Minggu, 28 Juni 2015

Defeated Sanity - Passages Into Deformity CD 2013

Defeated Sanity - Passages Into Deformity
Willowtip CD 2013

01 Initiation 01:15    
02 Naraka 05:07    
03 Verblendung 04:45      
04 Lusting for Transcendence 03:06    
05 The Purging 04:59      
06 Verses of Deformity 04:17    
07 Perspectives 06:49      
08 Frenzy 02:36      
09 Martyrium 04:50

Konstantin Lühring - Vocals
Christian Kühn - Guitars
Jacob Schmidt - Bass
Lille Gruber - Drums

Yang paling gw tunggu tunggu ditahun 2013 ini coy !!, THE BERLIN DEATH METAL CRUELTY DEVASTATED, Defeated Sanity !!!! tampil sematang matang, dasyat dan mengerikan banget kalo gw coba lihat karya2 mereka sebelumnya, dan bisa jadi " Passages Into Deformity " adalah The Best Masterpiece Terbaik tahun 2013 dari Germany Scene !! Dengan Konsep yang semakin Teknikal Dinamis, Cepat, Guttural dan Blastbeat, Sajian Downtune Sound yang ciamik semakin membuat Karya baru mereka ini menjadi kian Mengerikan aja, jarang2 gw langsung memuji mereka setelah dengerin lagu pertama " Initiation " yang lumayan singkat di geber selama 1:15 cukup dapat mewakili dasyatnya the new Masterpiece ! dan Kasih jempol dua untuk Frontman Drummer Lille Gruber yang tetap dapat memanajemen Karakter Musikalitas band ini sejak dibentuk tahun 1994 dan menyisakan dirinya sendiri untuk terus jalan tanpa formasi pertama, beruntung kalo Lille Gruber menemukan Formasi sakti-nya dengan Hadirnya gitaris Christian Kühn dan Bassis Jacob Schmidt yang berangkat dari tahun 2005 yang kemudian tahun 2011 barulah Vokalis dengan karakter Guttural Keren, Konstantin Lühring dari band Resection, ex-Despondency, dan ex-Gallery of Darkness kini semakin solid memperkuat barisan Defeated sanity Menjadi formasi mengerikannya sejak tahun 2011. Musikalitas Band ini bisa gw rasakan sebagai perpaduan antara Konsep Suffocation, Decrepit Birth, Dying Fetus dengan Abominable Putridity saja, walau memang pada kenyataannya Band ini lebih bergaya Suffocation, Monstrosity dan Cannibal Corpse, rupanya Dinamika Musikalitas dan Skill member-nya telah mengalami perkembangan yang begitu matang dan pesat, alhasil struktur musik lagu2 baru ini memang asli semakin memiliki Kualitas Musik Death Metal dinamis yang cool ! The music on display here is actually pretty decent, and I say that as someone who can hardly stomach any sort of technicality in brutal death metal. without the otherworldly guitar tone and perhaps a bit more in-your-face sort of approach to songwriting. Masih menjadi perpaduan Konsep Panjang antara Materi " Chapters of Repugnance " tahun 2010 dan " Psalms of the Moribund " Tahun 2007, Rupanya memang Defeated sanity telah melangkah maju kedepan dengan yang ditawarkan sejak Track awal CD ini " Initiation ", Ketukan Mantap nan Matematika Drummer Lille Gruber tetap menjadi Tolak Ukur dasyatnya materi kali ini, Apalagi Raungan segar Guttural Konstantin Lühring kian menajamkan Kesan sadis-nya komposisi-nya dan Denyut Downtune Sound yang Heavy As Fuck tetap memberikan sentuhan Luar biasa. The guitar tone is ridiculously loud and bassy, but it's also worth noting that this approach to brutality also sacrifices clarity and treble, which are two very essential elements to achieving a "brutal" sound. A lot of the riffs are rendered via the guitar tone into a mess of indistinguishable slurry, which is rather unfortunate if you want to appreciate the melodies going on underneath (and based on what is audible, it's almost guaranteed that these riffs are pretty damn good, so it's a shame that they can't be heard very well). yup mungkin Karakter sound Death Metal-nya bagi gw lebih baik dan terkesan cool sounding !! kemudian track " Naraka " dimuncratkan berikutnya, kekejaman Defeated Sanity memang semakin menampilkan " Kelas " sebenarnya ! it's almost guaranteed that these riffs are pretty damn good, so it's a shame that they can't be heard very well). The guitar tone also rids the music of any chunkiness, which pretty much ruins the slower, slammier parts of Defeated Sanity's compositions, not only muddying the melodies contained therein (though it's not like they appear to be anything special here) but also ridding them of catchiness, which is really the only reason a band should even use Technical slams. beberapa komposisi Part yang rumit dan progressive dengan sangat mudah terdengar begitu berlomba mengadu skill-nya, Good Track !! " Verblendung " terasa sekali Masih Nuansa Suffocation era " Effigy Of The Forgotten " pada Part awal-nya, mungkin Defeated Sanity coba ingin mengembangkannya lagi menjadi lebih cepat dan berat. " Lusting for Transcendence " semakin liar menerjang dengan Blastbeat Ganasnya, Yang menjadi perhatian Gw sejak awal kalo Drum Sounding disini masih terasa begitu asli terdengar tanpa banyak