Minggu, 28 Juni 2015

Devourment - Conceived In Sewage CD 2013

Devourment - Conceived In Sewage
Relapse Records CD 2013

01 Legalize Homicide 04:11    
02 Fifty Ton War Machine 04:16    
03 Conceived in Sewage 04:10      
04 Fucked with Rats 04:12    
05 March to Megiddo 01:19    
06 Today We Die, Tomorrow We Kill 04:15    
07 Heaving Acid 03:10      
08 Carved into Ecstasy 04:16    
09 Parasitic Eruption 03:37

Mike Majewski - Vocals
Erik Park - Drums
Chris Andrews - Bass
Ruben Rosas - Guitars

Ngomongin tentang " Conceived In Sewage " adalah Khabar Gembira buat Para Devourment Freak untuk bakalan menantikan album Paling Gress Band Brutal Death Metal yang pada awal karirnya lebih populer disebut sebagai Pelopor Genre " Slamming Brutal Death Metal dengan Guttural Vokill " asal Dallas Texas ini dalam Evolusinya banyak membawa perubahan yang signifikan, " Conceived In Sewage " menjadi salah satu penantian panjang sejak materi terakhir Devourment " Unleash the Carnivore " Tahun 2009, band ini terlalu disibukkan dengan jadwal Tour-nya. Hmmm Rasanya Kurang Afdol kalo gw ga ngajak kalian Flashback lagi sebentar tentang Sejarah Band Paling fenomenal diawal karirnya ini mengusung genre yang banyak mempengaruhi generasi selanjutnya dengan Typical Slamming Death Metal dengan Gaya Vokal lebih mengerikan lagi sejak band ini terbentuk tahun 1995 dengan Demo " Impaled " Tahun 1997, Devourment langsung mengejutkan dunia dengan karakteristik Death Metal yang lebih sadis !!!! merupakan pengembangan gaya bermain Internal Bleeding yang menjadi Provokator lahirnya Genre " Slamming ", kemudian Devourment menambahkan lagi Vokal yang lebih mengerikan lagi dilakukan oleh Almarhum Vokalis Guttural berpengaruh Wayne Knupp, namun sayang Wayne Knupp hanya bertahan setelah 3 Demo saja kemudian tergantikan oleh Ruben Rosas yang juga ga kalah mengerikan karakternya menggetarkan lewat album Devourment Terbaik sepanjang karir mereka " Molesting the Decapitated " tahun 1999, namun entah kenapa Ruben tidak melanjutkan Guttural-nya Tahun 2005 dan beralih Posisi ke instrumen Gitar sejak dirinya menjalani Hukuman karena kejadian beberapa tahun yang lalu berujung bubarnya band ini tahun 2002, mungkin banyak yang belum banyak tau tentang kilas balik Band paling Fenomenal diawal kemunculannya ini, dengan formasi terbaik yang sampai saat ini gw ingat adalah permainan Drummer Brad Fincher yang melahirkan teknik Fast Dribbling Snare di setiap Ketukan beat Slamming-nya dan terdengar kecepatan 3x lipat Hyperblast kedengarannya, sayang Brad Fincher cabut tahun 2001 karena sebuah alasan yang kemudian diikuti oleh Gitaris dengan karakter Down Tune Slamming Dasyat Brian "Brain" Wynn yang cabut pasca album " Molesting the Decapitated " dirilis dan ketahui memang Brain sudah tidak respect bermain musik dan menjauh dari dunia Musik untuk memperdalam Ilmu Religi-nya, kemudian Gitaris Kevin Clark yang mantan Gitaris band sejawatnya, Sintury dan kini eksis di Aversion to Life dan yang terakhir adalah nama Mike Majewski, sebelumnya Kita Kenal sebagai Bassis Band pernah menjalin Kontak dengan Gw ditahun 2000 an, sayang gw kehilangan Kontak dengan Mike Majewski yang jago juga bikin artwork dan Icon Devourment dengan Karya tangannya yang tahun 2005 bersama Ruben Rosas kembali membangkitkan Pesona Devourment sekaligus dirinya beralih Posisi ke Peran Vokalis. padahal Harapan Gw Devourment bisa kembali Reunian formasi album " Molesting the Decapitated " terlebih dengan Track Fenomenal seperti " Baby Killer " bisa diciptakan kembali. sejak memperkenalkan Album " Butcher the Weak " tahun 2005, Devourment bagi Fans lamanya sudah seperti kehilangan Karakter Orisinilnya seperti era " Molesting the Decapitated ", Konsep Musiknya lebih bergaya Brutal Death Metal biasa walau masih kerap menyelipkan elemen Slamming yang kental, Ironis memang untuk perjalanan karir musikalitas Band yang harus lenyab bersama perubahan formasi Signifikan. seperti telah mengubur kenangan bermusik lama, Devourment tetap eksis melaju dan membunuh dengan Konsep " Baru " nya ini. Ok there is no denying it, this isn't the most interesting album, but it is heavy as fuck and has moments that make up for the short fall of being repetitive. As overused and cheesy as it is, this album is definitely brutal, in fact undeniably. Possibly the heaviest fucking album I've heard, strangely audible though. I'm not actually quite sure how you can be that heavy, yet still have distinguishable riffs. Oh well it doesn't matter, so long as I feel like I've had my arse kicked after every time I listen to it, I'm happy. I really thought more people would love this album. This is probably my favourite Devourment album, or at least tied with "Molesting The Decapitated" for that honour. en masih mengusung Karakter era " Unleash the Carnivore ", penampilan Devourment tetap melindas dan menggilas Hebat dimateri gress kali ini yang digarap bareng Erik Rutan membawa Angin Segar menambah Poin Plus untuk karakter Sounding Devorment yang Fresh ! juga dibantu oleh Enjiner Robert Caldwell yang pernah