Rabu, 08 April 2015

The Faceless - Autotheism CD 2012

The Faceless - Autotheism
Sumerian Records 2012

01 Autotheist Movement I: Create 03:44      
02 Autotheist Movement II: Emancipate 07:20    
03 Autotheist Movement III: Deconsecrate     06:39      
04 Accelerated Evolution 04:39      
05 The Eidolon Reality 03:46    
06 Ten Billion Years 05:54      
07 Hail Science 00:53    
08 Hymn of Sanity 01:34    
09 In Solitude 06:27

Michael Keene - Guitars
Lyle Cooper - Drums
Evan Brewer - Bass
Geoffrey Ficco - Vocals
Wes Hauch - Guitars

Menjadi sebuah Penantian panjang Bagi Fans Technical Death Metal/Deathcore Sangar band asal Encino, California yang eksis sejak tahun 2004 begitu memukau dengan konsep fantastis yang mereka tawarkan Sejak Demo Tahun 2006 " Nightmare Fest " yang kemudian disusul full album pertama tahun 2006 juga " Akeldama " serta album paling dibicarakan sepanjang karir band ini " Planetary Duality " tahun 2008. memiliki struktur permainan yang serba Progressive serta Teknikal, membuat band ini dapat melenggang mulus menjajah beberapa panggung dengan gaya bermain yang Fantastis ini, Frontman dan Gitaris jenius dengan skill luar biasa, Michael Keene, dengan teknik2 yang merupakan Inseminasi gaya Klasik dan Modern, Michael Keene menciptakan elemen2 yang serba mengejutkan dalam Aransemen gila gilaan riffing Guitar-nya yang menarik banyak perhatian Publik metal yang menyebut band ini band Technical Generasi baru terbaik dalam Scene-nya ! tentu buat elo semua ( juga all Indonesian Metalhead .ed ) yang masih terbius dengan Kedasyatan era album Fenomenal mereka " Planetary Duality " tentunya harus melewati perjalanan Panjang untuk menunggu Masterpiece terbaru dari The Faceless yang sempat dikhabarkan tidak aktif pasca rilis album ke-2 tersebut, namun memang kenyataannya band ini masih terlalu disibukkan dengan jadwal Panggung padat-nya. dan masih untuk Ke-3 kalinya The Faceless tetap dibawah bendera Roster Sumerian Records yang secara Eksklusif merilis semua CD dan Merchandise band ini. dan secara mengejutkan pada beberapa Informasi berita yang Gw dapat kalau band ini mulai Menggarap dan Merekam materi album baru ditahun 2012 ini yang terbukti pada 14 Agustus 2012 menjadi momen mereka melepas album yang paling ditunggu2 oleh Fans Teknikal Freak ! namun ga selamanya penantian harus membuahkan Hasil yang selalu sesuai dengan Keinginan, what The Fuck ? itu adalah sebuah ungkapan spontan jika kita menemukan sesuatu yang tidak diharapkan. lalu apa hubungannya dengan Album baru The Faceless ini?? decided to make their next effort a wad of pseudo-intelligent fruity closeted deathcore for whatever reason. Maybe they just wanted to see if they could get away with creating such an obviously deathcore album by adding a bunch of random "progressive" elements, and if so, congratulations you guys did it, now cut it the fuck out you're making everyone want to play your crappy style of poorly structured "prog-death" !! ungkapan seperti itu tetap mengingat Gw dengan Konsep yang mereka tawarkan sejak awal. dan dialbum ini sangat menyita perhatian Gw yang dilanjut dengan perburuan gw hingga fase mendapatkannya hehehehe, langsung buru2 aja gw Play album ini yang dimulai oleh Trilogi Track " Autotheist Movement I: Create ", yang mungkin dalam Trilogi awalnya adalah sebuah " Penciptaan ", jangan harap banget kalo band ini langsung tampil mengagumkan seperti yang elo bayangkan sebelumnya, Track ini mungkin terlalu Bikin suasana " Boring ! " dengan gaya Avant Garde Gothic yang menggunakan 2 Type Vokal Clean dan growl Vokalis baru band ini, Geoffrey Ficco yang menggantikan Karakter Gahar Vokalis Derek Rydquist. namun tenang saja, mungkin menjadi Warm Up Track, Trilogi awal tersebut langsung terbayarkan pada Trilogi Track ke-2 " Autotheist Movement II: Emancipate " The Faceless kembali memperlihatkan Kegarangannya dengan menggeber part2 Teknikal secara membabi Buta ! Hentakan Twin pedal mantap drummer Lyle Cooper tetap dihandalkan untuk menggebrak Jumpa awal disini menemani Teknikal dan progresive riffing sinting gitaris dan Frontman Michael Keene yang juga menjajal kemampuan Gitaris baru ke-2 The Faceless, Wes Hauch pada materi baru ini yang skill-nya sendiri merupakan Pilihan sendiri Michael Keene untuk merangkulnya dalan formasi terkini The Faceless. So, yeah, the riffs. They're very melodic tremolo technical death metal numbers that seem to float effortlessly over the music, obviously rooted in deathcore. Mungkin masih kita rasakan beberapa Karakter Utama mereka yang terpengaruh