Rabu, 08 April 2015

Unborn Suffer - Unborn Suffer CD 2012

Unborn Suffer - Unborn Suffer
Ghastly Music 2012

01 Human (I Am) 02:58      
02 I Am Your Nemesis 02:47    
03 Drugie Powolanie 02:03    
04 Chains Of Nothingness (Rotten Womb) 00:55    
05 From Torture to Concience 02:04      
06 Post Abortum pt 2 00:07    
07 All Hope Abandoned 03:29    
08 In Shadows And Dust (Kataklysm cover) 02:30    
09 Deadly Deceivers 02:49    
10 Fuck Until I Die 00:11    
11 Procreated Suffering 02:22    
12 Unborn Suffer 04:12  

Maciej "Mithras" Sybilski - vocals
Damian "Sfenson" Bednarski - vocals, guitars
Piotr "Dreadrock" Wisniewski - bass
Lukasz "Lukass" Ziólkowski - drums

12 insane tracks, mixture of slamming brutal death metal and grindcore, downtuned guitars, insane drums and bass work, low, guttural pigs/swines !! Polandia Brutal Death Metal Freak Has Attacking Brain !! ada yang keren ditawarkan oleh band bentukan 2001 yang saat ini masih menyisakan Frontman Gitaris dan Vokalis Damian "Sfenson" Bednarski sebagai Member asli band asal Daerah Bydgoszcz yang gaya Bermain Brutalnya memadukan banyak Komponen Metal yang Kompleks sehingga setiap aransemen yang mereka mainkan disini lebih terdengar Catchy. Unborn Suffer ini adalah Full CD ke- 4 setelah  " Procreated Suffering (2004), Is This What We've Created? (2006), dan Desecrate/Retaliate/Obliterate (2008) " selain beberapa Rilisan Demo, Ep dan Single cukup untuk membuktikan Potensi band ini. dalam Perjalanannya setiap band pasti akan mengalami Fase perkembangan potensi bermain dan Skill, sehingga sah memang jika album gress mereka ini gw sebut sebuah Kematangan konsep yang mereka usung menjadi lebih terasa Komplek juga Unik. band ini masih terkenal memadukan Gaya Brutal Death Metal dengan beberapa Sentuhan Goregrind Style dan Groovy Style yang Catchy ! pokoknya menarik lah bagi Gw saat mendengarnya di CD ini hehehehe, dimulai langsung dengan " Human (I Am) " gw udah merasakan Beat Goregrind pada Drumming-nya yang Easy Listening banget disela gaya Brutal Death Metal-nya, apalagi didukung dengan Kontraksi guttural pigs/swines Vokill Maciej "Mithras" Sybilski yang gahar dengan Gaya Pattern Vokal yang ga jelas selain Urrhhh irgghhh doang hehehe, tapi kesan Boring Vokal akan tergantikan dengan Komponen Riffing dan Drumming yang Dinamis plus Powerfully dalam menciptakan Aransemen yang Cool ! Especially Gw suka banget dengan Karakter bermain Drummer Lukasz "Lukass" Ziólkowski  yang atraktif dengan sounding drumming yang bagi Gw jelas keren melalui Suara Padat dan Keras bunyi Tang tang tang diimbangi dengan Twin pedal yang rapat memang kerap memainkan Struktur yang Unik dan Berubah2 mengikuti Progresi Riffing Frontman Damian "Sfenson" Bednarski yang kerap memberi Backing emosional Growling Vokal-nya, sehingga jelas musiknya tidak monoton ! " I Am Your Nemesis " lebih gw merasakan beberapa Struktur musik yang unik yang memang masih terasa sentuhan Funny Cathy Goregrind Style bersama dengan Brutal Smashing ala Dying Fetus dipadukan lagi dengan Kekacauan konsep Kataklysm era " The Temple ... " banget. Gitaris band Mastabah, Pawel "Levan" Lewandowski yang kini dikenal sebagai Vokalis dan Gitaris diband Grave of Shadows ditrack ini mengisi Karakter Vokal dan Solo Gitarnya. beberapa slamming Guttural ala Devourment juga tidak ketinggalan, namun terkadang ditrack ini ada Part2 yang unik dan kompak dimainkan ala Fear Factory Mungkin. " Drugie Powolanie " Gaya Free Style Bassis Piotr "Dreadrock" Wisniewski gilirin Unjuk Taring nih di part awal-nya dengan gaya Acid Jazzy yang funny abis gayanya. " Chains Of Nothingness (Rotten Womb) " pun secara mantap brutal dan Unik cukup digeber dengan durasi 54 detik cukuplah untuk mewakili gaharnya konsep band ini. dan malah yang sangat singkat adalah track " Post Abortum pt 2 ", Band ini hanya menggunakan durasi 8 detik untuk memainkannya hahahahaha ... dan lebih berbahaya lagi saat band ini mengcover ulang lagunya Kataklysm " In Shadow And Dust " menjadi lebih bertaring lagi dari versi aslinya, Mungkin ini bisa bikin J.F Dagenais berfikir 2x untuk merubah Konsep Kataklysm sekarang menjadi Lebih Melodic Death Metal hahahaha ... " Deadly Deceivers " semakin membabi buta serangan Mantap Twin Pedal dan Drumming Keren Lukasz "Lukass" Ziólkowski lagi2 menyita perhatian Gw dengan permainannya, dan Karakter Goregrind terasakan kembali menyelimuti part track ini juga. kemudian " Fuck Until I Die " cukup digeber dalam 11 detik dan MENGHANCURKAN !!! lalu " Procreated Suffering " Vokal diisi oleh Andy ''Weedgrinder'' Horn yang kita kenal adalah Vokalis band Parody Cannibal Corpse, yupz Cannabis Corpse ! lalu Track terakhir ditutup oleh " Unborn Suffer " yang berupa track Instrumental Epic yang jelas bagi Gw nyambung banget dengan Track2 sebelumnya selama 01:47 menit kemudian berhenti sejenak hingga menit ke 03:12 kemudian berbunyi kembali dengan Aransemen Musik yang terkesan Bercanda ala Goregrind band banget, keren sehhh dan bisa2 aja gaya bercanda mereka ini. dan secara Konsepsional album ini menawarkan musik Brutal Yang Enjoy tapi tetap serius untuk dinikmati dan dirasakan nuansa Berbahayanya yang agak singkat pembawaannya selama durasi 26:27 bisa merasakan kedasyatan album pertama yang dirilis oleh label baru asal jepang Yang hanya merilis band2 Brutal Death metal seperti halnya Amputated Vein Records, Ghastly Music !
 pengen gaya Brutal Death Metal dengan sentuhan yang Fresh dan unik? Gw sarankan Buat mencoba yang satu ini !!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

