Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

Urethral Defecation - High Human Feelings CD 2013

Urethral Defecation - High Human Feelings
Ghastly Music CD 2013

01 Intro 00:43    
02 Fat Body 04:30    
03 Good Whore - Dead Whore 03:59    
04 Disfiguring the Child 03:01    
05 Godless Creation 03:38    
06 My Grandmother 03:01    
07 High Human Feelings 02:38    
08 Destruction of Humanity 03:11    
09 Gutted 02:53    
10 I Hate You Kate 04:33    
11 Outro 02:23

Alexandr Gera - Bass
Evgeniy Nikolaevi - Guitars
Lev Welzewul - Vocals

Karena Hawa Dingin Sangat mencekam di Kota Batu-Malang, sehingga menikmati sajian Brutal Musick menjadi salah satu menu sajian utama gw mengusir hawa dingin di Kaki Gunung Panderman ini hahahaha, Slamming Brutal Death Metal Again Yeahhh !!!!!!!!!!! New Wave Slamming Brutal Death Metal of Siberia!  Music, Like Bacillus Anthraxis, Amaze You After Listening to the First track. Leechers Guitars Riffs will Fill your body with the energy that you can not cope. Accompanaied with a powerful vocal Pigs. Your Body and mind will rot From the inside. Your Imagination will appreciate text album. TheThe Lyric is Built on the Hidden desires of man, which is in every ... But Not Everyone is ready to recognize them in your self. One more Surprise awaits You Inside the box with the disk. For Fans of " New " With A " Taste " of the Old :) From Russia with Love. itu adalah sekelumit kata yang gw tangkap dibooklet kovernya Siberians Slamming Brutal Death Metal ini. sebelumnya band ini gw kenal lewat EP " Indulgence to Death ", Russia memang saat ini sedang dilanda Demam Slamming Brutal Death Metal banget kayaknya, buktinya Band2 genre ini tumbuh menjamur menjadi fenomena tersendiri disana. Slamming Anthemic !! dan " High Human Feelings " menjadi debutan fresh mereka setelah bergabung dengan Roster Label Brutal, Ghastly Music yang merupakan Sub Label dari Amputated Vein Records yang bermarkas di Jepang, kayaknya banyak sekali sekarang mengangkat band2 Brutal New Comer ke scene Internasional. meski Musikalitas band ini masih terus menawarkan sentuhan padat karakter bermain Cephalotripsy,Devourment ,Suffocation,Six Feet Under,Vomitory,Ingested dan Abominable Putridity seperti pada EP sebelumnya, di materi kali ini terasakan perkembangan pesat dari mereka untuk mengkomposisi musik dengan lebih teratur dan bagus lagi. pretty much every slam band on earth has used as a guideline for their own music, places blasts inbetween all of its slams. Cephalotripsy have apparently skipped this part of their musical formula. The writers of this album are on a very fine line between writing nothing but slams and coming across as some of the most mentally retarded people on Earth, The guitar riffs all chug along throughout the album, creating by far the best slams to ever grace the Earth in the process. Very rarely does the note the guitars are playing actually matter - the guitar tone, thick and groovy as it is, would in theory allow this band to play the same note throughout all these slams and this album would still be great. That is due in part to how well-composed these slams are: The slams do go into 4/4 every now and then, but the majority of them are played in 3/4 or 6/8, which is just how slams should be, as it makes them into the catchy monsters they are supposed to be. dimulai dengan sebuah intro, kemudian barulah kita disiksa dengan downtune slamming yang berkarakter Modern seperti yang diadopsi oleh band2 Deathcore style pada ketukan Breakdown slam part-nya pada Track awal " Fat Body ", Karakter Slam Riff Evgeniy Nikolaevi serasa terus memaksa dengan Downtune yang berat bermuara pada adrenalin pendengarnya untuk Headbang ! sehingga sang drummer hanya mengerjakan tugas rilexs-nya melengkapi pada setiap ketukannya, sementara Guttural Gurgling Vocalis Lev Welzewul masih menjadi icon penting band2 slamming dengan beberapa karakter vokal-nya yang terkadang Pig Snoring banget style-nya. slick and clean without having any guttural overtones, and aren't particularly annoying as pig squeals can be if the vocalist doesn't monitor himself. Though this is one of the most slurred vocalists I've ever heard, I'm able to keep up with what the guy says more often than not. The fact that he can outdo ninety percent of all the slam vocalists. beberapa sentuhan karakter Six Feet Under cukup menghiasi beberapa part lagunya sehingga elemen Old School Death Metal Sludgy cukup merasuki Kreatifitas bermusik band ini. The drums are another defining element of this album: the kit is surprisingly clean for a slam album. Cephalotripsy's drumkit resembles a slightly trashier version of Abnormality's: extremely clean cymbals, but the snare resembles a wood block in that it has little to no resonance in the mix. This is a plus, actually, because it allows the drummer to play extremely fast fills on the snare without the clanking becoming a nuisance. My final comment for this album is that the production is perfect. Extremely clear given the standards for most slam bands; the guitar tone is superb; the mixing job is flawless. Nothing's too low in the mix, and I'm sure the band wouldn't have altered this formula at all were they to come back to this album. Rasanya menjadi bagian yang sulit gw tulis dari genre ini jika harus mencermati setiap musiknya yang memiliki kemiripan dengan semua lagunya, sehingga secara garis besar bisa gw gambarkan sebagian aja, coz dah mewakili semua karakter lagu 9 berdurasi 34:30 ini. Slam Will always dominated again !!! biarpun menggunakan karakter Vokal Guttural, ga lupa band ini menambahkan lirik lagu pada Booklet Cover CD nya yang didesain dengan cukup Menarik Gory Artwork termasuk Biografy Band terdapat didalamnya, so lagi2 Fans Slamming, Gw sarankan untuk sisakan waktu sejenak elo menikmati sajian Berdarah trio asal Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, Russia ini. If you do not mind an album that is dominated by the vocalist and the drummer, get this by all means. Few bands within the whole shit infested and kitschy world of slam make it their prerogative to be the epitome of everything good about slamming, and offer no quarter form the slamming riffs !!