mendapat polesan teknologi Digital sehingga akan kita rasakan permainan Lille Gruber yang sebenarnya untuk tidak lagi banyak menipu Penggemarnya, Nice Drum Track ! begitu banyak ide Fresh Lille Gruber yang dituangkan dalam materi kali ini terasa begitu maksimal pembawaannya dalam berekplorasi bebas dengan beberapa Genre-nya melalui Dentuman Jahanamnya. technical drum fills, and you've encompassed the extent of this album's "jazz influences". and There are a couple of quick bursting solos to be found on here as well, which may surprise you at first, especially as this as an album that relies on being technical and brutal without the use of neo-classical shredding like Necrophagist and so many bands like them. bass tone is very heavy and adds to the overall atmosphere of this album. yang kerennya lagi Mantan Vokalis Internal Bleeding, Frank Rini ikut menyumbangkan Vokal parau Beratnya disini. Lalu " The Purging " semakin melesat kencang, rumit dan Buas !! on being as guttural as possible, while still having some character and being surprisingly understandable in some places. Lille Gruber blasts away at his kit while changing it up with odd time signatures, gravity blasts and complex fill work and he performs all this intricate drumwork with such ease and competence. It really is incredibly impressive. " Verses of Deformity " giliran Brian Forgue-nya Syphilic, Gutrot, Mulch dan Mutilated menyumbangkan Vokal Grunting Gutturalnya di Track ini. sebuah Track yang berat terasa sentuhan slamming Kental-nya Devourment dengan Groovy Dying Fetus bertarung dengan Karakter Kuat Decrepit Birth, sehingga bisa elo bayangkan sendiri dasyatnya track ini. dan beberapa solo Cantik Christian Kühn bergaya Suffocation klasik banget terasakan begitu mendesah pada Middle Part-nya. While technicality isn't exactly a musical quality I find admirable, I will acknowledge that it is present here and that this album is a fair bit more complex and intellectual than most brutal death metal bands ever will be. " Perspectives " tetap menebar Grinding Part dasyat dengan sentuhan permainan yang Dinamis dan Begitu Jazzy nuansanya. it's all pretty intelligently composed, with the songs all having an extremely natural sense of flow and all going exactly where they need to in order to feel like actual songs instead of chains of riffs stapled together. However, in the same way that you can make tracks that are just unrelated chains of riffs which just so happen to each be extremely beautiful, you can create a near-flawless set of framework for a song but fill that framework in with unbelievably lifeless textures, rhythms, and flair. Defeated Sanity definitely fit squarely in the latter category. " Frenzy " juga jangan sampai elo lewatkan begitu saja dan kemudian track akhir di sudahi oleh " Martyrium " yang semakin memamerkan Kompleksitas skill band ini dari track awal, sehingga kita kalau menikmatinya secara seksama memang tidak bakalan menemukan Titik Boring sedikitpun, sehingga memang dibutuhkan konsentrasi yang full untuk dapat menikmati indahnya Album gress Begundal Death Metal sadis Asal Berlin Jerman ini. dan Vokalis dengan karakter Guttural Kuat dan Populer A.J. Magana ( Ex. Disgorge, Being Killed, Deprecated, dan pernah Mengisi Vocal di Defeated Sanity Tahun 2009-2011 ) pun ikut mengisi Track ini dengan raungan monster-nya. a bit of modern blasting and chugging to give them a bit more contemporary relevance, and the end result is certainly quite interesting. I'd be curious to hear more technical brutal death metal bands play stuff like this - at the very least, it'd be way more interesting than the creative stagnancy the genre is seeing right now. akhir kata, inilah mungkin Muntahan Titik Kuat Skill drummer Lille bersama Gitaris Christian Kühn untuk menunjukkan bener2 kualitasnya sebagai musisi yang berbakat mengerahkan segala kemampuannya untuk diabadikan di Soundlodge Studios jerman ! well bener2 sebuah Masterpiece Death Metal Progressive Bin Teknikal yang luar biasa harus elo rasakan sendiri siksaannya !! Artwork menarik Karya seniman Negeri sakura Toshihiro Egawa tetap menjadi daya tarik dan Nilai lebih Rilisan ini untuk diburu segera ! dan yang lebih menariknya lagi, terdapat Bonus DVD untuk Rilisan ini yang berisikan Interview Band, Proses Pembuatan Video Clip dan materi album ini termasuk Lille's Blasting Technique yang harus benar2 kita dapat mempelajarinya. In closing, this is a brilliant album. Truly crushing and powerful, with a lot of talent and skill involved. Highly respectable, and one of the very few albums involving slams that isn't repetitive or boring. I would recommend every track, as even the intro is pretty cool which really is a rarity! BUY OR DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!