menggarap Resurrection serta Cannibal Corpse dan Bryan Elliot ( pernah membantu Enjiner menggarap albumnya Cannibal Corpse, Cellador, Dawn of Azazel, Dying Fetus, Exhumed, Goatwhore, Hate Eternal, dan masih banyak lagi ) kian memantapkan Kualitas Produksi Album Baru Devourment yang dimulai dengan " Legalize Homicide ", Tanpa banyak Cing Cong, serangan Dasyat menggerinda dengan Raungan Guttura Vokill sadis menghentak Suasana dengan Hingar Bingar Distortif dan Powerfully Twin Pedal memenuhi Ruang Dengar Gw, masih begitu terasakan banget Kekuatan karakter Era " Unleash the Carnivore ", bagaimana Drummer Erik Park masih menghentak Powerfully dengan Ketukan Drummingnya, meskipun kurang begitu dapat membawa kembali karakter Devourment Awal, Erik Park yakin membawa pengaruh tersendiri dalam Tubuh band ini. sementara itu gaya Riffing Ruben masih terasa simple dan Catchy untuk kerap menyelipkan Gaya Pummeling Slamming Groovy disetiap Partisi aransemen Riffing tetap mengajak Audience untuk Slam Party dan Headbanging yeah !! The songwriting on this album is admittedly very formulaic. A quick intro, followed by groovy but extremely catchy slams that usually lead into faster tremolo riffs and blast beats, while all the while Mike Majewski is vomiting forth unbelievably low grunts. While there isn't much in the way of variation in this album as i've already mentioned it is 34 minutes which is fairly short so the album doesn't end up feeling too long and boring. Bagi Gw Komposisi Musik yang sederhana namun cukup menampar muka dengan dentuman Death Metal brutal yang cepat pula. " Fifty Ton War Machine " mungkin lebih terdengar Energi Brutal Death Metal pas part awalnya, The drumming is what always gets me with this band, I'm not sure if he's even very skilled or not, it doesn't seem to matter because it sounds insane and fits well with the thick-as-fuck-slammy-slam-slam guitar playing. lots of metalheads seem to have an aversion to slam riffs because it sounds skilless. Who the fuck cares! it's the end result that matters, and this result sounds fucking mean and horrifying. " Conceived in Sewage ", lebih terasa Old School Karakternya di Part awal dengan sentuhan ala Autopsy yang gelap dan Sludging sebelum gw headbanging kembali merasakan cabikan sadis keji berikutnya. sebuah Track yang cukup unik dan catchy bagi Devourment Fans banget kayaknya hehehe .... kemudian " Fucked with Rats " cepat menggerinda mengingatkan perpaduan karakter Hate Eternal dengan Morbid Angel beraroma Cannibal Corpse, blast-beat section with with speedy, grindy guitar parts following” and then the slow, super chuggy slam riffs with rhythmic vocals and slower, fill-happy drumming to accentuate the thunderous grooves. Now this is not a bad formula, and works well to unleash relentless brutality on the listener, which is obviously the purpose of this album. yang Keren lagi Vokalis Sadis seperti Travis Ryan dari Cattle Decapitation ikut menyumbangkan Growling sangarnya di Track ini. " March to Megiddo " kemudian melumurinya dengan irama Anthemic banget berangkat ke medan pertarungan selama menit ke 01:19 meluncurkan kekuatan dasyat di track " Today We Die, Tomorrow We Kill " menggerinda lebih dinamis dari track sebelumnya, Slamming dan Groovy banget kekuatannya. " Heaving Acid " terasa Kuat sentuhan Morbid Angel dan Cannibal Corpse-nya, " Carved into Ecstasy " semakin membuat Boring dengan konsep yang diulang ulang saja dan diakhiri dengan " Parasitic Eruption " sentuhan Suffocation era " pierced From Within " terasakan menyelip di attitude Devourment. Meski Bagi Gw Album baru ini tidak mengandung kesan yang istimewa banget dan langkah gagal kesekian kalinya untuk Devourment dapat membawa kembali kejayaan era " Molesting The Decapitated ", Eksistensi Devourment bagi gw tetap dapat di acungi jempol !, bagi Gw materi album ini (lagi) terlalu banyak melakukan part2 yang diulang ulang dan miskin Improvisasi Istimewa dari sang Drummer sehingga kerap menimbulkan kesan Boring aja. mungkin dari segi Sound Produksi memang Bagus, Album ini tetap didukung dengan artwork Gory yang keren karya Vokalis Mike Majewski sendiri selalu menghias cover2 Devourment selama ini juga menambahkan karya keren pelukis terkenal seperti Jon Zig dan Toshihiro Egawa. In summary, this album is all about the brutality, and not much else. Not really surprising I suppose, but it would have been cool if the band had written a few songs that stood out a little from the endless chug-blast to be found here. But that’s not really the point of this kind of music is it? My understanding is that albums like this one always translate better to a live environment, where the fans can happily mosh away to the mindless brutality. But for home use? I’d say it’s great as a workout album, or background music for other physically involving tasks, where you can just nod your head along while you work, but aside from that, the only time I’ll really be putting this one on is when I’m just in the mood for something that’s un-emotionally involving and brutal. PREPARE TO KEEP KILLER !!!

