Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

Scordatura - Torment Of The Weak CD 2013

Scordatura - Torment Of The Weak
Blast Head Records CD 2013!/pages/SCORDATURA/226405780049

01 Necromantic Disposition 04:33    
02 Visceral Disembowelment 04:34    
03 Neurotic Aberration 03:40    
04 Torment of the Weak 03:07    
05 Back to Crack 02:51      
06 Incestual Convulsions 02:47    
07 Sutured Flesh 04:49      
08 From Chin to Hole (CD bonus track) 04:17

Tam Moran - Drums
Owen McKendrick - Guitars
Dave Coia - Guitars
Daryl Boyce - Vocals
Mark Scobie - Bass

Daratan Scene Metal UK memang Patut menjadi Pertumbuhan Subur Brutal Death Metal Movement, beberapa Tahun yang lalu seorang teman dari UK ( Gw lupa Namanya hehehe .ed ) merekomendasikan salah satu band teman dekatnya, Scordatura ! untuk gw nikmati EP " Open Skies " nya, yang sontan membuat gw rada terkejut dengan permainanan 5 remaja berbakat ini yang sekilas konsepnya ( spesial pada Karakter Pattern Growling Vocal .ed ) mengingatkan dengan gaya bernyanyinya Origin ! ya walo konsep musiknya ga seliar Origin namun lebih bergaya Dying Fetus abis dengan sentuhan slam groovy part ciamik, sehingga lebih bikin gw headbang aja sepertinya. komposisi musik yang catchy dan ga terlalu menonjolkan beat2 yang ngebut, sehingga pas banget untuk menikmati suasana rileks nih ! pengalaman panggung pernah menjadi opening band2 dasyat seperti Cryptopsy, Misery Index, Aborted, Beneath The Massacre, Malevolant Creation, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Condemned cukup untuk mereka eksis berkarya, dan " Torment Of The Weak " menjadi penantian panjang mereka setelah beberapa rilisan sebelumnya mengundang perhatian label asal Kanada, Blast Head Records tertarik untuk merilis debut full CD pertama ini. merangkul Enjiner mastering amrik, Scott Fuller yang lebih kita kenal sebagai Drummer band Abysmal Dawn dan Max Karon, Freelance audio engineer dan sound technician asal Amrik untuk menciptakan kembali Masterpiece Scordatura ini. yuk kita mulai mendengarkan debut paling matang yang dibuat oleh 5 anak muda belia asal Glasgow, Scotland, UK yang eksis membentuk band ini sejak 2007 lalu. Track " Necromantic Disposition " yang diawali dengan sebuah intro selama 01:16 setelah itu serangan menerjang mengoyak telinga gw, gaya blastebeat-nya standard mengingatkan dengan karakteristik Cannibal Corpse Drumming, dan sounding Riffing-nya sangat mengingatkan gw dengan Dying Fetus Abis !! The razor-wire riffs, back-loaded drumming and ferocious vocal whiplash enough to bring even the most ardent fan to their knees as they’re whipped into a frenzy with that absolutely frantic groove gets thrown into the mix barely twenty seconds into the offering. This is the pit-ready song on the album and it’s about as essential as it comes on the album. With the perfectly-timed change-ups and surprise fills placed within, this one gets the blood boiling and the head banging as best as can be. dan gaya bernyanyi Vokalis Daryl Boyce memang Cerewet banget, growling-nya mengingatkan sekali dengan cara bernyanyinya Origin ! meski ga seliar Origin, Scordatura ini adalah mungkin perpaduan Softly Antara Dying Fetus dan Origin dengan sentuhan mantap tentunya. nearly as fun with its near-relentless pounding, technically-proficient soloing, frenetic pacing that just goes over the edge so often it’s insane and the demented, growling vocals meshing perfectly to end the beating on a high-note. dan Gw perhatian hampir setiap komposisinya selalu menawarkan Sentuhan yang menarik dan jauh dari kesan Boring, meski ga terlalu orisinil konsepnya, namun karya mereka ini asli keren loh !! is pretty more more-of-the-same from the dynamic death metal mongers, and that is certainly cause for celebration after a rocky history. That’s all gone, now, with one listen through this rattling monster. " Visceral Disembowelment ", menawarkan Harmonisasi Sadis yang tentu lagi2 gw harus teringat dengan sentuhan Dying Fetus dan Origin untuk merasakan setiap jengkal sentuhan musikalitas mereka yang blastbeat standard dan selalu bermuara pada gaya Groovy slam part yang ciamik untuk Headbang ! and that also includes the band’s penchant for seeming to find difficulty in distinguishing songs from each other. Picking a song from anywhere in the album at random and finding an excuse to place it in the first couple spaces in the running order can easily be accomplished since the brutality level would stay the same and you’d still have scorchers spread throughout the album because the entire thing plays pretty much the same way. " Neurotic Aberration " Harmonisasi Riffing yang semakin kelam mencekam mewarnai pembantaian mereka selanjutnya, Gaya Vokal powerfully Daryl Boyce adalah salah satu Obsesi gaya bernyanyi gw dalam band loh hahahaha, sangat enerjik dan Cool Style banget !! As great as it is to see and hear them going all-out like this, there’s very little diversity among the tracks as they appear to follow the same formula: technically-intense riff, chaotic drum-work blasting beneath everything and enunciation-free growling spewed forth through the entire album. 8 komposisi lagu berdurasi 30:38 ini lebih akan membawa kita ke dimensi gaya bermain perpaduan kental Origin dan Dying Fetus abis deh pokoknya ! And as always, there is that insistent sense of melody that forces the listener to pay attention and get their head moving. Probably the best way to describe the combination is to say it is death metal (blistering drum patterns rife with rolling double bass kicks, powerfully down-tuned guitars with riffs designed to steamroll the listener, and violent, guttural vocal roars) with a sense of rock melody and timing (it slows down in parts and really accents the sheer BANG-YOUR-FUCKING-HEAD-NOW urgency of the music). This is an album that revels in its ability to crush the listener with unrestrained ferocity and resuscitate them with the gripping melody and rhythm of the next section of the song. In The Vein Dying Fetus and Origin ( Especially Vocals Duties ) ?? Gw sarankan banget untuk mencoba yang satu ini. There have been a number of great death metal releases this year, from battle-scarred veterans and starry-eyed newcomers alike, and Reign Supreme stands as tall and confident as any of them, showing no signs of relenting, spent pulverizing the scene. Fans of anything and everything brutal, step right up, and prepare yourselves for a hardened, professional ass kicking.

