Senin, 29 Juni 2015

Arsis - Lepers Caress EP 2012

Arsis - Lepers Caress EP
Scion Audio Visual EP 2012

01 Haunted, Fragile and Frozen 01:53    
02 Six Coffins Wide 04:12    
03 Veil of Mourning Black 03:01    
04 A Tearful Haunt, Condemned 03:32    
05 Carve My Cross 04:06    
06 Denied 02:27

James Malone - Guitars, Vocals
Noah Martin - Bass
Shawn Priest - Drums
Brandon Ellis - Guitars

" Lepers Caress " is an impressive feat of KEEP and MORE blending strong musicianship with good songwriting and a shameless use of prominent melodies and hooks. Feel The songs are great, the guitar and bass work is great, and even the vocals are good, all used relatively tastefully for a "technical" style of music. The drumming is horrible, tasteless wankery, emphasized by the horrible production seeing - these glaring flaws take an otherwise great Masterpiece again from Virginia Beach, Virginia Technical Melodic Death Metal !! Yeahh Ini memang sebuah karya dasyat yang memang asli Luar biasa bagi kalian pecinta " Art " Death Metal gila gilaan !!! dan sejak pertama kali mengenal nama mereka lewat " Demo 2002 ", Band pimpinan Vokalis dan Gitaris James Malone yang bersama drummer Michael van Dyne memang telah membawa angin segar bagi perkembangan Death Metal terdengar lebih dinamis. setelah itu Gw jatuh cintrong banget dengan Karya2 Arsis berikutnya. biarpun ada band lain dengan nama Arsis di Amrik, dari alaska yang ngemainin Konsep christian rock, jelas Arsis asal Virginia Beach, Virginia ini yang paling mengerikan bagi Gw karakter bermusiknya !!! Overall, there is quite a bit to like about this New Material. The great songwriting and mind bending guitar work make this worth a listen. Despite a couple glaring flaws, this is still a solid album by a band I’m sure will be one of melodic tech death’s mainstays over the years. I hope this has finally set the record straight on the strengths and weaknesses of this album, and helped you make a decision. setelah materi album terakhir mereka " Starve for the Devil " Tahun 2010 via Nuclear Blast Records kayaknya tidak berlanjut ke materi Album berikutnya, Buktinya kini Arsis melepas EP baru ini lewat Scion Audio Visual dan Ep ini bisa di Download Secara Gratis coy di (!collection/1287 ), en bagi yang belum tau Scion Audio Visual atau yang dikenal sebagai Scion A/V adalah Rumah Produksi satu atap dengan Scion, dari Toyota Motor Sales (TMS), USA, Inc, yang dikembangkan dengan generasi baru untuk pembeli muda dalam pikiran. dan Misi Scion ini adalah untuk menyediakan produk khas, kesempatan untuk personalisasi, dan, inovatif konsumen pada proses di tingkat ritel. sementara Scion Media sendiri menyediakan platform bagi para seniman yang bersemangat untuk fokus pada pengembangan seni dan mengeksplorasi kemungkinan yang tak terbatasnya. banyak bisa kalian temukan materi2 baru dari banyak Genre disini dari Death, Grind, Black, Sludge, Doom, Traditional, Crust, D-Beat, Hardcore, hip hop dan masih banyak lagi. Yuk langsung kita intip aja Track2 Keren dari Arsis di EP yang memuat 5 track plus 1 Instrumen Intro " Haunted, Fragile and Frozen " sebuah petikan Kelam Clean Guitar mengawali Track Instrumental Opening yang saat ini selalu menghias awal penampilan panggung mereka dengan Komposisi yang menawan bisa kalian bayangkan sendiri hmmm... tetap dengan sentuhan Riff dan Solo Melodius banget ! The guitar work is absolutely otherworldly, combining technicality with memorable songwriting. This album is filled to the brim with riffs. That alone is worth the price of admission. Despite the stellar guitar work, however, there are some drawbacks. kemudian berlanjut dengan " Six Coffins Wide " langsung kita mencium kedasyatan Gress Arsis memainkan komposisi dasyat dan Luar biasa apalagi menengok permainan Drummer