Minggu, 28 Juni 2015

Noise Damage - Absurdity EP 2011

Noise Damage - Absurdity
Rebel X EP 2011

01 Absurdity 02:14    
02 Jiwa Akal Dosa 02:51      
03 Eksekusi Moral 02:36

Okeu - Guitars
Owar - Vocals
Denny Guick - Drums
Dani - Bass

Ngomongin tentang Band Death/Grind Veteran asal Cihampelas, Bandung ini memang Memorable dalam Ingatan Gw banget ! bagaimana beberapa tahun lalu Gw melihat penampilan dasyat mereka saat tampil di Event Kota Malang, saat itu masih Trio Formasi, Andrie Sabbath ( Guitar/Vokal ), Dudi Denx ( Bass ) dan Denny Guick ( Drums ) mengusung Konsep musiknya sebagai " Total Grindcore " dengan permainan yang serba cepat dan menghantam Moshpit saat itu, Killer abis Performance-nya !!! Noise Damage sendiri memang menjadi salah satu Veteran Band Metal terbaik dari bandung yang terbentuk sejak Tahun 1994, namun Reputasi Mereka ga begitu terekspos dengan media seperti sekarang ini, bagaimana sebuah band yang baru se-umur jagung sudah Berkoar Keras dimedia dan kemajuan Teknologi namun kualitas mereka sangat mengecewakan ! mungkin ini bisa menjadi sebuah pelajaran kita semua untuk lebih bisa menilai sebuah Kualitas daripada Kuantitas, coz memang ada banyak yang didapat dari semua ini selain sebuah Kepuasan dan Idealisme yang mendarah daging ! NOISE DAMAGE Keep the Horrific next grinder for revolutions! Flashback dulu dengan Daya Ingat Gw ke era 90-an dulu deh hehehe ..., Bagaimana Diera tersebut belum ada rilisan CD seperti sekarang, kita cuman bisa menikmati Karya Musisi Metal lokal dalam kaset Pita dan dijual terbatas banget, sehingga menjadi barang " Limited Edition " banget, saat Noise Damage pada Pertengahan 1994 melepas demo Single pertama " Moral Busuk " dan " Disaster of Society " yang diedarkan dengan Sistem Hand to Hand, dan temen2 bebas mengcopy di Double Deck Tape saat itu bisa menikmati permainan sangar Band ini walau dengan Kualitas rekaman yang Raw tapi asli bener2 " Jujur " kualitas Musikalitasnya, Band ini bener2 DASYAT !!! yang kemudian pada awal Tahun 1995 dirilislah Mini album " Disaster of Society " yang memuat 6 Lagu Death/grind Super cepat yang kabarnya selang 3 bulan dirilis telah terjual 500 kopi ! sebuah Karir yang benar2 membanggakan untuk ukuran band Indie Keras seperti Noise Damage sekaligus melambungkan nama mereka dengan aksi performa dari panggung ke panggung. Drummer Bertalenta Denny Guick yang terkenal memiliki permainan yang dasyat sempat meninggalkan band ini karena kesibukan barunya bersama beberapa band lain namun akhirnya Kembali lagi tapi sayang giliran Frontman Vocalis/Gitaris Andrie Sabbath dan bassis Dudi Denx yang akhirnya mengundurkan diri. Tahun 1997 Band ini Berhasil melepas Full kaset Pertama " Tradisi Membodohi " dan ikutan di album kompilasi dengan distribusi Nasional Metallik Klinik menjadi Prestasi Masa Silam tersendiri buat mereka. so tahun 2011 lalu band ini kembali memuntahkan Ep 3 lagu baru dengan formasi baru pula yang menyisakan Drummer Denny Guick sebagai orisinil member-nya. Dengan Imej dan Logo baru Noise Damage kembali menampilkan Permainan Death/Grind