Rabu, 15 April 2015

Wretchedpain - Congregation CD 2010

Wretchedpain - Congregation
Self-released/independent 2010

01 The Dawn of Ambition 04:11    
02 Whorgasm 03:05    
03 Emptiness 03:21    
04 The Absence of Reason 04:28    
05 Praise Be to Allah 02:55    
06 War Crimes 03:22    
07 Death Comes 05:51    
08 A Plague 03:35    
09 A Burning Nation 05:35    
10 Welcome Home (I'm Your God Now) 10:01

Dan Mackie - Bass, Electronics
Kevin Talley - Drums
Sam Bean - Guitars
Joey Glacken - Vocals, Guitars

Setelah lama Gw Hunting Nih album perdana Band, akhirnya bisa ketemu juga, rilisan lama sih, masuk tahun 2010, tapi tetep sayang jika untuk dilewatkan salah satu Buruan Gw yang Fans Berat Drummer atraktif dan Variatif Seorang Kevin Talley ! yupz, Nama Kevin Talley tentunya memang sangat tidak asing lagi dikancah Extreme Metal Internasional ! mantan drummer Dying Fetus yang terkenal hebat dalam permainan Skill-nya ini rupanya sudah malang melintang dibanyak band yang menggunakan jasa Talenta Luar Biasanya, catat aja sampai sekarang, Kevin Talley Pernah memperkuat beberapa band seperti ex-Dying Fetus, Dååth, Nothnegal, Six Feet Under, ex-Horror of Horrors, ex-Chimaira, ex-Consumned, ex-Decrepit Birth, ex-Misery Index, ex-Soils of Fate, ex-Truth Corroded, ex-Absence of the Sacred (live), ex-Cattle Decapitation (live), ex-Hate Eternal (live), ex-The Black Dahlia Murder (live), ex-The Red Chord (live), ex-M.O.D., dan ex-All the Way to the Bank, nah dari beberapa kali Aksi permainan killernya itu, akhirnya juga menarik perhatian salah satu Band Death Metal dengan sentuhan Elemen Elektronik musik dari St. Catharines, Ontario, Kanada. menampilkan juga Gitaris Sam Bean, Cowok asli Kewarganegaraan Australia tentu juga bukan nama asing lagi, pernah memperkuat Barisan Industrial Death/Grind terkenal Australia, The Berzerker juga pernah memperkuat di band Mithras dan kini eksis juga diband The Senseless. terbentuk sejak tahun 2008, band ini langsung merilis demo pertama ditahun yang sama, Wretchedpain masih membawa 3 lagu dari demo tersebut dalam full album independen pertama ini. menjawab rasa Penasaran dan Interesting gw, langsung aja gw play Nih track pertama " The Dawn of Ambition ", sudah tentunya ga asing pernah mereka bawakan di materi Demo, sambutan tendangan rapat twin pedal yang kemudian langsung disusul dengan Hujaman Blastbeat cepat cukup bikin surprise dengan karakter dasyatnya. ditengah chaotic-nya part, terdapatlah sentuhan Electronic Instrumen sebagai sampling band ala The Berzerker, kemudian Aransemen Death metalnya memang lebih mencoba sentuhan Modern Death/grind ga jauh dari Misery Index style !, Raungan Emosional growling Vokalis Gitaris Joey Glacken banyak mengantar kita ke gaya Jason Netherton Cs, walau kurang seliar Karakter Misery Index, Joey Glacken memiliki Karakter Vokal berat lebih bergaya Nu Metal seperti halnya Chimaira atau Daath. dan Pukulan Skill drumming Kevin Talley tentu ga bisa diragukan lagi kedasyatannya ! Misery Index is what you get when you take a slab of Dying Fetus and cut out all that disgusting, excess lard that made them so tiresome and tedious, then marinade the remaining piece of meat in grindcore intensity and grill it with mushrooms and green peppers. whose skills seem to have actually improved over those he exhibited in his work ! Track selanjutnya semakin dipercepat beat-nya " Whorgasm ", dengan karakter Harmonisasi Riff ala Band Black Metal yang Gelap !, pukulan demi Pukulan Cepat Kevin tentu memang masih membawa Kharisma Style-nya di Misery Index serta Dying Fetus, walau kurang melakukan Variasi Pukulan yang dinamis, Kevin tetap terdengar Powerfully ! are geared more towards the side of the spectrum, but stylistically complement the music fairly well. However, the vocal patterns sometimes slip into the irritating, rappish syncopation mode that seems