Rabu, 08 April 2015

Powerglove - TV Game Metal CD 2012

Powerglove - TV Game Metal
Marquee/Avalon 2012

01 Red Wings Over Baron ( Final Fantasy VI ) 7:48
02 The Decisive Battle ( Final Fantasy VI ) 3:43
03 Storm Eagleed Battle ( Rockman X ) 2:28
04 Gotta Catch'em All ( Pokemon ) 3:35
05 Omnished - We're Gonna Need A Bigger Sword! ( Final Fantasy VII ) 3:33
06 Holy Orders (Be Quick And Just Shred) ( Guilty Gear X ) 4:31
07 Birth Of A God ( Final Fantasy VII ) 4:27
08 The Simpsons ( The Simpsons ) 3:33
09 Bloody Tears / Beginning ( Bloody Tears ) 3:59
10 Dr. Wily Stage ( Rockman 2 ) 3:31

Nick Avila - Bass
Alex Berkson - Guitar
Chris Marchiel - Guitar
Bassil Silver - Drums

Band asal Amrik yang dikenal banget sebagai band dengan Konsep power metal Proggressive yang memainkan Konsep Klasik Video Games Themes dengan sentuhan Musik Metal sejak tahun 2005. dan jika elo liat sendiri Konsep maupun Imej band ini seperti Orang yang kehilangan masa kecil-nya saja hahahahaha, Powerglove lebih Interest dengan beberapa Video Games Themes Klasik ketimbang Modern, karena beberapa Intonasi nada lebih mereka " dapat " kan disitu selain nuansa Populerisme-nya. dan tentunya Gw masih ingat banget saat pertama kali band meng-cover themes " Mighty Morphin Power Rangers " menjadi lebih keren lagi dengan sentuhan kental Power Metal-nya setelah sempat mengcover juga theme " Storm Eagle "-nya dari Mega Man X. dengan skill bermain bagus Band ini semakin dikenal saja mendaur ulang Beberapa Video Games Themes terkenal menjadi lebih metal lagi. 2 album sebelumnya telah menjadi teman semangat aktifitas gw dalam menjalankan Rutinitas sehari2, "  Metal Kombat for the Mortal Man (2007) dan Saturday Morning Apocalypse (2010). kendati sering bermain Instrumental saja, Powerglove kadang juga menggunakan Vokalis dari Tony Kakko. dan ditahun 2012 ini Label Asal jepang, Marquee/Avalon tertarik untuk merilis Secara Eksklusif beberapa Materi lama yang direkam kembali dan Mixing Ulang " TV Game Metal " ini yang Powerglove anggap sebagai Nostalgia lama dengan masa kecil mereka yang ingin mereka bagi kepada Penggemar Theme Video Games dengan Nuansa Musik Metal yang mereka sebut sebagai " Glovetophia ". Materi ini memang berisi dari beberapa karya demo pertama band ini sejak terbentuk yang telah diaransemen dan rekam ulang menjadi terdengar lebih baik lagi seperti " Gotta Catch Em All " yang terkenal sebagai Themes Pokemon, " Omnishred (We're Gonna Need a Bigger Sword) dari Final Fantasy VII, " Holy Orders (Be Quick and Just Shred) " dari Guilty Gear X, " Red Wings Over Baron " dari Final Fantasy IV, dan " The Simpsons " dari The Simpsons. yang tentunya semua aransemen disini dibuat lebih " keren " lagi melalui Produksi yang berkualitas, sehingga kita akan sangat menikmati sajian cool themes games klasik di era sekarang. dan Artwork Kover-nya saja dibuat oleh creator/illustrator/musician/renaissance man Daisuke Ishiwatari, yang juga ikut mengkomposisi kembali lagu " Holy Orders (Be Quick and Just Shred) " yang menggambarkan karikatur Kartun 4 member Powerglove ini hehehe, sangat lumayan untuk mengobati kejenuhan kita kala terlalu pusing digeber dengan Intensitas irama musik yang berat, Powerglove tetap memberi angin segar penghilang rasa Boring itu dengan sajian dan aransemen yang Keren serta Profesional. Biarkan Solo Guitar Lebih Banyak Bernyanyi disini hehehehe .... I know you've been waiting, and your patience will be rewarded; this is our solemn promise! Reworking the old songs got us back in touch with our original sound and we now have a clear idea of how to blend our newer, heavier riffing on "Saturday Morning Apocalypse" with the classic, melodic feel of our early songs. Band morale is really high and we're finally in a position to make a great new record, and hopefully release it everywhere people want to hear it! We have many ideas sketched out and songs being rearranged, and starting in August we are going to work smelting ingots of glory and hammering it out in our mighty sonic forge.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Amrik band really known as a power metal band with a concept that plays Proggressive Concepts Classic Video Games Themes Music with a touch of metal since 2005. and if elo clay band The image itself and the concept is like people who lost his childhood alone hahahahaha, Powerglove more Interest Video Games with some than Modern Classical Themes, as some intonation tones they "can" right there in addition to his Populerisme shades. and certainly Gw still remember the first time the band really cover the themes "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" became cool again with a touch more viscous Power Metal them after a theme also cover "Storm Eagle" from Mega Man X. The band played well with the skill is increasingly recognized only recycles Some Video Games Themes reputed to be more metal again. 2 previous albums have become a spirit in performing routine activities gw sehari2, "Metal Kombat for the Mortal Man (2007) and Saturday Morning Apocalypse (2010). Despite often playing Instrumental only, Powerglove sometimes also used Vocalist Tony Kakko., And in 2012 This Japanese Origin Label, Marquee / Avalon released In Exclusive interested in some old material re-recorded and re Mixing "TV Game Metal" Powerglove this regard as old nostalgia of their childhood that they want to share to the fans Theme Music Video Games by Nuance Metal which they refer to as "Glovetophia." This material is from some of his demo contains the band's first since their establishment has arranged and re-record a better sounding like "Gotta Catch Em All" known as Pokemon Themes, "Omnishred (We 're Gonna Need a Bigger Sword) from Final Fantasy VII, "Holy Orders (Be Quick and Just Shred)" from Guilty Gear X, "Red Wings Over Baron" from Final Fantasy IV, and "The Simpsons" The Simpsons. which of course made all the arrangements here are more "cool" again through the production of quality, so we will be enjoying a dish of cool themes classic games in the current era. Coverage Artwork and its been made by creator / illustrator / musician / renaissance man Daisuke Ishiwatari, who also composed the song again "Holy Orders (Be Quick and Just Shred)" cartoon caricatures depicting these 4 members Powerglove hehehe, very bad for a treat saturation us too dizzy when lauched with a heavy rhythm Intensity, Powerglove still providing fresh air Boring pain with a cool dish and arranger as well as professionals. Let the Guitar Solo Singing More here hehehehe .... I know you've been waiting, and your patience will be rewarded; this is our Solemn promise! Reworking the old songs got us back in touch with our original sound and we now have a clear idea of ??how to blend our newer, Heavier riffing on "Saturday Morning Apocalypse" with the classic, melodic feel of our early songs. Band morale is really high and we're finally in a position to make a great new record, and hopefully release it everywhere people want to hear it! We have many ideas and sketched out songs being rearranged, and starting in August we are going to work smelting Ingots of glory and hammering it out in our mighty sonic forge.

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