Kamis, 09 April 2015

Vision Divine - Destination Set to Nowhere CD 2012

Vision Divine - Destination Set to Nowhere
earMUSIC 2012

01 S'i Fosse Foco 01:50    
02 The Dream Maker     05:03    
03 Beyond the Sun and Far Away 03:58    
04 The Ark 05:42    
05 Mermaids from Their Moons 05:23      
06 The Lighthouse 04:38    
07 Message to Home 06:17    
08 The House of the Angels 05:11    
09 The Sin is You 04:38    
10 Here We Die 04:15    
11 Destination Set to Nowhere 04:17

Olaf Thörsen - Guitars
Fabio Lione - Vocals
Federico Puleri - Guitars
Alessandro "Bix" Bissa - Drums
Alessio "Tom" Lucatti - Keyboards
Andrea "Tower" Torricini - Bass  

Album Ke-7 Power/Progressive Metal terbaik asal Massa, Tuscany, Italy yang eksis sejak 1998 ini masih tetap memberikan Sajian segar dengan kali ini lebih mencoba memadukan beberapa gaya Materi science fiction dan imagery pada sentuhan kekuatan tema kehidupan manusia berdasarkan sebuah kepercayaannya terhadap tuhan pencipta semesta-nya. masih menjadi album ke-2 bersama Vokalis bertalenta Fabio Lione setelah dirinya kembali memutuskan bergabung dengan band ini sejak hengkang tahun 2004, dan perlu diketahui Fabio Lione adalah salah satu Aktor utama lahirnya band ini selain dikenal sebagai Sosok penting dalam Tubuh band sekampungnya Rhapsody of Fire ! meski begitu Fabio tidak banyak membawa pengaruh kuat band utamanya tersebut, karena Bagi Gw Vision Divine tetap memiliki Karakter Kuat tersendiri yang datang dari Gitaris Olaf Thörsen, lebih mencoba memadukan karakter Band proyek lainnya seperti Labyrinth dan Symmetry. Anyone familiar with the band’s previous work will find no surprises, as this fits alongside their back perfectly shows Vision Divine on top of their concept and at their catchiest. meskipun nuansa album ini masih tidak jauh dengan konsep album sebelumnya " 9 Degrees West of the Moon " tahun 2009, Vision Divine masih menampilkan Konsep Power/Progressive Metal yang Signifikan dengan Eksplorasi Skill member-nya. debut perdana kembali bagi Bassis Andrea "Tower" Torricini yang sempat tahun 2006 mengundurkan diri akhirnya memutuskan ikut menggarap album ini. " S'i Fosse Foco " mengawali album ini dengan sebuah format Instrumental lengkap dengan Spoken Time berbahasa Italy dari seorang story teller layaknya selama hampir 2 menit-an sebelum kita mendengarkan " The Dream Maker " sebagai alur selanjutnya dari Skuel track pertamanya, is a traditional power metal album at heart. There are other elements presented here, especially the progressive tendencies that Olaf Thörsen is known for, but when taken as a whole, it’s a power metal album: heavy riffing, dual guitar solos, keyboard solos, fast and powerful drumming and soaring vocals. sudah memang jelas Vision Divine masih membawa Ornamen Kuat Karakter Utama band seperti sebelumnya. Gaya Vokal melankolis dengan beberapa High Octav masih menjadi style khas Fabio ga beda jauh dengan Rhapsody of fire, meski tidak banyak melakukan tantangan olah vokal untuk beat musik yang cepat, Fabio tetap masih menempati posisi-nya lebih baik lagi disini. Olaf sendiri masih banyak menyimpan ide Fresh menciptakan Komposisi Natural Musik pada karakter Tradisional Power Metal dengan gaya Modern dan progresiv style-nya. Keyboardis Alessio "Tom" Lucatti rupanya lebih banyak mendapat porsi permainannya di track ini sebelum Olaf memainkan beberapa solo Gitar cantiknya. lalu " Beyond the Sun and Far Away " masih terus menawarkan Gaya power Metal Tradisional yang sudah dikomposisi lagi dengan sentuhan Progressive style pada beberapa Riffing part-nya. If you’ve never listened to Fabio Lione’s vocals, it’s quite an experience, as his clear, melodic delivery is unrivaled. He’s a great singer, and the vocals are soaring and crystal clear, but his overly Italian accent can be a little much. " The Ark " dimulai dengan banyak Gaya Science Sampling dan beberapa Block Simple Riff yang bergaya Breakdown sebelum Vision Divine memulai Powerfully Beat-nya, nah dengan track seperti ini, karakter Fabio semakin lebih terdengar kuat seperti era-nya Fabio bersama Rhapsody of Fire. kendati cukup simple memainkan aransemen riffing-nya, Olaf yang dibantu oleh gitaris Federico Puleri masih kurang memberi sebuah tantangan di track ini selain beberapa memorable Metallic Riff part. Ballad Song with Slow Melancolic seperti masih bernafas pada awal part track " Mermaids from Their Moons " sebelum tradisi Heavy/Power Metal Catchy lebih menyentuh adrenalin kita. The rhythm section bolsters the traditional power metal feel with fast paced drumming and thick bass lines. nuansa Epic yang kental dan Simfonis banget akan kita tangkap pada lagu " The Lighthouse " sebagai mana kita rasakan pada karakteristik Rhapsody of Fire. drummer Alessandro "Bix" Bissa semakin terdengar skill sebenarnya disini. powerfully and Nice Beating Tracks !  " Message to Home " lebih kita hayati gaya Ballad slowrock dengan Harmonisasi Nada Refrain yang Epic terletak sebuah kekuatan Band Power/Heavy metal menguji Emosional Menciptakan nada romantis hehehehe ... Total 10 lagu berdurasi 51:12 lebih memberikan sentuhan Power/Progressive Metal dinamis yang ingin melebur dalam Indahnya harmonisasi dan Emosi. The chorus sections see the guitarists simplifying the riffs, occasionally just floating power chords, while maintaining a superb catchiness that is guaranteed to make you tap your feet. dan Pihak earMUSIC juga merilis album baru ini untuk versi limited edition dengan Double CD, yang CD ke-2 menampilkan The Best Track Vision Divine yang telah direkam ulang dengan formasi ini termasuk sebuah lagu dari band Savatage " Gutter Ballet ", semakin memanjakan kembali fans kayaknya band ini. There really are no weak areas on this album as every song is expertly written and professionally performed. Every track has huge, soaring choruses, stellar guitar and keyboard work and catchy as hell vocal hooks. Production is stellar, crisp and clear. Every single instrument shines and is audible. The vocals are placed perfectly, being in the spotlight, without detracting from any instruments. Any fan of progressive power metal should love this, as it is possibly the best demonstration of the genre in quite some time. That being said, there’s not much here to grab the attention of any fans outside of the power prog field.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