to be residual. Beat Kevin memang terlalu sering mengandalkan sebuah Kecepatan. lalu " Emptiness " part awalnya lebih hadir konsep Industrial Nu Metal lengkap dengan balutan Sampling Elektronik, semakin bikin aneh Konsep metal Band ini, rasanya gw terlalu terganggu dengan Adanya Sampling Electronik seperti ini deh. and thrown into overdrive. The songs are short, succinct and most importantly fluid, without a single riff seeming unneccesary or out-of-place. This means a lot at a time when so many new bands are ostensibly stringing together collections of riffs, rather than composing songs. " The Absence of Reason " semakin terasa banget sentuhan Industrial metal uniknya, sentuhan yang rasanya banyak kurang Masuk Feel, semakin bikin aneh saja karakter musik band ini. sebuah Titel lagu yang cukup Religius pada Track " Praise Be to Allah ", entah apa yang ditulis pada lirik lagu ini, melihat dari judulnya aja ada makna positif ingin dilantunkan oleh WretchedPain. struktur musik yang semakin terasa berbeda dengan 2 lagu pertama ini mungkin terlalu banyak memainkan Sentuhan Groove, Industrial dan Electronic part. " War Crimes " yang juga dicomot kembali dari Demo pertama lebih memainkan karakter beat Groove Hardcore Beatdown in The Vein Hatebreed ! kemudian " Death Comes " memiliki Part awal yang kian membosankan melalui nada2 Sludging, namun ga sampai bertahan lama, karena Komposisi Thrashin dihadirkan berikutnya. which are two more slaps in the face of the grind handbook, bring this beast to a close. though it generally stays mid-paced despite the rampant double bass throughout. It is also the song that treads ever so lightly on the anti-grind subject of melody. dan " A Plague " part awalnya memang kembali tampil mengagumkan kedasyatan Powerfully Drumming Kevin Talley memamerkan hentakan Padat Twin Pedal mantapnya. This track features a little taste of everything this album has to offer. Kevin Talley attracts your attention almost immediately with his complex fills and vicious blasting style. Equally potent are the guitars, spewing out chunky chords and death metal riffs left and right. Blastbeat towards the end of the track which evolves into a solo over a blasting rhythm section. The remainder of the song sees the band let up on the gas momentarily to crush you with their signature groove sections. " A Plague " bisa jadi Track Faforite selanjutnya Gw setelah 2 lagu pertama tadi. Selanjutnya " A Burning Nation " juga ga kalah Enerjik Nafas beat ini semakin meledak2 komposisinya, Karakter Vokalis Joey Glacken seperti Nge-Rap Abis, bak orang Ngomel2 aja ! Most of the songs on this album follow the same style of a fast paced, aggressive attack. dan " Welcome Home (I'm Your God Now) " menutup Aksi Perdana album ini dengan Slowly Part Yang semakin Membosankan Bawaannya. Emo Industrial Style has Bored ! menemui beberapa menit awalnya, namun agak terobati dengan konsep berikutnya yang tajam menyerang. Karakteristik band ini memang membawa sebuah tantangan tersendiri bagi Kevin Talley untuk menyatukan karakter Chimaira, Daath dengan Hentakan keras Misery Index dan Dying Fetus. dan jawaban yang kalian cari itu ada di Materi Perdana Independen Wretchedpain ini. meski ga memainkan sesuatu yang baru, Wretchedpain bisa menjadi alternatif lain untuk mengusir sebuah Kebosanan kita akan konsep musik yang sudah ada. All in all, Congregation is a stellar offering by a very mature group of musicians, who actually have a lot of things to say about. Things that matter. Things that need to be done right, at the same time, maintaining the brutality that the band's music is associated to None of the members are unrelenting at any moment throughout the album. They work very hard to deliver a power punch at the face of not just the controllers, but to the listener too.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

