Rabu, 08 April 2015

Creative Waste - Slaves To Conformity CD 2012

Creative Waste - Slaves To Conformity
Self-released/independent 2012

01 Divide and Conquer 01:20    
02 Kingdom of Fear 02:20    
03 Slaves to Conformity 04:47    
04 The Low Born 01:24    
05 Detriment 02:59    
06 Cradle to Grave (feat. Kevin Talley) 05:11    
07 Defeatist 03:37    
08 Ahfad Qabeel (Descendants of Cain) 02:43    
09 Novus Ordo Seclorum (feat. Kevin Talley) 03:09    
10 The Decisive Hour 04:41

Fawaz Al-Shawaf - Bass, Vocals
Talal Al-Shawaf - Drums, Vocals
Essam Al-Ghamdi - Guitars

Scene metal Saudi Arabia memang kurang begitu Populer perkembangannya dari sorotan media Internasional, negara Muslim Terbesar nomor 1 didunia ini memang kerap terlewatkan khabar dan beritanya seputar pertumbuhan Scene metal-nya, padahal Scene ini punya band2 dengan Kualitas Talenta bagus dari Member-nya, seperti Nervecell, Nephelium, Capricious Alchemy, Deathless Anguish, adalah beberapa nama yang gw dengar sebelumnya dari Negara dengan Devisa tertinggi setiap tahunnya didunia ini. This was a total surprise to me. I had little heard any bands from Saudi Arabia and I must say that this is an excellent Band. You would think by looking at the cover that this is going to be some generic goregrind or brutal death but in fact this is a great blend of grindcore and hardcore with a strong influence of thrash and death metal, That is Complex Style in metal vein ! dan nama terakhir band yang gw sebut diatas, Deathless Anguish adalah memang cikal bakal terbentuknya band ini, meski memainkan konsep yang jelas berbeda, ini seperti sebuah proyek baru pelarian rasa boring mereka untuk memainkan musik sebelumnya. dan terhitung ada nama Vokalis/Bassis Fawaz Al-Shawaf dan Drummer Talal Al-Shawaf memang terhitung sebelumnya adalah member dari band Technical Death metal yang cukup terkenal di negara tersebut, Deathless Anguish ! menyambung sebuah keinginan baru yang lama terpendam dalam kreatifitas bermusik mereka, Genre grindcore kurang begitu Populer disana, dan Creative Waste berminat sekali untuk memainkannya ! terbentuk sudah sejak tahun 2002 di Eastern Province, Creative Waste 3 tahun kemudian langsung serius merekam demo pertama " Colonies " tahun 2005 yang mendapat respon hangat begitu dipublikasikan yang kemudian disusul dengan demo ke-2 " Cruelty Beyond Conception " tahun 2007, band ini semakin memantapkan Karir-nya di genre Death/Grind yang penuh dengan hentakan enerjik-nya dan 3 April 2012 menjadi sebuah penantian panjang mereka untuk menunjukkan eksistensi terbaik mereka dengan merilis full album pertama yang memiliki Materi matang dan mantap semakin untuk mengenalkan nama Creative Waste dikancah Extreme Metal Internasional. masih di garap secara independen, menjadi sebuah keharusan bagi band ini untuk terus menapak karir bermusiknya meski harus banyak merogoh Kocek Finansial-nya demi menciptakan sebuah Masterpiece sepanjang karir bermusik mereka. " Slaves to Conformity " yang memuat 10 track berdurasi total 32:11, band ini lebih banyak memainkan gempuran Grindcore musik yang banyak terinspirasi oleh Kegaharan pendahulu mereka seperti Nasum, Phobia, Cripple Bastard, Circle Of dead Children, Napalm Death hingga Misery Index menjadi sebuah keinginan terpendam mereka sejak membentuk band ini. langsung dimulai dengan " Divide and Conquer ", Band ini langsung tampil menggerinda dengan Hypersnare Mantap mengiringi derap Riffing Distortif yang digeber dengan cepat dan padat ! Raungan Growlin Vokal yang masih sedikit menyisakan sentuhan ala Death Metal Vokal tetap menjadi trademark tersendiri bagi Creative Waste. meski dimainkan dengan durasi yang singkat, cukup banyak pukulan serba mematikan yang bisa elo temukan disini, semuanya memang serba cepat, membunuh dan enerjik melalui kebencian menjadi Adrenalin band ini menggeber attitude bermusiknya ! " Kingdom of Fear ". meski banyak melancarkan serangan cepat-nya, namun sentuhan Middle part bergaya Hardcore style menjadi salah satu komponen Genre yang mereka usung ini, sehingga indera dengar kita ga melulu akan di gerus dengan sajian hyperblaster snare dan musik yang cepat saja. sebuah tantangan tersendiri saja untuk Gitaris Essam Al-Ghamdi memainkan Beberapa Riffing yang bagus mengingat ini adalah pengalaman seriusnya bermain di genre musik metal, meski