The most i wait wait year 2013 was coy!!, DEATH METAL THE BERLIN Cruelty devastated, Defeated Sanity!!!! appeared mature mature, and terrible if i really look karya2 them before, and could be "Passages Into Deformity" is The Best Masterpiece Best Scene 2013 from Germany! With the increasingly Technical Concepts Dynamic, Fast, Guttural and Blastbeat, Serving Downtune Sound ciamik increasingly making their new work is becoming increasingly Terrible wrote, gw jarang2 immediately praised them after the first listen to the song "Initiation" is pretty short in Geber for 1:15 enough to represent dasyatnya the new Masterpiece! and two for the thumb Love drummer Lille Gruber Frontman who can still manage Character musicality of the band since it was formed in 1994 and left him alone to continue the road without first formation, Lille Gruber discover lucky if his magic formation with presence of guitarist and bassist Christian Kühn Jacob Schmidt the left from 2005 and then in 2011 then vocalist with characters Guttural Cool, Konstantin Lühring Resection of the band, ex-Despondency, and ex-Gallery of Darkness's line is now more solid formation Being Defeated horrible sanity since 2011. The band's musicality can i feel is a combination of concepts Suffocation, Decrepit Birth, Dying Fetus with Abominable Putridity alone, although it is in fact more stylish band Suffocation, Monstrosity and Cannibal Corpse, apparently Skill Dynamics musicality and its members has been progressing so mature and rapidly, as a result of this new structure lagu2 music is genuine increasingly have Death Metal Music Quality dynamic cool! The music on display here is actually pretty decent, and I say that as someone who can hardly stomach any sort of technicality in brutal death metal. without the otherworldly guitar tone and perhaps a bit more in-your-face sort of approach to songwriting. Still be a fusion between the material length concept "Chapters of Repugnance" in 2010 and "Psalms of the Moribund" in 2007, apparently did Defeated sanity has stepped forward with an offer from the outset Track CD "Initiation", Mathematics nan Steady Drummer Beats Lille Gruber remains a matter dasyatnya benchmarks this time, especially fresh Guttural roar Konstantin Lühring increasingly sadistic sharpen his impression of his compositions and Downtune beats Sound Heavy As Fuck while providing a touch of Incredible. The guitar tone is ridiculously loud and bassy, ??but it's also worth noting that this approach to Brutality also Sacrifices clarity and treble, roomates are two very essential elements to Achieving a "brutal" sound. A lot of the riffs are rendered via the guitar tone into a mess of indistinguishable slurry, roomates is rather unfortunate if you want to appreciate the melodies going on underneath (and based on what is audible, it's almost guaranteed that these riffs are pretty damn good , so it's a shame that they can not be heard very well). yup might Character Death Metal sound of her for gw better and cool sounding impressed! then track "Naraka" next dimuncratkan, Defeated Sanity cruelty is increasingly showing "class" actually! it's almost guaranteed that these riffs are pretty damn good, so it's a shame that they can not be heard very well). The guitar tone also rids the music of any chunkiness, roomates pretty much ruins the slower, slammier parts of Defeated Sanity's Compositions, not only muddying the melodies contained therein (though it's not like they Appear to be anything special here) but also ridding them of catchiness, roomates is really the only reason a band should even use Technical slams. Part some complex compositions with a very easy and progressive sound so compete pitted his skills, Good Track!! "Verblendung" There was once an era Shades Suffocation "Effigy Of The Forgotten" at the beginning of his Part, Defeated Sanity may try to inflate it to be faster and heavier. "Lusting for transcendence" is getting hit with Blastbeat ferociously wild, Gw The concern from the beginning if Sounding Drums here still feels so original sound without a lot of polish Digital technology that we feel will play Lille Gruber is no longer true for many cheat Fans, Nice Drum Track! so many ideas Fresh Lille Gruber outlined in this time the material was so maximum demeanor in berekplorasi