Rabu, 15 April 2015

Disolvo Animus - Aphesis CD 2012

Disolvo Animus - Aphesis
Darknagar Records 2012

01 Unorthodox Lament 04:50    
02 Archetypal Liars 04:10    
03 Aphesis 05:01    
04 Illumination 06:07    
05 Penitential Psalm 05:55    
06 Holy Virtue 03:57    
07 Words of Regression 05:06    
08 Particle of God 05:40

Animus - Rhythm Guitars, Backing Vocals
Enosicqwn - Lead & Rhythm Guitars
Hryshaorr - Drums
Acherwn - Bass
Sanctus - Vocals

Black Metal music is a mix of death metal’s brutality and black metal’s emotional soundscapes. adalah konsep yang ditawarkan oleh Band Sadis Hitam asal Athens, Attica / Larissa, Thessaly, Greece ini banyak mengingatkan kepada sentuhan Baru Behemoth, Vader, Immolation hingga Dark Funeral serta beberapa elemen Thrash Riffing Survival menjadi sebuah elemen baru bagi eksistensi Disolvo Animus di full album pertamanya ini. beberapa perubahan formasi menjadikan  musikalitas band ini banyak memberi sentuhan matang di album yang digarap di Sound Symmetry studios, dibawah komando Enjinner Handal Bob Katsionis ( adalah Gitaris Band Heavy/Power Metal terkenal Firewind dari Amrik dan kini pindah domisili ke Greece yang juga pernah menggarap materi albumnya Firewind dan Outloud .ed ) yang lalu di Mixing Oleh Fotis Benardo dan Dinos Prasas di Devasoundz studios. sementara untuk beberapa elemen symphonic parts dikomposisi dan Program juga oleh Bob Katsionis sendiri termasuk mengisi solo Gitar di track " Penitential Psalm " sepertinya memang memberi Tambahan Nilai Plus berarti untuk debutan perdana ini terdengar mengagumkan !! ya memang 8 lagu berdurasi 40:46 memiliki komposisi yang serba dasyat sejak track awal " Unorthodox Lament " diawali dengan symphonic Intro selama 24 detik dan setelah itu langsung dihujamkan serangan Blastbeat mantap mengingatkan langsung akan kekejaman Blackened Death Metal in the vein Behemoth, beberapa Thrash Metal riffing berlaku disini pada beberapa Middown tempo part, perpaduan antara Death Metal Vokal dengan Clean Soprano Vokal lumayan menambah sentuhan berbeda diband ini. gempuran blastbeat-nya memang mantap tercipta dari Drummer Hryshaorr yang ingin tampil powerfully. " Aphesis " adalah siksaan selanjutnya begitu signifikan menggerinda terletak pada serangan Blastbeat-nya. teknik riffing-nya memang terhitung simple dengan nada2 harmonik gelap dan kelam-nya serta kerap dibubuhi dengan elemen Thrash Metal riffing Cathcy elegan. Dengan sound yang lebih baik dan profesional, Heavy More Than As Fuck Blistering Bone ! dan semakin bertambah kejam pula track " Illumination " dengan lebih menampilkan permainan Blastbeat mematikan pula. komposisinya lumayan dinamis untuk menciptakan suasana yang enjoy dengan beberapa part headbang, mungkin hal ini memang dilakukan untuk mengikis kesan Boring saja. all kinds of extreme metal sound were recruited for its composition. It is a concept album, dealing with absolution from sin, a classical theological term of all western religious systems of Christianity. serangan Blastbeat Blackened Death Metal baru memang telah lahir di Bumi Greece dengan segala Mitologi dan Filosofinya telah memberikan spirit dan Attitute hampir setiap jengkal Aransemennya. New inspirations were brought up and more complex structures were used. concentrating less on mood establishment and atmospheric effects and more on compositional detail and extended formulations of instrumental interplay, yet its esoteric substance is connected with the traditionally understood idea of metal as a hostile artistic reaction to the idea of moral and spiritual absolution, voiced with an impossibly passionate desire for independence. Special attention needs to be paid to the powerful and articulate vocals which provide the music a furious voice of commanding presence and expressive range that compliments the inventive phrasing of the guitarists, as well as the storming performance of the drummer who propels the unyielding rhythmic force with an impressive display of technical ability matched with physical stamina, as the music synchronizes intelligence and power on this excellently produced effort. I’ll always like this band’s earlier work better for its obscure atmosphere and primal display of the elements featured with more sophistication and technicality here, but Satanica is above most of its competition in the field of blackened death metal.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Black Metal music is a mix of death metal and black metal's Brutality's emotional soundscapes. is a concept offered by the sadistic Black Band origin Athens, Attica / Larissa, Thessaly, Greece, many new touches reminiscent of Behemoth, Vader, Immolation to Dark Funeral as well as some elements of thrash riffing Survival becomes a new element for the existence of Disolvo Animus in his first full album this. some lineup changes the band's musicality makes many a touch overcooked on the album worked at Sound Symmetry studios, under the command of Enjinner Reliable Bob Katsionis (Guitarist Band is Heavy / Power Metal famous Firewind of the United States and has now moved residence to Greece, who also worked on the album material Firewind and outloud. ed) ago in Mixing By Fotis Benardo and Dinos Prasas in Devasoundz studios. while for some parts composed symphonic elements and also by Bob Katsionis program itself including filling guitar solo on the track "penitential Psalm" seems indeed provide significant additional value for debutant prime plus it sounds awesome! yes indeed 8 songs have a duration of 40:46 paced composition terrible since the beginning track "Unorthodox Lament" begins with a symphonic intro for 24 seconds and then immediately dihujamkan Blastbeat steady attack will instantly remind cruelty Blackened Death Metal in the vein Behemoth, some Thrash Metal apply here riffing on some Middown tempo part, a combination of Death Metal with Clean Vocals Soprano Vocals diband passable add a different touch this. blastbeat onslaught was indeed created by the steady Drummer Hryshaorr who want to perform powerfully. "Aphesis" is so significant further hone torment lies in its Blastbeat attack. riffing technique was indeed starting with simple harmonic nada2 its dark and murky and often laced with elements of thrash metal riffing Cathcy elegant. With better sound and professional, More Than Heavy As Fuck Blistering Bone! and the more ruthless also track "Illumination" with more Blastbeat deadly game show anyway. pretty dynamic composition to create an atmosphere to enjoy some part headbang, maybe this is done to erode the impression Boring only. all kinds of extreme metal sound were recruited for its composition. It is a concept album, dealing with Absolution from sin, a classical theological term of all western religious systems of Christianity. Blastbeat attack Blackened Death Metal new Earth has indeed been born in Greece with all the mythology and philosophy and spirit have given nearly every inch Aransemennya attitute. New inspirations were brought up and more complex structures were used. concentrating less on establishment mood and atmospheric effects and more on compositional detail and extended formulations of instrumental interplay, yet its esoteric substance is connected with the idea of ??metal traditionally Understood as a hostile artistic reaction to the idea of ??moral and spiritual Absolution, voiced with an Impossibly passionate desire for independence. Special attention needs to be paid to the powerful and articulate vocals roomates provide the music a furious voice of commanding presence and expressive range that compliments the inventive phrasing of the guitarists, as well as the storming performance of the drummer who propels the unyielding rhythmic force with an impressive display of technical ability matched with physical stamina, as the music synchronizes intelligence and power on this excellently produced effort. I'll always like this band's Earlier work better for its obscure atmosphere and primal display of the elements featured with more sophistication and technicality here, but Satanica is above most of its competition in the field of blackened death metal.

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