7th Albums Power / Progressive Metal best home Massa, Tuscany, Italy which existed since 1998, is still providing a fresh dish this time try to combine several styles and materials science fiction theme of the power of imagery to touch people's lives based on a belief in God the creator his universe. still be the 2nd album with vocalist Fabio Lione talent after he again decided to join the band since resigned in 2004, and need to know Fabio Lione is one of the main actors in addition to the birth of the band known as an important figure in the body of the band homeland Rhapsody of Fire! Fabio did not even so much stronger influence the main band, because for Gw Vision Divine Strong retains its own character that comes from guitarist Olaf Thorsen, better try to combine other projects such as Band characters Labyrinth and Symmetry. Anyone familiar with the band's previous work will find no surprises, as this fits perfectly alongside their back shows Vision Divine on top of their concept and at their catchiest. although the feel of this album is not far away with the concept of the previous album "9 Degrees West of the Moon" in 2009, Vision Divine still showing concept of Power / Progressive Metal Exploration Skill Significant to its members. Bassist inaugural debut back for Andrea "Tower" Torricini who had resigned in 2006 finally decided to go to work on this album. "S'i Fosse Foco" begins the album with an instrumental format complete with Time Spoken language of Italy like a story teller for almost 2 min's before we listen to "The Dream Maker" as the subsequent flow of Skuel first track, is a traditional power metal album at heart. There are other elements presented here, especially the progressive tendencies that Olaf Thorsen is known for, but when taken as a whole, it's a power metal album: heavy riffing, dual guitar solos, keyboard solos, fast and powerful drumming and soaring vocals. Vision Divine is indeed clearly still carries Strong Main Character Ornaments band as before. Melancholy vocal style with some High Octav still a distinctive style ga Fabio much different from the Rhapsody of fire, although not a lot of vocal challenges for the music beat faster, Fabio still occupies his position better here. Olaf himself still many ideas Fresh Natural Music Composition at creating characters Traditional Power Metal with Modern style and progresiv style. Keyboardist Alessio "Tom" Lucatti apparently serving game gets a lot more on this track before Olaf played some beautiful guitar solos. and "Beyond the Sun and Far Away" continues to offer a traditional style of power metal that has been compounded further with a touch of Progressive style riffing on some of its parts. If you've never Listened to Fabio Lione's vocals, it's quite an experience, as his clear, melodic delivery is unrivaled. He's a great singer, and the vocals are soaring and crystal clear, but his overly Italian accent can be a little much. "The Ark" begins with a lot of style and some Block Sampling Science Simple style riff before Vision Divine Breakdown begin his powerfully Beat, now with a track like this, more and more audible Fabio character is as strong as its era Fabio with Rhapsody of Fire. although quite simple plays his arrangement riffing, Olaf, aided by guitarist Federico Puleri still less to a challenge on this track than some memorable Metallic Riff part. Ballad Song with Slow Melancolic as still breathing in the early part track "Mermaids from Their Moons" before traditional Heavy / Power Metal Catchy more touches our adrenaline. The rhythm section bolsters the traditional power metal feel with fast paced drumming and thick bass lines. Epic feel strong and really Simfonis will we catch on the song "The Lighthouse" as where we feel at the characteristics of Rhapsody of Fire. drummer Alessandro "Bix" Bissa growing sounded real skill here. powerfully and Nice Beating Tracks! "Message to Home" over our biological slowrock Ballad style with the Epic Harmonized Refrain tone is a power band Power / Heavy metal testing Creating Emotional romantic tone hehehehe ... 10 tracks total duration of 51:12 over a touch Power / Progressive Metal who want to immerse themselves in the vibrant beauty of harmony and emotion. The chorus sections see the guitarists simplifying the riffs, occasionally just floating power chords, while maintaining a superb catchiness that is guaranteed to make you tap your feet. The earMUSIC and also released a new album for the limited edition version with a Double CD, a CD of the 2nd featuring The Best Track Vision Divine has re-recorded with this line-up includes a song from the band Savatage "Gutter Ballet", the spoil back fans think band. There really are no weak areas on this album as every song is expertly written and professionally performed. Every track has huge, soaring choruses, stellar guitar and keyboard work and catchy as hell vocal hooks. Production is stellar, crisp and clear. Every single instrument shines and is audible. The vocals are perfectly placed, being in the spotlight, without detracting from any instruments. Any fan of progressive power metal should love this, as it is possibly the best demonstration of the genre in quite some time. That being said, there's not much here to grab the attention of any fans outside of the power prog field.

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