dengan ramuan Musik ala Cynic, Fast part kejam Fleshgod Apocalypse dan Tremolo Arphegio fast Riffing ala Into Eternity, begitu menyatu dalam Komponen Musiknya. dan beberapa Gaya Clean Vokal Yang susah melepas Karakter Deathcore Typical, yang tentu saja bagi Gw Komponen Skill Riffing dan Drummer sangat memukau perhatian lebih Gw, sehingga memang seperti biasa butuh beberapa kali waktu untuk dapat mencerna progresi bermain teknikal band ini yang asli luar biasa, namun masih menjadi ganjalan dalam Benak Gw dengan beberapa sentuhan Avant Garde metal yang bagi Gw jelas sangat membosankan jika dipadukan dengan gaya sinting The Faceless ! walau beberapa Solo Gitar Cantik sanggup Membius Kesan Boring Gw hehehehe. kemudian Trilogi Track ke-3 " Autotheist Movement III: Deconsecrate ", Masih menyambung beberapa gaya Avant Garde yang dibalut dengan Gaya Melodius solo Gothic metal type, Vokalis Geoffrey Ficco masih terlalu asyik dengan gaya Clean Vokal yang terkadang Overtune menjadi Soprano Vokal, dan sekali lagi Trilogi ini seperti lebih mengajak kita untuk terbang dalam dimensi Digital mereka dalam setiap perjalanan kehidupan ini melalui beberapa Daya Khayal dan Fiksi manusia. " Accelerated Evolution " pun mulai menjawab Kesan Boring yang diakibatkan oleh beberapa eksperimen Trilogi Track-nya, track ini sangat menendang muka gw dengan teknik2 bermain Riffing yang luar biasa Dasyat, ini bisa menjadi sebuah Pengalaman dan pembelajaran bermain Gitar yang lebih baik dengan Teknik Shredder, Arphegio dan Tremolo Proggressive style ! sehingga kita sendiri akan bisa lebih memahami jika " diatas langit Masih ada langit " begitu mendengar lagu2 The Faceless, dengan kata lain, kita jangan pernah merasa puas dengan apa yang kita Bisa sekarang ini, karena jelas masih ada Level2 dasyat yang harus bisa kita kenal hehehe, sekali lagi track " Accelerated Evolution " bisa menjadi sebuah Tutorial bagaimana Bermain Gitar metal sebenarnya. Permainan Drummer Lyle Cooper dan Gitar Michael tetap menjadi Nyawa Hidup The Faceless. kemampuan Vokalis Baru Geoffrey Ficco yang juga kita kenal masih aktif memperkuat band Brutal Kamikabel rupanya semakin menambah Kegarangan dan matangnya Konsep Musik The Faceless saat ini. " The Eidolon Reality " semakin terus Michael dan Lyle mencari celah baru memainkan teknik Konvensional dan Eksperimen untuk menciptakan karakter2 bermain yang serba terdengar unik dalam menggeber musik yang cepat, jelas ini membutuhkan Pemahaman Konsep yang lebih luas untuk sekali lagi mencerna gaya bermain band ini yang sebenarnya. The Faceless is NOT a deathcore band; rather, they are a talented-as-fuck death metal band who happens to take slight hardcore influence. Yupz memang beberapa anggapan masih melekat diband ini tentang Booming Trendy Deathcore Style, namun Gw percaya pada fans The Faceless tentu tidak akan setuju jika cap itu masih dilekatkan, jelas ini adalah band Progresive technical Death Metal yang Imej-nya banyak terselip pada beberapa karakter Deathcore genre. " Ten Billion Years " walau membuat suasana yang agak merenggang, namun tetap saja kita bisa rasakan jika Lyle dan Michael masih mencari celah celah Part untuk tetap tampil eksperimen dengan talenta-nya. while not particularly mind-blowing, they're effective. " Hail Science " menjadi Track Intro Unik aja yang sedemikan Epic yang cukup menarik Perhatian sebelum kita dilangsung disiksa oleh trak dasyat berikutnya " Hymn Of Sanity " yang Amazingggg !!!!! That paragraph was getting too long, so I'll start a new one. "Hymn Of Sanity " is pure brilliance. dan kemudian CD ini diakhiri oleh Track " In Solitude " yang mengawali part pertama dengan Akustik dan Clean Vokal yang Epic banget nuansanya hingga kemenit 02:30 yang kemudian kendati tidak menampilkan Permainan yang Menyita perhatian, setidaknya Beberapa Karakter Pentatonik dan Arphegio Riffing Track ini bikin gw terpana pana hahahaha. hadewwww memang sangat sulit mengomentari konsep bermain album baru ini jika cuman mendengar 1 - 4 x saja, karena ada banyak kejutan2 yang dihadirkan oleh band Teknikal yang banyak melakukan eksperimen seperti ini. lagi lagi sebuah referensi ciamik buat para gitaris yang ingin mengembangkan pola bermain Riffing edan2 nan, Lagu2 The Faceless mungkin bisa menjadi Referensi Khusus yang harus elo Nikmati dulu. dan pada kenyataan statis dalam benak gw, seperti materi " Planetary Duality " masih tetap menjadi yang terbaik dalam List band berbahaya gw, namun bukan juga kalo album baru ini tidak bagus, " Autotheism " masih menjadi Album berbahaya dengan segala Konsep matang The Faceless, Overall, this band has great potential, and could very well put out an album that would become a classic example of good technical death metal. This album is nowhere near close. This band Keeps to grow musically, particularly in their songwriting skills. Also, I have seen them live and watched many live videos, and their lead guitarist, Michael Keene, needs to practice, because he is sloppy as shit. Recording an album full of technical tricks doesn't mean anything if you can't recreate it live. BUY OR DIE !!!!!!!