Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

Persefone - Spiritual Migration CD 2013

Persefone - Spiritual Migration
ViciSolum Productions CD 2013

01 Flying Sea Dragons 01:48    
02 Mind as Universe 04:41    
03 The Great Reality 06:27    
04 Zazen Meditation 03:53    
05 The Majestic of Gaia 08:38    
06 Consciouness Pt.1 : Sitting in Silence 03:21    
07 Consciouness Pt. 2 : A Path to Enlightenment 05:43    
08 Inner Fullness 07:32    
09 Metta Meditation 03:48    
10 Upward Explosion 02:55    
11 Spiritual Migration 08:47    
12Returning to the Source 09:06    
13 Outro 03:55

Toni Mestre - Bass
Jordi Gorgues - Guitars
Carlos Lozano - Lead Guitars
Miguel Espinosa - Keyboards, Vocals
Marc Martins - Vocals
Marc Mas - Drums

AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Apa jadinya jika Dream Theatre Bertemu dengan Children Of Bodom kemudian bertarung dengan Arsis lalu Melebur lagi dalam Konsep Opeth, Borknagar, Arcturus, Symphony X dan Cacophony??? Gileeeee !!! Jawabannya tentu Ada diband Progressive/Melodic Death Metal keren asal Andorra la Vella, Andorra, Andorra sendiri adalah Negara kecil yang terletak di Eropa bagian barat daya, di timur bantaran Sungai Pirenea dan berbatasan dengan Perancis dan Spanyol. Negara mewah ini terkenal dengan sektor pariwisata dan status bebas cukai. Andorra merupakan sebagian dari negara-negara Katalan. seperti halnya Negara United Kingdom, yang dipimpin oleh Sebuah Kerajaan dengan Demokrasi parlementer, memiliki Seorang Pangeran Kerajaan, Negara ini masih dipimpin oleh seorang perdana menteri. PERSEFONE Sendiri adalah dari Sekian band paling gw banggakan dari scene negara kecil ini, terbentuk sejak tahun 2001 memiliki konsep musik mengagumkan dan selalu gw tunggu masterpiece albumnya, " Spiritual Migration " ini menjadi full album ke-4 nya setelah " Truth Inside the Shades " (2004), " Core " (2006), dan " Shin-Ken " (2009). This About the crazy shredding There isn't exactly anything spectacular about them and nothing incredibly memorable to make you specifically want to listen to that song, but when you actually ARE listening to them at the moment, you are absorbed in the sound. Bagaimana jikalau Dinamika Perkembangan Musikal mereka menjadi semakin lebih gila disini, sehingga Gw sudah beberapa kali mendengarkannya sebelum gw tulis review disini, masih begitu terpana dengan Komposisi Dasyatnya ! such as a WONDERFUL song, Purity. It has a great solo, still some metal-like riffs, but stays true to its calm nature. speaks for itself, staying away from metal and just delivering a rainy day next to the looking out upon a gorgeous landscape. Honestly, that's how I felt while listening to it. sound perfectly fitting and there is nothing wrong with it, and might I add that they sound much better than the lyrics off of the pounding, yet great metal songs !!! Ok kayaknya Gw bakalan ga sabar untuk berbagi cerita bagaimana Sintingnya Komposisi yang ditawarkan dalam 13 Track berdurasi hampir 01:10:34 ini bakalan membuat suasana kacau dikamar elo tapi cukup untuk menenangkan syaraf otak kita saat lagi kacau hahahaha ..... " Flying Sea Dragons " sebuah Intro Instrumental berdurasi 01:48 cukup menjadi Foreplay ciamik buat mereka membuka alam kegelapan dengan dimensi Kematiannya. terasa begitu megah dan epic atmosfir yang mereka ciptakan mulai dari sini, permainan Shredd Guitar mencengangkan dari Carlos Lozano memang paling menjadi daya tarik hebat bersama keyboardis Miguel Espinosa untuk karakteristik Persefone ! dan " Mind as Universe " menjadi sebuah gebrakan hebat mematikan, bagaimana Konsep Progresive-nya Dream Theathre menjadi lebih cepat dengan karakter Children Of Bodom dilengkapi dengan Gaya Virtuoso Permainan Riffing yang serba cepat ala Jason Becker pun harus terpana mendengar skill permainan Carlos hehehe, aransemen musik yang matematika tapi tetap indah untuk dinikmati dan tidak asal njlimet ! AWESOME riffs, great shredding, cool piano, nice melodies, and then the lyrics come around. I can't for the