12 insane tracks, slamming brutal mixture of death metal and grindcore, downtuned guitars, insane drums and bass work, low, guttural pigs / swines! Poland Has Brutal Death Metal Freak Brain Attacking! there is a cool band formed at 2001 which is currently still leaves Guitarist and Vocalist Frontman Damian "Sfenson" Bednarski as the original Member of the band from Bydgoszcz Region brutal style of play that combines many complex metal components so that any arrangements that they play here more catchy sound. Unborn Suffer This is the Full CD-4 after "procreated Suffering (2004), Is This What We've Created? (2006), and Desecrate / Retaliate / Obliterate (2008)" in addition to several Releases Demo, EP and Single sufficient to prove The potential of this band. in each band trip will definitely experience the development phase of play and skill potential, so that legitimate gress album they indeed if I call this a concept that they Maturity stretcher becomes more pronounced as well Unique Complex. This band was famous for combining style Brutal Death Metal with a Touch of Style Groovy Goregrind Style and catchy! I was interesting just to hear it on CD this time hehehehe, starting immediately with the "Human (I Am)" I already feel the Beat Drumming his Goregrind on the Easy Listening style really interrupted his Brutal Death Metal, let alone supported with guttural contraction pigs / Maciej Vokill swines "Mithras" Sybilski Cruelty with Pattern Style Vocals are clear but Only Urrhhh irgghhh hehehe, but the impression will be replaced by the Vocals Boring Components of Dynamic Drumming riffing and Powerfully in creating Arrangement plus a Cool! Especially Gw really like the character played drummer Lukasz "Lukass" Ziólkowski attractive with a sounding drumming for Me clear and cool through the voice of Solid Loud noise pliers pliers Pliers Twin pedal offset by a meeting is often played a unique structure and riffing Frontman Changes follow Progression Damian "Sfenson" Bednarski who often provide emotional Backing Vocals Growling her, so obviously the music is not monotonous! "I Am Your Nemesis" I feel some of the more unique musical structures that are still felt the touch of Cathy Goregrind Funny Brutal Style together with Smashing ala Dying Fetus combined again with the concept of Chaos era Kataklysm "The Temple ..." really. Mastabah guitarist, Pawel "Levan" Lewandowski is now known as the vocalist and guitarist diband this ditrack Grave of Shadows Character Vocal and Solo fill His guitar. some slamming Devourment Guttural style is also not left behind, but sometimes there Parts on track this unique and compact style of Fear Factory may be played. "Drugie Powolanie" Style Free Style bassist Piotr "Dreadrock" Wisniewski gilirin show of fangs ya in the early part of his style is funny abis Acid Jazzy style. "Chains Of Nothingness (Rotten Womb)" was steady enough brutal and Unique lauched with a duration of 54 seconds is sufficient to represent concept of this band. and even a very short is the track "Post Abortum pt 2", this band uses only the duration of 8 seconds to play it hahahahaha ... and even more dangerous when the band re-cover the song Kataklysm "In Shadow And Dust" became more fangs longer than the original version, this might be thought to make JF Dagenais Kataklysm 2x to change the concept is now a more Melodic Death Metal hahahaha ... "Deadly Deceivers" increasingly indiscriminate attacks Twin Pedal Steady and Cool Drumming Lukasz "Lukass" Ziólkowski More I attention to the game, and Characters Goregrind felt again blanketed parts of this track as well. then "Fuck Until I Die" is quite lauched in 11 seconds and DESTROY! and "procreated Suffering 'Vocal filled by Andy Horn'''' Weedgrinder we know is the singer Parody band Cannibal Corpse, Cannabis Corpse yupz! then Track was last closed by the "Unborn Suffer" Epic Instrumental in the form of a clear track for Gw really connect with the previous Track2 for 01:47 minutes and then stop for a moment until minutes to 03:12 and then reads back the Joking impressed Arrangement ala Goregrind band really , cool and Can joking style they wrote this. and offers a conceptual album The Brutal Enjoy music but still serious to be enjoyed and felt somewhat dangerous feel of his demeanor during the brief duration of 26:27 could feel Great first album released by new label from Japan which just released band2 Brutal Death metal like Amputated Vein Records, Ghastly Music! want to Brutal Death Metal style with a touch of Fresh and unique? I recommend trying this one Create!

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