Selasa, 19 Mei 2015

Scent Of Carnage - Scent Of Carnage EP 2014

Scent Of Carnage - Scent Of Carnage
Self Released EP 2014

01 Consumed By Hate
02 Darkness Prevail
03 Warplague

Filly - Vocal
Aziz Ahmad - Guitar
Adi Halim - Guitar
Necroslaughter - Bass
Alid Covenant - Drum

Ada yang menggelitik memang untuk Debut Independent Kuala Lumpur Surreal Unique and Pulverizing Death Metal ini, SCENT OF CARNAGE, memadukan Konsep Old Death Metal menggerus ala Vital Remains, Deicide serta Morbid Angel dengan terjangan Death metal yang lebih agresif lagi dari 3 nama yang gw sebutin diatas, mungkin typical Brutal Death pantas untuk diberikan pada konsep musik mereka. Meski menyuguhkan permainan yang menggaruk Biji peler, sayang banget kalo Hal ini kurang diimbangi dengan Kualitas rekaman yang maksimal, sehingga Kesan " Raw " lebih terasakan banget disini. The unrelenting ferocity and percussive brutality on display here could be very effectively tempered with an original melodic sense, creating something very powerful and noteworthy. Pemilihan Track " Consumed By Hate " adalah yang paling tepat memulai Penyiksaan mereka, dibuka dengan Ketukan Drummer mantap Alid Covenant dan diikuti dengan Pummeling Riffing yang Terdengar Gelap dan raw, gw seperti mendengarkan sendiri bagaimana Kualitas aksi mereka seperti didepan mata saja (front Stage), ya rekamannya yang raw juga masih kurang terasa balance antara satu sama lain, sehingga lebih mirip rekaman Rehearsal aja meski semua instrumen masih terdengar begitu jelas, High Middling Level Bass Guitar yang terlalu Cempreng, kemudian Telinga gw masih kerap mendengar Break Part yang kadang tidak bersamaan tempo-nya tumpang tindih. padahal gw menikmati Karakteristik Death Metal Gelap-nya yang kerap dilapisi dengan solo2 melodius ciamik. and on That Track were successful in creating truly infernal atmospheres mainly because their personal melodicism was, at times, so bizarre. sementara menikmati secara cermat aransemennya kayaknya masih perlu pematangan Konsep lagi. " Darkness Prevail " lebih menghimpun Tempo yang lebih cepat dari sebelumnya, meski masih banyak gw temuin kekurangan didalamnya, seandainya Konsep rekaman ini ditangani lebih Maksimal, Gw berani menjamin akan potensi Unggul Mereka. varied and dynamic performance blasting tempos, melancholy respites, a towering chorus and their own trademark brutality, this is one for the ages ! diakhiri kemudian EP ini dengan " Warplague " masih buas menanamkan Death Metal Barbarik lebih intens lagi dari 2 track lainnya, " Warplague " seperti menjadi Ultimate power mereka. Sekali lagi Banyak kekurangan yang mesti dibenahi kembali untuk mempertajam Progres Musikal mereka kedepannya. EP ini pun menjadi pembuktian yang makin berani dari Scent Of Carnage. And it's fucking awesome when you have it backed up against the brutality on display.

ENGLISH VERSION (Use Google Translate Only)

There are intriguing indeed to Debut Independent Kuala Lumpur Surreal Death Metal Unique and pulverizing this, SCENT OF Carnage, combining Old Concept Death Metal grind ala Vital Remains, Deicide and Morbid Angel with the brunt of more aggressive Death metal more than three names above I Called , may be typical Brutal Death deserve to be given to the concept of their music. Although presenting a game that scratched Seeds Cock, really love if It is less balanced with maximum recording quality, thus Impression "Raw" more really be felt here. The unrelenting ferocity and percussive brutality on display here could be very Effectively tempered with an original melodic sense, creating something very powerful and Noteworthy. Election Track "Consumed By Hate" is the most appropriate start their torture, opened with a steady knock Drummer Alid Covenant and followed by pummeling riffing that sounds dark and raw, i like to listen to themselves how they like the quality of the action in front of the eyes only (front Stage), yes the raw tape is still less felt balance between each other, so it is more like recording Rehearsal wrote despite all the instruments still sound so clear, High Level Middling Bass Guitar is too shrill, ear then I still often hear Break Part are sometimes not at the same tempo it overlaps. when i enjoy the characteristics of his Death Metal Darkness are often coated with melodic good solos. and on That Track were successful in creating truly infernal atmospheres mainly Because Reviews their personal melodicism was, at times, so bizarre. while enjoying the carefully Arrangement think still needs maturation concept again. "Darkness Prevail" Tempo collect much more quickly than before, although there are still many shortcomings I Find therein, if the concept is handled more Maximum recording, I guarantee the potential Winning Them. Blasting varied tempos and dynamic performance, Melancholy respites, a towering chorus and their own trademark brutality, this is one for the ages! terminated then this EP with "Warplague" still savage Death Metal barbaric embed more intense than the other two tracks, "Warplague" such as Ultimate power into them. Once again Many shortcomings that must be addressed back to sharpen their musical progress in the future. This EP became increasingly bold proof of Scent Of Carnage. And it's fucking awesome when you have it backed up against the brutality on display.

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