Senin, 29 Juni 2015

Funeral Speech - Experimental World CD 2013

Funeral Speech - Experimental World
Sound Age Productions CD 2013

01 Evil Of Game 04:06    
02 Experimental World 04:51    
03 The Liar 05:19    
04 Info-Terror 04:02    
05 Human Vices 05:14    
06 The Winner 04:31    
07 The Wolf 04:05    
08 Envious Glance 04:31

Nikolay "Buc" Zalkin - Bass
Dimosthenis "Sthen" Kiskinis - Drums
Oleg "Korps" Emelyanov - Guitars
Dmitry "Chiff" Semochkin - Guitars, Vocals

Jangan Salah jika ada 2 nama " Funeral Speech " discene Rusia yang sama2 menggunakan nama ini, satunya asal Rostov mengusung Konsep Brutal Death Metal, namun Funeral Speech yang asal Tverini mengusung konsep musik yang Gw sukai, Progressive Death Metal ! meski sangat telat dalam merilis karya sejak terbentuk tahun 1999, band ini masih memiliki 2 album hingga sekarang ini, " E Tenebris " Dirilis tahun 2010 menjadi awal langkah mereka dengan konsep matang setelah mengalami Transformasi Musikal dan tahun 2013 secara lebih matang lagi, lahirlah dari Rahim Kreatifitas mereka untuk memuntahkan masterpiece ke 2 " Experimental World ", masih dengan pengembangan konsep kental gaya Old School Death Metal In The Vein Death, Cynic, Atheist hingga Sarcofago. Genre musik yang mulai berkembang pada era 80 an, dengan permainan yang kian Komplek ini, ternyata masih menyisakan harapan2 bagi Musisi Metal untuk tetap memainkannya di era gempuran Modern Musik, bagi mereka mungkin Kompleksitas Bermain genre ini masih dimiliki oleh band2 berpengaruh yang gw sebutkan diatas tadi, sehingga sampai kapanpun mungkin Nama2 tersebut tidak akan terlupakan oleh sejarah bagaimana genre musik yang saat ini lebih disebut sebagai " Technical " Death Metal. masih bertahan dengan Frontman Vokalis/Gitaris Dmitry "Chiff" Semochkin, inilah persembahan Karya matang dan dinamis terbaik mereka di Tahun 2013. dengan performa Skill yang mumpuni ditunjang dengan kualitas sound rekaman yang clean, tentunya gw sangat menikmati genre " Menarik " ini untuk Gw tulis hehehehe ... " Evil Of Game " langsung saja menerjang gempuran cepat Beat Musik Death Metal dengan Raungan Harsh Vokill Dmitry yang nyaring bergaya Chuck Schuldiner banget dan kali ini lebih terasa menembus karakter Angela nya Arch Enemy atau Alexi nya Children Of Bodom, beberapa Headbanging part juga begitu merdu terasakan ditengah gempuran Blastbeat standard, dan setelah itu berceceran part2 atraktif dimana Para musisi sedang mengadu Skill-nya masing2. dan inilah yang mungkin menjadi sebuah " Art " tersendiri untuk tetap asyik dinikmati dalam suasana apapun. Opini Gw, memang menciptakan struktur Track ini dibutuhkan Kejelian dan sinkronisasi tersendiri untuk tetap dapat menciptakan alur musik yang signifikan dengan konsep dasar, sehingga ga asal Njlimet aja yang menjadi tuntutan dalam otak musisi-nya, sehingga memang kadang Kesan " dipaksakan " akan semakin terasa jika karya itu terasa membosankan ! tapi bagi musisi yang bener2 paham dengan konsep dasar musiknya, tentu akan mencoba Contoh Ringan namun tetap mengandung teknik2 mengagumkan sekalipun, yeahh, that is Naturaly law :) .... Gerakan Struktur Progresi Modern Style gaya Control Denied lumayan mulai terasakan pada track " Experimental World ", beberapa sentuhan solo Gitar Melodius dan mendayu2 menjadi Faktor plus tersendiri semakin enjoy nya gw menikmati sajian band ini. Perpaduan karakter Death Metal dan Thrash Metal menjadi akar utama penciptaan karakter dengan balutan tajam permainan yang dinamis, kadang terdengar simple part, namun kalo kita jeli banget akan kita temukan komposisi skill mengejutkan disetiap bait struktur bermusiknya. membutuhkan konsentrasi tersendiri bagi Dmitry untuk mengatur pattern vokill-nya sambil memainkan Gitarnya sehingga acap kali terdengar gaya bernyanyi kurang " Bebas " dan terkesan masih mengikuti Setiap Hentakan Beat Musik saja. In spite of that, most of the riffs under the solos are extremely weak, usually opting for single power chord sections to give them a spacey feeling, but that just ends up sounding lazy and under-cooked, if you will. It's a funny thing with this album, I like to jam to it, to play riffs and solos off it, but I don't take pleasure in listening to most of them. All of these later-era Death solos make me think they would've been much better off had they just stuck all the way through and let him dive bomb and do weedly diddly doos all over the place; those are pretty fun to listen to, though not as fun to jam to. cukup rasakan sensasi penuh hentakan dinamis dalam total durasi 36:39 untuk menikmati sajian 8 lagu berkualitas ini. hmmm sayang banget gw kurang mendapat info banyak tentang band ini, padahal gw tergolong menyukai karya dasyat mereka ini. small futuristic elevator going up before it could reach top speed, which kept it alive, if with internal injuries, and slowly moved it upwards. However, Death were too hurt by this point, and in their squirming, they moved towards the edge of said elevator. Dangerously close to the edge.