life of me understand what they are saying. Although in its defense it's screamo, so I'm not exactly supposed to, right? But that's besides the point. There are two types of screaming on this album: growly and actual SCREAMING. The screaming portions are fairly good, usually accompanied by the lesser part of the music, the ones with the crazy fast, pounding drum beat that I have always stoutly believed is not needed in any song. Then the pounding would stop and you're back to normal growly lyrics with a fantastic sound playing around it. Harsh Vokal Marc Martins lebih mengingatkan Gw dengan Alexei Laiho-nya COB dan disertai dengan Soprano Male Vokal yang lumayan Clean dari Keyboardis Miguel Espinosa. dan tentunya disini menjadi SANGAT menarik perhatian adalah tentunya permainan Sinting Gitaris Carlos yang begitu Cepat memainkan jemarinya di lick Musik dan progres yang cepat kerap mengikuti jemari Keyboardis Miguel, gw rasa Permainan Rhapsody Of Fire bakalan kurang lebih cepat dari band ini kayaknya hehehe ... permainan drummer Marc Mas semakin prima dan Powerfully mengimbangi kegilaan Gitaris dan Keyboardis dengan lebih menonjolkan permainan yang dinamis serba menendang pula ! From basic metal riffs from Kusanagi to the super-crazy-insane-mega-awesome shred-tastic soloing off of The Endless Path ! " The Great Reality ", More Powerfull !!! lagi2 konsentrasi Gw masih terjerat oleh Instrumen musik antara Gitar, Keyboard dan Drums ! that's how I felt while listening to it. For all the non-metal songs on here, the lyrics sound perfectly fitting and there is nothing wrong with it, and might I add that they sound much better than the lyrics off of the pounding, yet great metal songs. Gw masih ga habis pikir bagaimana mereka dapat mengkomposisi sedemikian Berkualitas seperti ini, sehingga gw sempat kehabisan kata dan istilah untuk menggambarkan Sintingnya permainan band ini, ckckckckck .... " Zazen Meditation ", tepat dengan Tema Meditasinya, Persefone masih mengadopsi karakteristik tradisi Negeri Jepang seperti yang banyak dituangkan dalam album ke-3 " Shin-Ken ", agak lebih tampil Slowdown Progressive ala Opeth, track ini lebih tampil sebagai Instrumental saja dengan sambutan solo Gitar melodius Carlos yang ciamik itu. Persefone appears to have changed up their sound to accommodate the less underground approach, and while it may lack the same strength. " The Majestic of Gaia ", kembali dipart awal kita sudah dipamerin dengan gaya Shredding Riff gila sebagai opening-nya, karakteristik Vokalis Marc Martins kian beringas saja mendekati gayanya Trevor-nya The Black Dahlia Of Murder, namun sedikit didinginkan aromanya dengan gaya vokal middle soprano Miguel, sehingga terasa memang masih sentuhan Kompleksitas gaya bermusiknya. I mentioned earlier that I still cannot name. You can headbang, you can air guitar, you can pretend to sing along, you can dance, you can do whatever you want with the actual MUSIC of this album because its just that great. kemudian 2 track berikutnya menjadi sebuah chapter Story " Consciouness Pt.1 : Sitting in Silence " dan " Consciouness Pt. 2 : A Path to Enlightenment " menjadi sebuah Perjalanan Kilas balik Dimensi Hitam dengan karakteristik lebih mengajak kita kenuansa Dream Theatre banget, mulai dari tempo pelan, sedang dan akhirnya kembali ngebut, dan inilah memang ajang Unjuk taring skill 3 frontman band, NICE !!!!!!!!!!!! memang secara keseluruhan materi disini adalah materi yang sangat matang dan super dinamis, dan gw berani jamin, biarpun elo puter berulang ulang, album ini ga ada kunjung kesan Boring sedikitpun !! apalagi buat kalian fans Progresif dan teknikal disertai sentuhan Shredd riffing dan Melodic ! although they are fairly great on SOME portions of SOME of the metal songs. Other than that, it's merely tolerable with the lyrics off of the mellow songs being pretty sick. All in all, I would say get it. Hasil Produksi Sounding bertangan dingin dari Jacob Hansen, Musisi Populer Denmark scene yang dikenal sebagai Frontman band sejenis Persefone, Invocator, juga eksis di band Pyramaze dan Beyond Twilight menjadi Nilai Plus Berhasil terciptanya masterpiece dasyat ini, dan Jacob Hansen ini sudah banyak sekali menggarap album2nya Aborted, Amaranthe, Blotted Science, Communic, Destruction, Fear My Thoughts, dan masih banyak lagi. untuk sebuah karya keren berkualitas Mengagumkan ini tunggu apalagi untuk segera kalian koleksi ??? Persefone created their own little niche, through the original, complex, melodic and at times even aggressive metal that floated out of the speakers! BUY OR DIE !!!!!!!!!

AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, What happens if Dream Theatre Meets with Children Of Bodom and then fight with Arsis and then fused again in the concept of Opeth, Borknagar, Arcturus, Symphony X and Cacophony?? ? Crazyyyy!!! The answer of course There band Progressive / Melodic Death Metal cool origin Andorra la Vella, Andorra, Andorra itself is a small country located in southwestern Europe, on the eastern banks of the River Pirenea and bordered by France and Spain. The country is famous for its luxury tourism sector and tax-free status. Andorra is part of the Catalan countries. Countries like United Kingdom, led by the Kingdom with a parliamentary democracy, has A Prince of the Kingdom, the State is still led by a prime minister. Persephone of So Alone is the band's most gw proud of this little country scene, established since 2001 has the concept of awesome music and i always wait masterpiece album, "Spiritual Migration" is a full album of his to-4 after "Truth Inside the Shades" ( 2004), "Core" (2006), and "Shin-Ken" (2009). About the shredding this crazy There is not exactly anything spectacular about them and nothing incredibly memorable to make you speci want to listen to that song, but when you actually ARE listening to them at the moment, you are Absorbed in the sound. What if the dynamics of development of their mobile phones become increasingly more insane here, so Gw've listened to a few times before I wrote a review here, was so struck with the composition dasyatnya! such as a WONDERFUL song, Purity. It has a great solo, still some metal-like riffs, but stays true to its calm nature. speaks for itself, staying away from metal and just delivering a rainy day next to the looking out upon a gorgeous landscape. Honestly, that's how I felt while listening to it. fitting perfectly sound and there is nothing wrong with it, and might I add that they sound much better than the lyrics off of the pounding, yet great metal songs!!! Ok I think Gw going ga wait to share the story of how nutty compositions offered in a duration of almost 13 01:10:34 Track is going to create a chaotic atmosphere your bedroom but enough to calm the nerves of the brain we now again screwed hahahaha ..... "Flying Sea Dragons" a duration Instrumental Intro 01:48 Foreplay nice enough to make them open nature of darkness with death dimension. feels so grand and epic atmosphere that they create from here, Shredd Guitar astonishing game of Carlos Lozano is best to be a great fascination with keyboardist Miguel Espinosa to the characteristics of Persephone! and "Mind as Universe" to be a great buzz off, how his concept of Progressive Dream Theathre become faster with Children Of Bodom character equipped with Virtuoso Style Games fast paced riffing a la Jason Becker had to be stunned by Carlos hehehe skill games, music arranger the math but still beautiful to be enjoyed and origin difficult! AWESOME riffs, great shredding, cool piano, nice melodies, and then the lyrics come around. I can not for the life of me understand what they are saying. Although in its defense it's screamo, so I'm not exactly supposed to, right? But that's besides the point. There are two types of screaming on this album: growly and actual SCREAMING. The screaming portions are fairly good, usually accompanied by the lesser part of the music, the ones with the crazy fast, pounding drum beat that I have always stoutly