baru Mereka, Shawn Priest yang kondang di band Cast into Finality danThe Deep untuk menggantikan Posisi Michael van Dyne, menjadi sebuah pilihan tepat Arsis menggunakan kemampuan Drummer Shawn yang powerfully dan Dasyat abis juga ini, The first bit of drumming on the album is high-speed blasting down four rack toms and that really sums up the whole album - nearly every moment seems like a high speed, aggressive fill. sementara permainan beberapa solo Gitaris Baru, Brandon Ellis memang pilihan yang luar biasa pula setelah James Malone mengagumi permainannya di band awal Ellis, Sylosis! sepertinya Malone telah kembali menampilkan formasi tersadisnya saat ini, sehingga komposisi yang ditawarkan di materi ini membuat Gw harus " Bungkam Mulut ", coz ini memang sebuah karya yang sangat luar biasa !! an excellent songwriter, allowing flashy guitar work to sometimes go on tangents, but never getting lost in it. The pairing of a simple guitar melody and rhythm with different parts the chorus of the title track is a great example. sehingga memang memerlukan kejelian tersendiri buat gw penikmat sajian " Berkualitas " ini. " Veil of Mourning Black " masih menawarkan gempuran Gaya Old School dengan Modern yang di blending dengan sentuhan mengagumkan, memang terasa sekali beberapa gaya Melodic Death Metal dengan Metalcore Riffing, Arsis mematangkan kembali dengan sentuhan2 yang serba mengejutkan ! There is some really interesting and memorable guitar work, buried in the production at times, that is worth listening to the album to hear. There's also some typical noodly stuff, but that's merely a consequence of the style. penekanan Ritme lagu yang serba melodius menjadi karakteristik Utama dengan gaya dan skill dinamis musisinya. sungguh sebuah kerja keras yang harus terbayarkan dengan kata2 " LUAR BIASA !!! ". " A Tearful Haunt, Condemned " semakin menjadi Komposisi Matematika dengan segala Pukulan teknik mengagumkan antar member tetap demi menciptakan aransemen musik berkualitas tinggi !! dan sangat menarik perhatian gw, memorable banget gaya riffing dasyatnya pada track " Carve My Cross ", Harmonisasi dan Drill Riff cepat memang menanamkan sentuhan yang kian mengerikan di Track ini. Pukulan Grinding Rapat Shawn memang NO COMMENT !! kemudian Part Awal Riffing Lagu Pamungkas " Denied " tetap begitu memorable dengan sentuhan Khas Arsis dibeberapa materi album sebelumnya. ditunjang pula dengan Kualitas Recording Profesional garapan Christopher Harris atau yang dikenal sebagai " Zeuss " ini memang tetap menjadi andalan Arsis menghasilkan Karya2 Spektakulernya. Produser Spesialis Genre hard rock, metal dan hardcore album yang kerja di Planet-Z recording ini memang sudah menghasilkan karya luar biasa dari band terkenal seperti The Acacia Strain, Suicide Silence, Soulfly, Hatebreed, Shadows Fall, Whitechapel, Murderdolls, Chimaira etc cukup rasanya memegang kendali reputasi Sukses garapannya. sebuah masterpiece Technical Melodic Death Metal keren tahun 2012 dari Arsis patut dan selayaknya menjadi Referensi Kalian untuk tetap menciptakan Kualitas bermusik yang tidak monoton dan lebih keren lagi. Jempol 20 deh buat karya ini sekali lagi dari Gw hehehehe ... The thing that ultimately gets lost on this album is the general concept of songwriting. The contents found on here listen more like classical etudes on electric guitar, with harsh vocals, rather than the sort of easily identified metal song that most could instantly identify upon hearing. It’s a very fun listen, but it tends to work best in small doses. brand of technical insanity but with a little more of a sense of slowing down and speeding up, and some actual hooks mixed in; though to most who don’t listen to death/grind this album would still sound incredibly fast and hard to follow.