terdengar kurang terasa Powerfully, Essam Al-Ghamdi banyak menciptakan aransemen riffing yang mematikan !! " Slaves to Conformity " pantas memang menjadi Jagoan track di album pertama ini, selain memainkan Konsep yang dewasa, part lagu ini banyak didominasi dengan Permainan dinamis Drummer Talal Al-Shawaf diawal part. mostly Death Metal Vocal but unique in their own way, they also switch off to brutal death/goregrind style but the Growling is used throughout most of the album. menjadi sebuah sample nyata kalau band ini mengalami perkembangan yang pesat sejak 2 demo-nya yang sedikit menyisakan sentuhan yang Goregrind Style, dan sekarang, band ini lebih tampil Total Grindcore dengan sentuhan Hardcore Rude part yang frontal hampir disetiap aransemennya. Kemudian " The Low Born " Part awalnya memang kental banget elemen Death Metal-nya sekali, But this is Nice grindcore track awesome !! " Detriment " pun terasa kental pula sentuhan hardcore yang dipadu dengan gaya Crossover Intens ! lalu "Cradle to Grave " menjadi spesial Track disini, karena menghadirkan Drummer berbakat dan terkenal, Kevin Talley yang banyak di Pakai Talentanya oleh banyak band termasuk oleh Creative Waste untuk 2 Track didalam album ini, sebuah Track yang memiliki Durasi yang panjang dibanding sebelumnya, Konsep track ini pun lebih tampil " Beda " dengan sentuhan beberapa eksperimennya. mulai dari Gaya yang Epic, Doom, Black, Death hingga Grinding Part, " Cradle to Grave " tetap tampil dengan sentuhan yang mencekam dan Dasyat sekali Komposisi-nya, dan menjadi sebuah perbandingan besar antara Powerfully drumming Kevin dengan Talal Al-Shawaf sendiri. selain itu Track " Novus Ordo Seclorum " Kevin Talley tampak masih menyuguhkan permainan yang Enerjik ! There are a few times when the music slows down a bit, which gives you a second to catch your breath but they quickly begin blasting away again. I really enjoy the way the music switches up combining four of my favorite genres of extreme music. I am definately a fan of hardcore, but you don't necessarily need to be one yourself to enjoy this album. I'd say if you're a fan of grind, you'll totally dig this. If you're a metal fan, don't worry, this album is strongly influenced by death and even some thrash metal riffs. sebuah karya yang mantap dan matang siap menjadikan rilisan independen ini menjadi sebuah Masterpiece yang layak dikoleksi oleh para Grinder Maximum sejati ! apalagi buat fans berat Nasum, Phobia, Misery Index, Cripple Bastard ampe Circle Of Dead Children. I am not familiar with any other bands from Saudi Arabia but after hearing these guys, I'd love to find some more. BUY OR GRIND !!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Saudi Arabia metal scene is less so Popular International development of the media spotlight, Largest Muslim country number one in this world is often overlooked khabar and news about the growth of its metal scene, but this scene has band2 with great talent quality of its Member as Nervecell , Nephelium, Capricious Alchemy, Deathless Anguish, are a few names that i heard before from the state with the highest foreign exchange every year in this world. This was a total surprise to me. I had little heard any bands from Saudi Arabia and I must say that this is an excellent band. You would think by looking at the cover that this is going to be some generic goregrind or brutal death but in fact this is a great blend of grindcore and hardcore with a strong influence of thrash and death metal, That Is Complex Style in metal vein! and the last name of the band that i referred to above, Deathless Anguish is indeed the forerunner band's formation, though distinctly different play concept, it's like a new project escape their boring taste to play music before. and countless no-name vocalist / bassist Fawaz Al-Shawaf and Drummer Talal Al-Shawaf is starting earlier is a member of the Technical Death metal band are well known in the country, Deathless Anguish! connect a new desire that had been buried in their musical creativity, less so Popular grindcore genre there, and Creative Waste very interested to play it! been formed since 2002 in the Eastern Province, Creative Waste 3 years later serious direct recording first demo "Colonies" in 2005 which received a warm response so publicized and was followed by