Kamis, 09 April 2015

Malignancy - Eugenics CD 2012

Malignancy - Eugenics
Willowtip Records 2012

01 Type Zero Civilization 02:53    
02 Eugenics 02:55    
03 Extinction Event 03:03    
04 Global Systemic Collapse 03:52    
05 Cataclysmic Euphoria 03:17    
06 Separatists 04:44    
07 Monstrous Indifference 01:23    
08 Cryptobiosis 02:28    
09 Creatures of Conformity 02:53    
10 The Breach 04:06

Danny Nelson - Vocals
Ron Kachnic - Guitar
Roger J. Beaujard - Bass
Mike Heller - Drums

Scene Metal Tanah air kita pernah beberapa tahun lagu sempat mengenal Invasi kejam mereka lewat album Kaset Ep Pertama " Motivated by Hunger " tahun 2000 yang dilisensi dalam format kaset oleh Label Produktif saat itu dari Bandung, Extreme Soul Production dari Persetujuan Label Amrik, United Guttural Records. band yang memiliki Kesamaan nama dengan 2 Band di amrik ( Corpus Christi, Texas & Dallas, Texas. ed ) ini tetap memiliki Kesan tersendiri dengan permainan Brutal Technical Death Metal mengagumkannya. dibentuk oleh di Yonkers, New York tahun 1992 menampilkan Drummer Grind Horror terkenal, Mortician ! ya Roger J. Beaujard yang memang ga sengaja turut mendapat populeritas sejak dirinya bergabung tahun 1996. sebenarnya Frontman dibalik band ini adalah Vokalis Danny Nelson bersama Gitaris Javier Velez, dan Bassis Frank Madiao. sebelum melepas full album pertamanya " Intrauterine Cannibalism " tahun 1999, terlebih dulu band ini menapak awal karirnya dengan merilis 5 demo lalu mengantar mereka menjadi salah satu keluarga besar United Guttural Records. masih tetap terbayangkan Kecerdasan Konsep dan dasyatnya komposisi lagu Brutal Technical Death Metal Malignancy sejak sukses dikenal lewat Ep " Motivated by Hunger " yang mulai lebih kental mengembangkan beberapa Skill mengerikan untuk memainkan partisi musik yang matematika. saat itu mungkin Drummer Roger J. Beaujard di Mortician kurang terekspos skill-nya selain kecepatan bermainnya, baru di Malignancy ini mendapat tantangan signifikan yang menguras kreasi dan skill-nya memainkan Gaya Drumming extra dinamis, dan hasilnya bisa elo nikmati sendiri saja konsep Ep tersebut. sicker than words drumming, pinch harmonics, odd time signature blasting and breakdowns, just pure insanity riffage and weird accentuation, but they also meld it all perfectly together to form a truly strong and digestible version of death/grind. Even though they are so weird and un-orthodox, it is still palatable. dan memang sejak Tahun 2009, drummer Roger J. Beaujard memutuskan untuk menanggalkan Posisi drum-nya dan migrasi ke posisi Bass setelah tahun 2003 dirinya mengundurkan diri dan mempercayakan posisi sebelumnya kepada Drummer Berbakat Mike Heller, yang kegilaan menghajar drum-nya dibeberapa band populer seperti Fear Factory, System Divide, World Under Blood, Kalopsia (live),  dan Success Will Write Apocalypse Across the Sky cukup menjadi Rekomendasi spesial ditariknya Mike dalam Formasi Malignancy sejak tahun 2004. alhasil memang banyak perubahan terhadap musikalitas Malignancy sendiri menjadi lebih teknikal dari sebelumnya yang dipamerkan dimateri album " Inhuman Grotesqueries " Tahun 2007 sukses membuat Takjub Death metal fans. The composition unimaginative, perhaps, but the execution is excellent, and the overall effect of the music is of running at high speed though the depths of hell, dodging demons and tortured people with rearranged body parts, after having one's own limbs rearranged so that one's movement is, while not slowed, changed in a mindbendingly odd manner such that the perception of reality is altered greatly. Head backwards, maybe, with the eyes placed in the belly button.. and one leg and arm switched so that you're running "sideways" so to speak. That's brutal and technical ways. dan rupanya setelah lama mendekam dengan menggodok materi2 barunya serta beberapa jadwal padat tour dibeberapa band member, akhirnya Malignancy untuk ke-2 kalinya melepas Sperma Mengerikannya masih bersama label Willowtip Records ! dan resminya sih album ini dirilis secara resmi pada 9 Oktober 2012, namun gw keburu dapat press release Copy-nya, ya berbagi informasi aja deh dengan Malignancy fans hehehe ...  tentunya masih tampil mengagumkan dengan teknik2 bermain dasyat dalam alunan musik Brutal Death Metal, Malignancy lebih banyak menampilkan permainan yang Teknikal gila2 an disini masih dengan karakter utamanya sejak ep " Motivated by Hunger " itu. dimulai dengan sebuah Intro selama 47 detik yang unik dan mengesankan, bagaimana bila yang namanya Pikiran sedang bingung, otak seperti langsung mencari Nuansa segar dengan salah satunya mendengarkan Alunan musik, dan spesial buat para metalhead, pasti sajian musik keras akan sedikit meregangkan Syaraf otak yang kaku, terdengar suara Seseorang yang mencari Channel musik di Radio, dengan menemukan Konsep Musik Rock, Bamba, Country, Hardcore, Folk, dan akhirnya malah menemukan Track pertama " Type Zero Civilization " album Gress Malignancy yang amazing sinting ini hahahaha, nice idea for intro making :) ,  " Type Zero Civilization " masih tampil semakin mengagumkan dengan pola dan teknik bermain Musik matematika, dimana setiap member-nya seperti bebas menentukan Struktur instrumennya sendiri, especially Posisi Gitar dan Drum-nya ! seeing as he is a fucking maniac, and