Jumat, 22 Mei 2015

Witchburner - Blasphemic Assault CD 2015 (Re-Issue)

Witchburner - Blasphemic Assault (Re-Issue 2015)
Stillborn Sounds CD 2015

01 Kill 03:28    
02 Thrash Attack 03:08    
03 Grave Desecrator 03:12    
04 Intro 00:36    
05 Eternal Terror 04:21    
06 Blasphemic Assault 03:46    
07 Inquisition 04:23    
08 Storm of Hate 03:09    
09 Bestial Command 03:26    
10 Raw Energy (Bonus Track) 03:41    
11 Blasphemic Assault (live) (Bonus Track) 03:42    
12 Grave Desecrator (live) (Bonus Track) 03:17    
13 Kill (live) (Bonus Track) 03:09

Patrick Kremer - Vocals on " Raw Energy "
Simon Seegel - Guitars
Christoph Ungemach - Guitars
Tony Skudlarek - Bass
Tankred Best - Drums, Lead Vocals

Beruntung sekali memang Stillborn Sounds telah merepresentasikan kembali Masterpiece Terbaik Germany Thrash Metal Legion WITCHBURNER setelah selama lebih 20 Tahun yang telah menghasilkan 7 Album, 2 EP dan 6 Split Album, dan Pemilihan Album ke-2 " Blasphemic Assault ", adalah Opsi yang tepat, ketika konsepsional Band yang terbentuk sejak Tahun 1992 berhasil menemukan Karakteristik Thrash Fantastis-nya untuk mengajak nostalgia dengan Era Keemasan Thrash Metal awal dari Dedengkot Scene Mereka, Kreator, Destruction serta Sodom ! Witchburner Keep contributed some Amazed songs and Old Thrash Metal fans still are always hungry for new more or less extreme metal pieces. " Blasphemic Assault ", adalah materi Orisinil band dengan formasi yang masih Asli serta Fresh bagi Karir band, juga menjadi masa Transisi Witchburner punya vokalis sendiri dengan masuknya Patrick Kremer (yang kebagian mengisi 1 Lagu " Raw Energy " saja) sehingga dapat meringankan Peran Drummer Tankred Best yang harus merangkap Vokal sejak band ini terbentuk Meski menurut gw, Karakternya Tankred Best masih Jauh " Raw " dengan Patrick sendiri. Well seperti kita menikmati kembali Fenomenal Old Thrashin " Pleasure To Kill " Nya Kreator, " Infernal Overkill " nya Destruction atau " Agent Orange " nya Sodom. membedakan disini mungkin adalah Sound Witchburner yang lebih " Crunchy " dan Heavy lagi. Aransemen yang jauh lebih menampar sejak album pertama " Witchburner ", several minutes of skilful riffing and frequent changes of pace Based on razor-sharp riffs, you begin to wonder exactly what part of this album you are in because this pattern has emerged before. Suguhan Thrash Metal Dinamis era 90-an beruntung kalian nikmati kembali pada Rilisan Ulang Eksklusif dari Stillborn Sounds dengan Menambahkan 3 Track Live perform mereka di " Black N Thrash Inferno " di Essen, Jerman Pada April 2014 lalu dengan formasi total Baru-nya hanya menyisakan 1 member asli tersisa, Simon Seegel. selain itu Stillborn Sounds juga melakukan Permak Ulang Artwork Kover asli sebelumnya karya Christian Kehl dengan Art Lukisan " Sakti " karya seniman Asli Indonesia yang kini Hijrah domisili ke Amrik, Bvll Art telah menjadi rilisan ulang menjadi Lebih " Fresh " dan " Hidup " lagi ditahun 2015 meski materinya sendiri diadopsi dari Tahun 1998 siap Memanjakan banget Thrash Fanatis untuk segera mengoleksi Masterpiece terbaik Witchburner ! pleased by the screams of the heathens sacrificed in the conflagration, and Witchburner to continue their path of late 80s revelry with " Blasphemic Assault " is More stronger in its production values !!!