"Lepers Caress" is an impressive feat of KEEP MORE blending and strong musicianship with good songwriting and a shameless use of prominent melodies and hooks. Feel The songs are great, the guitar and bass work is great, and even the vocals are good, all relatively tastefully used for a "technical" style of music. The drumming is horrible, tasteless wankery, emphasized by the horrible production seeing - these glaring flaws take an otherwise great masterpiece again from Virginia Beach, Virginia Technical Melodic Death Metal!! Yeahh This is an original masterpiece that was terrible Unusually for you lovers of "Art" Death Metal mad frenzy!!! and since it was first known by the name of their "Demo 2002", Band leader Vocalist and guitarist James Malone who with drummer Michael Van Dyne has indeed brought a breath of fresh air for the development of death metal sounds more dynamic. after that Gw fell cintrong really with Arsis Karya2 next. although there was another band with the name Arsis in America, from Alaska who ngemainin Concept christian rock, Arsis clear from Virginia Beach, Virginia is the most terrible for Gw musical character!!! Overall, there is quite a bit to like about this New Material. The great songwriting and mind bending guitar work make this worth a listen. Despite a couple glaring flaws, this is still a solid album by a band I'm sure will be one of melodic tech death's mainstays over the years. I hope this has finally set the record straight on the strengths and weaknesses of this album, and helped you make a decision. after their last album material "Starve for the Devil" in 2010 via Nuclear Blast Records seems no matter proceed to the next album, The proof is now Arsis release new EP via Scion Audio Visual and Ep can be at Download For Free coy at (http:/ / #! collection/1287), en for those who do not know Scion Audio Visual otherwise known as the Scion A / V is a one-stop production house with Scion, from Toyota Motor Sales (TMS) , USA, Inc., which was developed with a new generation of young buyers in mind. and the Scion's mission is to provide distinctive products, the opportunity to personalize, and an innovative, consumer at the retail level. while Scion Media itself provides a platform for artists who are eager to focus on the development of art and explore the infinite possibilities. you can find many new materi2 of many genre here of Death, Grind, Black, Sludge, Doom, Traditional, Crust, D-Beat, Hardcore, hip hop and much more. Let's find out directly from Arsis wrote Track2 Cool in EP containing 5 tracks plus 1 instrument Intro "Haunted, Fragile and Frozen" an excerpt Dark Clean Guitar Instrumental Track Opening initiate the current early stage performances always decorate them with a charming composition could be you imagine yourself hmmm ... still with a touch of melodic riffs and Solo really! The guitar work is absolutely otherworldly, combining technicality with memorable songwriting. This album is filled to the brim with riffs. That alone is worth the price of admission. Despite the stellar guitar work, however, there are some drawbacks. then continues with "Six Coffins Wide" Direct we kissed kedasyatan Gress Arsis played terrible and Excellent composition especially newly They turned the game Drummer, Shawn Priest are famous in the band Deep Cast into Finality danThe to replace the position of Michael van Dyne, be a right choice Arsis Drummer Shawn uses a powerfully capabilities and also this terrible abis, the first bit of drumming on the album is high-speed blasting down four rack toms and that really sums up the whole album - nearly every moment seems like a high speed, aggressive fill. while some games new solo guitarist, Brandon Ellis is an outstanding choice anyway after admire James Malone playing in bands early Ellis, Sylosis! Malone seems to have re-display the current tersadisnya formation, so that the composition of the material offered in this makes Gw should "Mute Mouth", coz this is a work of extraordinary! an excellent songwriter, allowing flashy guitar work to sometimes go on tangents, but never getting lost in it. The pairing of a simple guitar melody and rhythm with different parts the chorus of the title track is a great example. so that it requires its own flair for presentation connoisseurs gw "Qualified" is. "Veil of Mourning Black" still offers onslaught Old School Style with Modern in blending with a touch of awesome, it feels so several styles Melodic Death Metal with metalcore riffing, Arsis finalize sentuhan2 paced back with a surprise! There is some really interesting and memorable guitar work, buried in the production at times, that is worth listening to the album to hear. There's also some typical noodly stuff, but that's merely a consequence of the style. emphasis paced melodic rhythm tracks to Main characteristics with the style and skill of dynamic musicians. really a hard job that must be paid by kata2 "FABULOUS!". "A Tearful Haunt, Condemned" Mathematics is increasingly becoming a composition with all the awesome punch techniques among members remain in order to create high-quality musical arrangements! very interesting and I, really memorable riffing style dasyatnya on track "Carve My Cross", Harmonization and Drill Riff fast indeed instill an increasingly terrible touch on this track. Grinding blow Meeting Shawn is NO COMMENT!! Early Part riffing song then Pamungkas "Denied" remains so memorable with a touch of typical Arsis several previous album material. supported also by the Professional Recording Quality arable Christopher Harris, also known as "Zeuss" This is still a mainstay Karya2 Arsis produce spectacular. Genre specialist producer of hard rock, metal and hardcore albums that work at Planet-Z recording is already produced remarkable works of well-known bands such as The Acacia Strain, Suicide Silence, Soulfly, Hatebreed, Shadows Fall, Whitechapel, Murderdolls, Chimaira etc quite taste Successful control garapannya reputation. a Technical Melodic Death Metal masterpiece cool in 2012 from Arsis worth and should be References guys to keep creating music quality is not monotonous and more cool again. Thumbs 20 deh make this work once again from Gw hehehehe ... The thing that ultimately gets lost on this album is the general concept of songwriting. The contents found on here listen more like classical etudes on electric guitar, with harsh vocals, rather than the sort of Easily identified metal song that most could instantly identify upon hearing. It's a very fun listen, but it tends to work best in small doses. technical brand of insanity but with a little more of a sense of slowing down and speeding up, and some actual hooks mixed in; though to most who do not listen to death / grind this album would still sound incredibly fast and hard to follow.

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