if he is put too loud on an album, he will; devour the rest of the musicians, musically speaking. So they got him quieter then everyone else, but that is okay. It works, and does not lack power! Karakter Gitaris Ron Kachnic memang skillfull banget dengan beberapa gaya Downstroke Pummeling Picking Riff yang kental dengan beberapa sentuhan Chugging style menawan hampir disetiap lekuk komposisi Tab dan Bar jemari tangannya memang ga bisa diam untuk selalu memberi sentuhan Indah Chugging riff. terkadang aransemen riffing-nya terasa Chaotic dengan sentuhan karakter Jazz Fusion yang liar ! dan hal ini semakin kacaukan dengan Hentakan drumming Mike yang harus ikutan Gila2an pada setiap ketukan dinamisnya. beater and make him hit the bass drum with a stick when he must use it to prevent the constant ridiculous overuse of one rather bland beat. Gaya berkoar Danny Nelson masih seperti biasanya dan ga banyak memberi sentuhan baru, karena memang konsentrasi Gw disini harus terpecah dan fokus dengan elemen bermain Riff Gitar serta Drumming-nya Amazing Killer !!! " Eugenics " masih melanjutkan kegilaan aransemen musik Brutal Death metal yang lebih terasa Chaotic banget susunan part lagunya. intense crazy shredding, sicker than words drumming, pinch harmonics, odd time signature blasting and breakdowns, just pure insanity riffage and weird Drums accentuation !! bahkan lebih sinting lagi saat " Extinction Event " harus memecahkan suasana dengan powerfully skill dan talenta Member Malignancy untuk semakin menciptakan Konsep musik yang liar, brutal dan Frontal !! dan sepertinya Gw harus beberapa kali memainkan Track ini untuk lebih bisa mencerna komponen lagu yang tidak memiliki struktur jelas selain hanya menciptakan elemen yang Liar !!!! benar benar sebuah Aransemen Lagu Brutal Technical Death metal yang bagus dan semakin matang dari perjalanan musikalitasnya terdengar semuanya pada 9 lagu berkualitas selama durasi 31:34 menitan, cukuplah buat kalian Fans hingar bingarnya Sajian Musik yang cepat terpadukan dengan Rumitnya sebuah Komposisi yang mendahulukan skill dan ego. jelas banget ini sebuah karya yang sangat luar biasa untuk kalian nikmati. The production is probably what I'd call a bit on the "good" end for this style of the music, with good being used to mean good the way slightly overcooked vegetables are good. Cooking is good, but a little too much and it loses something. This isn't a "bad" thing really, and just a minor gripe.. everything is pretty audible (except for the bass but that's a given) and nothing gets lost in the mix, and there's still some rawness left. Overall, a necksnapping good time. Recommended !!!! khabarnya selain dirilis oleh Willowtip Records untuk pasaran amrik pada tanggal 9 Oktober 2012, bersamaan dengan itu Pasaran Eropa akan ditangani oleh Hammerheart Records. Malignancy is a Yonkers, New York based technical death/grind With Combining elements of the non-conventional, Malignancy push forward to create the perfect mix of insanity and technical prowess. BUY OR DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Metal Scene homeland we have many years it was known by their ruthless invasion Cassette Ep First album "Motivated by Hunger" in 2000, and licensed in cassette format by Label Productive time of Bandung, Extreme Soul Production of Label Approval Amrik, United Guttural Records . band that has similarities with 2 Band names Americans are (Corpus Christi, Texas and Dallas, Texas. ed) it still has a distinctive impression with this game great is Brutal Technical Death Metal. formed by in Yonkers, New York in 1992 featuring renowned drummer Horror Grind, Mortician! yes Roger J. Beaujard which is deliberately co ga got populeritas since he joined in 1996. Frontman truth behind this band is vocalist Danny Nelson with guitarist Javier Velez, and bassist Frank Madiao. before releasing his first full album "Intrauterine Cannibalism" in 1999, the band's first retracing his early career with the release of five demo then led them to be one big family United Guttural Records. The concept is still unimaginable intelligence and compositions dasyatnya Technical Brutal Death Metal Malignancy known for his success since Ep "Motivated by Hunger" began to develop some thicker Skill horrible to play music partition mathematics. while it may Drummer Roger J. Mortician Beaujard in his skills less exposed than the speed of play, has been challenged in Malignancy significant drain on his creations and skills Drumming extra dynamic playing style, and the result could elo alone enjoy the concept Ep. sicker than words drumming, pinch harmonics, odd time signatures blasting and breakdowns, just pure insanity and weird accentuation riffage, but they also perfectly melded it all together to form a truly strong and digestible version of death / grind. Even though they are so weird and un-orthodox, it is still palatable. and indeed since the year 2009, drummer Roger J. Beaujard decided to abandon his position of drum and bass position of migration after 2003 he resigned the position earlier entrusted to the Talented drummer Mike Heller, who beat his drum madness in several popular bands like Fear Factory, System Divide, World Under Blood, Kalopsia (live), and Success Will Write Apocalypse Across the Sky is quite a