Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

Expurgate - Dementia Tremens CD 2013

Expurgate - Dementia Tremens
Comatose Music CD 2013

01 86 01:57    
02 Viscera Insufflation 03:04    
03 Fermented Concubine Ingurgitation 01:51    
04 Redemption Through Seppuku 02:08    
05 Methamphetamine Induced Surrogacy Malformation 01:49    
06 40oz. Facefuck 03:15    
07 Repugnant Torso Defilement 03:06    
08 Viscous Human Putrilage 02:48    
09 Disgorging Vomitous Anomalies 02:47

Devin Tauber - Bass
Chris Van Cleave - Drums
Fuckin' Ian - Guitars
Jaymes Grundmann - Vocals

Wowww Masih Brutal Death Metal Stuff dengan Hentakan Tajam Slamming Part yang menjadi sajian Gw berikutnya untuk gw tulis, masih terbentuk tahun 2010 ga banyak prestasi yang diharumkan oleh band ini, namun musikalitas mereka ini cukuplah mendapatkan perhatian termasuk gw yang tertarik sejak Promo 2011 lalu. The Spewing From The Rocky Mountains Of Colorado Comes The Guttural Slamming Madness Known As EXPURGATE is A Ruthless Display Of Bone Shattering Calamity ! might be the last place one might expect to find such a gurgling, lowdown pile of intestines as Expurgate's full-length debut Dementia Tremens, and yet here they are, taking a dump all over the snowy peaks and flats of their territory with an album of misogynistic, meat headed slam breakdowns and flights of faster, old school brutality. Let's get one fact out of the way first: there is not a single individualistic or unique characteristic to this album which the avid death metal listener won't have heard hundreds of times over the past decade. Between the thuggish palm muted moshing components and eruptions of tremolo picked guitars, everything does seem as if its been paraphrased from the band's influences, from Suffocation to Lividity to Devourment, but despite this shortcoming the Coloradans have put together a taut debut which purists for this form won't find much to scoff at, even if it isn't exactly pushing the envelope off the nearest cliff. Comatose Music yang dikelola oleh Steve Green-nya Lust Of Decay, sepertinya mulai lebih fokus melirik perkembangan genre Brutal Death Metal dengan Sentuhan Kental Slamming Part kali ini, dan langsung menarik Roster keluarga baru dengan kehadiran Expurgate ini. menampilkan Vokalis dengan dengan karakter Vokal sangar, Jaymes Grundmann yang sudah gw kenal dibeberapa band sebelumnya, Dragging Entrails, Urophagia, Cum of God, Twatrot, Intracranial Butchery, dan Cerebral Incubation, cukuplah menjadi referensi awal gw saat mengenal dan penasaran dengan band ini. dan yang mungkin menjadi salah satu elemen menarik diband ini adalah gaya US Death Metal-nya masih kental dari beberapa Karakter Slamming Guttural Type yang gw kenal selama ini, sentuhan Dying Fetus, Suffocation, Lividity -nya masih begitu terasa kuat pada elemen Sound dan Riffing-nya. providing a generous dosage of pinch harmonics, reminding one of other contemporary acts. Apart from the crushing riffs unleashed retains a high presence throughout the record, providing a threatening growl at the background, easily executing the complex basslines, and along with the punchy bass!! beberapa sentuhan Ala Band2 Brutal serupa dari Scene UK seperti Cerebral Bore juga sangat terasakan disini. " 86 " langsung menggebrak Jumpa awal langsung dengan serangan mengoyak telinga lewat Raungan sadis Jaymes terdengar paling mendominasi karakter musikalitas Expurgate, komposisi Slamming Breakdown Riffing yang Simple dengan perpaduan sentuhan Gaya Death Metal 90 style memang akan sedikit menjauhkan Stereotype tentang Band2 slamming Guttural. Gitaris Fuckin' Ian cukup bisa bekerja sama dengan baik bareng drummer Chris Van Cleave menciptakan sinergi Komposisi yang keren dalam total 9 track berdurasi 23 Menit digarap oleh Produser, Ben Romsdahl yang juga merupakan Mantan Gitaris band Death Metal/Grindcore/Metalcore asal Colorado Juga, Clinging to the Trees of a Forest Fire ! dan mungkin elo salah satu penggemar karakter Vomit Remnants " Supreme Entity " pada Slam Groovy Riffing, Suffocation " Effigy Of The Forgotten " Style ( Not Sound ), Cerebral Bore, Lividity " Fetish For The Sick " ( Riffing ), Devourment " Molesting .. ", Dysentery, Disconformity, Internal Bleeding, Condemned hingga Disgorge " Cranial Impalement ", sepertinya Karya Perdana Expurgate adalah sample Perpaduan Kompleks-nya hehehehe ... Guttural Parau Pig Snoring-nya serasa hampir menjadi part mendominasi pada seluruh struktur Track disini. sehingga secara keseluruhan gw masih dapat menyimpulkan secara pribadi jika gw masih menggemari konsep Guttural Slamming Death Metal Brutal US Style dan UK deh, coz Elemen Death Metal-nya Gw rasakan masih begitu kuat. the album is especially spectacular and complex as hell, and he easily displays his versatility as the album progresses, from the furious blast beats that