After a long Gw Band debut album Hunting Here, finally able to see well, the old release's, entered in 2010, but still a pity if to pass one of the Fans Hurry Gw Weight attractive and Variatif A Drummer Kevin Talley! yupz, Major Kevin Talley is certainly very familiar arena Extreme Metal International! former Dying Fetus drummer of the famous great in his game Skill is apparently already in existence in many bands who use the services of Foreign Talents Typically, wrote notes today, Kevin Talley Never reinforce several bands such as ex-Dying Fetus, Dååth, Nothnegal, Six Feet Under , ex-Horror of Horrors, ex-Chimaira, ex-Consumned, ex-Decrepit Birth, ex-Misery Index, ex-Soils of Fate, ex-Truth Corroded, ex-Absence of the Sacred (live), ex-Cattle decapitation (live), ex-Hate Eternal (live), ex-The Black Dahlia Murder (live), ex-The Red Chord (live), ex-MOD, and ex-All the Way to the Bank, now a couple of times Action killernya game that eventually attracted the attention of a death metal band with a touch of music Electronic Elements St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. also featuring guitarist Sam Bean, genuine guy Citizenship Australia is also not necessarily a familiar name, had to strengthen Barisan Industrial Death / Grind famous Australia, The Berzerker also played for the band Mithras and now exist as well diband The Senseless. established since 2008, the band released the first demo directly in the same year, Wretchedpain still bring 3 songs from the demo in the full first independent album. answered sense Curious and Interesting gw, gw aja directly play the first track Nih "The Dawn of Ambition", is certainly alien ga once they bring in materials Demo, welcome twin meetings kick pedal and then immediately followed by Hujaman Blastbeat quickly enough to make a surprise by character dasyatnya. amid the chaotic part, there exists Electronic touch-style instruments as sampling band The Berzerker, then Arrangement Death metal is more trying to touch Modern Death / grind away from Misery Index ga style!, growling roar Emotional Vocalist Guitarist Joey Glacken much brings us to Jason's style Netherton Cs, although less wild character Misery Index, Character Vocals Joey Glacken has a weight of more stylish as well as Nu Metal Chimaira or Daath. and Blow Kevin Talley drumming Skill certainly can not doubt kedasyatannya! Misery Index is what you get when you take a slab of Dying Fetus and cut out all that disgusting, excess lard that made them so tiresome and tedious, then marinade the remaining piece of meat in grindcore intensity and grill it with mushrooms and green peppers. Whose skills seem to have actually improved over those he exhibited in his work! Track further accelerated beat of his "Whorgasm" Harmonization character Riff Band Black Metal ala the Dark!, Blow-by-blow of course Kevin Quick was still carrying his charisma Style in Misery Index and Dying Fetus, even less did blow the dynamic variation , Kevin still sounded powerfully! are geared more towards the side of the spectrum, but stylistically complement the music fairly well. However, the vocal patterns sometimes slip into the irritating, rappish syncopation mode that seems to be residual. Beat Kevin is too often rely on a Speed. and "Emptiness" was originally part over the concept of Industrial Nu Metal comes complete with cast Electronic Sampling, making the odd concept metal band, it seems i was too distracted by the presence of such Electronic Sampling deh. and thrown into overdrive. The songs are short, succinct and most importantly fluid, without a single riff seeming unneccesary or out-of-place. This means a lot at a time when so many new bands are ostensibly stringing together collections of riffs, rather than composing songs. "The Absence of Reason" increasingly feels really unique touch Industrial metal, much less touch it feels Sign Feel, the more bizarre it makes the band's musical character. The title song is quite a Religious on Track "Praise Be to God", who knows what was written on this song, see the significance of the title there is a positive aja wants sung by WretchedPain. the structure of the music that feels different from the first 2 songs this may be too much play touch Groove, Industrial and Electronic parts. "War Crimes" which also picked back from the first demo more playing a character beat Groove Hardcore Beatdown In The Vein Hatebreed! then "Death Comes" has the initial Part increasingly boring through nada2 Sludging, but ga to last long, because the composition of Thrashin presented next. roomates are two more slaps in the face of the grind handbook, bring this beast to a close. though it generally stays mid-paced double bass despite the rampant throughout. It is also the song that treads ever so lightly on the subject of anti-grind melody. and "A Plague" part originally was an awesome comeback kedasyatan powerfully Drumming Kevin Talley showcased solid beat of Solid Twin Pedal. This track features a little taste of everything this album has to offer. Kevin Talley Attracts your attention almost immediately with his complex fills and blasting vicious style. Equally potent are the guitars, spewing out chunky chords and death metal riffs left and right. Blastbeat towards the end of the track roomates evolves into a solo over a blasting rhythm section. The remainder of the song sees the band let up on the gas momentarily to crush you with their signature groove sections. "A Plague" could be the next Faforite Gw Track 2 songs after the first one. Furthermore, "A Nation Burning" also beat ga lost Energetic Breath is getting meledak2 composition, character Vocalist Joey Glacken like Nge-Rap Abis, like people Ngomel2 ONLY! Most of the songs on this album follow the same style of a fast paced, aggressive attack. and "Welcome Home (I'm Your God Now)" closes the album with Prime Actions Part Slowly Its getting boring luggage. Industrial Emo Style has Bored! meet a few minutes initially, but somewhat relieved by the next concept a sharp attack. The characteristics of this band is bringing a challenge for Kevin Talley to unify the character Chimaira, Daath hard to beat Misery Index and Dying Fetus. and answers that you seek, there is Wretchedpain Independent Premium Content. although ga play something new, Wretchedpain could be another alternative for us would expel an Boredom existing musical concepts. All in all, Congregation is a stellar offering by a very mature group of musicians, who actually have a lot of things to say about. Things that matter. Things that need to be done right, at the same time, maintaining the Brutality that the band's music is associated to None of the members are unrelenting at any moment throughout the album. They work very hard to deliver a power punch at the face of not just the controllers, but to the listener too.

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