Senin, 18 Mei 2015

Sperma Reject - Hellcroot EP 2014

Sperma Reject - Hellcroot
Grind Life Records EP 2014

01 Apakabar Sudah Ngentot Belum ?? 01:59    
02 Memeknya Satu Kontolnya Banyak 02:47    
03 Berisik Ngentot 00:14    
04 Effect Samping Ngentot Usia Dini 03:43

Suck Neo Sibolang - Vocals
Yudha Sapta Saputra - Guitars
Yudi Suryadi - Bass
@RawBloodsMerch - Drums

Invasi Brutal Death Metal dengan Lirik Nakal berbau Esex-esex beberapa tahun kemaren memang menjadi salah satu bagian Fenomena, meski perkembangan saat ini masih penuh Kontroversial dari beberapa kalangan. Musik adalah salah satu Kebebasan Berekspresi dan Orang lain tidak mudah untuk kemudian Menjudge dengan segala Persepsi " Negatif " nya, Karena ini hanyalah Sekedar Musik, Yess This Only Music ! Penulisan lirik nya sanggup mengundang Kritik serta simpati dengan melihat Sikon yang ada dan terjadi. Sperma Reject hadir memberikan sentuhan yang lebih Buas didalamnya dengan suguhan Brutal Death Metal Style & Sound yang mengingatkan konsepnya pada 2 nama Gelgamesh dan Total Rusak era " Exploding The Cranial " ! Guttural Gurgling snore serta rapatnya Twin pedal seperti menjadi pemandangan yang dominan disini. perpaduan Devourment Era " Molesting .. " digeber lebih cepat lagi beat-nya yang kemudian Intensitas Blowing Blast Sound in The Vein Brodequin adalah Sedikit penggambarannya menurut Gw. This ability to communicate an intensity of effort and aesthetic extremity which moved Brutal Death Metal level of perverse sonic terrorism a notch higher, or a few levels deeper. dimulai kegilaannya dengan " Apakabar Sudah Ngentot Belum ?? ", seperti menghilangkan Stereotype band Porno yang selalu memulai dengan Intro Mengundang Syahwat, band ini justru langsung tanpa basa basi menggempur dengan Intense Brutal Musicnya yang Heavy as Fuck banget sound-nya, Dominasi Vokal dan Drum seperti menenggelamkan Instrumen lainnya termasuk Gitar, sehingga dengung level Low Bass menjadi Bagian yang Menguasai level. Ketukan Snare Drum yang masih Khas dan " Natural " terasakan Human Powerfully-nya, Sehingga terkadang Gw mendengar ada-nya beberapa "Keterlambatan" Tempo diantara Instrumen. and as they witness the band striving to materialize as a flexible, powerful, expressive, modern aural/sonic equivalent of the historical so fervently admire. Kebiadaban selanjutnya adalah " Memeknya Satu Kontolnya Banyak ", bisa dibayangkan memang jika sajian mereka ini seperti Gangbang Coitus Act secara Brutal pula tanpa mengenal ampun ketika Nafsu telah dikuasai Iblis hahaha ... Furious blast beating at least 666% of the time and then dry aggressive pounding whiplashing beat and The bass just provides a nice cohesive rumble bounding everything together in a nice solid extremely dense package ! Meski tidak banyak melakukan Kompleksitas skill daripada menekankan Powerfully Konsep, Sperma Reject bener2 menjadi Predator Penghancur Kemaluan Wanita layaknya Seperti juga pada track " Berisik Ngentot ", Cepat menghajar dalam durasi hanya 14 Detik, go into cliches or metaphors to describe how brutal this is, you just have to hear it ! Aksi Brutalnya kemudian disudahi dengan " Effect Samping Ngentot Usia Dini ", lebih tampil dengan Slamming banget beat-nya ala Devourment. Penitik berat Konseptual Musikal mereka disini tetap pada Intensitas-nya yang ber-ton-ton beratnya. Brutal Death Metal dipadu dengan lirik pengundang birahi rasanya menjadi adegan paling kejam untuk mereka Muncratkan di EP menantang ini. completely comprehensible manner Though, unfortunately, I’m sick of the squeals again by the Climaxed of this Material inside.

ENGLISH VERSION (Use Google Translate Only)

Invasion of Brutal Death Metal with Naughty lyrics smelling Sexuality several years yesterday has become one part phenomenon, although development is still full Controversial from some quarters. Music is one of freedom of expression and other people is not easy to then Judging with all Perception "Negative" it, since this is only Just Music, Music Only This Yess! Writing his lyrics could invite criticism and sympathy with the existing look and occured. Reject sperm are present to give a touch more Blooded therein with treats Brutal Death Metal Style & Sound is reminiscent of the concept in two names Gelgamesh and Total Rusak era "Exploding The Cranial"! Guttural gurgling snore and dense Twin pedal like being the dominant scenery here. Devourment blend Era "molesting .." lauched faster again beat his then Blast Sound Intensity Blowing In The Vein Brodequin is a little bit depiction according to Gw. This ability to Communicate an intensity of effort and aesthetic extremity roomates moved Brutal Death Metal perverse level of sonic terrorism a notch higher, or a few levels deeper. madness begins with "Apakabar Sudah Ngentot Belum ??", such as eliminating the band Porno Stereotype which always start with the intro Inviting orgasm, this band actually directly without strings attached musicnya Brutal Intense storm with the Heavy as fuck her really sound, Domination Vocal and Drums like other instruments including guitar drowned, so the hum level Low Bass became part of the Master level. Snare Drum beats are still typical and "Natural" Human Powerfully sensed her, So I sometimes heard her some "delay" between the Tempo Instruments. and as they witness the band striving to materialize as a flexible, powerful, expressive, modern aural / sonic equivalent of the historical so fervently admire. The next savagery "Memeknya Satu Kontolnya Banyak", you can imagine this is if the dish they like Brutal Gangbang Coitus Act are also without pardon when lust has been oppressed by the devilish hahaha ... Furious blast beating at least 666% of the time and then cleaning, aggressive whiplashing pounding beat and the bass just Provides a nice cohesive rumble bounding everything together in a nice solid extremely dense package! Although not a lot of skill rather than emphasizing Powerfully Complexity Concepts, Sperm Reject Really into Predator Crusher Pubic Women like As well as the track "Berisik Ngentot", Quick struck just 14 seconds in duration, go into cliches or metaphors to describe how brutal this is, you just have to hear it! Brutal action then quits with "Effect Samping Ngentot Usia Dini", more appear to Slamming really beat her style Devourment. Conceptual heavy penitik Musical them here remain on the intensity of its air-ton-ton weight. Brutal Death Metal combined with lyrics inviter lust feels to be the most violent scenes for their EP Spread in this challenge. Though completely comprehensible manner, unfortunately, I'm sick of the squeals again by the Climaxed of this material inside.

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