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Being a long wait for fans Technical Death Metal / deathcore Horrific band from Encino, California that existed since 2004 so enthralled with the concept since they offer fantastic demo of 2006 "Nightmare Fest" which is then followed by the first full album in 2006 also "Akeldama" as well as the most talked about albums throughout the band's career "Planetary Duality" in 2008. structure-paced play of Progressive and Technical, making a smooth swing band can colonize some stage with this fantastic style of play, Frontman and guitarist genius with extraordinary skill, Michael Keene, with tecnics which is a style of Classical and Modern Insemination, Michael Keene created elements surprising paced riffing Guitar Arrangement mad frenzy of his metal attracted much public attention who called the band's best new bands in Generation Technical Scene it! course for you all (also all Indonesian Metalhead. ed) still stupefied by their phenomenal Stormly album ra "Planetary Duality" course must pass a trip to Long waiting Masterpiece latest from The Faceless who had inactive after the 2nd album release, the but is in fact the band is still too preoccupied with his solid stage schedule. and still for 3rd time still under the banner of The Faceless Roster Exclusive Sumerian Records which released all of the band's CDs and Merchandise. and surprisingly to some information that the news I can Undertaking and the band began recording a new album material in 2012 that proved to be a moment of August 14, 2012 they released the album Waited by Technical Freak Fans! but wait forever ga should produce results that are always in accordance with the desire, what the fuck? it is a spontaneous expression if we find something unexpected. then what to do with this new album The Faceless?? Decided to make-their next effort a wad of pseudo-intelligent fruity closeted deathcore for whatever reason. Maybe they just wanted to see if they could get away with creating such an obviously deathcore album by adding a bunch of random "progressive" elements, and if so, congratulations you guys did it, now cut it the fuck out you're making everyone want to play your crappy style of poorly structured "prog-death"! I such a style keeping in mind the concept they offer since the beginning. and dialbum Gw is a continued attention to the hunting phase to I get it hehehehe , I directly soons Play this album started by Trilogy Track "Autotheist Movement I: Create", which may be in the initial trilogy is a "creation", not hope if really awesome band immediately appear as ell imagined, it may be too Making Tracks atmosphere "Boring!" Avant Garde Gothic style that uses 2 Type Clean and growl vocals The band's new vocalist, replacing Geoffrey Ficco Gahar Character Vocalist Derek Rydquist . but take it easy, maybe a Warm Up Track, beginning Trilogy Trilogy is directly paid to the Track-2 "Autotheist Movement II: Emancipate" The Faceless again showed ferocity with Played parts Technical blindly Blind! Twin pedal steady beat of drummer Lyle Cooper still be reliable for the hit Meet beginning here to accompany crazy riffing Technical and progressive guitarist and frontman Michael Keene who also tested the ability of a new second guitarist The Faceless, Wes Hauch on new material is a skill of its own is a Choice Michael Keene himself to embrace her latest role in the formation of The Faceless. So, yeah, the riffs. They're very melodic technical death metal tremolo numbers that seem to float effortlessly over the music, obviously rooted in deathcore. We may still feel some Main Character those affected by the potion Music ala Cynic, Fast cruel part Fleshgod Apocalypse and fast tremolo riffing style Arphegio Into Eternity, so united in music component. and some style Clean Vocals The difficulty removing deathcore Typical character, which of course for Gw Component Skill riffing and Drummer extremely riveting attention