free with some of his genre through Jahanamnya bang. technical drum fills, and you've encompassed the extent of this album's "jazz Influences". and There are a couple of quick bursting solos to be found on here as well, roomates may surprise you at first, especially as this as an album that relies on being technical and brutal without the use of neo-classical shredding like Necrophagist and so many bands like them. bass tone is very heavy and adds to the overall atmosphere of this album. that cool anymore Former Vocalist Internal Bleeding, Frank Rini contributed guttural vocals Weighing here. Then "The Purging" the racing tight, intricate and Beast! on being as guttural as possible, while still having some character and being surprisingly Understandable in some places. Lille Gruber blasts away at his kit while changing it up with odd time signatures, complex gravity blasts and fill work and he performs all this intricate drumwork with such ease and competence. It really is incredibly impressive. "Verses of Deformity" his turn Brian Forgue Syphilic, Gutrot, Mulch and donate MUTILATED Vocal Track Grunting Gutturalnya on this. Track feels a touch heavy Condensed slamming her with Groovy Devourment Dying Fetus fight with Strong Character Decrepit Birth, so can imagine yourself elo dasyatnya this track. and some gorgeous solo classical Christian Kühn Suffocation style really felt that sigh on his Middle Part. While technicality is not exactly a musical quality I find admirable, I will acknowledge that it is present here and that this album is a fair bit more complex and intellectual than most brutal death metal bands ever will be. "Perspectives" fixed spread Grinding Part terrible games with the touch of a Dynamic and So Jazzy nuances. it's all pretty intelligently composed, with the songs all having an extremely natural sense of flow and all going exactly where they need to in order to feel like actual songs instead of chains of riffs stapled together. However, in the same way that you can make-tracks that are just unrelated chains of riffs roomates just so happen to each be extremely beautiful, you can create a near-flawless set of framework for a song but fill in that framework with unbelievably lifeless textures , rhythms, and flair. Defeated Sanity definitely fit squarely in the latter category. "Frenzy" is also not to miss elo granted and then the final track on Enough by "Martyrium" which showcased the band's skill complexity of the track early, so we enjoyed it thoroughly if it is not going to find a point Boring bit, so it takes concentration to be able to enjoy the full beauty of Death Metal Album gress Begundal sadistic Berlin German origin. and vocalist with the character Guttural AJ Strong and Popular Magana (Ex. Disgorge, Being Killed, Deprecated, and never Filling in Defeated Sanity Vocal Year 2009-2011) had come to fill the track with his monster roar. A bit of modern blasting and chugging to give them a bit more contemporary relevance, and the end result is certainly quite interesting. I'd be curious to hear more technical brutal death metal bands play stuff like this - at the very least, it'd be way more interesting than the creative stagnancy the genre is seeing right now. end of the word, this is probably vomit Strong Point Skill drummer Lille with guitarist Christian Kühn to show bener2 quality as a gifted musician exert its power to Soundlodge Studios immortalized in germany! well bener2 a Progressive Death Metal Masterpiece Bin Technical extraordinary elo should feel alone torment! Artwork interesting work of artist Toshihiro Egawa Sakura country remains the attractiveness and value to be hunted over this release soon! and, more interestingly again, there are bonus DVD for this release containing Band Interview, Video Clip Making Process and materials including Lille's album Blasting Technique should benar2 we can learn. In closing, this is a brilliant album. Truly crushing and powerful, with a lot of talent and skill INVOLVED. Highly respectable, and one of the very few albums involving slams that is not repetitive or boring. I would recommend every track, as even the intro is pretty cool roomates really is a rarity! BUY OR DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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