Senin, 29 Juni 2015

Carnivore Diprosopus - Condemned By The Alliance CD 2013

Carnivore Diprosopus - Condemned By The Alliance
Sevared Records CD 2013

01 The Beginning (Intro) 01:06    
02 Covenant of Satan Predators 04:22    
03 Deeds of Supreme Sect 04:01    
04 The Torment Era 03:09    
05 Creation of a Sadistic Empire 04:14    
06 Alliance for Extermination 04:39    
07 New Order Condemnation 03:14    
08 Colossal Destruction 03:08    
09 Carnivore Command Rebellion 03:17    
10 The Final (Outro) 01:08

Wilson "Brigadier" Henao - Drums
José "Nacho" Rondón - Guitars
Andrés Perez Zuleta - Guitars
Mr. "Oscarnivore" Macias - Vocals

Hmmm ... Masih tentang Colombian Death Metal band nih !! .. Salah satu Icon Populer Brutality-nya telah memuntahkan karya terbarunya. band yang masih gencar mengusung Brutal Death Metal dengan sentuhan Guttural dan Hyperblaster ini tentunya masih erat dibenak gw dengan karakteristik gaya bermain Internal Suffering, Goretrade, Disgorge hingga Devourment, yup mungkin kalau discene kita ada Jasad, Bleeding Corpse dan band2 brutal Bandung scene, adalah berikut gambaran konsep yang dimainkan oleh band asal Bogotá D.C., Colombia namun kini mereka lebih bermukim di Madrid, Spanyol. nama Carnivore Diprosopus tentunya juga sudah begitu dikenal pada awal kiprahnya melalui demo " Sick Nurse " tahun 2003 kemudian ikutan dikompilasi " A Bombardment from the Southern Paradise: The Colombian Brutal Death metal compilation", bersama rekan2 Brutalnya seperti Internal Suffering, Nihil Obstat, Ancient Necropsy dan Carnal. dan sampai saat ini sudah memiliki 3 album dan 1 demo, semakin mematangkan langkah mereka tampil sadis menggerinda ! so semakin ga sabar aja untuk menulis musikal mereka kali ini yang semakin " Mengerikan " ini !! setelah dimulai dengan sebuah intro barulah kita dicincang habis2 an tanpa ampun dengan " Covenant of Satan Predators ", sebuah gempuran dasyat kencang dan ngebut dengan Vokill Guttural mengagumkan, downtune sounding karakternya merupakan perpaduan antara Disgorge, Vomit Remnant era " Vehemence .. " dengan Karakter Internal Suffering. aransemen musik yang sangat dimatang disusun per Bar dengan sangat teliti untuk menciptakan sinkronisasi bermain Brutal Death Metal melalui sentuhan slamming Groovy yang kental gaya Devourment era " Molesting .. " banget ! The drumming is basically two parts; ultra-brutal slamming groove beats, and blast beats/double bass. The drum sound is typically "South American" - shallow snare drum without any snare wires. Farily tight and original drumming, overall!  yup karakter soundingnya masih terasa sekali aroma " Molesting .. " nya Devourment ! dan mengundang Perhatian gw adalah gaya Guttural Vokill yang benar2 Powerfully ! The vocals is maybe the least outstanding thing with this album. They are pretty low in the mix, and the pitch of the vocalist is very low too. Vocal patterns mostly follow the guitar riffs, and it's 100% guttural vocals, no pig squels or screams or anything like that. Pretty "standard" vocals. dan lebih terasa berbeda lagi, terdapat pula beberapa solo Gitar yang hampir mungkin terlupakan untuk Progres Brutal Death Metal with Guttural Slamming Style untuk melakukan hal ini. Untuk menambah Marak nuansa album ini, Vocalis Fabio Marin dari Internal Suffering juga menyumbangkan Growling nya pada track " Creation of a Sadistic Empire ", sementara saat proses rekaman materi ini berlangsung, Carnivore Diprosopus menggandeng bassis Alfonso "Pocho" Mejía yang sebelumnya pernah bermain untuk band brutal seperti Cromlech, Eternal dan Torso, namun khabar terakhir, alfonso malah menjadi member tetap. yang pasti dari 10 Track berdurasi total 32:18 ini ada banyak persembahan mematikan yang ga bikin boring sedikitpun dengan beberapa sentuhan permainan dinamis yang diaransemen secara Fantastis, ya Fantastis abis !! slamming Groovy-nya merupakan perpaduan gaya Dying Fetus dengan Devourment, sehingga ga terasa " Kaku " dengan Orientasi band2 slamming Brutal lainnya. All in all, I'd have to recommend this album to pretty much any of the brutal death afficianados I know personally, and those strangers I don't, as so long as you're not some old-school elitist and enjoy bands that clearly enjoy what they're doing, then I defy you to listen to this album and not find something that you can genuinely admit to liking / loving. WAJIB BANGET Buat Fans Slamming Guttural Brutal Death Metal Awesome with Dynamic side-effect of the bands writing ability that they can craft the pumping grooves and pull off the in-between bits just as well. Catatan Mengerikan masih kembali datang dari Carnivore Diprosopus !!

