Senin, 29 Juni 2015

Brutore - To Worship the Endless Insanity CD 2012

Brutore - To Worship the Endless Insanity
Sevared Records CD 2012

01 In The Butcher Room 02:15    
02 Shredded Flesh and a Bowl of Shit 02:25    
03 Carnivorous Voluptuary 02:50    
04 Eating Organs Through the Eyehole 02:39    
05 Eternal Killing Cycle 02:33    
06 Bundled with Human Skin 02:48    
07 Digging Leech Inside the Flesh 02:55    
08 Fed to the Worm 02:43    
09 To Maximize My Orgasm 02:57    
10 Engorging the Remains 02:50    
11 Precious Bleeding Veins 02:37    
12 A Predule to the Penance 03:16

Loki - All instruments, Vocals

Mungkin bagi Gw agak sedikit melewatkan Perkembangan Scene metal di Negara Vietnam nih hehehe, gw mendapatkan salah satu yang berbahaya dari scene ini coy untuk genre Death Metal Brutal-nya, BRUTORE ! One man brutal death metal band from Saigon, Vietnam yang eksis sejak tahun 2002 yang merupakan bentukan Frontman Loki, yang sepak terjang sebelumnya dibeberapa band seperti Atmosphere, Disgusted, Rot, Wuu, ex-Rotten Fetus, dan ex-End of Road cukuplah bagi gw untuk mengenal dan memahami skill-nya memainkan musik yang bagus :) ..... dan " To Worship the Endless Insanity " adalah karya perdana Dasyatnya setelah mempublikasikan 2 rilisan sebelumnya. cukup ditangani sendirian aja, Loki ternyata memang mampu memanajemen semuanya dengan baik, dan buktinya adalah " To Worship the Endless Insanity " menjadi The Best Masterpiece sejarah Brutore ini, sebuah kerja keras yang patut kita waspadai banget, konsep Brutal Death Metal dengan beberapa sentuhan Slamming Guttural nya adalah perpaduan antara style Devourment, Disgorge, Cannibal Corpse, Hour Of Penance hingga Infernal Torment sangat terasakan pada sentuhan komposisi lagunya. meskipun menggunakan Drum Machine, Sounding yang dihasilkan ga begitu terasa " elemen " Digital-nya. dan lagi dari segi Sounding Band memang Berbahaya juga nih ! " In The Butcher Room " Opening Track yang dimulai dengan Sentuhan Keyboard Romantis mencekam layaknya Imej Band Black/Gothic Metal aja diperdengarkan di awal rilisan yang mengundang Interest Label Indi eksis Amrik, Sevared Records ini, dan " Shredded Flesh and a Bowl of Shit " adalah Pembantaian pertamanya, Surprise !! gempuran tajam mantap Elemen Brutal Death Metal yang Sadis dengan Sayatan Pig Snoring Deep Guttural menjadi karakter Dasar Brutore menyentuhkan siksaan mematikannya. Komposisi Musiknya terhitung keren dengan gaya Riffing Sharpness dan menonjok aransemennya. well, menarik banget nih sejak Jumpa awal. Karakter Kuat Cannibal Corpse memang menjadi Attitude Loki terus mengembangkan Karakteristik dasyatnya. dan menjadi menjadi menarik lagi adalah perkembangan Musikalitas Loki di album ini memang sudah terasa kematangannya untuk mengaransemen musik Brutal Death Metal yang lebih Rapi dan Tertata, so sekali lagi anggapan bikin musik brutal ga asal cepat aja harus bisa kita patahkan lagi, yang menjadi sesuatu menarik so pasti adalah sinkronisasi Beat dan Moody yang " Masuk " dan ga hanya asal cepet aja ya ! hehehehe ... Loki, Manusia berperawakan Gendut berkepala Plontos ini memang telah " Totally " untuk menampilkan Konsep Musik Death Metal yang keren. 11 Lagu disini adalah bukti keseriusannya, dan asli ga bikin boring deh. Komposisi Musik yang terdengar simple namun terasa sangat dinamis Harmonisasi-nya, itu yang bikin gw terkejut. intelligently mixing Guttural and sheer aggressiveness, the following track aren’t here to get syrupy and pragmatically remember that it is possible to compose complicated riffs and structures, to combine it with a fairly un-technical and still sound appeasing. Luckily, as if this wasn’t surprising enough with really dense textures. Not only do the tracks sound epic but they also have plenty of variation and tremendous diversity. Artwork Kover sadis karya Seniman Phan Vu Linh, Teman sejawat Loki diband Thrash Metal Atmosphere, telah memberikan sentuhan Berdarah lagi untuk rilisan sadis ini. Well ga ada komentar Miring deh untuk rilisan berbahaya dari Vietnam Scene ini, dan Kini Loki menambah lagi Pasukan Pembantainya untuk melengkapi formasi panggung dengan memasukkan Vocalis K'ret dan Bassis Rambo kembali melancarkan agresi -nya. Unfortunately I have a bad feeling that due to being released in the first couple of months of the year, this might well end up being forgotten when the annual rememberance of classics for the year is being totted up, but anyone who leaves this out of their list of best releases for the year would surely be either absolutely clinically insane or had just witnessed the most phenomenal, because this album is going to be pretty fucking Grinding to Awesome top Grisly.