Yang dinamis serba menendang !! menggandeng Zoteng Kampret nya Forgotten sebagai Enjiner dan Mixing materi ini menambahkan kekuatan dasyat tersendiri untuk konsep Mini Ep ini. dimulai dengan " Absurdity " sebagai Hit Maker Track, Noise Damage menampilkan permainan Brutal Death Metal dengan sentuhan Grinding Dasyat mematikan dengan permainan yang jauh dari monoton, denger sendiri bagaimana Drummer Denny Guick masih menjaga performa Kerennya masih dibeberapa karakter awal Noise Damage, skill permainan Mumpuni yang ga banyak mendapat " Polesan " Digital menjadi Karakteristik Permainan Powerfully dan Prima ! Cool abisssss !!! selain itu permainan Riffing Okeu tetap menawarkan sesuatu yang tersimpan dalam Style Khas Band ini sejak awal, perpaduan gaya bermain Napalm Death, Terrorizer, Malicious Hate, The berzerker, Sepultura, Misery index, Nasum, Hingga Suffocation menjadi Blending Mark yang tajam menyerang ! sementara gaya Growl sangar vokalis Owar tetap mengingatkan karakter Khas Sosok Andrie Sabbat banget !! meskipun sejak awal Mereka mengklaim Konsep musik sebagai " Total Grindcore ", kenyatannya permainan Noise Damage tetap dipenuhi dengan teknik2 mengejutkan serba dinamis abis sehingga gw tetap terperangah dengan setiap Lick permainannya. Brutal Death Metal technical is real on Their Performance !!! kemudian " Jiwa Akal Dosa " masih tetap meraungkan setiap Kebusukan dan keserakahan Manusia sebagai konsep dasar bentuk kemarahan mereka lewat extreme musik ini. gempuran Fast Drumming yang semakin membabi Buta tetap ga terelakkan sedikitpun dengan permainan dinamis ! Balutan Growl dan Screaming menjadi komposisi Pattern Vokal yang mendominasi setiap aransemennya dan Track terakhir " Eksekusi Moral " semakin gw temukan Lick Riffing2 Tajam dengan Pummeling Chugging dasyat bertarung melawan Skill drumming kompak kian menghempas ! sebuah Track yang rupanya harus banyak menguras kemampuan bermusik member-nya kian tampil berbahaya !!! The one small nitpick I have about this is that it's maybe TOO intense. No, seriously. There's lots of sweet riffage that gets buried under the noise. in particular has some cool ass shredding that is nearly impossible to here under the endless blur of Fastest kick drums. I recommend you buy the limited edition of Ep that has the guitar/bass/vox tracks separate to each other, so you don't miss even the smallest morsel of entertainment. its existence is made almost irrelevant by the band's later output which is stronger in nearly every way. Vokalis Ari Owar ga juga jago teriak2 doang, tapi Urusan Artwork Kover keren digarapnya pula disini semakin menambah kesan menarik tersendiri saja untuk rilisan terbatas ini. well bisa elo bayangin sendiri jika Suffocation bertarung dasyat dengan Terrorizer bertemu dengan Malicious Hate atauThe berzerker ??? jawabannya ada di 3 lagu ini, sayang gw masih belum merasa puas menikmati Durasi waktu 07:41 untuk dapat menikmati karya dasyat Noise Damage ini !! Okay, so beyond the numerous quirks of this release, the actual death/grind is pretty good stuff. BUY OR GRIND !!!!!!!!!