" Kill " tetap menjadi awal yang agresif dengan hentakan Teutonic Old School Thrash beat sebagai Pemecah Moshpit Area liar via attitude membakar Witchburner, preferred the old school of the genre ! ada nilai Bombastis sendiri deh ketika Spirit Thrash Metal masih terbawa Aroma harum dari era 90-an, Natural serta Raw-nya masih memiliki esensi tersendiri bagi penikmatnya merasa klimaks dengan suguhannya ketimbang Terjerembab dalam Modern Style juga Sound. dengan tempo dan Ritmik yang liar, Laju ekspresif Track ini membawa Sikap tersendiri bagaimana pada era tersebut sajian mereka masih menjadi perjalanan Lanjut dari para pendahulu-nya yang telah " Bergeser ". Drummer Tankred Best sangat memegang kendali penuh dalam penciptaan Lagu, sehingga terdengar memang Kepiawaiannya Bersama member lainnya sementara Duet Mesra Gitaris Simon Seegel dan Christoph Ungemach tetap menjadi Trademark ke-2 nya. A few such bands do manage to come up with enough killer riffs to negate the lack more variety in terms of songs. Seperti halnya konsep band yang serba menyerang sekali, " Thrash Attack " telah menjadi Spirit Komplit terus membakar Komposisi-nya. penyajian materi yang Lebih Easy Listening dengan Penentuan Part serta Bar yang memorable, sehingga cukup 2-3 kali saja kita akan lebih cepat menghafal aransemennya. " Grave Desecrator " bahkan masih menyajikan Enerji yang membara lagi. an surprisingly exquisite variety of distinct hooks and admirably designed great taste among the overwhelming ferocity, making those songs of initial minimalist perspective reach a higher level of versatility and complication. ketika mendengar part awal dari " Eternal Terror ", ingatan gw sedikit tergoyahkan untuk mengingat " Incest " nya Sodom Era " Agent Orange ", sebuah Track yang banyak meluangkan Enerji headbang-nya ketimbang track awal, distinct taste in terms of thrashy grooves competence at molding every form of 80’s extreme metal at their own convenience. dapat dikatakan " Eternal Terror " adalah Track yang Ajojing bingitz ! Terror Thrash Metal liar kembali meledak kembali dengan Hit Track Album " Blasphemic Assault ", and the faster riffs are still as hateful as those of " Pleasure To Kill ", even if the formula has slightly changed: most of the tremolo picking Attacking, leaving more space to muted strings in a typical thrash vein in order to keep it alive in the freshest way possible ! Ga melulu menikmati Kocokan Fast Riff dengan beat yang cepat menggilas, " Inquisition " bahkan menawarkan Nice Riffing di Opening Part-nya sebelum ledakan Hebat Thrash Metal Song seketika Menjadi Ruangan yang padat dengan pecah-nya Moshpit Area. begitu juga dengan " Storm of Hate & Bestial Command " seperti mewakili Musikal Emosi Witchburn dengan musikal Idealisnya. Pengen mencoba menikmati Karakter vokal Patrick Kremer ? Witchburner mengenalkannya pada Track " Raw Energy ", dengan warna yang lebih Nge-punk dengan Attitude Explosive-nya, there's an enormously weak, generic bridge riff turn-off, and the rockin Presented ! yupz track yang paling berbeda banget dengan sebelumnya, apalagi Karakter Vokal Patrick begitu menjiwai Track yang mengingatkan juga dengan " Ausgebombt " nya Sodom, which features a Vigorous, aggressive and catchy Punk riff that you’re instantly gonna love, with the further Addition of an awesome, Addictive chorus Sing A Long and Another epic ! 3 Track selanjutnya adalah rekaman Panggung dari formasi barunya yang mengusung kembali Nomor " Blasphemic Assault, Grave Desecrator serta Kill " secara powerfully lagi. Sayang Kualitas Recording-nya Terlalu Raw, sehingga Konsentrasi mendengar Gw terganggu meski 3 Track ini sangat Explosive banget pembawaannya, completely frantic and outrageous, make these tracks perfect for some insane headbanging !