special recommendation drew Mike in Malignancy Formation since 2004. consequently there are many changes to the musicality of Malignancy itself becomes more technical than ever on display dimateri album "Inhuman Grotesqueries" 2007 successfully made Shane Death metal fans. The composition unimaginative, perhaps, but the execution is excellent, and the overall effect of the music is of running at high speed though the depths of hell, dodging demons and tortured people with rearranged body parts, after having one's own limbs rearranged so that one's movement is, while not slowed, changed in a manner such that odd mindbendingly the perception of reality is altered greatly. Head backwards, maybe, with the eyes placed in the belly button .. arm and one leg and switched so that you're running "sideways" so to speak. That's brutal and technical ways. and apparently after a very long time to cook up new materi2 as well as some solid tour schedule several band members, eventually Malignancy for the 2nd time release sperm still terrible with Willowtip Records label! and heck official album was released officially on October 9, 2012, but i can trigger its press release copy, aja deh ya share information with Malignancy fans hehehe ... must still perform admirably with teknik2 playing intense in Brutal Death Metal music, more Malignancy Technical gila2 game show that's here is still the main character since ep "Motivated by Hunger" is. begins with an intro for 47 seconds a unique and impressive, what if the name is being confused mind, the brain such as direct search for fresh shades with one listen to The music and specials for the metalhead, definitely loud music offerings will slightly stretch the nerves of the brain that rigid , the sound of someone who is looking for music on Radio Channel, with the finding Concept Music Rock, Bamba, Country, Hardcore, Folk, and ended up finding the first Track "Type Zero Civilization" Gress Malignancy an amazing album this crazy hahahaha, nice idea for making the intro :), "Type Zero Civilization" still appears more awesome with music playing patterns and techniques of mathematics, where every member of his like are free to structure their instruments, especially guitar and drum positions it! seeing as he is a fucking maniac, and if he is put on an album too loud, he will; devour the rest of the musicians, musically speaking. So they got him quieter then everyone else, but that is okay. It works, and does not lack power! Guitarist Ron Kachnic character is very skillfull with some style downstroke Picking pummeling riffs with a strong style Chugging some charming touches nearly every curve of the composition and the Tab Bar fingers can not keep quiet is to always give a touch of beautiful Chugging riffs. sometimes it feels riffing arrangement Chaotic characters with a touch of Jazz Fusion of the wild! and it is further confuse the drumming beat Mike should follow Gila2an on any dynamic beats. beater and the make him hit the bass drum with a stick when he must use it to Prevent the constant ridiculous overuse of one rather bland beat. Danny Nelson still boasting style as usual and ga lot to give a new touch, because Gw concentration and focus here should be split with the elements playing Guitar Riff and his Amazing Drumming Killer!!! "Eugenics" is still continuing madness musical arrangements Brutal Death Metal Chaotic feels very much part song arrangement. crazy intense shredding, drumming sicker than words, pinch harmonics, odd time signatures blasting and breakdowns, just pure insanity and weird Drums accentuation riffage! even more crazy again when "Extinction Event" should solve powerfully atmosphere with skills and talents Member Malignancy to the concept of creating music that wild, brutal and Frontal!! and Gw seem to be some time playing this track for the song can digest components that have no obvious structural elements than simply creating a Liar!!!! really a Technical Arrangement Brutal Death metal songs are good and the more mature of the trip musikalitasnya sound quality all the 9 songs for the duration of 31:34 menitan, it is enough for you bingarnya Serving Music Fans frenzied fast terpadukan the complexity of a composition that precede skill and ego . This very clearly a work of extraordinary for you to enjoy. The production is probably what I'd call a bit on the "good" end for this style of the music, with good being used to mean good the way slightly overcooked vegetables are good. Cooking is good, but a little too much and it loses something. This is not a "bad" thing really, and just a minor gripe .. everything is pretty audible (except for the bass but that's a given) and nothing gets lost in the mix, and there's still some rawness left. Overall, a good time necksnapping. Recommended!!!! khabarnya than was released by the Americans are Willowtip Records to market on October 9, 2012, together with the European Market will be handled by Hammerheart Records. Malignancy is a Yonkers, New York-based technical death / grind With Combining elements of the non-conventional, Malignancy push forward to create the perfect mix of insanity and technical Prowess. BUY OR DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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