Gw, so as usual it took some time to digest the time to progression of the band playing the original technical remarkable, but still a wedge in My mind with some touch of avant-garde metal for Gw obviously very boring when paired with The Faceless mad style! although some Guitar Solo Pretty Boring impression I could anesthetize hehehehe. Track Trilogy then the 3rd "Autotheist Movement III: Deconsecrate", still connect some Avant Garde style wrapped in melodic solo style Gothic metal type, vocalist Geoffrey Ficco still too preoccupied with style Clean Vocals were sometimes Overtune a Soprano Vocals, and once again This trilogy as more invites us to fly in their digital dimension in every way of life with some Imagination and Fiction Human Resources. "Accelerated Evolution" begins to answer Boring impression caused by some of his experimental trilogy Track, this track I really kicks advance with technics playing incredible riffing terrible, this could be a learning experience and a better playing guitar with Shredder Engineering, Arphegio and Tremolo Proggressive style! so that we ourselves will be able to better understand if "the sky is still there the sky" when he heard The Faceless songs, in other words, we should never be satisfied with what we can right now, because obviously there must be terrible Levels we know hehehe , once again track "Accelerated Evolution" can be a tutorial how to play metal guitar actually. Drummer Playing Guitar Lyle Cooper and Michael remain the Life Living The Faceless. New vocalist Geoffrey Ficco capabilities that also we know the band is still active strengthening Brutal Kamikabe apparently progressively increased ferocity and mature concept of Music The Faceless today. "The Eidolon Reality" continues Michael and Lyle increasingly looking for new loopholes plays Conventional techniques and experiments to create a versatile karakter2 play unique sounds in music menggeber quickly, clearly this requires a broader understanding of the concept once again to digest style of play is the actual band . The Faceless is NOT a deathcore band; rather, they are a talented-as-fuck death metal band who happens to take slight hardcore influence. Yupz indeed some lingering assumptions about the diband is Booming Trendy Style deathcore, but Gw believe in the fans of The Faceless certainly would not agree if the cap is still attached, obviously this is technical Progressive Death Metal band The image of her that much tucked away on some of the characters deathcore genre . "Ten Billion Years" while making the atmosphere a bit stretched, but still we could feel if Lyle and Michael are still looking for a permanent Part slit slit experiment performed with his talent. while not particularly mind-blowing, they're effective. "Hail Science" Intro to Track Unique Epic wrote that in such an interesting note before we also tortured by a terrible next track "Hymn Of Sanity" that Amazingggg!!!!! That paragraph was getting too long, so I'll start a new one. "Hymn Of Sanity" is pure brilliance. and then concludes by Track CD "In Solitude" who started the first part with Acoustic and Clean Epic really nuanced vocals to 02:30 Minutes then despite not featuring games Arresting the attention, at least some character and Arphegio pentatonic riffing is making gw Track hahahaha pana stunned. hadewwww is very difficult to comment on the concept of playing the new album if Only heard 1-4 x only, as there are many Surprising Technical presented by the band who did a lot of experiments like this. again again a reference for the guitarist who wants to develop a pattern of play riffing Craziest, The Faceless songs may be a Special Reference should elo Enjoy first. and the static in your mind the fact I, like matter "Planetary Duality" still remains to be the best band in the dangerous list gw, but not as well if the new album is not good, "Autotheism" still be dangerous with all Concept Album ripe The Faceless, Overall , this band has great potential, and could very well put out an album that would Become a classic example of good technical death metal. This album is nowhere near close. This band Keeps to grow musically, particularly in their songwriting skills. Also, I have seen them live and watched many live videos, and their lead guitarist, Michael Keene, needs to practice, Because he is sloppy as shit. Recording an album full of technical tricks does not mean anything if you can not recreate it live. BUY OR DIE!!!!!!!!

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