Track per Track Gw begitu Hikmat ketika mendengarkannya, apalagi Separuh Spirit Gw sendiri banyak berangkat dari Era album ini, sehingga gw sangat begitu menikmatinya ketika Invasi Thrash Metal Modern mulai membosankan. Akar kekuatan Thrash Konsep yang masih " Extraordinary " bagi gw masih dari era 90-an. a true Vintage Classic Thrash Masterpiece that still has a lot of influence and impact on many Thrash fans from all over the world. dengan penyuguhan sound yang lebih Menendang lagi, Pantas memang kalo " Blasphemic Assault " masih menjadi  Another The True Old School Thrash Progenitor " untuk Direpresentasikan hari ini. kemudian Stillborn Sound tentu tidak melewatkan kesempatan Berharga ini untuk lebih mengemas produksi ulang Masterpiece ini sebagai penghargaan terbaik Bagi Lebih 20 Tahun Karir Witchburner. really, whether you want to own this or not really depends on whether you want to hear more of this type of metal, or whether this retro stuff just grates on your nerves. If you don't care either way, well, you won't regret passing this up. Fans Diehard Old Kreator, Destruction hingga Sodom, " Blasphemic Assault " tetap menjadi Passion sakti artefak Thrash Metal Album terbaik, as a result, even though maintaining an “extreme/Teutonic thrash” perspective with perfectly integrated !

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, Use Google Translate)

Luckly indeed Stillborn Sounds has represented back Best Masterpiece Germany Thrash Metal Legion WITCHBURNER after for over 20 years which has resulted in 7 albums, 2 EPs and 6 Split Album, and Album Selection 2 "Blasphemic Assault", is the right option, when conceptual band formed since 1992 managed to find its characteristics Fantastic Thrash to invite nostalgia with the Golden Age of Thrash Metal Scene Those beginning of Godfather, Kreator, Destruction and Sodom! Witchburner Keep Amazed Contributed some songs and Old Thrash Metal fans still are always hungry for new more or less extreme metal pieces. "Blasphemic Assault", is a material with a band Original Original still formations and Fresh for Career band, also be a transition period Witchburner has its own vocalist with the inclusion of Patrick Kremer (who gets to fill one song "Raw Energy" course) so as to relieve the role of the Drummer Tankred Best, who had to play her vocal since the band was formed Although in my opinion, character is still the Far Tankred Best "Raw" by Patrick himself. Well as we enjoyed back Phenomenal Old Thrashin "Pleasure To Kill" His Creator, "Infernal Overkill" Her Destruction or "Agent Orange" it Sodom. distinguish here is probably the Sound Witchburner more "Crunchy" and More Heavy. Arrangement much smack since the first album "Witchburner" Several minutes of skilful riffing and frequent changes of pace Based on razor-sharp riffs, you begin to wonder exactly what part of this album Because you are in this pattern has emerged before. Thrash Metal Dynamic treats 90s lucky you enjoy back at Re Releases Exclusive of Stillborn Sounds by Adding 3 Track Live perform them in "Black N Thrash Inferno" in Essen, Germany In April 2014 ago with the formation of its new total leaving only 1 The remaining original member, Simon Seegel. besides Stillborn Sounds also perform Alter Remake Artwork previous original Cover works of Christian Kehl with Art Painting "Way" by Native artists Indonesia are now domicile to US, Bvll Art has been a re-release became more "Fresh" and "Life" again by 2015 although the material itself adopted from 1998 ready Pamper really thrash fanatics to immediately collect the best Witchburner Masterpiece! pleased by the screams of the heathens Sacrificed in the Conflagration, and Witchburner to continue Reviews their path of late 80s Revelry with "Blasphemic Assault" More is stronger in its production values ​​!!!

