Kamis, 09 April 2015

As I Lay Dying - Awakened CD 2012

As I Lay Dying - Awakened
Metal Blade Records 2012

01 Cauterize 03:38    
02 A Greater Foundation 03:46    
03 Resilience 04:08    
04 Wasted Words 04:21    
05 Whispering Silence 04:30    
06 Overcome 04:37    
07 No Lungs to Breathe 04:05    
08 Defender 04:05    
09 Washed Away 01:01    
10 My Only Home 04:06    
11 Tear Out My Eyes 04:37

Jordan Mancino - Drums
Tim Lambesis - Vocals
Phil Sgrosso - Guitars
Nick Hipa - Guitars
Josh Gilbert - Bass, Vocals

Kenapa Elemenisasi Produktifitas kerap mengalami Erosi sebuah Idealisme jika sebuah karya harus diuber dengan yang namanya Deadline Jadwal rilis. musisi seperti harus bertarung dengan banyak kontradiksi dengan perkembangan musik itu sendiri yang terus berubah setiap harinya. terlalu banyak genre musik lahir dengan tidak berada jauh dari Root-nya, ada kesan Bagus begitu pula sebaliknya jika tidak dapat membaca segala kemungkinan yang ada. yang namanya manusia ada kalanya akan menjumpai titik klimak untuk harus kehabisan ide dalam berkarya sehingga pergeseran sendi konsepsional bermusik harus otomatis terkena dampaknya. namun gw percaya semua ini masih akan dikembalikan pada pola kreatifitas musisi itu sendiri agar tetap bertahan dengan keinginan berkreasinya yang semakin matang dan dewasa. bercermin pada sebuah paradigma ini adalah album paling gress sekaligus menjadi album full ke 6 ini tetap memberi Sophisticated dinamisme sebuah band dan tetap mempertahankan Kekuatan Idealis dasar sebagai Band Metalcore unggulan di Industri Musik keras internasional ! masih eksis memainkan beberapa melodius riffing sebagai salah satu elemen terbaik dalam musikalitas band ini sejak terbentuk tahun 2000 di San Diego, California, Amrik untuk pertama kalinya dengan trio formasi, vocalistTim Lambesis, drummer Jordan Mancino, dan Gitaris Evan White dengan mengambil nama dari Karya novel William Faulkner dan sejak memukau dengan merilis split CD dengan band American Tragedy, As I Lay Dying pun langsung dilirik oleh Metal Blade Records yang kemudian menjadikan band ini salah satu penghuni setia Roster label seperti halnya Cannibal Corpse. meski beberapa albumnya mengalami sedikit pergeseran secara Musikalitas, band ini tetap memainkan Konsep Metalcore yang garang dan Keren dimata Penggemarnya hingga saat ini. masih menggandeng enjiner Colin Richardson bagi As I Lay Dying akan tidak kehilangan Style bermusiknya, Band ini masih mengusung konsep kuat Era album sebelumnya seperti " An Ocean Between Us " atau " The Powerless Rise ". Single " Cauterize " yang pertama kali dirilis sebagai Format digital single pada  26 Juni 2012 cukup memberikan Effek penasaran kepada para fans setia As I lay Dying karena pesona luar biasa dihadirkan secara Megah dan dasyat pada track " Cauterize " yang disertakan juga dengan 1 lagu " I Never Wanted " yang telah di Remix oleh Chris Lord-Alge ini mendapat respon yang luar biasa sebagai salah satu Strategi Label pengenalan materi baru band ini dan nyatanya memang selalu berhasil metode pemasan seperti ini hehehehe .... The metalcore scene, with its melodic death and groove metal inspirations married with the horrid concept of screamo/emo dual vocals, was one that became stale all too quickly. Even those who brought the genre into the mainstream, bands like Killswitch Engage and to some extent Hatebreed, eventually become tired and uninspired. This also introduces waves after waves of mindless clones, most of whom can't help but fall as soon as they rose. apparently knew that metalcore was fast dying and went about throwing some additional influences and styles into the mix. Unlike the now out of control deathcore craze, meshing these influences together was done with cohesion, instead of technically impressive gibberish with no form of structure. I applaud As I Lay Dying for this, and perhaps I judged them a little too quickly. Track " Cauterize " memang tepat ditaruh pada urutan pertama album baru ini yang secara resmi dilepas pada 25 September 2012 sebagai " Terapi Kejut " dasyat dengan hentakan Hypersnare Modern Deathcore