Because Eve Cold Very tense in Batu-Malang, so enjoy perks Brutal Musick become one of the main dish menu gw ward off the cold in this Panderman Foothills hahahaha, Brutal Death Metal slamming Again Yeahhh!!!!!!!!!!! New Wave slamming Brutal Death Metal of Siberia! Music, Like Anthraxis Bacillus, Amaze You After Listening to the First track. Leechers Guitars riffs will Fill your body with the energy that you can not cope. Accompanaied Pigs with a powerful vocal. Your body and mind will rot From the inside. Your text will appreciate the album Imagination. Thethe Lyric is built on the Hidden desires of man, roomates is in every ... But Not Everyone is ready to recognize them in your self. One more Surprise awaits You Inside the box with the disk. For Fans of "New" With A "Taste" of the Old :) From Russia with Love. it is a bit of a word that i caught dibooklet kovernya Siberians Brutal Death Metal slamming it. i know the band's previous EP through "Indulgence to Death", Russia is currently being ravaged Fever Brutal Death Metal slamming really think, proof Band2 this genre has exploded into its own phenomenon there. Slamming anthemic! and "High Human Feelings" became their fresh debut after joining Brutal Label Roster, Ghastly Music which is a sub-label of Amputated Vein Records, based in Japan, I think an awful lot now raised band2 Brutal New Comer to the International scene. although the musicality of the band still continues to offer a touch of character to play solid Cephalotripsy, Devourment, Suffocation, Six Feet Under, Vomitory, ingested and the Abominable Putridity like the previous EP, in the matter this time felt the rapid development of their composing music with a more organized and great . slam pretty much every band on earth has used as a guideline for their own music, places inbetween blasts all of its slams. Cephalotripsy have apparently skipped this part of their musical formula. The writers of this album are on a very fine line between writing nothing but slams and coming across as some of the most Mentally retarded people on Earth, The Chug along guitar riffs all throughout the album, creating by far the best slams to ever grace the Earth in the process. Very rarely does the note the guitars are playing actually matter - the guitar tone, thick and groovy as it is, would in theory allow this band to play the same note throughout all these slams and this album would still be great. That is due in part to how well-composed slams are these: The slams do go into 4/4 every now and then, but the majority of them are played in 3/4 or 6/8, roomates is just how slams should be , as it makes them into the catchy monsters they are supposed to be. begins with an intro, then we tortured character slamming downtune Modern as adopted by band2 deathcore style to knock Breakdown slam his part early on Track "Fat Body", character Riff Slam Evgeniy Nikolaevi Downtune seemed constantly force with a heavy lead on adrenaline listeners to Headbang! so that the drummer was just doing his job rilexs complement at each knock, while Guttural gurgling Vocalis Lev Welzewul remains an important icon band2 slamming with some of his vocals are sometimes very Snoring Pig style. slick and clean without having any guttural overtones, and are not particularly annoying as pig squeals can be if the vocalist does not monitor himself. Though this is one of the most slurred vocalists I've ever heard, I'm Able to keep up with what the guy says more Often than not. The fact that he can outdo ninety percent of all the slams vocalists. some touch of Six Feet Under characters enough songs that adorn some parts Old School Death Metal elements Sludgy sufficiently permeated the band's musical creativity. The drums are another defining element of this album: the kit is surprisingly clean for a slam album. Cephalotripsy's drumkit resembles a slightly trashier version of Abnormality's: extremely clean cymbals, but the snare resembles a wood block in that it has little to no resonance in the mix. This is a plus, actually, Because It Allows the drummer to play extremely fast fills on the snare without the clanking of becoming a nuisance. My final comment for this album is that the production is perfect. Extremely clear given the standards for most slam bands; the guitar tone is superb; the mixing job is flawless. Nothing's too low in the mix, and I'm sure the band would not have altered this formula at all were they to come back to this album. It seemed to be the hard part i wrote of this genre should be aware if any music that has a resemblance to all the songs, so that the outline can i describe partially wrote, coz dah represent all characters 9 duration 34:30 this song. Will always dominated Slam again!!! even use characters Guttural vocals, this band ga forgot to add lyrics to the songs on his CD Cover Booklet designed with enough Gory Images Biografy Band Artwork included in them, so lagi2 Fans slamming, Gw suggest to leave at a moment Bleeding elo enjoy serving trio origin Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, Russia this. If you do not mind an album that is dominated by the vocalist and the drummer, get this by all means. Few bands within the whole shit infested and kitschy world of slam make it their prerogative to be the epitome of everything good about slamming, and offer no quarter form the slamming riffs!
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