hypocrisy lebih mencoba banyak membawa nuansa Era album EP " Pleasure of Molestation " dengan sentuhan Konsep2 saat ini. " End of Disclosure " tetap menjadi Track Andalan untuk mendapatkan Urutan terdepat track list terdepan. sebuah Track yang masih kental aroma kuat materi sejak Album " Reformasi " konsep " The Fourth Dimension " tetap disajikan dengan Epic dan Melodius banget. And yet, amazingly enough, Peter and company manage to keep a superb sense of melody attached to the very fabric of each song. namun begitu memasuki track ke-2 " Tales of Thy Spineless " barulah kita digiring dengan persembahan death metal style yang lebih cepat, brings an astonishing assault on one’s ears, relentless aggression impregnated with awesome melody, very heavy, very fast-forward, very brutal sounding. Bear with me, it is not a brutal death metal album, no way. It is still a melodic death metal work, but one that pushes the notion of “melodic” forward. There are no easy going tracks here, every single track is a full death metal charge. And yet, amazingly enough !, Karakter Vokal Peter dari Harsh kini menjadi lebih Growling lagi. " The Eye " tampil lebih memiliki Beat Yang memacu Adrenalin untuk headbanging, Nice Track ! kemudian Part awal Track " United We Fall " terasa Memorable Komposisi-nya yang megah nan epic ! struktur death metal gaya " Lama " Hypocrisy sangat terasakan sekali disini. The song is, by all measurable accounts, great, but at the same time it doesn’t feel like a legendary Hypocrisy opener as was Warpath or several earlier numbers. This attention towards the drums’ quality doesn’t conflict with the extremely proficient guitar playing, which Peter Tägtgren never abandons throughout the record. However, what he keeps in terms of high-quality riffs and in the infusion of an atmosphere of aggression, he abandons in pure technicality and flashiness (no major solos are to be found here). This is in no way a problem however, as Hypocrisy has always been about writing appropriate, powerful music and not about showing one’s skills off. dan nikmati juga Sajian Track keras lainnya " When Death Calls ", Hypocrisy mencoba untuk menendang dengan Konsep Liar-nya ketimbang Track Melodius sentuhan kental avant Garde-nya. dan memang secara keseluruhan album ini tetap menampilkan nuansa materi album sebelum2nya, masih digarap sendiri semuanya oleh Frontman Peter Tägtgren kecuali Desain Kover depan asyik-nya karya seniman Amrik Wes Benscoter yang karyanya sudah banyak dipake oleh band2 terkenal. meskipun ga terlalu bikin boring nuansa album ini tetap memberikan sentuhan Death Metal yang fresh ! However, that’s a potentially shallow viewpoint because all Hypocrisy albums are meant to be enjoyed after a number of spins, which is when their brilliance can be rendered fully apparent. Although it’s not as brilliant as some of the other’s other masterpieces, this is a great album and it certainly proves Hypocrisy’s capacity of writing high-quality music even today. That, and its cover art is exceptionally powerful, evocative and just plain appropriate for the music within.