Talking about "Conceived In Sewage" is Khabar Excited for The Freak for going forward Devourment album Gress Most Brutal Death Metal band early in his career more popularly referred to as the Pioneer Genre "slamming Guttural Brutal Death Metal with Vokill" from Dallas Texas is in evolution is much bring significant changes, "Conceived In Sewage" to be one long wait since the last material Devourment "Unleash the Carnivore" In 2009, the band was too busy with her tour schedule. Hmmm feels less afdol kalo gw ga invites you again Flashback Band briefly about the history of the beginning of his career's most phenomenal genre carries a lot of influence subsequent generations with Typical slamming Death Metal with Style Vocal much worse since the band was formed in 1995 with the Demo "Impaled" Year 1997, Devourment immediately shocked the world with the characteristics of a more brutal Death Metal!!!! is developing a style of play that became Internal Bleeding provocateur birth of Genre "slamming", then Devourment added another more sinister vocals by the late vocalist Wayne Knupp Guttural effect, but unfortunately Wayne Knupp only survived after 3 Demo only later replaced by Ruben Rosas also ga less horrible character vibrate through Devourment Best albums throughout their career "molesting the Decapitated" in 1999, but for some reason did not continue Guttural Ruben his position in 2005 and switched to the guitar instrument since he was undergoing punishment for incident a few years ago led to the demise of the band This year 2002, probably many who do not much know about flashbacks most phenomenal band's early appearance, with the formation of the best so far i remember was the game that gave birth drummer Brad Fincher Dribbling Fast Snare technique at every knock her slamming beats and sound speed 3x Hyperblast sounds, dear Brad Fincher pull in 2001 because of a reason which is then followed by a guitarist with Down Tune slamming terrible character Brian "Brain" Wynn who pull the post-album "molesting the Decapitated" Brain released and know it is not playing music and respect away from the music world to deepen his Religious Studies, and guitarist Kevin Clark is a former guitarist counterpart, Sintury and now exist in the Aversion to Life and the last is the name of Mike Majewski, formerly know as the bassist Band We've established contact with Gw in 2000 an, unfortunately i lost contact with bruiser Mike Majewski who also did the artwork and the Icon Devourment to work hand in 2005 with Ruben Rosas Devourment charm once again raised himself to the role of lead singer position switch. Hope when Gw Devourment formation could return reunion album "molesting the Decapitated" especially with such phenomenal Track "Baby Killer" can be recreated. since introducing the album "Butcher the Weak" in 2005, Devourment for old fans is like losing its original character as the era of "molesting the Decapitated" The concept of music is more usual style Brutal Death Metal elements even though they are often tucked slamming a thick, ironic for a career Band musicality should lenyab with significant lineup changes. as long buried memories of music, Devourment still exist and drove away with the concept of "new" it is. Ok there is no denying it, this is not the most interesting album, but it is heavy as fuck and has moments that make up for the short fall of being repetitive. As overused and cheesy as it is, this album is definitely brutal, in fact undeniably. Possibly the heaviest fucking album I've heard, though strangely audible. I'm not actually quite sure how you can be that heavy, yet still have distinguishable riffs. Oh well it does not matter, so long as I feel like I've had my ass kicked after every time I listen to it, I'm happy. I really thought more people would love this album. This is probably my favorite Devourment album, or at least tied with "molesting The Decapitated" for that honor. en still carrying Character era "Unleash the Carnivore", looks Devourment still grind and grind Fabulous dimateri gress this time that worked with Erik Rutan brought Fresh Wind Points Plus adds to the character Devorment Sounding a Fresh! also assisted by Engineer Robert Caldwell who had worked with Cannibal Corpse Resurrection and Bryan Elliot (never assist Engineer to work on her album Cannibal Corpse, Cellador, Dawn of Azazel, Dying Fetus, Exhumed, Goatwhore, Hate Eternal, and many more) strengthen its Production Quality Devourment new album starting with "Legalize Homicide", without much Cing Cong, assault with