band Styling sudah mengawali part ini dengan dasyat !! As I Lay Dying masih menawarkan komposisi Metalcore yang Menendang, Powerfully Vocal, Alternate Pick Riffing Metallic Slackdown, dan Solid Drumming Skill out of the ordinary it just provides the rhythm adalah sebuah Komposisi menarik pada track ini. As I Lay Masih tampil garang seperti album2 sebelumnya yang kini semakin lebih kental elemen melodius dan gaya emo Vokal Intens. " A Greater Foundation " masih tetap terdengar karakteristik Modern sound dan style keren. a more melo-death based sound with breakdowns. has now incorporated thrash metal into their brand of melo-death. Beberapa sentuhan Anthemic Backing Vokal mengingatkan dengan Gayanya Hatebreed atau beberapa Band Hardcore Beatdown ! Part awal " Resilience " lebih coba memadukan gaya Emo Metal dengan Thrashing dan Balutan kental Progresif dan Thrash Riffing, walau dengan beat yang sedikit mengendur, beberapa Breakdown part-nya tetap ciamik untuk dinikmati, apalagi beberapa solo Melodius dimainkan dengan syahdu hahahaha ... " Wasted Words " kental elemen Old Thrashing Riff yang kemudian dengan Hentakan twin pedal rapat Jordan Mancino kerap memancing elemen Breakdown part. aransemen pada Refrain-nya masih membawa sentuhan kuat As I Lay Dying, Track ini seperti pertemuan antara Slayer dengan Unearth hingga All That Remain sekali. namun beberapa Breakdown beat part-nya banyak mengingatkan kita dengan Hatebreed in the vein. " Whispering Silence " memiliki Part yang Melodic Death Metal banget di awal part yang mengingatkan dengan gayanya Dark Tranquillity hingga In Flames, tapi jangan kuatir, berikutnya elemen Headbang Thrash dengan Epic Anthem Emo Refrain tetap menjadi beberapa Konsep band asli. I was very afraid that this would be some pseudo-metal, hardcore, punk-ish amalgamate of crap, But this is More some Middle Headbang Partition inside ! kadang membosankan sih gaya Vokal refrain Emo-nya tapi agak sedikit terbayar dengan sayatan beberapa Melodic Solo keren. lalu " Overcome " lebih cenderung sekali pergeseran konsep Yang lagi2 melodius mengawali beberapa part awalnya, dan karakter lagu ini lebih terasa anthemic Moshpit chaos sekali dengan Tendangan beberapa Thrashing Riff ! kemudian Perpaduan Arphegios Riff dengan Thrash Beat coba dimainkan di lagu " No Lungs to Breathe ", hasilnya tetap mengagumkan dimainkan secara prima oleh duet Gitaris Phil Sgrosso dan Nick Hipa tetap memberikan sentuhan mendasar khas bagi band ini. lalu " Defender " The soft, over-dramatic intro, with that awful chorus of singing and screamed vocals that are mashed up so horribly, and even the screams sound terrible over this song. The whole thing feels mashed up and is definitely one worth skipping on every listen. I wish their heavier songs I mentioned before were more ! " Washed Away " menjadi sebuah Instrumental Track yang desperatif banyak menyuguhkan irama kesedihan yang kate anak gaul sekarang namanya galau hahaha .... selanjutnya 2 lagu terakhir As I Lay Dying masih melengkapi Musikalitasnya dengan hentakan Metalcore melodius dengan sentuhan Thrash en Emo yang kental. There are less breakdowns and chug-a-chug riffs than before, with just as many squeals and short runs. A few riffs sound like they could have been taken straight out The higher pitched guitar is actually really catchy and great, and it actually compliments the song, instead of dragging it down. The solos on the album are pretty good too. They could definitely be better, but they work. As I Lay Dying masih tetap memiliki Taring tajam memuntahkan karya2 berkualitasnya secara keseluruhan di materi CD ini, sehingga gw berani jamin Fans Berat band ini akan sangat setuju dengan pendapat Gw ini. produksi Sounding keren dan Profesional akan paling bikin segan untuk Debut pertama John William "Bill" Stevenson sebagai Produser Metal bagi mantan drummer band Punk Legendaris, Black Flag, The Lemonheads, Descendents. " Awakened " does offer some good moments and as far as I'm concerned probably the best the genre has to offer in terms of mainstream output. Fans of metalcore will definitely find something Melodic-Thrash Riff to like here, though others who generally wouldn't look this album's way might want to consider seeking it out in the discount area. looking for more thrash than "core" will be sorely disappointed. Its still metalcore as we all know it, even if Tim Lambesis is manlier than most of the emasculated whiners in the genre today, emitting some halfway acceptable hardcore inspired barks.