Senin, 18 Mei 2015

Nematocyst - Promo 2015

Nematocyst - Promo 2015
Symbolic Productions CD-R 2015

01 Injeksi Dosa 00:50    
02 Breeding Hate 03:00    
03 Thanatos 02:21

Dimas Setiawan Santoso - Vocals
Muhammad Imron - Guitars
Sebastyan Gomblor - Bass
Hendika Dwi Prasetyo - Drums

Menyerang membabi buta seperti menjadi Youth energi-nya bagi Band Brutal Muda asal Lumajang, Jawa Timur yang menyalurkan Obsesi paling Buas-nya dengan panji Nematocyst ! Perkembangan Death Metal Jawa Timur Scene saat ini seperti tidak terkendali dengan banyak bermunculan nama-nama baru. Menorehkan catatan Karir barunya, Band Bentukan tahun 2013 lalu mencoba mendokumentasikan dalam sebuah Promo CD yang ditangani terbatas oleh Symbolic Productions yang lebih dikenal sebagai salah satu Merchandise Metal store di Kota Kudus. 3 Track Cepat dan Rapat di promo ini cukup menampilkan Eksistensi yang mereka bentuk dengan menginjeksikan Racun kedalam Syaraf Otak ! menyuguhkan sentuhan Death metal yang Cepat dan dinamis meski masih gw temukan beberapa kekurangan yang gw yakin suatu saat akan mereka gantikan dengan Surprizing Konsep matang-nya. kita coba mulai cicipi dari Track awal " Injeksi Dosa ", terasakan banget Youth Attitude mereka yang meledak-ledak enerji-nya dengan meramu Struktur Death Metal ala Spawn Of Possession, Obscura hingga Siksa Kubur. Gw menikmati Permainan Riffing-nya yang berani mengeksplor Teknikal Riffing meski kadang masih belum rada " Klik " dengan Skill Drummer-nya, ditambah Kualitas Mixing Track-nya yang belum Maksimal, sehingga terdengar banyak Ga balance-nya, tapi gw tetep salut dengan Semangat mereka untuk menunjukkan eksistensi seriusnya. Penyusunan Track lebih dikendalikan oleh Sang Gitaris dengan menanamkan Riff-riff nakal-nya, kemudian Emosional Growling-nya harus mendapat Polesan maksimal agar tidak seperti terkesan dipaksakan meski Multiple Karakter-nya sangat berani melepas Stigma karakter yang ada. lalu Track " Breeding Hate " secara lebih jelas gw menikmati struktur musikal band yang lebih Kompleks. a song that has a melodic edge to it, but a dark verse that features what is probably the Poweric pattern in any metal song period completely different route than the guitar, creating a mesmerizing, It's obviously to experience. Potensi Musikal yang siap menghancurkan dengan pengembangan Mereka selanjutnya tentu patut diwaspadai mendengar aransemen Rancak menampar ini. Mengulang kembali Kebuasannya, " Thanatos " seperti telah menyiapkan band ini sebagai The Rising Brutality from East Java. Perbaikan Konsep yang lebih menendang dengan Kualitas Produksi Sound yang lebih baik tentu Gw akan berharap banyak Nantinya menjadi Surprizing dari Nematocyst pada Suatu hari nanti, Gw Yakin banget dengan Potensi yang mereka miliki ! If you want to simply get knocked on the floor while your head spins like a top, you will likely Their appreciate displays of insanity like the death fuckin metal explore !

ENGLISH VERSION (Use Google Translate Only)

Attacked blindly like his energy into Youth for Youth Brutal Bands origin Lumajang, East Java Blooded channeling most of his obsession with nematocysts pennant! The development of Death Metal Scene in East Java today as uncontrolled by many emerging new names. Carve a new career record, Band Formation in 2013 and tried to document in a Promo CD is limited by Symbolic Productions handled better known as one of the Merchandise Metal store in the Holy City. 3 Fast Track and Meetings in this promo sufficient to show the existence of which they form by injecting poison into Brain Nerve! Death metal is presenting touch Quick and dynamic, though still i found some deficiencies which I'm sure someday they will replace the concept of mature Surprizing her. we try to start early taste of the Track "Injection Sin", is felt really Youth Attitude them explosive by concocting its energy structure of the Death Metal style Spawn Of Possession, Obscura until Siksa tomb. I enjoy his game riffing dare explore Technical riffing though sometimes still Rada "Click" with its Skill Drummer, plus Quality Track Mixing his maximum yet, so it sounds a lot Not her balance, but i tetep salute their spirit to demonstrate the existence of gravity. Track preparation of more controlled by the guitarist with riffs infuse his naughty, then his emotional Growling should receive the maximum Gloss order not as impressed Multiple Character imposed despite its extremely brave remove stigma characters. Last Track "Breeding Hate" more clearly I enjoy musical band structure is more complex. a song that has a melodic edge to it, but a dark verse that features what is probably the Poweric pattern in any period metal song completely different route than the guitar, creating a mesmerizing, It's obviously to experience. Musical potential is ready to destroy the further development They certainly should be wary heard slapping Rancak this arrangement. Repeat ferocity, "Thanatos" as has prepared this band as The Rising Brutality from East Java. Repair concept more kick with Sound Production Quality Better certainly would expect a lot Later I be Surprizing of nematocysts on Someday, I sure you really with potential that they have! If you want to simply get knocked on the floor while your head spins like a top, you will appreciate Likely Their displays of insanity like the death fuckin metal explore!

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