a roar terrible grinding Guttura Vokill sadistic stomping atmosphere with frenetic and powerfully distorted Twin Pedal meets Space Look Gw, still felt very strength of character so Era "Unleash the Carnivore "how drummer Erik Park still stomping beats powerfully with Drummingnya, though less so to bring back the character Devourment Earlier, Erik Park sure took its own influence in the body of this band. Ruben riffing style while still feels simple and Catchy to frequently slamming slipping Groovy Style pummeling each partition arrangement riffing remains invites audience to Slam Party and headbanging yeah! The songwriting on this album is admittedly very formulaic. A quick intro, Followed by groovy but extremely catchy slams Usually that leads into faster tremolo riffs and blast beats, while all the while Mike Majewski is vomiting forth unbelievably low grunts. While there is not much in the way of variation in this album as I've already Mentioned it is 34 minutes roomates is fairly short so the album does not end up feeling too long and boring. Music Composition For Gw were simple but enough slap in the face with the brutal death metal pounding fast. "Fifty Tons War Machine" may be more sound energy Brutal Death Metal fitting part first, the drumming is what always gets me with this band, I'm not sure if he's even very skilled or not, it does not seem to matter Because It sounds insane and fits well with the thick-as-fuck-slammy-slam-slam guitar playing. lots of metalheads seem to have an aversion to slam riffs skilless Because it sounds. Who the fuck cares! it's the end result that matters, and this result sounds fucking mean and horrifying. "Conceived in Sewage", it was Old School Character at the beginning of Part Autopsy style with a touch of the dark and Sludging before i headbanging again felt tears next sadistically cruel. a track which is quite unique and catchy for Devourment fans really think hehehe .... then "Fucked with Rats" quickly hone remind blend with the character of Hate Eternal, Morbid Angel Cannibal Corpse flavorful, blast-beat section with with speedy, grindy guitar parts following "and then the slow, super chuggy slam riffs with rhythmic vocals and slower, fill- happy drumming to accentuate the thunderous grooves. Now this is not a bad formula, and works well to Unleash Relentless Brutality on the listener, roomates is obviously the purpose of this album. Cool again that such sadistic Vocalist Travis Ryan of Cattle decapitation contributed Growling sangarnya in this Track. "March to Megiddo" and then moisten it with anthemic rhythms really go into the fray over 1:19 minutes to launch a terrible force on the track "Today We Die, Tomorrow We Kill" grinding more dynamic than the previous track, slamming and Groovy really strength. "Heaving Acid" Strong feels the touch of Morbid Angel and Cannibal Corpse her, "Carved into Ecstasy" increasingly making Boring the concept that repeated re-course and end with "Parasitic Eruption" touch era Suffocation "Pierced From Within" felt slipping Devourment attitude. Although for Gw new album contains no special impression and move really fail the umpteenth time to Devourment can bring back the glory era of "molesting The Decapitated", Existence Devourment for gw remain in acungi thumb!, Gw material for this album (again) too many part2 repeated re-do and poor Improvisation Outstanding of the Drummer so often give the impression Boring wrote. perhaps in terms of Sound Production is Good, album artwork is still supported by a cool Gory work Vocalist Mike Majewski himself always decorate cover2 Devourment far too cool to add the work of famous artists such as Jon Zig and Toshihiro Egawa. In summary, this album is all about the Brutality, and not much else. Not really surprising I suppose, but it would have been cool if the band had written a few songs that Stood out a little from the endless Chug-blasts to be found here. But that's not really the point of this kind of music is it? My understanding is that albums like this one always translate better to a live environment, where the fans can happily away to the mindless mosh Brutality. But for home use? I'd say it's great as a workout album, or background music for other tasks involving physically, where you can just nod your head along while you work, but aside from that, the only time I'll really be putting this one on is when I'm just in the mood for something that's un-emotionally involving and brutal. Prepare to KEEP KILLER!!!

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