the demo-2 "Cruelty Beyond Conception" in 2007, the band has established his career in the genre Death / Grind filled with its energetic beat and 3 April 2012 to be a long wait to show off their best existence with the release of the first full album that has a more mature and steady material to introduce the name of the arena Extreme Metal Waste Creative International . still working on independently, becomes a necessity for the band to continue to tread a musical career despite having a lot to spend his Financial to create a Masterpiece throughout their musical career. "Slaves to Conformity" which contains 10 tracks in total lasted 32:11, the band played more music Grindcore onslaught of many inspired by their predecessors Kegaharan like Nasum, Phobia, Cripple Bastard, Circle Of Dead Children, Napalm Death to be a Misery Index pent-up craving them since the band formed. immediately begins to "Divide and Conquer", the band immediately appear grind with accompanying steady march Hypersnare distorted riffing that lauched fast and solid! Vocal Growlin roar that still leaves a little touch of the style of Death Metal vocals remain a separate trademark for Creative Waste. even played with a short duration, pretty much completely lethal blow could ell find here, everything is fast-paced, energetic through killing and hatred into this band Adrenalin menggeber musical attitude! "Kingdom of Fear". although many of his swift attack, but a touch of style hardcore style Middle part to be one component of this genre of their stretcher, so the sense of hearing we will merely ga in shear zones with a dish hyperblaster snare and music faster. a challenge just to Essam Al-Ghamdi guitarist plays some great riffing considering this is serious experience playing metal music genre, although there was less felt powerfully, Essam Al-Ghamdi many arrangements create a deadly dueling! "Slaves to Conformity" content is a champion track on the first album, in addition to playing a mature concept, part song is dominated by dynamic game Drummer Talal Al-Shawaf beginning part. mostly Death Metal vocals but unique in their own way, they also switch off to brutal death / goregrind style but the Growling is used throughout most of the album. became a real sample if the band had great development since 2 demo its touch, leaving little Goregrind Style, and now, the band performed over Total Grindcore with a touch of the frontal part Hardcore Rude almost every aransemennya. Then "The Low Born" Part first it's so thick his element once Death Metal, Grindcore Nice But this is an awesome track! "Detriment" feels a touch too thick hardcore crossover style combined with Intense! and "Cradle to Grave" a special track here, because it brings a talented and renowned drummer, Kevin Talley Wear a lot of talent was in many bands including by Creative Waste to 2 track in this album, a track that has a duration longer than the previous, Concept This track is more performing "Different" with the touch of a few experiments. ranging from the style of the Epic, Doom, Black, Death by Grinding Part, "Cradle to Grave" keep up with the touch of a gripping and terrible once its composition, and became a great comparison between the powerfully Kevin drumming with Talal Al-Shawaf own. besides Track "Novus Ordo Seclorum" Kevin Talley looks still presenting Energetic game! There are a few times when the music Slows down a bit, roomates gives you a second to catch your breath but they Quickly begin blasting away again. I really enjoy the way the music switches up combining four of my favorite genres of extreme music. I am definitely a fan of hardcore, but you do not necessarily need to be one yourself to enjoy this album. I'd say if you're a fan of grind, you'll totally dig this. If you're a metal fan, do not worry, this album is strongly influenced by death and even some thrash metal riffs. a steady and mature work that is ready to make an independent release has become a viable Masterpiece collected by the Maximum Grinder true! especially for die-hard fans Nasum, Phobia, Misery Index, Cripple Bastard ampe Circle Of Dead Children. I am not familiar with any other bands from Saudi Arabia but after hearing these guys, I'd love to find some more. BUY OR GRIND!!!

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