"Kill" remains an aggressive start with the beat of the Teutonic Old School Thrash beat as breaking moshpit wild areas via attitude burn Witchburner, preferred the old school of the genre! No bombastic own value when Spirit Thrash Metal is still carried scent of the 90s, as well as Raw Natural still has an essence of its own for the audience to feel a climax with Serving rather than fall in Modern Style also Sound. Rhythmic tempo and wild, expressive rate Track this brings its own attitude how in the era of the grain they still be traveling More than his predecessors had "Shifted". Tankred Best Drummer highly in full control in the creation of the song, so the sound is His ability Duet Together with other members while guitarist Simon Mesra Seegel and Christoph Ungemach remains a Trademark its 2nd. A few such bands do manage to come up with enough killer riffs to negate the lack more variety in terms of songs. As well as the concept of a versatile band attacked once, "Thrash Attack" has become the Spirit Complete continue to burn its composition. presentation materials More Easy Listening with Part Determination and Bar are memorable, so just 2-3 times faster course we will memorize arrangements. "Grave Desecrator" even still serves Energy smoldering again. surprisingly an exquisite variety of distinct hooks and admirably designed great taste Among the overwhelming ferocity, making Reviews those songs of initial minimalist perspective reach a higher level of versatility and complication. when he heard the initial part of the "Eternal Terror", memory gw bit shaken to remember "Incest" Sodom his Era "Agent Orange", a track that a lot of his spare Energy headbang than the track early, distinct taste in terms of thrashy grooves competence at molding every form of the 80's extreme metal at their own convenience. it can be said "Eternal Terror" is a track that Ajojing bingitz! Terror Thrash Metal wild back off again with Track Hit Album "Blasphemic Assault", and the faster riffs are still as hateful as Reviews those of "Pleasure To Kill", even if the formula has changed slightly: most of the tremolo picking Attacking, leaving more space to muted strings in a typical thrash vein in order to keep it alive in the freshest way possible! Ga merely enjoy Shuffle Fast beat fast riffs with crushing, "Inquisition" even offers Nice riffing on his Opening Part before the explosion Terrific Thrash Metal Song instantly become crowded room with its rupture moshpit Area. as well as the "Storm of Hate & Bestial Command" as representing the Musical Emotion Witchburn with musical idealist. Want to try to enjoy the vocal character of Patrick Kremer? Witchburner introduced on Track "Raw Energy", with more colors punkish with his Explosive Attitude, there's an enormously weak, generic riff bridge turn-off, and the rockin Presented! yupz most tracks with very different before, let alone animating Character Vocal Track Patrick so that remind also with "Ausgebombt his" Sodom, the which features a Vigorous, aggressive and catchy punk riffs that you're gonna love instantly, with the further Addition of an awesome, Addictive chorus Sing A Long and Another epic! Track 3 is the next stage of the formation of his new recording that brought back No. "Blasphemic Assault, Grave Desecrator and Kill" is powerfully again. Recording quality of his affection Too Raw, so the concentrations I hearing impaired 3 Track although this is very Explosive really demeanor, completely frantic and outrageous, make Reviews These tracks perfect for some insane headbanging!

Track by Track I'm Benefit when to listen, let alone the Moon Spirit I itself many departed from this album Era, so i really so enjoy it when the invasion Thrash Metal Modern begin boring. Roots power of Thrash concept still "Extraordinary" for I was still of the '90s. A true Vintage Classic Thrash Masterpiece that still has a lot of influence and impact on many Thrash fans from all over the world. with a sound that is more Kicking Present again, wonder indeed if "Blasphemic Assault" is still a Another The True Old School Thrash progenitor "for Represented today. then Stillborn Sound Valuable certainly not miss the opportunity to be re-packed production of this masterpiece as the best awards Share Over 20 Year Career Witchburner. really from, whether you want to own this or not really depends on Whether you want to hear more of this type of metal, or Whether this retro stuff just grates on your nerves. If you do not care either way , well, you will not regret passing this up. Fans Diehard Old Kreator, Destruction to Sodom, "Blasphemic Assault" remains a powerful artifact Passion best thrash metal album, as a result, even though maintaining an "extreme / Teutonic thrash" perspective with perfectly integrated!

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