believed is not needed in any song. Then the pounding would stop and you're back to normal with a growly lyrics sound fantastic playing around it. Harsh vocals more reminiscent of Marc Martins Gw with his Alexei Laiho COB and accompanied by a Male Soprano Vocals hefty Clean from keyboardist Miguel Espinosa. and of course here be VERY interesting concern is certainly a game that is so Crazy Guitarist Carlos fingering lick Fast music and faster progress is often followed fingers keyboardist Miguel, I think Rhapsody Of Fire game going more or less rapidly than the band I think hehehe ... games drummer Marc Mas getting primed and Powerfully offset madness guitarist and keyboardist with further highlight the dynamic all-round kicking game too! From basic metal riffs from Kusanagi to the super-crazy-insane-mega-awesome-tastic shred soloing off of The Endless Path! "The Great Reality", More Powerful!!! lagi2 concentration Gw still entangled by the musical instruments Guitar, Keyboard and Drums! that's how I felt while listening to it. For all the non-metal songs on here, the lyrics sound perfectly fitting and there is nothing wrong with it, and might I add that they sound much better than the lyrics off of the pounding, yet great metal songs. I still do not believe it how they can be composed in such a quality like this, so i had run out of words and terms to describe this band nutty game, ckckckckck .... "Zazen Meditation", precisely the theme of meditation, Persephone still adopting traditional Japanese Foreign characteristics as outlined in many 3rd album "Shin-Ken", appear somewhat more Progressive Slowdown ala Opeth, this track is more featured as tantamount to welcome Instrumental solo Carlos melodic guitar ciamik it. Persephone Appears to have changed up their sound to a accommodate the less underground approach, and while it may lack the same strength. "The Majestic of Gaia", returning early dipart we've dipamerin Shredding style riff as the opening of his crazy, characteristics increasingly violent Vocalist Marc Martins just approaching his style Trevor Of The Black Dahlia Murder, but slightly cooled scent with middle soprano vocal style Miguel, so it still feels a touch of style musical complexity. Earlier I Mentioned that I still can not name. You can headbang, you can air guitar, you can pretend to sing along, you can dance, you can do whatever you want with the actual MUSIC of this album because its just that great. then 2 the next track to be a chapter Story "Consciouness Pt.1: Sitting in Silence" and "Consciouness Pt. 2: A Path to Enlightenment" into a flashback ride Black dimensions with more characteristics kenuansa Dream Theatre invites us really, from the tempo slow, medium, and finally re-speeding, and this is indeed the arena show of canine skill 3 band frontman, NICE!!!!!!!!!!!! indeed the whole matter here is very mature material and super dynamic, and i can assure you, despite repeated elo puter, this album go ga slightest impression Boring!! especially for you fans with a touch of Progressive and technical riffing and melodic Shredd! although they are fairly great on SOME portions of SOME of the metal songs. Other than that, it's merely tolerable with the lyrics off of the mellow songs being pretty sick. All in all, I would say get it. Sounding Production of cold-handed Jacob Hansen, Danish Popular Musicians scene known as a kind of band frontman Persephone, Invocator, also exist in the band Beyond Twilight Pyramaze and a Value Plus Successful creation of this terrible masterpiece, and Jacob Hansen has been a lot of work on album2nya Aborted , Amaranthe, blotted Science, Communic, Destruction, Fear My Thoughts, and much more. for a work of this Astonishing quality cool waiting for you guys soon collection??? Persephone created their own little niche, through the original, complex, melodic and at times even aggressive metal that floated out of the speakers! BUY OR DIE!!!!!!!!!
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