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Why Elemental Productivity often experience an erosion of idealism if a work should be pursued with the name Deadline release schedule. musicians such as having to fight with a lot of contradictions with the development of the music itself that continues to change every day. too many genres of music born not far from his Root, no impression Good and vice versa if it is not able to read all the possibilities that exist. man whose name would sometimes find high-water mark to have run out of ideas in the works that joints conceptual shift musically affected must be automated. but i believe all of this will still be returned to the pattern of creative musicians themselves to survive the desire berkreasinya a more mature and adult. Reflecting on a paradigm is the most gress album as well as a full album to 6 is still giving Sophisticated dynamism of a band and still maintain basic Idealists Strength Metalcore Band featured in Music Industry international outcry! still exist playing some melodic riffing as one of the best elements in the musicality of the band since their establishment in 2000 in San Diego, California, Amrik for the first time with a trio formation, vocalistTim Lambesis, drummer Jordan Mancino, and guitarist Evan White by taking the name of the novel work William Faulkner and since stunning the band released a split CD with the American Tragedy, As I Lay Dying was immediately noticed by Metal Blade Records, which later made the band one of the loyal inhabitants Roster labels like Cannibal Corpse. although some slight shifts in the album musically, the band continued to play metalcore Concept eyes were fierce and Cool Fans today. still holding engineers Colin Richardson for As I Lay Dying will not miss musical style, the band is still carrying a powerful concept Era previous albums such as "An Ocean Between Us" or "The Powerless Rise". Single "Cauterize" which was first released as a single digital format on June 26, 2012 curious enough to give effect to its loyal fans As I lay Dying because of tremendous charm presented a magnificent and terrible on the track "Cauterize" which also included the first song "I Never Wanted "which has been in the Remix by Chris Lord-Alge's got a tremendous response as a strategy label introduction of new materials and the fact that this band has always managed to Installation methods like this hehehehe .... The metalcore scene, with its melodic death metal and groove inspirations married with the horrid concept of screamo / emo dual vocals, one that was all too Quickly Became stale. Even those who brought the genre into the mainstream, bands like Killswitch Engage and Hatebreed to some extent, eventually Become tired and uninspired. This also introduces waves after waves of mindless clones, most of Whom can not help but fall as soon as they rose. apparently knew that was fast dying metalcore and went about throwing some additional Influences and styles into the mix. Unlike the now out of control deathcore craze, these Influences meshing together was done with cohesion, instead of technically impressive gibberish with no form of structure. I Applaud As I Lay Dying for this, and perhaps I judged them a little too Quickly. Track "Cauterize" put it right on the first of this new album was officially released on 25 September 2012 as "Shock Therapy" with the beat Hypersnare terrible deathcore band Modern Styling already started this with the terrible part! As I Lay Dying was offered a Kick metalcore composition, powerfully Vocal, Alternate Pick riffing Slackdown Metallic and Solid Drumming Skill out of the ordinary it just provides the rhythm is an