Rabu, 08 April 2015

Departed - Oblation of Heaven Suffering CD 2012

Departed - Oblation of Heaven Suffering
Brute! Productions 2012

01 Intro 01:15    
02 Fate 03:27    
03 Consume the Nihilist 03:11    
04 Human Flesh Mutilated 03:15    
05 Oblation of Heaven Suffering 03:10    
06 No More Room in Hell 03:00    
07 Wahyu Seonggok Daging Busuk 02:01    
08 Slaughter from Within 02:36    
09 Desire to Decapitate 02:35    
10 Horn in Perfect Torture 03:22    
11 Outro (Willingness) 02:38

Mahfudz - Bass
Avaness - Drums
Coollate - Guitars
Lambank - Vocals

Rupanya Scene Daerah Kecil Bernama Pare yang berada di Pinggiran/Kabupaten Kediri ini makin berbahaya saja dengan stok band2 Brutal Ganasnya setelah nama Demented Heart dan Detested, Ditengah Kesibukan Konsentrasinya, Gitaris berbakat Avaness dari Demented Heart masih tetap meluangkan waktunya untuk membuat side Project lagi, bukan sebagai Gitaris namun malah sebagai Drummer ! Amazing banget buat Manusia berbakat seperti Avaness yang sudah menimba Talentanya dibeberapa band sebelumnya seperti Tragang, Anus Coitus, Aura juga System Of Hate, seperti mencari Jati diri ditengah ketidak puasannya, Avaness mencoba kemampuan Skill-nya untuk menghajar Perangkat drums, Wehh Ceritanya lagi Banyak Ide nih Boss?? hahahaha ....salut aja deh buat semuanya Nih !! seperti saling Rolling dan Oper Bola aja kalau antara Band Demented Heart, Departed dan Detested ( dan semuanya berinisial " D " didepannya .ed ) tetap memiliki sebuah Keterikatan bathin dan persaudaraan, lha gimana wong Orang2 yang sama saling support band dan sepertinya masih membawa pengaruh masing2 karakter Band utamanya hehehe, jadi tetap bisa menjadi 1 paket kalau ada tawaran manggung hahahaha .... Sipp Bro !!! ...mungkin sebelumnya Gw ga banyak tau aja dengan Kiprah Band ini sejak pertama kali mereka merilis Promo 2010 yang gambar Kover-nya diambil dari Artwork salah satu Film Resident Evils rupanya sangat memukau label asal Thailand yang notabene memiliki Stok band2 Brutal Asia-nya dan alhasil langsung terpikat dengan konsep yang Departed tawarkan dan langsung Kontrak Full album ini. dengan Gaya yang lebih Intense Hyperblasting banget, memang menjadi Konsep yang lagi " marak " tumbuh subur di Kediri Scene, pengaruh Kuat Disgorge, Disavowed, Suffocation, Blasphemer, Bleeding Corpse, Jasad hingga Deeds Of Flesh begitu terasakan dalam setiap serangan lagunya. dikerjakan di Studio kecil, Dens Studio, Departed menaruh harapan banyak untuk Sounding dan Karakter musik yang mereka inginkan bisa tercapai. diawali dengan sebuah Intro selama 01:15 menjadi Warm Up penasaran kita saat pertama kali play CD ini diplayer, dan " Fate " langsung menghajar dengan Hentakan Intense Blazing Blaster Hyper snare mantap Avaness yang ternyata gape juga memainkan Instrumen Pukul ini. Pummeling Death US Style Riffing ala Disgorge mulai tercium sejak Track ini dimainkan, hentakan Irama US brutal Death menggerinda dengan kejam, pukulan Hypersnare yang terkadang Standard dan cepat rasanya cukup menyita Konsentrasi seorang Avaness untuk lebih melangkah lagi dengan Trick2 dan skill variatif-nya. Raungan Growling Standard Lambank Lumayan Powerfully untuk melengkapi Brutalisme Musik Departed Sendiri, namun bagi Gw mungkin lebih baik lagi jika menggunakan gaya Guttural Gurgling yang lebih dalam lagi ala Alm. Wayne Knupp ato Ruben Rosas era Devourment lama untuk jenis konsep musik Departed ini. " Consume the Nihilist " pun terus melaju dengan kencang dan liar saja, Slicing Depth Riffing yang lebih mengingatkan akan perpaduan Riffing ala Disgorge serta Suffocation banget, memang sih terkadang Gw mencium aroma gaya bermain Detested juga disini serta Hentakan Liar Demented Heart pas ingin tampil Ngebut. " Human Flesh Mutilated " banyak mengingatkan Gw dengan Bleeding Corpse serta Jasad ! dan ini memang karya awal mereka bersama Track " Wahyu Seonggok Daging Busuk " yang lebih banyak mengenalkan struktur penciptaan karakter awal Departed sendiri sejak terbentuk tahun 2009. durasi total setengah jam lebih cukuplah untuk merasakan siksaan berdarah 9 track yang menawarkan dominasi Kekejaman Blazing Brutal death Metal dengan Typical US sound. sepantasnya memang mendapat support lagi untuk kreatifitas temen2 dari Pare Kediri ini dengan harapan lagi dari gw untuk karya mereka dimasa yang akan datang lebih dapat menemukan konsep yang lebih " Orisinil " dan menjadi khas band daripada lebih terus memainkan Konsep musik yang " Sudah-sudah " mengingat Potensi band ini keren dan dapat menemukan Typical musik yang mereka inginkan sebenarnya. Dikemas dengan Artwork Gory keren dan Clean Production, CD ini wajib kalian miliki secepatnya, karena beredar Khabar kalau Rilisan ini hanya dirilis terbatas 1000 kopi loh .... Keep Amazing Devastate !!!