Mainland UK Metal Scene is Worth a Brutal Death Metal Fertile Growth Movement, a few year ago a friend from the UK (Gw forget the name hehehe. Ed) recommended one of his closest friends band, Scordatura! for i enjoy EP "Open Skies" her, which makes i rada sontan surprised by permainanan five talented teenagers who briefly concept (specials on Growling Vocal Character Pattern. ed) singing style reminds Origin! walo ya ga wild musical concept but more stylish Origin Dying Fetus abis with a touch of groovy slam ciamik part, so it seemed to make gw aja headbang. musical compositions are catchy and highlight beat2 ga speeding, so it fits really to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of ya! stage experience had been a terrible opening band2 like Cryptopsy, Misery Index, Aborted, Beneath The Massacre, Malevolant Creation, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Condemned enough work for them to exist, and "Torment Of The Weak" to them after a long wait before inviting the attention of label release from Canada, Blast Head Records keen to release their debut full CD first. Americans are embracing mastering Engineer, Scott Fuller better known as Drummer band Abysmal Dawn and Max Karon, Freelance audio engineer and sound technician Amrik origin to re-create this Scordatura Masterpiece. let's start listening to the most mature debut made by 5 young young native Glasgow, Scotland, UK formed the band exists since 2007. Track "Necromantic Disposition" which begins with an intro for 01:16 after crashing attack tore gw ear, his style blastebeat standard with characteristics reminiscent of Cannibal Corpse Drumming, and sounding very reminiscent of his riffing with Dying Fetus Abis gw! The razor-wire riffs, back-loaded whiplash drumming and vocals Ferocious enough to bring even the most Ardent fans to their knees as they're whipped into a frenzy with absolutely frantic groove that gets thrown into the mix barely twenty seconds into the offering. This is the pit-ready song on the album and it's about as essential as it comes on the album. With the perfectly-timed change-ups and surprise fills placed within, this one gets the blood boiling and the head banging as best as can be. and vocalist Daryl Boyce singing style is very Talkative, growling its way to remind all singing Origins! although wild ga Origin, it is probably a combination Scordatura Softly Between Origin Dying Fetus and steady course to the touch. nearly as fun with its near-Relentless pounding, technically-proficient soloing, frenetic pacing that just goes over the edge so Often it's insane and the demented, growling vocals meshing perfectly to end the beating on a high-note. and Gw attention of almost every composition has always offered an interesting touch, and far from being Boring, although the concept is not too original, but their work is original cool loh!! more is pretty more-of-the-same from the dynamic death metal mongers, and that is certainly cause for celebration after a rocky history. That's all gone, now, with one listen through this rattling monster. "Visceral Disembowelment", which of course offers Harmonization Sadistic lagi2 i must remember to touch Origin Dying Fetus and to feel every inch of their musicality touch blastbeat standard and always comes down to the style of slam Groovy part ciamik to Headbang! and that also includes the band's penchant for seeming to find difficulty in Distinguishing songs from each other. Picking a song from anywhere in the album at random and finding an excuse to place it in the first couple spaces in the running order can Easily be accomplished since the Brutality level would stay the same and you'd still have scorchers spread throughout the album Because The entire thing plays pretty much the same way. "Neurotic aberration" Harmonization riffing increasingly ominous dark colored their subsequent slaughter, Daryl Boyce powerfully vocal style is one of obsession with the band singing style gw tablets hahahaha, very energetic and very Cool Style! As great as it is to see and hear them going all-out like this, there's very little diversity among the tracks as they Appear to follow the same formula: technically-intense riffs, chaotic drum-work blasting beneath everything and enunciation-free growling spewed forth through the entire album. 8 30:38 This song composition lasted more will bring us to a dimension style play Origin and creamy blend Dying Fetus abis deh anyway! And as always, there is that insistent sense of melody that forces the listener to pay attention and get their head moving. Probably the best way to describe the combination is to say it is death metal (blistering drum patterns Rife with rolling double bass kicks, powerfully down-tuned guitars with riffs designed to steamroll the listener, and violent, guttural vocal roars) with a sense of rock melody and timing (it Slows down in parts and really accents the sheer BANG-YOUR-FUCKING-HEAD-NOW urgency of the music). This is an album that revels in its ability to crush the listener with unrestrained ferocity and Resuscitate them with the gripping melody and rhythm of the next section of the song. In The Vein Dying Fetus and Origin (Vocals Especially Duties)?? I really suggest to try this one. There have been a number of great death metal releases this year, from battle-scarred veterans and starry-eyed Newcomers alike, and Reign Supreme stands as tall and confident as any of them, showing no signs of relenting, spent pulverizing the scene. Fans of anything and everything brutal, step right up, and prepare yourselves for a hardened, professional ass kicking.

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