Maybe for a little skip Development Gw metal scene in State Vietnam ya hehehe, i get one of the scene's dangerous coy Brutal Death Metal genre for her, BRUTORE! One man brutal death metal band from Saigon, Vietnam which existed since 2002, which was formed by frontman Loki, who previously lunge several bands like Atmosphere, Disgusted, Rot, U., ex-Rotten Fetus, and ex-End of Road suffice for gw to know and understand his skills playing good music :) ..... and "To Worship the Endless Insanity" is a prime dasyatnya after publishing two previous releases. enough to be handled alone wrote, Loki was indeed able to manage everything well, and the proof is "To Worship the Endless Insanity" as the Best Masterpiece Brutore history, the hard work that we should really be aware, the concept of Brutal Death Metal with some touches Guttural slamming Her style is a blend of Devourment, Disgorge, Cannibal Corpse, Hour Of Penance to Infernal Torment really felt the touch of his song composition. although using a Drum Machine, Sounding the resulting ga so pronounced "element" Digital him. and again in terms of Sounding Band is Dangerous too ya! "In The Butcher Room" Opening Track starting with Touch Keyboard The image Romantic gripping Bands like Black / Gothic Metal aja played in the early releases were invited Interest Indi Label Amrik exist, Sevared Records, and "Shredded Flesh and a Bowl of Shit" is Massacre first, Surprise! element strikes a sharp steady Sadistic Brutal Death Metal with Snoring Pig Dissection Deep Guttural a touching character Brutore Basic deadly ordeal. Composition as of cool music in the style of riffing sharpness and punch aransemennya. well, attract Meet nih since the beginning. Cannibal Corpse Strong Character Attitude is a characteristic dasyatnya Loki continues to develop. and to be interesting is the development of musicality Loki in this album already feels maturity arranges music for Brutal Death Metal is more neat, and orderly, so once again make the assumption brutal music should aja ga home quickly can we break again, which is something so attractive sure is synchronization and Moody Beat the "Login" and only origin cepet ga aja ya! hehehehe ... Loki, Boned Fat bald-headed man has indeed been "Totally" to show the concept of Death Metal music are cool. 11 Songs here is evidence of its seriousness, and make a genuine ga deh boring. Music composition that sounds simple but it feels very dynamic Harmonization of it, that's what makes i surprised. Guttural intelligently mixing and sheer aggressiveness, the following tracks are not here to get syrupy and pragmatically remember that it is possible to compose complicated riffs and structures, to combine it with a fairly un-technical and still sound appeasing. Luckily, as if this was not surprising enough with really dense textures. Not only do the tracks sound epic but they also have plenty of variation and tremendous diversity. Coverage Artwork Artist's work sadistic Phan Vu Linh, Friends peers Loki diband Thrash Metal Atmosphere, has a touch sadistic bloody again to release it. Well no comments Leaning deh ga for hazardous releases from Vietnam Scene, and now Loki Pembantainya add more troops to complete the formation stage by entering Vocalis K'ret and bassist Rambo back his aggression. Unfortunately I have a bad feeling that due to being released in the first couple of months of the year, this might well end up being forgotten when the annual remembrance of classics for the year is being totted up, but anyone who leaves this out of their list of best releases for the year would surely be either absolutely clinically insane or had just Witnessed the most phenomenal, Because this album is going to be pretty fucking Grinding to Awesome top Grisly.

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