Rabu, 08 April 2015

Pencil Lead Syringe - Pencil Lead Syringe EP 2012

Pencil Lead Syringe - Pencil Lead Syringe
Black Sessions Inc. Ep 2012

01 Amygdala 02:22    
02 I Do Believe We're Naked 02:35    
03 Lord Palmerston vs Pitt the Elder 02:36    
04 Brutally Tossed & Beaten by the Tails of Killer Orcas 02:58    
05 Staring into Oblivion 03:05    
06 The Nervous Man in a $2 Room 03:19    
07 Lost in a Decaying Structure 05:17

Ramon Mercado - Vocals
Chris Philippsen - Guitar
Gerry Flores - Drums

Nama Pencil Lead Syringe tentunya sudah Gw en Kita kenal sejak mereka melepas Album pertama " Suffocated and Embalmed " tahun 2007 yang mendapat respon Positif dari Fans Brutal Death Metal internasional yang menyebut band yang punya nama awal sebagai Glass Casket ini sejak terbentuk tahun 2005 di Inland Empire, California bagi gw di Materi terbaru ini telah banyak mengalami Perkembangan yang lumayan Signifikan dengan permainan yang lebih teratur ketimbang menggeber Gaya Hyperblasting-nya. trio muda berbakat ini sekarang lebih menyuguhkan kedewasaan bermainnya dengan beberapa sentuhan yang gw rasa cukup unik untuk dipadukan dengan karakter awal band ini yang bermain sangat ngebut ini. dimulai langsung dengan " Amygdala " yang riffing Guitarnya lebih bergaya Nu Metal dan Industrial sentuhan band Into The Moat juga Between the Buried and Me ditambah dengan gaya Breakdown dan Beatdown Part ala Despised Icon sudah bikin Gw merasa Terpana dengan Pergeseran Musiknya, dan track ini lebih menjadi sebuah Opening dan warm Up Track saja sebelum kita merasakan benar siksaan yang sesungguhnya yang mulai terdapat pada track " I Do Believe We're Naked ", Hentakan Brutal Death Metal sadis yang dengan Gempuran serba mantap ! Karakter Guttural Vokalis Ramon Mercado yang kita kenal juga meraung di band Brutal Pathology ini semakin " renyah " oleh Vokal gaharnya ! Riffing Guitar Chris terkadang lebih mulai banyak menonjolkan skill-nya memainkan Karakter yang teknikal Punya dan masuknya drummer Gerry Flores tentu sangat berbeda dengan karakter drummer sebelumnya, David Gloria yang lebih mengandalkan Speed Hyperblasting-nya, Gerry lebih banyak melakukan Manuver Skill Drumming-nya sehingga Konsep Musik band ini lebih terdengar Dinamis lagi. sentuhan Suffocation, Decapitated hingga Beheaded menjadi sentuhan Utama ketimbang bermain secara Hyperblasting ! " Lord Palmerston vs Pitt the Elder " lebih banyak menampilkan ketukan Musik yang dinamis dan teratur. " Brutally Tossed & Beaten by the Tails of Killer Orcas " semakin menggerinda dengan hentakan Intens Musik yang Asli menggilas telinga Mainstream. beberapa sentuhan ala Ion Dissonance dan Circle Of Dead Children terasakan di 2 track ini selain Beratnya Intensitas Bermain Suffocation. " Staring into Oblivion " hadir cuman sebagai Intro saja selama 3:05 menit. dan entah apa yang diceritakan pada lagu " The Nervous Man in a $2 Room ", tapi gw lebih terpana dengan gempuran mantap Brutal Death Metal sadisnya ketimbang memikirkan apa yang ditulis dalam titel uniknya ini hehehehe ... dan Ep ini diakhiri dengan " Lost in a Decaying Structure " yang ternyata cuman Outro iseng2 aja selama 5:17 menit, hadewwww !! memang secara keseluruhan Trio Penjagal sadis ini telah menunjukkan Progresi dan kedewasaan bermusiknya yang didukung pula dengan hasil Recording yang Intens dan Balance ! dirilis oleh Black Sessions Inc. dan Didistribusikan oleh Sevared Records. cukup luangkan waktu elo selama 22:12 untuk merasakan sendiri kedasyatan Bermain Brutal death Metal

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Pencil Lead Syringe name must already Gw en We have known since their first album release "Suffocated and Embalmed" in 2007 which received positive response from fans Brutal Death Metal band international calls that have names beginning as Glass Casket since formed in 2005 in Inland Empire , California for gw in this new material has undergone many developments are quite significant with the more regular games than Played Hyperblasting his style. This talented young trio now presents a more mature playing with some of the touches that I think is quite unique to be combined with the early character of this band is playing this really speeding. begins immediately with "Amygdala" is riffing Guitarnya more stylish touch of Nu Metal and Industrial bands Into The Moat also Between the Buried and Me plus the style and Beatdown Part Breakdown ala Despised Icon has to make shift Gw feel Stunned by music, and this track is more a Opening Up a Track and warm up before we really feel that the real torture began there on the track "I Do Believe We're Naked", the beat Brutal Death Metal with brutal strikes a solid all-round! Guttural singer Ramon Mercado character we know as well howl at the band Brutal Pathology is getting "crunchy" by Vocal gaharnya! Guitar riffing Chris sometimes a lot more from his playing skills highlight the technical character and the inclusion of drummer Gerry Got Flores certainly very different from the character of the previous drummer, David Gloria who rely more on his Speed ??Hyperblasting, Gerry do more maneuvers his Skill so Drumming Concepts This band's music sounds much more dynamic. touch Suffocation, Decapitated to be beheaded instead of play in the Main touch Hyperblasting! "Lord Palmerston vs. Pitt the Elder" Music beats featuring more dynamic and orderly. "Brutally Beaten by the Tossed & Tails of Killer Orcas" grinding with the beat of the music is original Intense Mainstream grinding ear. a touch of style Ion Dissonance and Circle Of Dead Children felt in the second track is in addition to intensity of Playing Suffocation weighed. "Staring into Oblivion" is present as an intro course cuman for 3:05 minutes. and whether what is told in the song "The Nervous Man in a $ 2 Room", but the more I was struck by a steady onslaught of Brutal Death Metal sadistic rather than thinking about what is written in this unique title hehehehe ... and EP concludes with "Lost in a Decaying Structure" which turned out to cuman Outro iseng2 wrote for 5:17 minutes, hadewwww! Butcher's overall sadistic trio has shown progression and musical maturity that is also supported by the results of the Intense Recording and Balance! Sessions was released by Black Inc. Records and distributed by Sevared. elo just take a moment for yourself to feel the 22:12 kedasyatan Brutal Death Metal Play

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