he executes without much effort to the slower, heavier segments where he punishes his kit with merciless hits to the skin. And while the pig squeal style of vocals is hardly my favourite style, So Apa yang kalian Tunggu Slammer Maniac untuk bisa merasakan sendiri kekejaman Expurgate ?? SLAM THIS OUT NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wowww Still Brutal Death Metal with the beat Sharp Stuff Part slamming the dish next to gw Gw wrote, was formed in 2010 ga diharumkan many achievements by the band, but their musicality is enough to get attention including gw Promo interested since 2011. The spewing From The Colorado Rocky Mountains Of Madness Comes The Guttural slamming EXPURGATE is Known As A Ruthless Display Of Bone Shattering Calamity! might be the last place one might expect to find such a gurgling, lowdown pile of intestines as Expurgate's full-length debut Dementia Tremens, and yet here they are, taking a dump all over the snowy peaks and flats of their territory with an album of misogynistic, meat headed slam breakdowns and flights of faster, old school Brutality. Let's get one fact out of the way first: there is not a single individualistic or unique characteristic to this album roomates the avid death metal listener will not have heard Hundreds of times over the past decade. Between the thuggish palm muted moshing components and eruptions of tremolo picked guitars, everything does seem as if its been paraphrased from the band's Influences, from Suffocation to Lividity to Devourment, but despite this shortcoming the Coloradans have put together a link debut roomates purists for this form will not find much to scoff at, even if it is not exactly pushing the envelope off the nearest cliff. Music comatose managed by Steve Green of his Lust Of Decay, seems to be more focus on the development glance Brutal Death Metal genre with a touch of Condensed slamming Part time, and instantly attract new families to the presence Roster Expurgate this. featuring vocalist with Vocals frightening character, Jaymes Grundmann had i known in several bands before, Dragging entrails, Urophagia, Cum of God, Twatrot, Intracranial Butchery, and Cerebral Incubation, it is enough to start reference current i know and are curious about the band. and that may be one of the interesting elements of this style diband U.S. Death Metal is still thicker than some Guttural slamming Character Type that i know so far, touch Dying Fetus, Suffocation, Lividity is still so strongly felt the element of sound and riffing- her. providing a generous dosage of pinch harmonics, reminding one of other contemporary acts. Apart from the crushing riffs unleashed retains a high presence throughout the record, providing a threatening growl at the background, Easily executing the complex basslines, and along with the punchy bass! some similar touches of Ala Band2 Brutal Scene UK as Cerebral Bore also very felt here. "86" immediately kicked off early Meet directly with the attacks ripped through the ears of a sadistic roar sounded Jaymes musicality Expurgate most dominating character, composition slamming a Simple Breakdown riffing with a fusion touch of Death Metal Style 90 style it would be a little shy about Band2 Stereotype Guttural slamming. Guitarist Fuckin 'Ian enough to work well together with drummer Chris Van Cleave create synergies cool composition in the total duration of nine tracks produced by 23 Minutes producer, Ben Romsdahl who is also the former guitarist of Death Metal / Grindcore / Metalcore origin Colorado Also, Clinging to the Trees of a Forest Fire! and probably one of the fans of the character elo Vomit Remnants "Supreme Entity" in Groovy Slam riffing, Suffocation "Effigy Of The Forgotten" Style (Not Sound), Cerebral Bore, Lividity "Fetish For The Sick" (riffing), Devourment "molesting .. "Dysentery, disconformity, Internal Bleeding, Condemned to Disgorge" Cranial Impalement ", seems to work the Prime Expurgate is its complex blend sample hehehehe ... Guttural his raucous Snoring Pig seemed almost a part dominates the entire structure of the Track here. so overall I still can deduce it personally if I'm still fond of the concept of Guttural Brutal Death Metal slamming U.S. style and UK deh, Death Metal Element coz its still so strongly felt Gw. The album is especially spectacular and complex as hell, and he displays his versatility Easily as the album progresses, from the furious blast beats that he executes without much effort to the slower, Heavier segments where he punishes his kit with Merciless hits to the skin. And while the pig squeal style of vocals is hardly my favorite style, So what do you wait for a Maniac Slammer can feel myself cruelty Expurgate?? SLAM THIS OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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