Talking about the band Death / Grind Veteran Cihampelas origin, Bandung is indeed Memorable Memories in Gw really! how many years ago Gw see their terrible appearance when appearing in Event Malang, it was still Trio Formation, Andrie Sabbath (Guitar / Vocals), Dudi Denx (Bass) and Denny guick (Drums) carrying the concept of music as "Total Grindcore" with fast-paced game and hit the moshpit at the time, his Performance Killer abis!!! Noise Damage itself has become one of the best Veteran Metal Band from Bandung formed since 1994, but the reputation they do not really exposed to the media as it is today, how a band who had a life of corn already boasting Hard mediated and technology advances, but the quality of their very disappointing! maybe this could be a lesson for all of us can judge the quality rather than quantity, coz there are many who come from all of this other than the satisfaction and idealism ingrained! NOISE DAMAGE Keep the Horrific next grinder for revolutions! Flashback Memory used by Gw the 90's era ... hehehe deh, How Diera is no release of the CD as it is now, we can only enjoy the work of local Metal Musicians cassette tape and sold very limited, so the stuff "Limited Edition "really, when Noise Damage to the mid 1994 demo release first single" Moral Rot "and" Disaster of Society "which was released with the System Hand to Hand, and a free copy temen2 Double Deck Tape in time to enjoy the game even frightening band with Quality Raw footage but genuine bener2 "Honest" Musikalitasnya quality, band bener2 terrible!!! then at the beginning of 1995 dirilislah Mini album "Disaster of Society" which contains six songs Death / grind Super fast 3-month lapse released reportedly has sold 500 copies! a career that boasts benar2 to measure Indie band Hard as Noise Damage simultaneously catapulted their names with the action from stage to stage performance. Talented drummer Denny guick are known to have a terrible game had left the band due to his new busy with some other bands, but eventually turn back again but unfortunately Vocalis Frontman / guitarist and bassist Dudi Andrie Sabbath Denx who eventually resigned. The band's 1997 release Full cassette Successful First "Tradition fool" and a follow-up on a compilation album with national distribution becomes metallic Clinical Performance Period Ago separately for them. so in 2011 the band returned spewing Ep 3 new songs with the new lineup also leaves Drummer Denny guick as its original members. The image with a new logo and Noise Damage game again showing Death / Grind The dynamic kick round! Forgotten Zoteng Shucks took her as Engineer and Mixing materials adds strength to its own terrible this concept Mini Ep. begins with the "absurdity" as Hit Maker Track, Noise Damage game featuring Brutal Death Metal with a touch of terrible Grinding off with a game that is far from monotonous, hear for yourself how drummer Denny Cool guick still maintaining performance is still in some early character Noise Damage, skill game that Mumpuni ga lot of "Gloss" Digital became powerfully Characteristics and Prima Games! Cool abisssss!!! Okeu besides dueling game still offers something that is stored in a style typical this band since the beginning, a fusion style of play Napalm Death, Terrorizer, Malicious Hate, The berzerker, Sepultura, Misery index, Nasum, Suffocation Until a Mark Blending sharp attack! while frightening Growl style vocals reminding Owar Typical figure Andrie Sabbat character really!! although since the beginning of music as they claim concept "Total Grindcore", Noise Damage reality game remains completely filled with surprising dynamic abis teknik2 so i still stunned with each Lick game. Brutal Death Metal technical is real on Their Performance!!! then "Soul Reason Sin" is still blare every decay and human greed as the basic concept of their anger through extreme forms of music. Drumming Fast growing onslaught of indiscriminate Buta ga inevitably remain dynamic to the game at all! Wrap Growl and Screaming into the Vocal Pattern composition aransemennya and dominate every last Track "Execution Moral" Lick the more i find Riffing2 Sharp with Chugging terrible fight pummeling drumming Skill compact getting slammed! a track that seems to have a lot to drain the musical ability of its members appear increasingly dangerous!!! The one small nitpick I have about this is that it's maybe TOO intense. No, seriously. There's lots of sweet riffage that gets buried under the noise. in particular has some cool ass shredding that is nearly impossible to here under the endless blur of Fastest kick drums. I recommend you buy the limited edition of Ep that has the guitar / bass / vox tracks separate to each other, so you do not miss even the smallest Morsel of entertainment. its existence is made almost irrelevant by the band's later output roomates is Stronger in nearly every way. Vocalist Ari Owar teriak2 doang ga also good, but cool Affairs Coverage Artwork is also working on getting the impression here draw its own just for this limited release. elo could well imagine myself if Suffocation terrible fight with Terrorizer met with Malicious Hate atauThe berzerker??? the answer is in the third song, unfortunately I still do not feel satisfied and enjoy Duration 07:41 time to enjoy the work of Noise Damage is terrible! Okay, so beyond the numerous quirks of this release, the actual death / grind is pretty good stuff. BUY OR GRIND!!!!!!!!!

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