Hmmm ... Still on Colombian Death Metal band ya! .. One of his Brutality Popular Icon has been spewing his latest work. bands are still aggressively carrying Brutal Guttural Death Metal with a touch and is certainly still tightly Hyperblaster minds gw with characteristic playing style Internal Suffering, Goretrade, Disgorge to Devourment, yup maybe if we discene no body, Bleeding Corpse and brutal band2 Bandung scene, is the following picture of the concept being played by the band from Bogotá DC, Colombia, but now they live in Madrid, Spain. Carnivore name Diprosopus course also is well known at the beginning of their work through the demo "Sick Nurses" in 2003 and then follow-compiled "A Bombardment from the Southern Paradise: The Colombian Brutal Death Metal compilation", with such brutal rekan2 Internal Suffering, Nihil Obstat, Ancient Necropsy and Carnal. and to date has had 3 albums and 1 demo, the more mature they appear sadistic step grinding! ga so the patient wrote to write their musical this time that the "Terrible" is!! after starting with an intro then we chopped mercilessly with habis2's "Covenant of Satan Predators," an onslaught of terrible winds and raced with Vokill Guttural awesome, downtune sounding character is a mix between Disgorge, Vomit Remnant era "Vehemence .." with Internal Character Suffering. musical arrangements are very dimatang compiled by the Bar with precision to create a synchronization play Brutal Death Metal with a strong touch of Groovy slamming Devourment style era of "molesting .." really? The drumming is basically two parts; ultra-brutal slamming groove beats, and blast beats / double bass. The drum sound is typically "South American" - shallow snare drum snare without any wires. Farily tight and original drumming, overall! yup soundingnya character still feels very scent of "molesting .." her Devourment! and invites attention is the style i Guttural Vokill benar2 powerfully! The vocals is maybe the least outstanding thing with this album. They are pretty low in the mix, and the pitch of the vocalist is very low too. Vocal patterns mostly follow the guitar riffs, and it's 100% guttural vocals, no pig squels or screams or anything like that. Pretty "standard" vocals. and over again feels different, there are also some guitar solos that almost have forgotten to progress with Guttural Brutal Death Metal slamming Style to do this. To add to the feel of the album Marak, Vocalis Fabio Marin of Internal Suffering also donated his Growling on the track "Creation of a Sadistic Empire", while the process of recording this material progress, Carnivore Diprosopus took bassist Alfonso "Pocho" Mejía who previously played for the band brutal as Cromlech, Eternal and torso, but last khabar, alfonso instead become permanent members. exact total duration of 10 Track 32:18 there are many offerings deadly ga make boring bit with a few touches of dynamic games arranged by Fantastic, Fantastic abis ya! Groovy slamming it is a fusion style with Devourment Dying Fetus, so ga feels "stiff" with other Brutal slamming band2 orientation. All in all, I'd have to recommend this album to pretty much any of the brutal death afficianados I know personally, and those strangers I do not, so as long as you're not some old-school elitist and enjoy bands that Clearly enjoy what they're doing, then I Defy you to listen to this album and not find something that you can genuinely admit to liking / loving. SO MUST Make Fans Guttural Brutal Death Metal slamming Awesome with Dynamic side-effect of the bands writing ability that they can craft the pumping grooves and pull off the in-between bits just as well. Note Terrible still coming back from the Carnivore Diprosopus!!

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