Selasa, 19 Mei 2015

Only Sick - Promo CD 2015

Only Sick - Promo CD 2015
Dead Rebel Records & Kujang Keris Musickness Distro CD-R 2015

01 Globalisasi Merusak Kultur
02 A.I.B (Apa Itu Bebas)

Danny - Bass/Vocals
Obie Mulyana - Guitar
Panji - Drums

Jambi Grindcorizer Punya Debutan band kerennya nih ! ONLY SICK, Yeahh Trio Eksekutor Musik Berisik bentukan tahun 2010 tetap ingin meluapkan Ketidakpuasan mereka melalui Grind crushing-nya ! captures all The anger and frustration and turns it into sonic bliss with an explosion, and you know the best is yet to come. dengan karakteristik Grinding tune yang mengingatkan gw akan beberapa Style Rajasinga masih terpadu Berisik dengan Terrorizer, Brutal Truth Hingga Gride mampu memberikan Kesan tersendiri bagaimana Trio Barbar ini akan menyerang ! mengenalkan Promo dengan materi 2 Track matang yang mengantar mereka Sign dengan Roster Dead Rebel Records untuk full album pertamanya " We Just Sick ". kali ini gw pengen menulis promo 2 lagu yang layak mendapat perhatian penuh, selain punya materi & Sound yang Kickin ass, konseptual Band ini ga boleh dipandang sebelah mata pokoknya ! the best part is during a blastbeat with the guitar whining perfectly in time to emphasize the Grinding Mainstream, Pure, beautiful, extreme anguish ! Kegilaan mereka langsung dimulai dengan " Globalisasi Merusak Kultur ", dengan tempo middle sejenak memberi Foreplay sementara di Part awal dengan sedikit Gerakan Headbang yang kemudian memanas dengan ketukan Hypersnare yang cepat dan Rapat dibarengi dengan Emosional growl Standard yang tidak terkesan Heavy banget rasanya begitu menggambarkan kemarahan penuh tentang ketimpangan sosial disekitar mereka. occasional paint-peeling shriek among his deep grunts wears off leaves everything crisp and clear with a crushing guitar tone and a bass that sounds like an amped-up bulldozer. dengan sound Grinding yang terdengar " Crunchy " banget, Gw ga terlalu dibuat berisik dengan Distorsi yang biasanya begitu mendominasi stereotype genre ini. Penyusunan Harmonisasi Per-Bar bener bener diperhitungkan sehingga memang tidak asal geber riff yang bising aja bagi Gitaris Obie Mulyana yang kemudian Drummer Panji melengkapi-nya dengan Pukulan Grinding Snare yang Dinamis demi menjauhkan kesan boring dan hampanya. dan Track " A.I.B (Apa Itu Bebas) " sepertinya bagi gw belum merasakan Klimaks ketika menikmati setiap alunan Grinding Fast mereka. Ketimpangan sosial yang melenceng dari Norma dan Budaya seperti menjadi kemarahan tersendiri untuk mereka tuangkan dalam distorsi musik ini, sehingga Penghayatan Vokal-nya lebih terasa melebur dengan Nuansa Chaotic-nya. Konter struktur musiknya tergolong simple, namun aransemennya tidak tersusun secara asal-asalan, sehingga setiap lick dan beat-nya selalu meninggalkan kesan dramatis tentang Goodgrindcrusher. Pengen menikmati Grinding yang ga asal Berisik dan Cepat ? Sepertinya gw bakal terus rekomendasikan Band ini untuk kalian nikmati sendiri siksaan Penuh amarah-nya. This Dragging blastbeat overkill with the most surprising Crusher !

ENGLISH VERSION (Use Google Translate Only)

Jambi Grindcorizer Debuts Got ya cool band! ONLY SICK, Yeahh Noisy Music Trio Executor's formation in 2010 still wanted to vent their dissatisfaction through his crushing Grind! captures all the anger and frustration and turns it into sonic bliss with an explosion, and you know the best is yet to come. Grinding characteristics tune that reminds gw Style Rajasinga still be several integrated Noisy with Terrorizer, Brutal Truth Up Rush hour is able to provide its own impression of how the trio Barbarians will attack! Promo introduce the 2 Track mature material that led them Sign with Roster Dead Rebel Records for his first full album "We Just Sick". this time I want to write promo 2 songs that deserve full attention, in addition to a material & Sound is kickin ass, conceptual band ga be underestimated anyway! the best part is during a blastbeat perfectly with the guitar whining in time to emphasize the Grinding Mainstream, Pure, beautiful, extreme anguish! Madness they immediately start with " Globalisasi Merusak Kultur ", with middle tempo momentarily give foreplay while in Part beginning with little movement headbang which then heats up with fast beats and Meetings Hypersnare coupled with Emotional growl Standard were not impressed Heavy really feels so describe the full fury about social inequality around them. occasional paint-peeling Shriek Among his deep grunts wears off leaves everything crisp and clear with a crushing guitar tone and a bass that sounds like an amped-up bulldozer. Grinding sound is heard with "Crunchy" really, I'm Not too made noisy by distortions that usually dominate the genre stereotypes. Harmonization drafting Per-Bar taken into account so that it is not the origin of the noisy riff Geber wrote for guitarist Obie Mulyana which then completes its Flag Drummer with Dynamic Punch Grinding Snare sake distanced boring and Emtyness impression. and Track "AIB (Apa itu Bebas)" seems for I have not felt the climax when enjoying any strains Grinding Fast them. Social inequality that deviated from the norm and culture such as being for their own anger pour in this musical distortion, so the appreciation of its more pronounced vocals fused with its shades Chaotic. Counter relatively simple structure of the music, but the arrangements are not arranged at random, so every lick and beat her always leave a dramatic impression on Goodgrindcrusher. Want to enjoy a ga Grinding origin Noisy and Fast? Looks like i will continue to recommend this band to you alone to enjoy his torment Full anger. This Dragging blastbeat overkill with the most surprising Crusher!

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