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Apparently Scene Small Areas Named Pare its Suburbs / Kediri is more dangerous course with brutal ferocity band2 stock after the name of the Demented Heart and Detested, Amid the flurry of concentration, a talented guitarist from Demented Heart Avaness still take the time to make a side project anymore, not as a guitarist, but instead as a Drummer! Amazing really make such a talented man who already draw Avaness talent was in several bands before like Tragang, Anal Coitus, Aura also System Of Hate, such as searching for identity amid the lack of discontent, Skill Avaness trying his ability to beat the drums Devices, Wehh story again Many Ideas ya Boss?? hahahaha .... salute for everything aja deh Here!! such as mutual and Oper Rolling Ball wrote that the band Demented Heart, The Departed and Detested (and all the initials "D" next to them. ed) still has an attachment to spiritual and brotherhood, lha wong Orang2 how the mutual support band and seems to still take effect masing2 hehehe Band main character, so it can still be a 1 if there is a bid package gig hahahaha .... Sipp Bro!!! Gw ga ... probably before many tau aja with Gait band since the first time they released a picture Coverage Promo 2010 his artwork was taken from one of the movies Resident Evils seems very intriguing label from Thailand who incidentally has the stock band2 his Brutal Asia and consequently instantly enamored with the concept of a direct contract offer and the Departed Full album. the style is more Intense Hyperblasting really, really into the concept of more "lively" scene thrives in Kediri, Strong influence of Disgorge, disavowed, Suffocation, Blasphemer, Bleeding Corpse, Deeds Of Flesh bodies up so felt in every offensive song. worked in a small studio, Studio Dens, Departed hopes and Character Sounding a lot for the music they want can be achieved. begins with an intro for a Warm Up 01:15 curious first time we play this CD diplayer, and "Fate" immediately struck with the beat Intense Hyper Blaster Blazing Avaness steady snare which was gape also play this instrument o'clock. Death pummeling Disgorge U.S. Style riffing style began to smell since this track is played, pounding rhythms U.S. brutal Death grind with cruel blow Hypersnare Standard and fast, sometimes it's quite a concentration confiscated for more tread Avaness Trick2 and again with his varied skills. Growling roar Standard Lambank Fair powerfully to supplement brutality Departed Music Alone, but for Gw might be better if you use a style Guttural gurgling deeper ala Alm. Wayne Knupp ato Ruben Rosas era Devourment long for this kind of music concepts Departed. "Consume the Nihilist" continues to go fast and wild alone, Slicing Depth riffing is more reminiscent of a fusion-style riffing Disgorge and Suffocation really, really does smell sometimes Gw Detested style of play as well here as well as the Wild beat Demented Heart fit to perform speeding. "Human Flesh MUTILATED" much reminds Gw with Bleeding Corpse and bodies! and this is the beginning of their work together Track "Rotten Meat Pile of Revelation" which introduces more structure Departed initial character creation itself since forming in 2009. total duration of half an hour is enough to feel the torment of bloody 9 track offering Cruelty domination Brutal Death Metal with Blazing Typical U.S. sound. indeed deserved gain more support for creativity temen2 of Pare Kediri in hopes again from me for their work in the future more able to find a concept more "Original" and be more than a typical band continues to play a musical concept that "It-is" given The potential of this cool band and can find the music they want Typical real. Packed with cool Gory Artwork and Clean Production, your CD is a must have as soon as possible, because circulating Khabar that this release is only released a limited 1000 copies loh .... Keep Devastate Amazing!!!!

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