I do understand, however, that anyone who started his or her journey through this band's musical realm with any of the first two releases might have felt it a bit strange as they evolved throughout the 1990s. The thing is, they did release an album or two that had their share of ballad-like tunes, maybe a bit over the Desired balance between heavy and melodic roomates make the Hypocrisy sound so unique. Beyond all that, there is this album. little revealed one long trip Veteran Best Swedish Death Metal scene ever had one terrible Band Era of the 90s, led by Hypocrisy frontman Peter Tagtgren, Peter himself had ventured Scene Amrik exist and never strengthen Barisan Floridan renowned Death Metal Malevolent Creation before eventually forming a Project Hypocrisy Primarily seditious musical ambitions which led to the name Hypocrisy this year 1990. for us who have lived diera 90s, the name of one of the names spelled Hypocrisy important developments Swedish Death Metal release of the importance of passing 3 "Penetralia (1992), Pleasure of Molestation EP (1993) and Osculum Obscenum (1993)" but somehow this band instead decided to change the concept of Death Metal Full Condensed his entering his 3rd album "The Fourth Dimension" in 1994 to more Melodic Death Metal with lyrics about themes Aliens and Science Fiction. a decision that was difficult at first to make a career band grow dimmer, but eventually had abandoned many fans and get new fans to the concept of today's music. Peter Tagtgren is a private figure who is active in the work and life dimusik metal, in addition to playing in Hypocrisy, Peter Tagtgren played for the band Pain, ex-The Abyss, ex-Bloodbath, ex-Lock Up, ex-Malevolent Creation, ex-Marduk (live ), ex-War, and ex-Conquest. well a little lip service from band frontman, we go into this new material aja deh hehehehe ... This release officially circulated on 22 March 2013 through the label that nurtured loyal band name since the beginning of his career, because Peter is one of the managers of the European Nuclear Blast Records, the material was first introduced by the emergence Video Clip prime track "End of Disclosure" is still offers ga concept further than before in the album "A Taste of Extreme Divinity" in 2009, a couple of heavy songs, very well structured, with crunchy riffs and easily reminded choruses, complemented with slower songs that will allow you to hum along while recovering your breath, before some had mild to serious banger comes along. Yes, I confess that is what I was expecting. but after i take the whole of this material, Hypocrisy much more trying to bring nuance Era EP album "Pleasure of Molestation" with a touch Konsep2 today. "End of Disclosure" remains a mainstay for Track Order forefront leading track list. Track is still a strong smell of thick material from the album "Reform" concept "The Fourth Dimension" still presented with Epic and very melodic. And yet, amazingly enough, Peter and company manage to keep a superb sense of melody attached to the very fabric of each song. but upon entering the track into-2 "Tales of Thy Spineless" then we were herded by offering death metal style more quickly, brings an astonishing assault on one's ears, Relentless aggression impregnated with awesome melody, very heavy, very fast-forward, very brutal soundings. Bear with me, it is not a brutal death metal album, no way. It is still a melodic death metal work, but one that pushes the notion of "melodic" forward. There are no easy going tracks here, every single track is a full death metal charge. And yet, amazingly enough!, Character Vocal Peter of Harsh has become more Growling again. "The Eye" Beat That appears to have more adrenaline boost for headbanging, Nice Track! then the initial Part Track "United We Fall" was his composition Memorable nan magnificent epic! structures death metal style "Old" Hypocrisy extremely felt all here. The song is, by all measurable accounts, great, but at the same time it does not feel like a legendary Hypocrisy opener as was Warpath or several Earlier numbers. This attention towards the drums' quality does not conflict with the extremely proficient guitar playing, roomates Peter Tagtgren never abandons throughout the record. However, what he keeps in terms of high-quality riffs and in the infusion of an atmosphere of aggression, he abandons in pure technicality and flashiness (no major solos are to be found here). This is in no way a problem however, as Hypocrisy has always been about writing appropriate, powerful music and not about showing off one's skills. Track dish and enjoy also other hardware "When Death Calls", Hypocrisy trying to kick with his concept of Wild Track melodic than heavy touch his avant Garde. and indeed the whole album is still showing shades sebelum2nya album material, still worked himself entirely by frontman Peter Tagtgren except Coverage Design front of her engrossed in the work of artists whose work Amrik Wes Benscoter by using that many famous band2. although it is not too boring shades make this album still gives a fresh touch of Death Metal! However, that's a shallow viewpoint Potentially Because all Hypocrisy albums are meant to be enjoyed after a number of spins, roomates is when their brilliance can be rendered fully apparent. Although it's not as brilliant as some of the other's other masterpieces, this is a great album and it certainly proves Hypocrisy's capacity of writing high-quality music even today. That, and its cover art is exceptionally powerful, evocative and just plain appropriate for the music within.

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