Rabu, 15 April 2015

Nothnegal - Decadence CD 2012

Nothnegal - Decadence
Season of Mist 2012

01 Salvation 04:10    
02 Claymore 05:16    
03 Janus 04:24    
04 Decadence 05:33    
05 Armageddon 04:59    
06 R.A.D.A.R 07:07    
07 Sins of Our Creations 04:40    
08 Singularity 04:33

Hilarl - Guitars
Fufu - Vocals, Guitars
Kevin Talley - Drums, Percussion
Marco Sneck - Keyboards
Hamad - Bass
Affan - Clean Vocal

Nothnegal's style counters the melodic death metal postulate on a titillating angle, involving heavy keyboard rotations that have strong hints of sci-fi tones and patterns that typically sound somewhat on the progressive side of things. "Decadence" at least has the preliminary attraction of an interesting album, but there's not enough to preserve any memorable qualities of the record other than a handful of above-average moments. Armed with a sci-fi approach on melodeath they intend to prove that metal can come from anywhere. menjadi beberapa bahan pembicaraan tersendiri bagi band dari kepulauan Indah Maldives dengan Pemandangan Pantai mengagumkan ga kalah dengan Hawai tentunya hehehe, Dan letak Pulau ini adalah 700 kilometer barat daya Sri Lanka dan 400 kilometer Negara India, negara Bekas jajahan Kolonial Portugal, Belanda dan Britain ini ternyata juga memiliki Potensi Musik Cadas bagus tak tersentuh banyak oleh Media Internasional seperti halnya kepulauan Malta. dan Negara Republik ini masih memiliki Perkembangan Musik metal yang berpusat di Kota Male, Kaafu Atoll, selain mencatat nama Nothnegal, ada juga dari daerah ini nama Band Dittorehead, Fasylive, Sacred Legacy, Serenity Dies dan Tormenta. meskipun masih memiliki Perkembangan skala kecil, geliat talenta Musisi Negeri ini patut diwaspadai seperti Kedasyatan Band Nothnegal yang eksis sejak tahun 2006 mengusung gaya Melodic Death Metal Modern dengan Elemen Sampling Effect ! meskipun bukan sebuah Perkembangan genre baru, setidaknya kita tetap bisa merasakan talenta Nothnegal. dan tentunya yang menarik perhatian dan Poin Plus disini adalah penampilan drummer populer Kevin Talley berada dibelakang perangkat set drumnya, seperti masih terus mencari sebuah tantangan berarti, Kevin Talley rupanya justru kurang begitu menonjol penampilannya di album Perdana band ini. disamping kurang melakukan manuver yang enerjik, reputasi Nothnegal sedikit terangkat dibalik namanya. the same ideas, and the same sameness; you could probably overlap each track and actually produce something somewhat cohesive. The vocals are mundane growls that sound totally uninspired and lifeless, and I'm sure you'd need a pair of jumper cables, a car battery, and some very powerful defibrillator pannels to actually zap some life into most of these tunes. " Salvation " langsung menendang kita dengan sentuhan Modern Melodic Death Metal in the veinnya In Flames di album2 terakhirnya. The guitars which seem simple and only chugging along most of the time actually pack some interesting riffs and a good groove with them, although they do leave somewhat to be desired in the lead department that ends up being rather simplistic when it could have been more elaborate. sebuah komposisi musik yang lebih terasa Unik dengan sentuhan Sampling effect dan Synthesizer Keyboard bernuansa Sci-Fi banget dari Marco Sneck yang lebih memiliki beberapa Jam terbang lumayan saat pernah bersama formasi Melodic Death Metal Finlandia, Kalmah, rupanya cukup signifikan coba Marco Sneck tanamkan dalam tubuh Nothnegal. meski tidak memiliki gaya bermain agresif dan enerjik, band ini lebih mencoba memadukan harmonisasi keindahan melodius Riffing dengan Irama Masa depan, melalui Perpaduan 3 vokalis berbeda karakter, semakin menambah Keunikan tersendiri Komposisi yang mereka ciptakan lantang disini. dan jika elo adalah salah satu Fans kedasyatan bermain cepat Kevin Talley, gw sarankan jangan berharap lebih banyak jika kevin masih akan tetap memainkan komposisi musik yang cepat pula, karena disini dirinya lebih coba meleburkan dengan Harmonisasi Melodius Riffing dan Keyboard terasa Hidup dalam sebuah Peradaban Modern Effect ! apalagi Proses Mixing Materi album perdana ini dikerjakan oleh 2 Enjiner handal yang pernah menggarap Materinya Fear Factory, Machine Head, Devin Townsend, Sentenced, Sonata Arctica, etc, Greg Reely dan Ahti Kortelainen rupanya turut andil pula penciptaan Musikal dan sounding band ini lebih ke Nuansa band2 Melodic Death Metal Finlandia dan Swedish Scene dalam 8 Lagu berdurasi 40:42 hadir dengan Desain Kover thema menarik lebih sesuai dengan karakter Musik yang Nothnegal Usung. At plain sight their music is quite insipid and tasteless and frankly nothing new or out of the ordinary. Further listens end up proving that not everything is as it seems, and some of the initially absent complexity begins to show itself and catch your attention. The keyboard layering that at first seems like more of the same is actual quite interesting to hear and the constant nods to sci-fi spacey sounds, bordering at points on industrial touches. dan namun sayang banget Gw bukan penikmat Genre musik seperti ini, sehingga gw kurang begitu dapat menikmati secara detail struktur lagunya selain hanya merasakan nuansa tersendiri aja melalui atmospheric style-nya. The problem with this record is that while having some points of interest in individual sections or instruments, the whole set doesn’t glue together very well, instead making it a mediocre album that is hardly offensive but that doesn’t bring anything new to the table. The last couple of tracks really drag the album through the mud and that alone makes me lower the score a bit since they’re completely disparate from the remaining compositions. If Nothnegal are actually serious on breaking through into the worldwide metal scene then they should really do something more consistent and enjoyable than this. They should learn from their mistakes and come back with a sophomore that’s more intricate and better written. For the time being Decadence fails to impress me and unless they improve a lot in the next few years I don’t see them catching that much attention.