interesting composition on this track. As I Lay still look fierce as the previous Albums2 now increasingly more viscous element Vocal melodic and intense emo style. "A Greater Foundation" still sounds characteristic of modern sound and cool style. a more melo-death based sound with breakdowns. Thrash metal has now incorporated into their brand of melo-death. Some touch Backing Vocals anthemic style is reminiscent of the hardcore band Hatebreed or Beatdown! Part early "Resilience" is more just blends style with the Emo Metal thrashing and creamy dressing Progressive and Thrash riffing, though with a slightly relaxed beat, some part of his permanent Breakdown ciamik to enjoy, let alone some melodic solos played by eminent hahahaha ... "Wasted Words" viscous element Old thrashing riff and then meeting with the beat twin pedal Jordan Mancino often provoke part Breakdown element. Refrain arrangement on his still carries a strong touch of As I Lay Dying, Track is like a meeting between Slayer with Unearth All That Remain up once. but some part of her beat Breakdown much reminds us with Hatebreed in the vein. "Whispering Silence" has a Melodic Death Metal Part in the early part very reminiscent in style to Dark Tranquillity In Flames, but do not worry, the next element to Headbang Thrash Epic Emo Refrain Anthem continues to be some concept of the original band. I was very afraid that this would be some pseudo-metal, hardcore, punk-ish amalgamate of crap, But this is More some Middle Headbang Partition inside! sometimes boring anyway Emo style chorus vocals but a little bit of his incisions were rewarded with some cool Melodic Solo. and "Overcome" were more likely to shift once The lagi2 melodic concept started a few parts first, and the character is more pronounced anthemic song moshpit of chaos once with kick some thrashing riffs! then mix with Thrash Beat Riff Arphegios try playing the song "No Lungs to Breathe", the result is awesome duet played by the excellent guitarist Nick Hipa Phil Sgrosso and still provide basic touch unique to this band. and "Defender" The soft, over-dramatic intro, with that awful chorus of singing and screamed vocals that are mashed up so horribly, and even the screams sound terrible over this song. The whole thing feels mashed up and is definitely one worth skipping on every listen. I wish their Heavier songs I Mentioned before were more! "Washed Away" became an Instrumental Track desperatif much sadness that kate presenting rhythm jocks now called confusion hahaha .... The next 2 songs last As I Lay Dying is complete with the beat Musikalitasnya melodic metalcore with a touch of Thrash en Emo is thick. There are less breakdowns and Chug-a-Chug riffs than before, with just as many squeals and short runs. A few riffs sound like they could have been taken straight out of The higher pitched guitar is actually really catchy and great, and it actually compliments the song, instead of dragging it down. The solos on the album are pretty good too. They could definitely be better, but they work. As I Lay Dying still has sharp fangs karya2 spewing material berkualitasnya overall this CD, so i can guarantee weight band's fans would not agree with the opinion of this Gw. Sounding cool and professional production will be most reluctant to make the first debut of John William "Bill" Stevenson as the former drummer for Metal Producers legendary punk band, Black Flag, The Lemonheads, descendents. "Awakened" does offer some good moments and as far as I'm concerned probably the best the genre has to offer in terms of mainstream output. Fans of metalcore will definitely find something Melodic-Thrash riffs to like here, though others who generally would not look this album's way might want to consider seeking it out in the discount area. looking for more thrash than "core" will be sorely disappointed. Its still metalcore as we all know it, even if Tim Lambesis is manlier than most of the emasculated whiners in the genre today, emitting some hardcore inspired halfway acceptable barks.

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