Rabu, 08 April 2015

Those Who Bring The Torture - Lullabies For The Deranged CD 2012

Those Who Bring The Torture - Lullabies For The Deranged
Metal Inquisition Records 2012

01 The Nightflier 03:24    
02 The City Where Death Dwells 03:35    
03 The Hessian 03:23    
04 The Man the Myth the Razor 03:12    
05 A Lullabye for the Deranged 04:39    
06 The Screams Come from the Basement 02:52    
07 The Intruder 02:55    
08 The Creature in the Woods 03:16    
09The Hermit 02:37    
10 The Thing In the Lake 03:48    
11 Love Machine (WASP cover) 03:32    

Roger "Rogga" Johansson - Vocals, Guitars, Bass
Brynjar Helgetun - Drums

Unik Juga Konsep yang ditawarkan oleh Band Death/Grind asal Kiruna, Swedia ini, Brutal Death Grindcore dipadukan dengan Gaya Metalcore Melodic Riffing ala Unearth hingga Shadowfalls menjadi sebuah Komposisi yang tetap metal dan menyentuh adrenalin Metalhead freak untuk catchy menikmatinya, bahkan struktur musiknya kerap berubah ubah dengan Banyaknya Pengaruh genre musik yang mereka nikmati mempengaruhi dalam aransemen penciptaan lagunya, hmmm ... kayaknya elo harus rasakan sendiri omongan gw ini tidak lah salah hehehe ... mungkin adalah sebuah bentuk eksperimen saja dari 2 member-nya yang sudah bukan manusia asing discene metal swedia dan Internasional. seperti  Vocalis, Guitaris, Bass, Roger "Rogga" Johansson, yang namanya juga kita kenal memperkuat band Deranged, Bloodgut, Demiurg, Paganizer, RibSpreader, The Grotesquery, Banished from Inferno dan masih banyak lagi, begitu juga dengan rekannya, Drummer Brynjar Helgetun juga bermain diband Ripspreader, Bone Gnawer, Surrounded by All, ex-Embracing, dan ex-Knife in Christ. well, ini mungkin adalah bentuk lain Kreasi mereka untuk menciptakan eksperimen musik yang mereka inginkan selama ini, dan " Lullabies For The Deranged " adalah Album Full ke-3 mereka loh sejak " Those Who Bring the Torture " tahun 2007 dan " Tank Gasmask Ammo " tahun 2008, namun sayang gw belum dapat Informasi lebih banyak lagi tentang band ini. Track pertama " The Nightflier " gw masih merasakan kekuatan Death/Grind Brutal-nya dimainkan dengan enerjik, kemudian gaya Old School Death Metal menyambutnya, kemudian US Death Metal style, sudah terasa khan? kalau band ini kompleks Banget Typical-nya ! dan " The City Where Death Dwells " langsung mengejutkan dengan Melodic Metalcore part ala Unearth yang kemudian dipadukan dengan Hypergrinding Snare Awesome, semakin Ga begitu jelas Konsep apa yang diusung band ini, namun asyik untuk dinikmati struktur musiknya yang easy listening. memang Gado gado banget Konsep musik yang ditawarkan Those Who Bring The Torture dialbum ke-3 ini tapi tetap sedap untuk dinikmati hehehe ... " The Man the Myth the Razor " masih begitu Liar sayatan Melodic Metalcore Pummeling Riffing-nya yang lengkap dengan Breakdown Part yang kemudian digempur dengan Hyperblasting Snare menambah Hitam sayatan Hitam Dark Harmony Riffing-nya. Pokoknya selalu ada yang berubah ubah secara dinamis komponen musik yang mereka ciptakan disini dengan beberapa elemen Genre Musik Metal yang cukup Catchy mereka ramu dengan struktur musik yang simple melalui Typical choppy thrash riffs, tremolo picking, blast beats, double bass and some stomping breakdowns ! serves as an effective melodic counter to the bruising riffage. Full fledged solos are few, but Worm will frequently float a simple haunting figure over the rhythms to add some atmosphere to what is otherwise mostly visceral music. This technique is most effectively displayed. mungkin elo pengen nuansa Death Metal yang berbeda? Rilisan ini mungkin bisa menjadi Pilihan yang tepat disaat kejenuhan menghampiri elo. The band performs competently to be sure, but they seem to lack a certain viciousness that this genre really requires. Too many of their tracks languish in mid-paced monotony and even when they do cut loose with some speed it just doesn't seem fast enough.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Also unique concept offered by the band Death / Grind origin of Kiruna, Sweden, Brutal Death Grindcore mixed with Melodic metalcore riffing style ala Unearth until Shadowfalls into a fixed metal composition and touching Metalhead adrenaline freak to enjoy catchy, and even change the structure of the music is often changed the amount of influence they enjoy music genre influence in the creation of his song arrangements, hmmm ... I think you've got to feel alone talk i is not is wrong hehehe ... may be a form of experiment course of two of its members who are not human alien metal discene Swedish and International. such Vocalis, guitarist, bassist, Roger "Rogga" Johansson, whose name is also familiar reinforcing band Deranged, Bloodgut, DEMIURG, Paganizer, ribspreader, The Grotesquery, banished from Inferno and many more, along with his partner, drummer Brynjar Helgetun also play diband Ripspreader, Bone Gnawer, Surrounded by All, ex-Embracing, and ex-Knife in Christ. well, this is probably another form of their Creator to create experimental music that they wanted all along, and "lullabies For The Deranged" is the third full album they loh since "Those Who Bring The Torture" in 2007 and "Tank Gasmask Ammo" in 2008, but unfortunately i have not been able to more information about the band. The first track "The Nightflier" I still feel the power of the Death / Grind Brutal played with his energetic, then the style of Old School Death Metal greet him, then U.S. Death Metal style, it feels right? If the band its complex Banget Typical! and "The City Where Death dwells" with a surprisingly straightforward style Melodic metalcore part Unearth are then combined with Hypergrinding Awesome Snare, the Ga so clear concept of what brought this band, but fun to enjoy easy listening music structure. The concept really is Gado gado music offered Those Who Bring The Torture dialbum to-3's but still delicious to enjoy hehehe ... "The Man The Myth The Razor" is still so wild incision Melodic metalcore riffing his pummeling complete with Part Breakdown then battered with Hyperblasting Snare adding incision Black Black Dark Harmony riffing it. Anyway there is always change dynamically changing components of the music they created here with some elements of metal music genre they Catchy enough potion with a simple musical structure through choppy Typical thrash riffs, tremolo picking, blast beats, double bass and some stomping breakdowns! serves as an effective counter to the bruising melodic riffage. Full fledged solos are few, but Worm will frequently float a simple figure over the haunting rhythms to add some atmosphere to what is otherwise mostly visceral music. This technique is most Effectively displayed. elo might want different shades of Death Metal? This release may be an appropriate choice when approached saturation elo. The band performs competently to be sure, but they seem to lack a certain viciousness that this genre really requires. Too many of their tracks languish in mid-paced monotony and even when they do cut loose with some speed it just does not seem fast enough.

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