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Nothnegal's style melodic death metal counters the postulate on a titillating angle, rotations involving heavy keyboards that have strong hints of sci-fi tones and patterns that typically sound somewhat on the progressive side of things. "Decadence" at least has the preliminary attraction of an interesting album, but there's not enough to preserve any memorable qualities of the record other than a handful of above-average moments. Armed with a sci-fi approach on melodeath they intend to PROVE that metal can come from anywhere. into the talk of the band separate from the Maldives island Beautiful Coastal Scenery amazing ga hehehe certainly lose to Hawaii, and the location of this island is 700 kilometers southwest of Sri Lanka and 400 kilometers Countries India, former colonial empire of Portugal, the Netherlands and Britain proved also has great potential for Music Rocks untouched by the media much like the islands of Malta International. and the Republic still has the development of metal-based Music City Male, Kaafu Atoll, in addition to noting Nothnegal name, there is also from this area Dittorehead Band name, Fasylive, Sacred Legacy, Serenity Dies and Tormenta. although it still has a small-scale developments, stretching Affairs Musician's talent should be wary of such Kedasyatan Nothnegal band that existed from 2006 carries Modern Melodic Death Metal style with Element Sampling Effect! although it is not a new genre development, at least we can still feel the talent Nothnegal. and certainly attract attention and Points Plus here is the appearance of popular drummer Kevin Talley was behind the drum kit, as they continue to search for a meaningful challenge, Kevin Talley apparently even less so prominent appearance in prime band's album. besides less maneuvering energetic, slightly raised Nothnegal reputation behind its name. the same ideas, and the same sameness; you could probably overlap each track and actually produce something somewhat cohesive. The vocals are mundane growls that sound totally uninspired and lifeless, and I'm sure you'd need a pair of jumper cables, a car battery, and some very powerful defibrillators pannels to actually zap some life into most of these tunes. "Salvation" kicked us with a touch of Modern Melodic Death Metal in the veinnya Albums2 In Flames at last. The guitars roomates seem simple and only chugging along most of the time actually pack some interesting riffs and a good groove with them, although they do leave somewhat to be Desired in the lead department that ends up being rather simplistic when it could have been more elaborate . a musical composition with a touch more pronounced Unique Sampling Synthesizer Keyboard nuanced effects and Sci-Fi of Marco Sneck really better have some pretty fly Jam at once with Melodic Death Metal Finland formation, Kalmah, apparently significant enough try Marco Sneck implanted in the body Nothnegal . despite not having an aggressive and energetic playing style, the band tried to incorporate more melodic beauty harmonized riffing with Cadence's future, through the combination of three different vocalists character, further adds to the uniqueness of their own compositions made loud here. and if elo is one kedasyatan Fans Kevin Talley playing fast, i suggest do not expect much if kevin would still play a musical composition sooner, because here he was more trying to merge with melodic riffing and Keyboard Harmonization feels Living in a Modern Civilization Effect ! moreover Mixing Process Materials debut album was done by 2 Engineer powerful ever worked material is Fear Factory, Machine Head, Devin Townsend, Sentenced, Sonata Arctica, etc, Greg Reely and Ahti Kortelainen apparently also contributed to the creation of Love and the band sounding more to Nuance band2 Melodic Death Metal Scene Finnish and Swedish lasted 40:42 in 8 tracks Coverage theme comes with attractive design more in keeping with the character of music Nothnegal stretcher. At plain sight their music is quite insipid and tasteless and frankly nothing new or out of the ordinary. Further listens end up proving that not everything is as it seems, and some of the initially absent complexity begins to show itself and catch your attention. The keyboard layering that at first seems like more of the same is actual quite interesting to hear and the constant nods to sci-fi spacey sounds, bordering at points on industrial touches. and yet really love music genre lovers Gw not like this, so i can enjoy less so in detail the structure of the song but just feel its own nuances wrote through his atmospheric style. The problem with this record is that while having some points of interest in individual sections or instruments, the whole set does not glue together very well, instead making it a mediocre album that is hardly offensive but that does not bring anything new to the table. The last couple of tracks really drag the album through the mud and that alone makes me lower the score a bit since they're completely Disparate from the remaining Compositions. If Nothnegal are actually serious on breaking through into the worldwide metal scene then they should really do something more consistent and enjoyable than this. They should learn from their mistakes and come back with a sophomore that's more intricate and better written. For the time being Decadence fails to impress me and unless they improve a lot in the next few years I do not see them catching that much attention.

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