Do Wrong if there are 2 names "Funeral Speech" Russian discene sama2 use this name, which brings Rostov origin concept Brutal Death Metal, but the origin Tverini Funeral Speech of the concept of music like Gw, Progressive Death Metal! although very late in releasing the works since their establishment in 1999, the band still has two albums to date, "E Tenebris" Released in 2010 to start their step after a mature concept and the Transformation of Musical of 2013 in more mature again, born from the womb their creative masterpiece to spew into 2 "Experimental World", still with the development of the concept of condensed style Old School Death Metal In The Vein Death, Cynic, Atheist until Sarcofago. The genre of music began to grow in the 80's, with an increasingly complex game, it still leaves harapan2 for Metal Musicians to continue to play in the era of strikes Modern Music, for their complexity may play this genre is still owned by the influential band2 i mentioned above was , so until whenever possible nama2 will not be forgotten by the history of how the genre of music that is now more known as a "Technical" Death Metal. still sticking with Frontman Vocalist / guitarist Dmitry "Chiff" Semochkin, is offering mature and dynamic work their best in the Year 2013. Skill with a powerful performance supported by a clean recording sound quality, of course, i really enjoy the genre "Interesting" is to write Gw hehehehe ... "Evil Of Game" just hit a quick strikes Music Beat Death Metal with Harsh Vokill roar loud Dmitry Chuck Schuldiner very stylish and this time it was through the character Angela Arch Enemy or his Children Of Bodom Alexi, some headbanging part also felt so sweet amid the onslaught Blastbeat standard, and after it splattered part2 attractive where the musicians were pitted his Skill masing2. and this may be an "Art" of its own to remain engrossed enjoyed in any atmosphere. Opinion Gw, it does create a structure is needed Foresight Track and synchronize its own to keep creating significant musical groove with the basic concepts, so that the origin of intricate ga wrote that the demands in his brain musicians, so it is sometimes Impression "forced" will be more pronounced if the work was boring! but for musicians who bener2 familiar with the basic concepts of music, will certainly try Example Lightweight yet still contain teknik2 awesome though, yeahh, that is naturaly law :) .... Structure Movement Progression Modern Style style Control Denied hefty start felt the track "Experimental World", some touch of melodic guitar solos and mendayu2 a factor plus his own increasingly enjoy i enjoy this band dish. The combination of the character Death Metal and Thrash Metal at the root of the creation of the main character with a sharp cast of dynamic game, sometimes it sounds simple part, but if we are really keen we would find surprising skill composition of each stanza musical structure. requires separate concentrations for Dmitry to regulate its pattern vokill His guitar while playing so often heard singing style is less "free" and still seem to follow every beat of Beat Music only. In spite of that, most of the riffs under the solos are extremely weak, Usually opting for single power chord sections to give them a spacey feeling, but that just ends up sounding lazy and under-cooked, if you will. It's a funny thing with this album, I like to clock to it, to play riffs and solos off of it, but I do not take pleasure in listening to most of them. All of these later-era Death solos make me think they would've been much better off had they just stuck all the way through and let him dive bomb and do weedly Diddly doos all over the place; those are pretty fun to listen to, though not as fun to clock to. quite feel the sensation of a full dynamic buffeting the total duration of 36:39 to enjoy a dish of 8 songs of this quality. hmmm i love my lack much information about this band, but i quite liked their work is terrible. small futuristic elevator going up before it could reach top speed, roomates kept it alive, if with internal injuries, and slowly moved it upwards. However, Death were too hurt by this point, and in their squirming, they moved towards the edge of said elevator. Dangerously close to the edge.

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