Rabu, 08 April 2015

Velocidad Absurda - Inexorably Doomed To Cataclysm CD 2012

Velocidad Absurda - Inexorably Doomed To Cataclysm
Hecatombe Records 2012

01 Origin of the Cataclysm 04:12    
02 Innate Depravity 03:22    
03 Dehumanizing the Masses 03:25    
04 Abiotic Abyss 04:38    
05 Condemned to Perpetual Agony 03:13    
06 Skinning the Damned Redeemer 03:54    
07 Dawn in the World Burning with Napalm 04:20    
08 Doomed to Extinction 08:50    
09 Ignominia (Bonus Track) 02:36

Iván - Vocals
Ángel - Guitars
Jesús - Drums
Jorge - Bass

Tetap Konsis Menggeber Irama Musik Brutal yang serba meledak ledak bawaannya sejak band ini terbentuk tahun 1997 yang merupakan perpaduan Gaya Brutal Death Metal dengan Intensitas Goregrind type ! definitely deals with death metal of the more brutal kind, but what’s keeping me from labeling it as just pure brutal death metal is the keen sense of Fastest protruding from the riffing, offered both chugging and heavy-as-shit Floridian-flavoured riffing as well as blazing blastbeats laced with a fast and Pure Brutality !! itulah yang tetap Gw gambarkan bagaimana band ini terus menggeber musiknya yang dominan dengan fast part, seperti Kebanyakan band2 Brutal Death dari Colombia Scene, Gaya bermain sadis ala Internal Suffering, Brodequin dan Pustulated rupanya masih bertahan dalam konsepsional musik dasar Velocidad Absurda yang bisa dipastikan saja terdengar gemuruh riuh saat bermain diatas panggung, karakter Vokal Guttural yang Bak Angin Topan rupanya menjadi salah satu ciri khas Band2 Brutal Death Metal Amerika Latin tetap menjadi Imej Horror Theme lengkap dengan pembantaiannya. Gempuran Drummer Jesús Monge sepertinya sama sekali ga memberi gw untuk bernafas lega dalam 9 Track Berdarahnya, Jesús Monge yang sejak membentuk band ini lebih berada pada Posisi Gitaris hingga sampai tahun 2004, setelah itu tahun 2010 mulai dimutasikan keposisi Drummer karena band ini merasa kesulitan menemukan Drummer permanen yang cocok setelah ditinggal hengkang Drummer Tito. The drum department offers a lot of variety as well, and within a mid-tempo moment we’re served a number of different beats or minor change of pace, which keeps it from ever becoming stagnant or repetitive. the most blazing blasting as well as the slowest and heaviest hammering, and they do it all in a grunting, gurgling and gory style !! sepertinya musik band ini cocok banget aja menjadi Shock Terapy buat para Koruptor negeri Indonesia yang memang sudah sangat tidak peduli lagi dengan Kondisi Bangsanya sendiri selain cuman memikirkan Isi Perut-nya sendiri dan semoga mereka itu bisa sadar jika mendengarkan Album ini dalam level Maximum hahahaha, Bisa Gw rekomendasikan ini menjadi Semacam Eksekusi Mati perlahan buat para Bajingan Penghisap uang negara ini hahahaha ...... Jadi silahkan menikmati siksaan denyut nadi selama 38:30 dengan irama yang ga mengenal Slow Tempo ini, Only Brutality is Real bagi Velocidad Absurda ! It’s obvious they aren’t content with just pure brutality and insane speeds, and have focused a whole lot on slower moments of true heaviness, where the riffs really get to shine through !!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Stay consistent menggeber Brutal Music Rhythm-paced explosive default since the band formed in 1997 which is the blend of style Brutal Death Metal with intensity Goregrind type! definitely deals with death metal of the more brutal kind, but what's keeping me from labeling it as just pure brutal death metal is the keen sense of Fastest Protruding from the riffing, offered both chugging and heavy-as-shit Polynesian-flavored riffing as well as blazing blastbeats laced with a fast and Pure Brutality! That which remains Gw describe how the band continues menggeber dominant music with fast parts, like band2 Most Brutal Death Scene from Colombia, playing sadistic style ala Internal Suffering, Brodequin and Pustulated apparently remained in the conceptual basis of Velocidad Absurda music can certainly be heard boisterous roar when playing on stage, the characters were tub Guttural vocals Cyclone seems to be one hallmark of Brutal Death Metal Band2 Latin America remains a Horror Theme The image complete with pembantaiannya. Onslaught Drummer Jesús Monge seemed completely ga gave gw to breathe in 9 Track bloody, Jesús Monge which has since formed the band more in the position of guitarist up until 2004, after which in 2010 started reassigned to positions for the band's drummer had difficulty finding Drummer suitable permanent Drummer resigned after Tito left. The drum department offers a lot of variety as well, and within a mid-tempo moment we're served a number of different beats or minor change of pace, roomates keeps it from ever Becoming stagnant or repetitive. the most blazing blasting as well as the slowest and heaviest hammering, and they do it all in a grunting, gurgling and gory style! looks like the band's music fits really wrote a Shock Terapy for the domestic Indonesian Corruptor which is already no longer concerned with the condition of His own besides cuman think Stomach contents of his own, and hopefully they can be aware of when listening to this album in the Maximum level hahahaha, could i recommend this to be kind of slow for the execution of the Dead Bastard vacuum state money is hahahaha ...... So please enjoy the torture during the pulse with the rhythm of the ga 38:30 Slow Tempo knew it, Only Brutality is Real for Velocidad Absurda! It's obvious they are not content with just pure Brutality and insane speeds, and have focused a whole lot on slower moments of true heaviness, where the riffs really get to shine through!!!

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